Scientific proof that God exists

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my bad and I agree with you. on the subject, black holes appearently break matter down to less than 0. which means that they exist outside the universe, somewhere we cant see.
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mathematics travelling at the speed of light
Mathematics does not travel at any speed, let alone C.

I'm just telling you that if you managed to think and move at the speed of light
Thinking at a "speed" is a meaningless phrase. Thoughts do not travel.

Nobody knew where the points of inertia were in a car until I found them. Ask any scientist or physicist you know. They will not be able to tell you. Its the information flowing through these points thats dependant on mass distribution.
Utter utter crap.
I'm an engineer and calculating moments of inertia (and mass distributions) is an everyday ocurrence for me.
"Information flowing through points"?? More specious crap.

It could only be found with binary code that was travelling at the speed of light and I took it there.
Once again: code does not travel, therefore your entire premise is flawed.
Oh yeah: I second the move to Cesspool.
Nothing has been offered except baseless fantasy with no correlation whatsoever to what is generally accepted as the "real world".
Mathematics does not travel at any speed, let alone C.

OK but these squares were a great piece of mathematics. All my testing made them perfectly solid with inertia information. This strength allowed them to expand at C and take on a 3D form. They were now information travelling at C and could facilitate 3d mathematical equations at the speed of light. They then proceeded to try string theory for 4 months with this new code.

Thinking at a "speed" is a meaningless phrase. Thoughts do not travel.
Mine did.

Utter utter crap.
I'm an engineer and calculating moments of inertia (and mass distributions) is an everyday ocurrence for me.
"Information flowing through points"?? More specious crap.
Do the boycott and you will be able to see me finding them. All this information should be made public and given to the public. Your job would be a lot easier and to a much higher standard.

Once again: code does not travel, therefore your entire premise is flawed.
This japanese cryptographer made it happen. My testing made it strong enough to travel.
Oh yeah: I second the move to Cesspool.
Nothing has been offered except baseless fantasy with no correlation whatsoever to what is generally accepted as the "real world".

I'm Right. Prove me wrong. The proof is there.
Mathematics does not travel at any speed, let alone C.

Thinking at a "speed" is a meaningless phrase. Thoughts do not travel.

Utter utter crap.
I'm an engineer and calculating moments of inertia (and mass distributions) is an everyday ocurrence for me.
"Information flowing through points"?? More specious crap.

Once again: code does not travel, therefore your entire premise is flawed.

Thoughts may very well have a dimensional travel to them. Forms of information could move throughout the imaginary space dimension, as Penrose and Wolf seem to agree on.

There is an imaginable realm, where things seem to be created on thought alone. In fact, if you remove the pool of thought, what is there really? There is no relativity between the world of matter, because it is not defined by some intelligent recording system, like us.

Just don't be closed on what the imaginable properties of thoughts and memory really are. Thoughts seem to tunnel into existence, almost as quick as the human will desires. How we come to know this, is still a mystery to neuroscience and psychophysics.

Dr Shiuji Inomata of the physics institution in Japan, certainly believes that thoughts and memory tunnel into existence from the zero-point field. Thoughts have manifestation of information, similar to the forms of information interpreted by zero's and one's, or binary digits, and even the kind of information we attribute to two atoms sharing energy (1).

Thoughts are types of information, and therefore, could by theory, take on the ethereal types of information we take for granted that rushes by us at superluminal speeds. This is not to be taken as woo woo, but something being taken seriously by quantum physics.


For the tunelling side of things, if we are to take relativity seriously, then energy and matter is only one dependant mix. According to Hawking, you can't have a universe like ours, without information. This information is just as unique and important as energy and matter, and somehow the same thing.

So what we come to know, is also a type of information, which must follow the same quantum mechanical rules, which state that just like all forms of matter, and all forms of energy, all forms of information also tunnel into existence from the zero-point field.

(1) - because they don't just share energy, but information as well.
Now, anyone who truely believes in God, may as well call all science, God Herself.

Anyone who doesn't, has something big to disprove. Those who do believe, don't need any real proof.
Also note... i said it may have some kind of dimensional travel, but i don't believe thoughts do. I believe we all make up some collective, and yet, dimensionless pool of existence, we call consciousness. Now, Dr Walker explains it well.

‘’The observer – indeed the whole system are coupled to the extent that agreement on the final state of the system that is involved… The will arises from the pool of all consciousness – a pool formed by small contributions of each without spatial or temporal bounds.’’

Our ability to communicate on the universal scale we can with each other, gives rise to a sea of thought, and even though there are individual thinking systems there, there is still unity in a unique sense, that somehow everyone makes up one whole of something, that is, as Evan Walker says, exists in no dimensions. It’s certainly not pseudoscientific to think this could be true, because we are living properties of one part that would not make sense if the other part did not exist. If we stacked all of this up, it would still be tiny if we squeezed this analogy into infinity, since it contains no dimensions, and it would still look miniscule on the scale of spacetime itself. So what could Dr Harris be referring to then? I’m being serious as well, because I am not even sure what on means by a ‘’thing’’ existing in zero-dimensions.

Well, it’s not even zero-dimensional. We can no longer think in dimensions, zero and some, but instead, something that cannot be explained physically. This may mean in the end, that consciousness cannot really be explained by matter alone. There may be some other aspects of it that will remain to philosophical for physics to give total explanations on, mind you, I don’t know if this is what Dr Harris was meaning.
I keep going to leave, but i realize i have more to say..

It's also a known fact of physics, that there needs to be a sufficient amount of detail given to something, for it to be real. We as a human race of beings, have an amazing ability to define this part of the vast universe, more real than some part which has never been observed before.

The collapse of the wave function, the transformation of something potential into something real, has been proven to exist from the observers point of view in QM whenever she takes the time to observe an atom lets say, for universal analogy-sake.

Everytime we make an observation, the thought behind it too, all amounts to something. Those who do not take the observer into consideration in any good theory, don't amount to much either.
Thoughts may very well have a dimensional travel to them. Forms of information could move throughout the imaginary space dimension, as Penrose and Wolf seem to agree on.

There is an imaginable realm, where things seem to be created on thought alone. In fact, if you remove the pool of thought, what is there really? There is no relativity between the world of matter, because it is not defined by some intelligent recording system, like us.

Just don't be closed on what the imaginable properties of thoughts and memory really are. Thoughts seem to tunnel into existence, almost as quick as the human will desires. How we come to know this, is still a mystery to neuroscience and psychophysics.

Dr Shiuji Inomata of the physics institution in Japan, certainly believes that thoughts and memory tunnel into existence from the zero-point field. Thoughts have manifestation of information, similar to the forms of information interpreted by zero's and one's, or binary digits, and even the kind of information we attribute to two atoms sharing energy (1).

Thoughts are types of information, and therefore, could by theory, take on the ethereal types of information we take for granted that rushes by us at superluminal speeds. This is not to be taken as woo woo, but something being taken seriously by quantum physics.


For the tunelling side of things, if we are to take relativity seriously, then energy and matter is only one dependant mix. According to Hawking, you can't have a universe like ours, without information. This information is just as unique and important as energy and matter, and somehow the same thing.

So what we come to know, is also a type of information, which must follow the same quantum mechanical rules, which state that just like all forms of matter, and all forms of energy, all forms of information also tunnel into existence from the zero-point field.

(1) - because they don't just share energy, but information as well.

I think I get what you mean. I had one powerful thought and I managed to act on that thought. Also, I dont think penrose, wolf or hawking would have a clue whats really going on unless somebody told them. All the hadron colliders in the world couldnt enlighten them. They are just not fast enough. They just need a little bit of what I have to get through that barrier.
Now, anyone who truely believes in God, may as well call all science, God Herself.

Anyone who doesn't, has something big to disprove. Those who do believe, don't need any real proof.

Finding this proof has changed the overall circumstances. When you follow this story, you will then understand that there is a God as opposed to believe it. This proof adds up to clarity on everything.
I keep going to leave, but i realize i have more to say..

It's also a known fact of physics, that there needs to be a sufficient amount of detail given to something, for it to be real. We as a human race of beings, have an amazing ability to define this part of the vast universe, more real than some part which has never been observed before.

The collapse of the wave function, the transformation of something potential into something real, has been proven to exist from the observers point of view in QM whenever she takes the time to observe an atom lets say, for universal analogy-sake.

Everytime we make an observation, the thought behind it too, all amounts to something. Those who do not take the observer into consideration in any good theory, don't amount to much either.

You get to observe exactly what I observed (minus the consciousness). I'm that good. Everybody should have seen it already.
I think the jist of what everyone's trying to say is show us the objective evidence. Your claims mean nothing otherwise.

Help me to get the proof. Help yoursleves. I dont have proof because I never signed a contract and Yamauchi has n soul. I'm aware of how crazy this sounds but telling people about this was the hardest thing I've ever done. I almost have one person who believes me where I live. Do the boycott and make things happen faster. I was going to buy a walkman but I wont.

Do that to the playstation video games sales, especially Gran Turismo which is keeping Sony afloat, and they will tie their shoelaces for you. Like a physicist and the perfect code.
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so let me get this right... you travelled faster than the speed of light on your computer, something within which all components work or communicate with each other at slower speeds... and when you where travelling faster than light you saw MORE light, and a man sitting next to you... dude when the ear bud feels resistance please stop pushing!

And throwing a hole bunch of crap on the forum about inertia and drifting with a car ON A COMPUTOR and then a hole bunch of crap about information and your brain being able to do this…Feat of wonderfulness…, get your facts right! Newtonian laws are an approximation to the actual laws of physics, once you reach relativistic speeds (that’s the speed of light) the laws of Newton are insufficient to describe the effects that will occur, so go play same more GT on your Playstation and leave the forum for serious people.

Dude if your brain could work faster than the speed of light then your reaction time is …,00 times higher than that of Michael Schumacher, what the F***k are you doing on this forum become a F1 pilot and become a multi millionaire! … ow I forgot mental patients aren’t aloud near the track sorry
Dude you are such a crackpot!

your brain workes faster than everyone els on the planet? faster than the greatest minds in the world?

it's so funny that it's actualy sad

i wish you so much happyness in your own little universe
The more i think about your explination the more i start to think that while you where looking at the screen seeing these squares fly by the more you where actualy being hypnotised

I sugenst you go see a Doktor, or an exorcist which ever you prefer ;)
This japanese cryptographer made it happen. My testing made it strong enough to travel.

I'm Right. Prove me wrong. The proof is there.
Prove you wrong?
Erm no, you made the claim (with totally spurious "support"). you're the one that's supposed to provide proof.

Thoughts may very well blah blah blah typical Reiku mix of speculation wishful thinking and general waffle but information as well.
It's one possible explanation... with little supporting evidence.

Anyone who doesn't, has something big to disprove. Those who do believe, don't need any real proof.
Again, no.
Anyone making the claim needs the proof.

Also, I dont think penrose, wolf or hawking would have a clue whats really going on unless somebody told them.
Wow so you're you're smarter than those guys?
I doubt it very much.

They are just not fast enough.
The word you're looking for is "gullible" or "stupid" not "fast".
Why don't you optimize code for other things?

The world could really benefit from you.
At least Reiku is using philosophy and not “factual testimony of a Royal nut job”

And yes you made the claim you carry the burden of proof.

But I’ll have a go at proving you wrong

Do you have a photo of the event? No
Was your leap through space time documented by an actual 3rd person who wasn’t part of the actual experiment? No
Do you have factual (black on white) proof that such an engine is being created? No
Appart from your word is there any documented proof when this event took place? No

Mmm it’s not looking good is it

Do you have any data from the period the event took place which can be analysed by an independent group of scientists? No
Is there any physical evidence of the event that can be observed by an outsider? No

It’s all a hole bunch of crap!
I can't wait for someone to get hold of this physics engine and use it to accurately predict everything that's going to happen in the universe.
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