Scientific proof that God exists

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Try the real world after that with the real laws of physics that I'm talking about.
But you've already more than adequately shown that you know next to nothing about physics.

Typical Oli reply, blah blah, you have no proof, blah blah you have no proof. My typical response blah blah, a sad little japanese man stole it from me.
So we should believe you merely because you say so?

I made code perfect. Binary code cannot be developed any further. You have a right to this but as I said my proof was stolen from me.
Code made perfect?
Wow, your understanding of programming is as limited as your understanding of science.

I told people close to me about what was happening during this process, as it was happening. A few people observed me testing but not the test where I brought the code to C. You have to believe me, the code is there travelling at C.
Code does not travel.

The system of inertia has been found but they cant make it work.

Can you please forget about video games. I was testing a physics engine not playing a video game.
So why mention a video game in your first post?

Binary code travelling the speed of light can facilitate mathematical equations in 3D.
Code does not travel.

No scientific progress will happen in the future without this code.
Total balls.
I'll help you. We need some guns, some explosives, 3 lbs of butter, A leather briefcase, A duck, and 2 metric tonnes of dehydrated urine. PM me when you think you can get it. The watchword is Langthorpe. We can exchange phone numbers and adresses, and our first meeting should be no less than 73 and 5/8ths hours from now. I'm counting on you.

-The Ham-man

Thats exactly what I was thinking.
Pleae stop using the word inertia IT'S the wrong term!

you know nothing about what you are talking about, how the f*ck could you ever in your right mind expect anyone to think you are not completely insane

And stop slandering this mans name! for that matter stop wasting our forum space with your crap... if you are so "fast" prove that, give us the proof that you can react with such speed that you could beat someone like Micheal Shumacher? post a video on You Tube and send the Link...

Tell me something, what were you operating when you smashed through time and space?

When did these 'trials' take place?

There are only the laws of physics and fantasy, you are talking about fantasy, until YOU PROVE US AND THE HOLE WORLD WRONG

Booohooo don’t fucking cry about it steel it back! And show the hole world!

What code? The binary code, those 0110010010’s, explain how you did that? With the power of your mind? Then you should be typing these posts on the forum without a keyboard!

I’ll vote for option 1, you are a fucking crackpot, quickly go have your prescription refilled, and leave us alone

Dude it’s a car, the speed of which can’t even come close to C… C=299.792,458 km/sec that is around THE REAL WORLD 7.48078 times every second… a car will never ever ever be able have any effect on time space… ever!

And that cross you are talking about is on a SIMULATION thus NOT the real world

It will be very easy to follow, both visually and scientifically, when you see what has been recorded.

I know enough.

He has no soul and he's just a wanker in the middle of something he has no place being.

A logitech G25.

March 2007 to march 2008 and they still can't make it work. If I had been able to contribute more easily it would be working by now. The last contribution I made lead to finding the halo around the car in march 2008. I'll bet you they have done fuck all since then.

My proof is there but it was stolen from me. That fact will be be my downfall.

I'm trying.

After the code was travelling at the speed of light, you could feel the information travelling at that speed. Serious.

I have ego mania because I'm right and because I did everything I said I did. You dont have to read this thread. Try something constructive. I contacted the noble foundation, maybe they can help.

Me and the code travelled at M. Afterward the code remained at that speed, it has sufficient power. It sounds more impossible than it was. The car didnt break through, I did. Yes the cross is real. This system would be what God sees when he looks at somebody driving a car. It exists and controls all cars in real life. I believe other objects in physics would have similar systems. All based on the real life laws of physics. You are getting sidetracked by video games. I was testing an open physics engine.
You say moment of inertia as if it was a moment in time? when it is actually something used in mechanics to determine how an object would resist a force applied upon it.

the fact that you misinterpret the word "moment" show's us that you have no idea what you are talking about!

again with the moment of inertia. When the car loses grip and essentially flies. The time after the moment of inertia. It doesnt really matter. You can watch all of this. It wont need words.
But you've already more than adequately shown that you know next to nothing about physics.

So we should believe you merely because you say so?

Code made perfect?
Wow, your understanding of programming is as limited as your understanding of science.

Code does not travel.


So why mention a video game in your first post?

Code does not travel.

Total balls.

I know enough.

Because you will benefit greatly.

I made a few evolutionary steps. My standard is perfection.

This japanese cryptographer/physicist made a code that code. I did testing that filled it with inforamtion so it was trong enough to travel.

I cant see them anymore.

It was initially through a video game that this process started until the japanese cryptographer got involved and the development of the code began.
To Voodoochile Possibility 1: I congratulate you on one of the most entertaining spoofs we have witnessed on these forums for quite some time.

To Voodoochile Possibility 2: You know you have to seek help. Don't delay any longer. I don't want to read in one month or one year about how a sad, deluded individual committed suicide. Talk to a friend, a relative, your doctor, but get help. You need it desperately.
To Voodoochile Possibility 1: I congratulate you on one of the most entertaining spoofs we have witnessed on these forums for quite some time.

To Voodoochile Possibility 2: You know you have to seek help. Don't delay any longer. I don't want to read in one month or one year about how a sad, deluded individual committed suicide. Talk to a friend, a relative, your doctor, but get help. You need it desperately.

This is not a spoof. I would be risking a lot for some joke wouldnt I? Its the truth. Truth is often stranger than fiction and all that.

I have ego mania because I did everythign I said I did. Now would be a bad time to check out.
also, I believe that this theory makes the most sense on what I believe is a metahpysical level. In order for somebody to create a universe they would need to be very very big. To make conscious observations everywhere and at all times, you would need a very very big mind. So infinite, conscious light makes a lot of sense. Light which travels too fast for us to observe it but it makes up everything. Our minds are to slow. I managed to make mine go real fast for a a few seconds. Simple.
Wrong and wrong. Prove me wrong.
As has been pointed out repeatedly the onus of proof rests with you. You have not offered one iota of evidence to support your contention, let alone anything that could constitute 'proof', or even material to justify considering your claims as a possible hypothesis. It is not up to us to prove anything.

What would you think if you saw everything I'm talking about???
I would think I was mentally unstable and would immediately seek professional help.
also, I believe that this theory makes the most sense on what I believe is a metahpysical level. In order for somebody to create a universe they would need to be very very big. To make conscious observations everywhere and at all times, you would need a very very big mind. So infinite, conscious light makes a lot of sense. Light which travels too fast for us to observe it but it makes up everything. Our minds are to slow. I managed to make mine go real fast for a a few seconds. Simple.

His avatar and this utter nonsense imply to me that the result of this idea and the result of this thread are equal to it!
As has been pointed out repeatedly the onus of proof rests with you. You have not offered one iota of evidence to support your contention, let alone anything that could constitute 'proof', or even material to justify considering your claims as a possible hypothesis. It is not up to us to prove anything.

I would think I was mentally unstable and would immediately seek professional help.

It was stolen from me. I have suggested a way to get it. Arent you the least bit curious to know if this is true or not?
I know how crazy it sounds which is why it took me 6 months to start telling everybody I could.
I am very sick of the mental health comments. 1 would do the trick. As you can see I am disagreeing every time. That wont change. I am very fast and very strong.
Most of you on this website would be left brained people. Good with numbers and so on. I am right brained. I jad the best right hemusphere out of a few million people. This is how I was able to do so much.
As has been pointed out repeatedly the onus of proof rests with you. You have not offered one iota of evidence to support your contention, let alone anything that could constitute 'proof', or even material to justify considering your claims as a possible hypothesis. It is not up to us to prove anything.

I would think I was mentally unstable and would immediately seek professional help.

Nobody has answered that question yet. What would you think if you saw everythin I'm talking about?
His avatar and this utter nonsense imply to me that the result of this idea and the result of this thread are equal to it!

Point being, God being conscious light makes a lot of sense.

The internet is great. My honesty has been judged on my previous level of forum activity and now my avatar. The truth is the truth. Avatars are just pictures.

I picked that avatar for a reason.
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That's an easy one. 6 pages of no-evidence for your claims and 6 pages of supportive evidence for your delusion.

Do you not understand how I have been robbed of my proof along with a year of my life? Did I not punctuate that part properly? Was it unreadable?
Do you not understand how I have been robbed of my proof along with a year of my life? Did I not punctuate that part properly? Was it unreadable?

I don't really care. Your problems are your problems. The onus of evidence is entirely on you.
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