Rules of War in the Quran

Its not someone else. Any Jew who moves into Israel knows the Palestinians are refugees from their land. If you knowingly buy stolen property that makes you an accomplice.

It wasn't stolen.

But ok, lets improve on the analogy.

Lets say you great grand parents stole a house from someone, they just kicked them to the curb and took their house.
The house stays in the family.
Now, three generations later, you live in the house with you kids and husband.
One day, the great grand children of the family that was kicked out of the house by your great grand parents come knocking on the door and demand you leave immediately.
You, of course, stay put.
They start making threaths, you call the police. They get a restraining order.
Well that didn't help, they start throwing your windows in.. you call the cops, they spend some time in jail.
Months later they are back and start killing your kids, you start killing them.

Would you just pack your bags and leave ?
It wasn't stolen.

But ok, lets improve on the analogy.

Lets say you great grand parents stole a house from someone, they just kicked them to the curb and took their house.
The house stays in the family.
Now, three generations later, you live in the house with you kids and husband.
One day, the great grand children of the family that was kicked out of the house by your great grand parents come knocking on the door and demand you leave immediately.

If they were living next door in a refugee camp for 60 years, it would not be a surprise to me.

Thats why I asked you if the Romans came after 2000 years and kicked you out, would you leave? The Jews left and stole the land because the Europeans helped them to steal it. The Palestinians rights were cast aside. Its like the western governments occupying Iraq and Afghanistan. Would they stand for other coloured nations doing the same to them?.
If they were living next door in a refugee camp for 60 years, it would not be a surprise to me.

Thats why I asked you if the Romans came after 2000 years and kicked you out, would you leave? The Jews left and stole the land because the Europeans helped them to steal it. The Palestinians rights were cast aside.

So you would just pack your bags and leave, even though it is legitimately your house and it wasn't your fault your great grand parents kicked them out ?
So you would just pack your bags and leave, even though it is legitimately your house and it wasn't your fault your great grand parents kicked them out ?

Its not great grandparents, its fathers. Tzipi Livni's parents were both terrorists. The people they dispossessed are still living.
If they were living next door in a refugee camp for 60 years, it would not be a surprise to me.

Thats why I asked you if the Romans came after 2000 years and kicked you out, would you leave? The Jews left and stole the land because the Europeans helped them to steal it. The Palestinians rights were cast aside. Its like the western governments occupying Iraq and Afghanistan. Would they stand for other coloured nations doing the same to them?.

The Romans are the Israeli's, the Dutch are the Palestinians. Your analogy is wrong.
You tell me. If you father had stolen your home and those people's children came knocking on your door, what would you do?
You tell me. If you father had stolen your home and those people's children came knocking on your door, what would you do?

Keep living there, they should take it up with my father. I own the house legitimately now.
What should I do, live in the street ?
Do what they did when your father stole the house.

It's not my fault. Why should I suffer for what someone else did ?
I take it you would just pack your bags and go live under a bridge then ?

Edit: Besides, it wasn't the father that stole the house, it was a friend of his.
It's not my fault. Why should I suffer for what someone else did ?
I take it you would just pack your bags and go live under a bridge then ?

Edit: Besides, it wasn't the father that stole the house, it was a friend of his.

You can make any justification for colonialism you like. Native people have a right to live on their own land. Simply because some idiots think their religion or colour gives them special rights makes no difference to the fact that they belong on it.
You can make any justification for colonialism you like. Native people have a right to live on their own land. Simply because some idiots think their religion or colour gives them special rights makes no difference to the fact that they belong on it.

I agree. But it isn't as simple as that. Most people living in Israel are completely innocent, they're just born there. You can't expect them to just leave.. :bugeye:

What about Israel and Palestine just merge and its people be the bestest of buddies.. ?
Because a one state solution would undermine the Jewish demographic majority.

Most people who live in Israel are immigrants from Russia, Europe and the US.
My post was on rules of war in the Quran. It was not an argument. Just an opening for discussion.
My post was on rules of war in the Quran. It was not an argument. Just an opening for discussion.

Ok, fair enough. But you seem to defend suicide bombing. If you are defending it, you should have an argument for doing so.
I'm not defending anything, simply offering you the literature on the subject rather than opinion.