Scientific proof that God exists

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dude, what I'm saying is good news. Its just a lot to believe and comprehend. You go somewhere else. Somebody might have something constructive to add.
I don't have to go anywhere. This is clearly an open thread since the topic is "anything goes."

No evidence is required for you wild (and really silly) claims, therefore anything that is uttered is both supportive and constructive.

Oh. And I'm going to continue being just as inane and banal as your OP and will respond each time you do.

Don't make me get my posse. :cool:
Isn't that the point of this thread?

You're not showing any evidence of your wild and silly claims, so the discussion phase is done. What's left but to be silly.

It reminds me of a related story:

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment.

Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it.

"I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer."
Isn't that the point of this thread?

You're not showing any evidence of your wild and silly claims, so the discussion phase is done. What's left but to be silly.

It reminds me of a related story:

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment.

Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it.

"I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer."
You spend too much time on the internet and you dont seem to understand that the whole reason I am writing this post, is so that everybody gets to see this proof. Boycott = Proof
I should have called this thread. Scientific proof that God exists, exists, but a sad old little japanese man has it and he has been keeping it quiet.

Is there anybody here who can think of anything constructive to add?
I declare this thread silly. Voodoochile-Faith is what God requires from us. I should slap you around with a large trout, but I won't. Faith is belief in something wihout proof of its existence. Proof of God's existence, would, in fact, eliminate much of the foolishness of Religion. You seem to be a skilled programmer, perhaps you should focus on creating something amazing, rather than attempting to "prove" something that one group refuses to believe, and another believes without proof. Use your talents for something more.
Hmmm...maybe your just not good with social perspective.
You are neck deep in what would normally be called metaphysics with what your sharing.
That's right next door to religion in a sense.
Basically your asking us to rearrange our entire world view and quite possibly our own identity at such a level.
Sorry friend, I think you might be out of luck on these here forums.
Not even any links to entertain your idea.
Oh well, at least you tried.
Boycott = Proof
You know, I had a strikingly similar experiance once actualy, except a Microsoft employee shoved my code up their ass. The only way to recover it is to rape the employee, and forcibly remove the proof from their rectum. Due to legal constraints, I am unable to do this. Will you help me recover the proof, and be the salvation for humanity? You will believe it when you see what I'm talking about.
Rape = proof.

(The above is an example of a Reductio ad Absurdem, and is meant to be humerous while simultaniously demonstrating the flaw of your proposal. Please do not take it too personaly.)

I vote it gets moved to the Cesspool.

All those in favor say, "aye."
This whole process was about making a fully accurate physics model.
Then it failed miserably - I can tell you now that there is no possible way that the "points of inertia" will form a cross - it's dependant upon the mass distribution.

Are you judging my honesty based on my previous level of activity in internet forums?
Honesty? Probably more your sanity. Anyone who believes that code moves at a measurable speed (let alone greater than C) isn't very tightly wrapped.
And even if it did its speed would be set by the hardware.
Major fail all round.
Stryder said:
Most religions know that over the computer 10 years is their most trialling period, this is because Science is right on the boundaries on making discoveries that could well show how false those religions are and they would lose their followers in droves.

This has to be the most whacked out conspiratorial nonsense I have ever read. Smoke more :m: as I am certain it would best define where you are coming from.

Do you have one single shred of proof to back this up? Now if I am reading this wrong, when I should be interpreting what you wrote as a joke that you're making, then the joke is on me, but...
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No, go read what the Atheists like to toss about in the Religion sub-forum. They really think they're going to discover something that "disproves" God. It's entertaining to watch their fits of apoplexy when you start trying to get them to prove some of the very simplest things.
I declare this thread silly. Voodoochile-Faith is what God requires from us. I should slap you around with a large trout, but I won't. Faith is belief in something wihout proof of its existence. Proof of God's existence, would, in fact, eliminate much of the foolishness of Religion. You seem to be a skilled programmer, perhaps you should focus on creating something amazing, rather than attempting to "prove" something that one group refuses to believe, and another believes without proof. Use your talents for something more.

I think that once you see the proof that is in Japan and watch the process in 3D and with mathematics travelling at the speed of light you will then understand as opposed to believe. If it wasnt meant to be found it wouldnt be there and its confirmation of eveything important.
Hmmm...maybe your just not good with social perspective.
You are neck deep in what would normally be called metaphysics with what your sharing.
That's right next door to religion in a sense.
Basically your asking us to rearrange our entire world view and quite possibly our own identity at such a level.
Sorry friend, I think you might be out of luck on these here forums.
Not even any links to entertain your idea.
Oh well, at least you tried.
I'm not asking you to rearrange anything. I'm just telling you that if you managed to think and move at the speed of light, if only for half a second, you would break through the fabric of space-time and what will be there is infinite conscious light. I saw it and later made it so you could see it.
Then it failed miserably - I can tell you now that there is no possible way that the "points of inertia" will form a cross - it's dependant upon the mass distribution.

Honesty? Probably more your sanity. Anyone who believes that code moves at a measurable speed (let alone greater than C) isn't very tightly wrapped.
And even if it did its speed would be set by the hardware.
Major fail all round.

Then it failed miserably - I can tell you now that there is no possible way that the "points of inertia" will form a cross - it's dependant upon the mass distribution. Nobody knew where the points of inertia were in a car until I found them. Ask any scientist or physicist you know. They will not be able to tell you. Its the information flowing through these points thats dependant on mass distribution.

Honesty? Probably more your sanity. I have ego mani because I'm right but I am very, very pissed off because a sad, old, useless, jaoanese man has my proof.
Do you have one single shred of proof to back this up?

THATS THE WHOLE REASON I AM WRITING THIS POST. this is the only way I can think of to force a company to show the proof. If you could think of another way, that would be constructive.
No, go read what the Atheists like to toss about in the Religion sub-forum. They really think they're going to discover something that "disproves" God. It's entertaining to watch their fits of apoplexy when you start trying to get them to prove some of the very simplest things.
No what? Also, when this process is explained with all the pieces, and you see all the evidence of everything I'm saying, it will be understood to be the information that God left in the laws of physics that will provide clarity on everything. It could only be found with binary code that was travelling at the speed of light and I took it there. The quicker people do something, the quicker they see this. Especially the atethiests, and another thing aethiests, if this is a cosmic coincidence, explain the continuity of time. Could something so systematic be an accident? Whatever about the rest.
Do you have one single shred of proof to back this up?

THATS THE WHOLE REASON I AM WRITING THIS POST. this is the only way I can think of to force a company to show the proof. If you could think of another way, that would be constructive.

Uh oh, me thinks you misunderstood my post. Please go back and read what I wrote with respect to the quote I included. It should become more clear.
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