Reporting on Gods Visit

this is a strange question. why not?

it's the right thing to do. it's the answer.

The right thing ? Says who ? I thought people we supposed to be themselves ?

If you don't already love people, what's your reason ?
If you do already love people, why are you wanting ?
you know bishadi, no offense but...i don't really give a shit about mass as an abstract concept, or the science behind life.

you need to know what food to eat (mass/energy) but are back to recoiling because you are having to face the truth of how little you really know

i care about living.
if you did not know what life is (abortion) then you will remain hammered into the wall

you are not claiming the good of life, nor how to live or what life is

you are trying to get people to believe you talk to god and he gave you all this 'gifts' (even a new man-toy) but cannot define any of it to any others, while claiming you are of understanding

lori, you are full of shit and it bugs you (i am getting dizzie again, smashing your head in the wall)

i don't need to know how to explain everything.

then if you are confering on life and what 'report' you have, then you best be 'splaining' or your fibs are maintaining your suffering

i need to know how to experience life in a way full of power and grace and knowledge.

what power?

what power did your god give you? We can already see the power of BS and you sling it tough, but what POWER did your god give you, when a simple man walks into your life and you claim 'it's a miracle'?

not knowledge of the mechanics necessarily, but knowledge of love.
love is definable darling; it aint magic either

the mechanics are the math; who needs math to live?

but the principles are varified by the math, and what you are learning are them priniciples (of what is life?............... all based on 'light')

i don't want to live my life with my face in a book trying to prove something. i want to love people.

to love us, any of us, then your responsibility to every word of articulation should have its merit, that we can all experience (be true to the absolute best of your whole existence)

i know i am learning and why i know the words often confuse (are esoteric) but be certain, when drilled down to the last word (the math) each item i have posted will and does come out
Why would say it's a miracle. God has gone against your wishes to live alone. Clearly, your god is defying you.

it was definitely not my wish to live alone. i just wasn't willing to settle for a life and a love...a marriage...that was less than an ideal THAT GOD CONVINCED ME WAS POSSIBLE. i just didn't expect to realize that in my life. i kind of thought of it as my job to stand for it regardless. that somehow it would make a difference. i just didn't expect it to make a difference that would be realized in this way (so personally).

god does surprise me. if you define "defy" as blowing my expectations out of the water (pleasantly).
The right thing ? Says who ? I thought people we supposed to be themselves ?

If you don't already love people, what's your reason ?
If you do already love people, why are you wanting ?

how is loving not being yourself? i think we are covered in lies that allow us to hate and live in suffering.

i do love people, and i want to perpetuate that power as much as possible.
Then he is outside existence/reality/universe.

i don't understand your reasoning here. the law is embedded in life and the functionality of everything. god also has a spirit that communicates with all of it, or is a part of all of it. that's why i hear his voice (his spirit inside me).
People are what they are and if you change them you well.. change them.

Why ? Are you afraid of losing it ?

you can change your perception and still be who you are. the more love you have and give, the more power you instill, the more freedom you achieve. it changes you and the world, but you become who you really are, minus the lies that inhibit you.

no, i'm not afraid of losing it. i just want to use it.
i don't understand your reasoning here. the law is embedded in life and the functionality of everything. god also has a spirit that communicates with all of it, or is a part of all of it. that's why i hear his voice (his spirit inside me).

Ok, what law are you talking about ? Not the laws of physics, right ?
you can change your perception and still be who you are. the more love you have and give, the more power you instill, the more freedom you achieve. it changes you and the world, but you become who you really are, minus the lies that inhibit you.

no, i'm not afraid of losing it. i just want to use it.

If someone cuts a chunk out of your brain he's probably going to change who you are.
I am myself now and I don't want a lobotomy.
you need to know what food to eat (mass/energy) but are back to recoiling because you are having to face the truth of how little you really know

if you did not know what life is (abortion) then you will remain hammered into the wall

you are not claiming the good of life, nor how to live or what life is

you are trying to get people to believe you talk to god and he gave you all this 'gifts' (even a new man-toy) but cannot define any of it to any others, while claiming you are of understanding

lori, you are full of shit and it bugs you (i am getting dizzie again, smashing your head in the wall)

then if you are confering on life and what 'report' you have, then you best be 'splaining' or your fibs are maintaining your suffering

what power?

what power did your god give you? We can already see the power of BS and you sling it tough, but what POWER did your god give you, when a simple man walks into your life and you claim 'it's a miracle'?

love is definable darling; it aint magic either

the mechanics are the math; who needs math to live?

but the principles are varified by the math, and what you are learning are them priniciples (of what is life?............... all based on 'light')

to love us, any of us, then your responsibility to every word of articulation should have its merit, that we can all experience (be true to the absolute best of your whole existence)

i know i am learning and why i know the words often confuse (are esoteric) but be certain, when drilled down to the last word (the math) each item i have posted will and does come out



the people i love feel the power.

go read another book why don't you. we'll all be expecting you to ignore my request and come back with some more sanctimonious preaching when you're done.
Ok, what law are you talking about ? Not the laws of physics, right ?

yes...all of them...physics, biology, chemistry...i think there are spiritual laws as well. things science doesn't really study.