Rules of War in the Quran

Yeah, I know that. Happens to be the same in the Bhagwad Gita. But there aren't enough people who know or are interested in religion to discuss this. I had a few good discussions with LG in the beginning.
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The thing is, Jesus is known as making peace or (in general) being peaceful. He cautions his followers NOT to be violent. Same with Buddha. Mohammad on the hand is standing on a hillock where he refuses to enter Mecca – not until every last remnant of the ruling elite is eliminated. The ancient Temples and sanctuaries of the Arabs must be destroyed. In a display of loyalty, his brainwashed followers go on a rampage destroying everything in their path - centuries of Arab heritage is destroyed in the blink of an eye.

This is wondrous history for Muslims. Talk about pathetic.

Now, to SAM this is fine. Why? At first it was because they were polytheists. Then she realizes this argument doesn’t float and so now it’s because they were Arabs. It never ends.

Persians are destroyed – it’s defence.
Indians were destroyed – it’s a lie.
Spain is conquered – Muslims were invited there.
France is invade – Muslims were defending themselves.
Rome pillaged – they weren’t real Muslims.
Constantine conquered – now it’s liberated.

Muslim destroy anything and it's OK because *insert excuse*

The Qur’an justifies this and that’s the reality of the situation. Somehow Arabs, Persians, Romans, French, everyone is in the way of Holy “Defence” of Islam. It’s as if the worst parts of Xianity were made into a religion. Barf.

If you think it was OK for Mohammad to stand there smugly watching his people torch a city, well then, you’d probably make a good English solder in India “dealing” with polytheist Hindu.
SAM said:
Questions and Comments?
About what some verses in the Quran really mean, or whatever?

I will defer to the experts, and accept as the meaning whatever the people who care about them and spend a lot of time pondering them come up with.

In this case, I know what many strong adherents to the Quran regard as permissible in war, and indicated by the book as a whole, by what they say and do in war.
Allah gives lessons on how to kill people. What a spastic god that he cant do this himself!
Considering the last century of mass murder by democracies where the dead are just collateral damages for power games in their "advanced" societies, I'd say a lot of people could stand to learn these basic rules.
Considering the last century of mass murder by democracies where the dead are just collateral damages for power games in their "advanced" societies, I'd say a lot of people could stand to learn these basic rules.

I see this in all societies :D Guess I see more than you do.
What about the suicide bombers ? I think they broke a rule or two..

Which rule? Don't consider civilians as collateral damages? Use yourself as a precision strike with mostly civilian casualties?
Uh.. all ?

Whats the difference between a suicide bomber detonating himself in a building and a missile detonating in a building?

Pape claims that his is the first complete analysis of suicide terrorism, as such revealing that not religion but “to compel democracies to withdraw military forces from the terrorists’ national homeland” is its key
Japan worshiped their Emperor and wiped out about 14 million Chinese.
14 million Chinese.
The ONLY reason Muslims haven't rained hell fire on their non-Muslim neighbors is because their societies are relatively primitive. That is - simply put, they can't.

Just imagine what things would be like for the ME if we were Muslims! Could you imagine the hell we'd unleash on the Muslim infidels in "defense" of our interpretation of Islam. Mecca would probably have an American flag flying over it.
Whats the difference between a suicide bomber detonating himself in a building and a missile detonating in a building?

190. You may fight in the way of God, those who attack you, but do not be excessively aggressive. God does not love aggressors.
> Suicide bombing seems excessively aggressive to me, especially when innocent civilians are targeted..

191. You may kill those who are attacking you and evict those who have evicted you. Oppression is worse than murder. Do not fight them in the Sacred Mosque, unless they attack you there. If they do attack you first, you may kill them. This is a just retribution for those disbelievers.
> Innocent civilians..

192. If they refrain, then God is forgiving and merciful.
> Innocent civilians..

193. You may also fight them to eliminate oppression and so that you may worship freely; if they refrain, then do not aggress: aggression is only allowed against the aggressors.
> Innocent civilians..

194. During the Sacred Months, an aggression may be met with an equitable response. If they attack you, you may retaliate through an equivalent retribution. You must observe God and know that the God is with the righteous.
> ?

195. You shall spend in the cause of God, do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. You shall be charitable, God loves the charitable.
> "Do not throw yourself with your own hands into destruction". Isn't that exactly with suicide bombers are doing ?
You think suicide terrorism is aggressive? How many people have died from it? As compared to say, missiles?
You think suicide terrorism is aggressive? How many people have died from it? As compared to say, missiles?

You don't need to compare, just look at the rules. The rules say you can only attack those who attack you.
You don't need to compare, just look at the rules. The rules say you can only attack those who attack you.

I guess they are as precise as the precision ammunitions the Dutch are using in Afghanistan.
I guess they are as precise as the precision ammunitions the Dutch are using in Afghanistan.

This is all besides the point. You God hates aggressors (see the rules). Suicide bombers are aggressors since they attack innocent civilians.
This is all besides the point. You God hates aggressors (see the rules). Suicide bombers are aggressors since they attack innocent civilians.

Yeah, and the aggressors are the ones who invade other countries and occupy them, not the people who are fighting the occupation or fighting the support and arming of dictators in their countries. If they had nuclear weapons, I doubt they would be blowing themselves up. Considering suicide bombing was relatively unknown before the 1980s, its hardly something that people have been doing as a part of their culture or religion. Its a response to their circumstances.