Reporting on Gods Visit

You say that god will change me so I will be my real self.
Isn't that what they told patients that would be lobotomized ? Cut out the flaws.. no thank you, my flaws are a part of me. cutting. everything is willfull on your part. any changes are through understanding, not surgery.
if you willingly reject something that you understand is harmful, is that the equivalent of a lobotomy?

I don't understand where god comes into that..
What you are describing sounds like self-improvement.
So? did God show up yet?

OR, is it that the will to write the words YES have been removed from you as you are now God's bitch? You now realize to your horror there is a God and it's the all powerful evil one who flooded the world and killed innocent women and children - and now It's has It's eye on you and it wants to play! :eek:

Or, God didn't show up?

How do we know that God didn't really show up and you are seriously not able to report it to us? Hmmmmm??? :p
I don't understand where god comes into that..
What you are describing sounds like self-improvement.

Yeah man, god will put you through the fire and you'll come out like a diamond if that's what you want. God gave me answers I couldn't find in this world or on my own. It seems he knows me better than I know myself, so the more I get to know god the more I get to know me. Its extremely symbiotic. Its like as you become one with god, you become yourself. Its wierd. But you know this world is full of lies that steal our identities and our lives.
It is now day 4,927,500,000,000 after the start of the universe.

Nothing to report.

I am wondering why God would want to visit you?

Unless it was as a blessing to the one who proposed this to you?

You seem to have an attitude towards God similar to the ones mentioned in the scripture below.

Matthew 16
1 Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven. 2 He answered and said to them, “When it is evening you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red’; 3 and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. 4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” And He left them and departed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
hee, hee, hee. i don't have enough tact for that i don't think, but i'm trying.

you can expect your life to make sense in a way it never has before. you can expect feeling like you're developing a new pair of eyes (perception). things will seem so obvious and you'll wonder why it wasn't before. you can expect him to use the world around you to enlighten and develope heal you. you can expect to be humbled. you will have to look deep inside. you will be broken (of the flesh), and birthed (of the spirit). you will find the capability to be invincible and fearless and loving. you will find peace even in times of hardship. and ultimately, you will find the freedom to be yourself.

Wow :) From my experiances i think God has established a relationship with you.

I got to be cautious, I have been wrong about others before, being only human myslef. lol

God's Grace is like the old song states. Amazing. Isn't it.

Once again as i said before my hope is for you to be with God in eternity Lori.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
not the bullshit that some dude will magicallly unexpectly come into your home and magically miraculously make you understand

that is all bullshit

either people learn and work at reality, maintaining the integrity of compassion for others, by what you share as true; then the unevolved continue to dwell in ignorance

Ohhh the arrogance of the pompous who believe they are superior to the "unevolved". Who think that they can work God out by their own efforts.

I detect an air of desperation and fear in your posting in this thread Bishadi. Your almost ranting now.

Truly if there is anything of knowledge of God that is worthy it could only ever come to a person if God revels it to them, it is miraculous indeed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The right thing ? Says who ? I thought people we supposed to be themselves ?

If you don't already love people, what's your reason ?

Pride, greed, arrogance, fear, envy, vanity. I guess you could add a few more there.

If you do already love people, why are you wanting ?

Because deep down we want to. Because deep down we know that all those other emotions that get in the way and frustrate your desire to be loving are wrong.

One has to ask oneself. What do i desire?

Of cource, God already knows us more then we know ourselves.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: I am not answering for Lori, but for myself.
You say that god will change me so I will be my real self.
Isn't that what they told patients that would be lobotomized ? Cut out the flaws.. no thank you, my flaws are a part of me.

Do you love your flaws?

Who are you really?

Do you know?

Are these flaws an integral part of You? Or are they the weeping infected wounds that have prevented you from being yourself in your life?

Have you become so accustomed to carrying these wounds that you simply cannot face their removal through fear of the unknown. Who will i be after they have been lifted from me?

All Praise The Ancient of Days
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Yeah man, god will put you through the fire and you'll come out like a diamond if that's what you want. God gave me answers I couldn't find in this world or on my own. It seems he knows me better than I know myself, so the more I get to know god the more I get to know me. Its extremely symbiotic. Its like as you become one with god, you become yourself. Its wierd. But you know this world is full of lies that steal our identities and our lives.

But you don't get it. I AM myself now, ain't I ?

Also, are you saying that you are now perfect ?
PS: I am not answering for Lori, but for myself.
Ok, noted :)

Pride, greed, arrogance, fear, envy, vanity. I guess you could add a few more there.
Is that why you want to love people ??

Because deep down we want to. Because deep down we know that all those other emotions that get in the way and frustrate your desire to be loving are wrong.

One has to ask oneself. What do i desire?
If you already have it, you can stop wanting for it.
I wanted a particular new car. I bought it. Now I'm not wanting it anymore because I already have it.

Of cource, God already knows us more then we know ourselves.
That one is wasted on me.
Do you love your flaws?

Who are you really?

Do you know?

Are these flaws an integral part of You? Or are they the weeping infected wounds that have prevented you from being yourself in your life?

Have you become so accustomed to carrying these wounds that you simply cannot face their removal through fear of the unknown. Who will i be after they have been lifted from me?
In a way I love my flaws because they are a result of what defines me.
I am not perfect and I'm not striving for perfection either because that will be a ghost hunt. Perfection doesn't exist. Instead, I'm striving to be the best I can be.
Wow :) From my experiances i think God has established a relationship with you.

I got to be cautious, I have been wrong about others before, being only human myslef. lol

God's Grace is like the old song states. Amazing. Isn't it.

Once again as i said before my hope is for you to be with God in eternity Lori.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

there's no doubt about that.


where the hell have you been man?!?!?! :confused:

i know you've heard me out here..."i know god, i know god, i know god!"

did you think i was joking? lol
But you don't get it. I AM myself now, ain't I ?

Also, are you saying that you are now perfect ?

you will always be yourself, but i'm pretty sure you would agree with me that introspection often leads to revelation. and that the world is full of lies. this society, and even our parents, tell us who we are and who we should be and that a lot of it is bullshit.

i'm telling you, there is a relatively untapped power in you. it's fucking cool.

rise above all this bullshit. help me anihalate it. :)
god does surprise me. if you define "defy" as blowing my expectations out of the water (pleasantly).

Your request for god to visit me goes unheard. Perhaps he's confused?

Where is he, Lori? How long do I have to wait?