Scientific proof that God exists

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Your going to need to present some kind of theory that we can test for ourselves, the enviroment and scenario need to be replicated. Video footage of the event would be a very good start. I don't think your a liar or your telling the truth, im indifferent, I would like to be able to somehow test what you are suggesting.

And so the cry rang down through the ages: "Believe me without evidence, for I appeal to your emotions!"
Sorry, but you will have to do better than that.

Hmm, lets see what the almighty google search yields:

First hit (I'm Feeling Lucky): Wikipedia entry on physics engines, to quote the intro paragraph:
(emphasis mine.)
Guess you weren't feeling too lucky afterall, eh?

2nd result: Wikipedia entry on video game physics.

[/url] Quote of site description:

I must say, your credibility really shines through with that remark. Should I mention the irony that you yourself said that the physics engine you were making was specificaly for a video game? Now, perhaps you can see why a certain level of evidence is being demanded? (At this point, any at all would be great.)

That said, I must be fair and say that your quote could be taken to mean that no actual video games will come up in a search (as opposed to video-game oriented pages, or pages containing the phrase "video game".) In this case, there are far fewer results of actual video games [none on the first page, and I won't bother looking past that] (not too many people seem to be marketing their "newtonian physics engine.") However, 5 of the 10 first results were pages oriented around programming physics specificaly for a video game (and that number doesn't even count the first result, see how leaniant I'm being?)

When you act like a kid, people treat you like a kid (which means they talk to you like a kid.) Fact of life.

Alright, constructive it is:
You could be charged with slander by posting these messages: Sony in particular does not take kindly to anything that could potentialy damage their sales (ever heard of a compani called Lik-Sang?) And with the lack of success they are currently experiancing, it would not be wise to give them an excuse to sue you. Hence, I sudgest that you cease and desist now, before you get those words in letter form. Of course, it is entirely up to you. Maby they won't care.

Finally; there are people who can help you with your problem: start by seeing your doctor, and telling them everything. Make sure you follow what they say; they are there to help you.

Get well soon.

I get what your saying and I believe you don't know how a driving simulator works. I'm not good at writing so I advise looking into how the laws of physics work with binary code in a driving simulator . As for my proof, you believe it when you see what I'm talking about.

Also, Fuck Sony.

First off, what you say here isn't worth the paper it's printed on. We don't know if you are just some bored pot smoking forums wanderer that's decided to stalk the forums with some delusional tale, or somebody promoting something for some internal reason, perhaps to undermine a company by extraordinary tales... In any case anything you submit to the forum for people to read is going to be taken with a pinch of salt, since there is no evidence to independently evaluate.

Lets just try to break this down a little for you to understand, no matter what physics an engine is running it's not going to be able to run any faster than the computer runs. If the Machines in use are standard Semi-Conductor systems and weren't surround by large Halon cooling systems, then what you suggest is more than like Impossible.

Even if it was possible, what makes you think the "Religious Iconage" is real? Most religions know that over the computer 10 years is their most trialling period, this is because Science is right on the boundaries on making discoveries that could well show how false those religions are and they would lose their followers in droves. This is why to me it looks fraudulent, either you are trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes, or you are delusional or your colleagues at work had a laugh at your expense and now you are delusional from it.

In any case I really suggest you are more Critical of what you think happened, consider it was just some Stunt that you got played with.

(Kind of reminds me the "Don't go for it Electric Boy" event.)
This is my first post on the internet.
They could see where the speed was going so they had time to prepare.
There was no religious intention. It was a scientific process to predict a car's movement according to the laws of physics. It turned out a car held all the secrets and I found the majority of them.

Your going to need to present some kind of theory that we can test for ourselves, the enviroment and scenario need to be replicated. Video footage of the event would be a very good start. I don't think your a liar or your telling the truth, im indifferent, I would like to be able to somehow test what you are suggesting.

EmptyForceofChi; Thats exactly what needs to happen. I would want everybody to see it and understand it.

I'm completely open to out of the box possibilities but you have to understand that without more information, links, or anything else that might help support your experience then even someone as open as I am can not accept your story to the point of taking action (not buying sony) without more relevant info.

If you can not understand why someone would not jump on your band wagon with only the information you have provided thus far then that in itself shows you lack a balanced and practical perspective in general.

I've seen metalic flying saucers so believe me, I'm not resistant to out of the ordinary occurences, lol... but please deliver more info, preferred links, etc.

Even if your full of shit your ideas might make for a good movie:)
This is my first post on the internet.
They could see where the speed was going so they had time to prepare.
There was no religious intention. It was a scientific process to predict a car's movement according to the laws of physics. It turned out a car held all the secrets and I found the majority of them.

Why not just show us. Sneak an mpeg recorder into work and make a video.
This is my first post on the internet.
And congratulations: it's been a long time since someone manged such pure unmitigated drivel in their first post.

It was a scientific process to predict a car's movement according to the laws of physics. It turned out a car held all the secrets and I found the majority of them.
Utter crap: ever heard the term GIGO?
"The laws of physics" do not exist at all, anywhere, in any computer software.
All there is is what has been programmed in of what we know of the laws so far.
That would be why the term is "modelling" - it's an approximation to indicate the likeliest outcomes, and these results are then modified (and sometimes the software itself also) by results obtained in the real world (depending, of course, on the intended purpose of the software).
A computer game does not have (and would not require) fully-accurate physics modelling - just an idealisation to approximate reality.
Take fewer drugs, learn something about the real world (and computers) and come back in a couple of years.
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I really doubt anyone who works on physics engines, and is so good at it he can break through space time would have never posted on the internet before.

I would completely believe you if it weren't for that.
I'm completely open to out of the box possibilities but you have to understand that without more information, links, or anything else that might help support your experience then even someone as open as I am can not accept your story to the point of taking action (not buying sony) without more relevant info.

If you can not understand why someone would not jump on your band wagon with only the information you have provided thus far then that in itself shows you lack a balanced and practical perspective in general.

I've seen metalic flying saucers so believe me, I'm not resistant to out of the ordinary occurences, lol... but please deliver more info, preferred links, etc.

Even if your full of shit your ideas might make for a good movie:)

The only thing you have to believe is that one decision. Thats when everything got a little outside the box. All the proof and information is in owned by Kazonori Yamauchi. There is no band wagon just an idea on how to force him to make this public now. Got any better ideas on how to do that? The movie would be short. I show up, do about 20 impossible things and fuck off at the end.
Oli; A computer game does not have (and would not require) fully-accurate physics modelling - just an idealisation to approximate reality. This whole process was about making a fully accurate physics model.
I really doubt anyone who works on physics engines, and is so good at it he can break through space time would have never posted on the internet before.

I would completely believe you if it weren't for that.
Are you judging my honesty based on my previous level of activity in internet forums?
This thread isn't even worthy of the Pseudoscience subforum. I vote it gets moved to the Cesspool.

All those in favor say, "aye."
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