Rules of War in the Quran

They have an emotional attachment to it. It belongs to them. God gave it to them.

Too bad, they left bey their own choice.. :p

Edit: besides the Romans would be the equivalent of the Israeli's would they have ever left.
Read the edit above.

Doesn't matter, no one is asking the Dutch what they think. The Romans move in and want a demographic Roman majority so they call everyone with a Roman ancestry to move to Netherlands. John gets Enmos' home after kicking Enmos out and possibly raping his female relatives. If Enmos tries to go back home he will be shot.
I am. I'm trying to figure out what you would do if you were in the same situation as the Palestinians.

No you're not. You wouldn't move out of your house, just like the Israeli's aren't moving out of their country.
I understand why the Palestinians want their country back, but I guess it's just too bad.
No you're not. You wouldn't move out of your house, just like the Israeli's aren't moving out of their country.
I understand why the Palestinians want their country back, but I guess it's just too bad.

Ah so you're the Roman who's already moved into Netherlands, too bad for the Dutch. I should have guessed that colonialism runs deep.Oh well, Palestinians can always move to the Netherlands. ;)
You think occupying a country for several years makes an occupation legitimate. Since the British were in India for 200 years I disagree. I'm sure the South Africans were glad to get out of bantustans after several hundred years too, regardless of the Dutch occupation.
You think occupying a country for several years makes an occupation legitimate. Since the British were in India for 200 years I disagree. I'm sure the South Africans were glad to get out of bantustans after several hundred years too.

Will you answer the freaking house post already ?
I did. You just reversed it. If you kick me out of my country, or home, it doesn't become yours. According to you, if you steal it and stay there long enough, it does. I disagree.
If I had stolen the house, I would expect to end up in prison. Not just leave.
No, the house is legitimately yours. The previous owners were unjustly evicted by someone else.

Its not someone else. Any Jew who moves into Israel knows the Palestinians are refugees from their land, living in refugee camps and denied the right of return because they are not Jews. If you knowingly buy stolen property that makes you an accomplice.