Reporting on Gods Visit

Your request for god to visit me goes unheard. Perhaps he's confused?

Where is he, Lori? How long do I have to wait?

god listens to me homey g, don't you worry. be patient.

god's in your face by the way. would it kill you to reach out? why i gotta do every damn thing?
god listens to me homey g, don't you worry. be patient.

I am being very patient. It's now coming on 2 weeks. Will it be 2 months, 2 years, 2 millennium??

god's in your face by the way. would it kill you to reach out? why i gotta do every damn thing?

No, there's nothing "in my face" right now, Lori. If I reach out, I'm grasping at air.
I am being very patient. It's now coming on 2 weeks. Will it be 2 months, 2 years, 2 millennium??

No, there's nothing "in my face" right now, Lori. If I reach out, I'm grasping at air.

is this a joke to you Q?

if not, would you pray too? i did, now you. that's fair right? i want you to get sincere with god. if he's not there, well then that's a few minutes of your time you'll never get back. but if he is, then it'll be worth it, don't you think? are you sincere?
is this a joke to you Q?

if not, would you pray too? i did, now you. that's fair right? i want you to get sincere with god. if he's not there, well then that's a few minutes of your time you'll never get back. but if he is, then it'll be worth it, don't you think? are you sincere?

Lori, we've been through all this. Either your god is going to visit me or he isn't? Since your god is apparently all powerful, I'm sure he'll know how to confirm his presence to me.

Now, where is he?
Lori, we've been through all this. Either your god is going to visit me or he isn't? Since your god is apparently all powerful, I'm sure he'll know how to confirm his presence to me.

Now, where is he?

you're avoiding my question and request. :mad:
you're avoiding my question and request. :mad:

Yes, I am sincere, I already told you that. However, it has nothing to do with sincerity and everything to do with your god producing himself.

If your god is so powerful, there is nothing I can do to stop him from visiting me.

You said you made the request, so where is he?
Yes, I am sincere, I already told you that. However, it has nothing to do with sincerity and everything to do with your god producing himself.

If your god is so powerful, there is nothing I can do to stop him from visiting me.

You said you made the request, so where is he?

would you pray too? would you ask him too please? he's around...
you will always be yourself, but i'm pretty sure you would agree with me that introspection often leads to revelation. and that the world is full of lies. this society, and even our parents, tell us who we are and who we should be and that a lot of it is bullshit.

i'm telling you, there is a relatively untapped power in you. it's fucking cool.

rise above all this bullshit. help me anihalate it. :)

So people are liars, assholes and hypocrites.. why did God even bother making us ?

You nicely avoided answering this question, by the way:
"Also, are you saying that you are now perfect ?"
I am being very patient. It's now coming on 2 weeks. Will it be 2 months, 2 years, 2 millennium??.

Do you not believe in miracles ?. It can be tonight. Nevertheless....I am waiting too....:) . Science believes in miracles too .... ;) .
So people are liars, assholes and hypocrites.. why did God even bother making us ?

You nicely avoided answering this question, by the way:
"Also, are you saying that you are now perfect ?"

i didn't mean to avoid your question. no, i'm not perfect. you know i believe in perfection, but not without a genetic intervention first.

and enmos, you don't like the ills of humanity anymore than i do. god made us for communion with him and each other. something that we are all falling short of right now. that doesn't mean forever. right now, we're supposed to be learning the difference. right?
Not you, God.
Surely it wouldn't be too much trouble for him to make himself known..

if that's what you want, then god will. i truly believe that enmos.

that's why i want Q to make sure that's what he wants. to confirm that...

no offense Q. i just really want this for you both. i just wonder if what i want for you trumps what you want for you for vice versa. i want to make sure we're all on the same page.
i didn't mean to avoid your question. no, i'm not perfect. you know i believe in perfection, but not without a genetic intervention first.
But meeting god will make my flaws go away, you said. A person with no flaws would be perfect, right ?

and enmos, you don't like the ills of humanity anymore than i do. god made us for communion with him and each other. something that we are all falling short of right now. that doesn't mean forever. right now, we're supposed to be learning the difference. right?
Why did he make us like this then ? He apparently wants perfect humans.. he could have made us perfect. He can make us understand 'the difference' right now if he wanted too. What's with the sadism ? :mad:
God made us remember ?
If God shows himself to Q with the purpose of making himself known, and Q doesn't recognize him, God clearly screwed up somewhere.

Maybe he provided the tools and expected you to do your own homework.