Rules of War in the Quran

Do I agree that your notion of an explanation is that al Baqarah is to prevent future generations of infidels from learning to call other people kafir by Islamic law? Can't have an opinion on gibberish.

Let me see the link.

Pfft. It was your link. Probably changed by now; I hear MSA at USC got in a lot of shit over the shit they preach.
So its gibberish that you cannot back up. Lets see the post where I allegedly quoted it, I can find original sources for the authors listed.
Yes, out of your 51K posts I'll just pop that one up. :rolleyes: Besides which, I just checked MSA at USC and they changed the site. :D Geee, wonder why? Heheh.

So do you disagree with such a position or not then?
So basically you cannot back up your unsupported statements. Which make no sense anyway. Regardless of any agenda
Aha! I found an external link on it ( that gives the MSA link. This is the "upright and moral" one you quoted me. Note my comment, from ages gone by:

"GeoffP11-20-07, 04:00 AM
Whoops: here's a link to the tafsir for Sura 9. Sam suggested it to me, but I lost the link."

Of course if you try that now, you get a different page with no helpful culturocidal explanation at the bottom now. :D Give it time, though, and I'm sure it will come back.
So basically you cannot back up your unsupported statements. Which make no sense anyway. Regardless of any agenda

Haw! The funny thing is, I know you're lying, and you know you're lying. Tsk tsk.
Are you drunk? Or just incapable of comprehension at the moment? Why would infidels be engaged in takfir?
Abandon the word, Sam. Tafsir, isn't it? Now: do you agree with their [presently deleted] position or not?
Huh? Tafsir = explanation

Now infidels are engaged in explanations?
The Muslim Student's Association of USC are infidels?? :eek: Do they know?

Too funny. :D
The Muslim Student's Association of USC are infidels?? :eek: Do they know?

Too funny. :D

You tell me. :rolleyes:

That reminds me: the explanation for the Cow's promotion of oppression is usually taken in the way that it will "prevent future generations of infidels from learning takfir" or the like, which isn't particularly enlightened.

Abandon the word, Sam. Tafsir, isn't it? Now: do you agree with their [presently deleted] position or not?
I have never been so confused about your point.

Nor, so thankful to be so confused.

Good day.
It's highly unenlightened to justify murder in a holy book.

People will ALWAYS defend themselves - there's no need to tell people they can defend themselves. Given there is no God one must wonder why Mohammad chose to say God was telling him it was OK to kill people. My guess is he wanted to get his people to kill some other people. Think about this, when they finally killed enough Arabs and took Mecca the first thing Mohammad did was demand that his followers destroy the Arab heritage and temples there. He refused to even set foot into the city until his sheeple vandalized the main temple there.

Muslims behead peace loving innocent Buddhist monks walking home in Thailand - happily quoting the Qur'an and screaming God is Great while slicing through their necks.

Even SAM thinks it's Godly and God inspired that Muslims attacked, raped, and looted people living in Persia.
Defence is fine; but where's the restraint in the endpoint? Where does it say stop?

And what do you mean about the last bit?
SAM has defended Muslim aggressive war against Persia. Persian men (mostly peaceful farmers) were murdered as the Muslims needed to "defend" themselves and just what do you think happened to their wives and daughters? They were "protected" by being taken by their conquerors who then set up camps on the fringes of the cities and then set about trying to eradicate Persian culture and replace it with Arab culture. At this time Muslims attacked, raped and looted from the people living in Persia. That's war. Anyone who says war can be waged to the point of eradicating a culture, language and religion without people be terrified, murdered, beaten, raped, and looted - is a lier.

This is OK with God and therefor Godly, because Muslims were "defending" themselves from Persians and therefor had to conquer their lands and subjugate the people therein.

Interestingly, before they were Muslim they had coexisted for about 7000 years next to one another. But just as soon as the aggressive "defensive" wars against the polytheistic Arabs were won, suddenly aggressive "defensive" war needed to be waged against Persians, Romans, Syrians, Egyptians, ... etc.. etc.. one big coincidence coensiding with the advent of a militaristic religion.

Hello, SAM also thinks it's fine to tax people based on which religion they practice.

I wonder what she thinks of the Muslims in Miramar? Many convert out of Islam or face the prospect of being taxed so heavily they lose everything and, not being able to pay their tax, imprisoned and worked to death in slave camps. And this is from purported BUDDHISTS! Can you imagine what life must have been like for Zoroastrians! Muslims actually justfy their murder in Gods name.

Call a spade a spade for Christ's sake, we've been over this ground a million times. It's highly unenlightened to write God sanctioned justifications for murder in a superstitious holy book because guess what - anyone can justify ANY form of murder and this is exactly what they do.

The Taliban who tossed acid and melted some 9 year old face yesterday did so safe in the knowledge that the Qur'an justifies such violence.

In short, only an idiot or someone who is violent would say God thinks is good and holy to murder people.
This thread has gone to the dogs as usual, and the very same dogs as usual. Mostly unsupported slander and very little evidence.

I think I will start a social group to discuss these things. By invitation only.
The rules of war were revealed to Mohammed when the Muslim community had been evicted and was under attack in Medina.

[Quran 2:190-195]

190. You may fight in the way of God, those who attack you, but do not be excessively aggressive. God does not love aggressors.

191. You may kill those who are attacking you and evict those who have evicted you. Oppression is worse than murder. Do not fight them in the Sacred Mosque, unless they attack you there. If they do attack you first, you may kill them. This is a just retribution for those disbelievers.

192. If they refrain, then God is forgiving and merciful.

193. You may also fight them to eliminate oppression and so that you may worship freely; if they refrain, then do not aggress: aggression is only allowed against the aggressors.

194. During the Sacred Months, an aggression may be met with an equitable response. If they attack you, you may retaliate through an equivalent retribution. You must observe God and know that the God is with the righteous.

195. You shall spend in the cause of God, do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. You shall be charitable, God loves the charitable.

Verses 190-191; 192-195

Questions and Comments?

I don't think we needed Mohammed to scribe an early attempt at the Geneva Convention. Not of this is startling. The rules of war haven't changed much and are basically the same for everybody.