Reporting on Gods Visit

What made you think it was god ?
And how did you find out it wasn't ?

You see, it was a magic squirrel, it disappeared on one side of the tree, and reappeared on the other side! I walked round to the other side of the tree and it was doing the same there!!!! I was so sure it was god, I followed it around the tree for hours but it wouldn't do it again.

Then I realised my mistake......
You see, it was a magic squirrel, it disappeared on one side of the tree, and reappeared on the other side! I walked round to the other side of the tree and it was doing the same there!!!! I was so sure it was god, I followed it around the tree for hours but it wouldn't do it again.

Then I realised my mistake......

How did you realize your mistake ?
How did you realize your mistake ?

After several hours of hard running it suddenly dawned on me that the most likely situation was it merely disappeared out of my view as it went around the tree.

So i tested my theory by tying string to its tail and holding onto the other end. My theory was correct, but just incase I decided to shoot the little bugger anyway! I concluded either god can be killed(which seems to defy many descriptions of him), or it wasn't god.

If it was god then I'll say this much for him, he tastes like some goooood chicken.
After several hours of hard running it suddenly dawned on me that the most likely situation was it merely disappeared out of my view as it went around the tree.

So i tested my theory by tying string to its tail and holding onto the other end. My theory was correct, but just incase I decided to shoot the little bugger anyway! I concluded either god can be killed(which seems to defy many descriptions of him), or it wasn't god.

If it was god then I'll say this much for him, he tastes like some goooood chicken.
Well.. you know Jesus was God incarnate..
Perhaps the squirrel was Jesus's second coming !
And you ate him !!
What made you think it was god ?
And how did you find out it wasn't ?


i saw one magically run up a tree and fly to another one in a giant leap

to me that was magic.

can any of you do that? (i think that is better than 'walkin on water' when i have never even seen anyone do that; unless the water was frozen)

perhaps the squirl is the messiah? Maybe you did see him and just don't know it.

how about trying this;

if the absolute of truth was to magically appear; what would you need to verify (the squirl) is Him/her/cousin it?

awesome (i love them damn coincidences)

read this then read the thread and see what is occuring (think knowledge)

In the Poetic Edda poem Grímnismál, the god Odin (disguised as Grímnir) says that Ratatoskr runs up and down Yggdrasil bringing messages between the eagle perched atop it and Níðhöggr below it:

Benjamin Thorpe translation:
Ratatösk is the squirrel named, who has run
in Yggdrasil's ash;
he from above the eagle's words must carry,
and beneath the Nidhögg repeat.[6] Henry Adams Bellows translation:
Ratatosk is the squirrel who there shall run
On the ash-tree Yggdrasil;
From above the words of the eagle he bears,
And tells them to Nithhogg beneath.[7]

In the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, Ratatoskr is attested in chapter 16. In the chapter, Gangleri (described as king Gylfi in disguise) asks High what other notable facts there are to know about Yggdrasil. High's account agrees with the Grímnismál attestation but he adds that the messages are slanderous gossip:

'There is much to be told. An eagle sits at the top of the ash, and it has knowledge of many things. Between its eyes sits the hawk called Vedrfolnir [...]. The squirrel called Ratatosk [...] runs up and down the ash. He tells slanderous gossip, provoking the eagle and Nidhogg.'

gotta love it: as it is just "another day at the orafice"
Today I swatted a wasp out of the air and it landed near some ants who started tearing it apart and moving it into their colony. The all seemed to smile and wave at me in appreciation.

Was this a sign of god?
Today I swatted a wasp out of the air and it landed near some ants who started tearing it apart and moving it into their colony. The all seemed to smile and wave at me in appreciation.

Was this a sign of god?

who knows

how about having some fun:

today, i swatted an idiot for blowing out hot air, while the rest of the forum watched how ignorance is torn apart and now capable of smashing their own idiots.

i bet any can smile when having the depth to comprehend

would that put a smile on your face; to be capable?
***miracle alert***

lori's engaged to the man of her idealistic dreams after resigning to live alone for the rest of her life.

god loves a good challenge.

i'm so...


and grateful.

pretty blown away actually.
i consider this man and marriage a gift from god.
miracles are not magic, just unexpected
everything's a miracle...nothing is a miracle.
i guess it's all just relative to what you expect.
and i didn't find this man in a book. i'm living the dream...
Lori, my congratulations ! :)

How does he feel about your conversations with god ?
I have had the pleasure of an invitation from one of our distinguished forum members for god to visit me. It is currently unknown as to what form the visitation will take, but it has been assured to me that I most certainly will know. I have also promised this forum member that I will defend any and all arguments they present thereafter as a result of the visit.

Of course, at that point, I will be a theist and a believer in god.

So, from time to time, I'll provide any unusual events that may have happened to me in order to discuss whether or not the event was the visitation. I'm hoping our distinguished forum member will chime in when the time is ripe.

At this time, there is nothing unusual to report, other than a small horse singing, "Hard Days Night" in a German accent.

i agree with that member.
erm, but did he warn you, or you considered the possibility, that maybe when such "visit" happens, which removes all doubt, will also remove all chance or choice, and you won't be able to report it?

if you considered it, or he warned you, i think you're ready to take the chances, which of course are zero, because you won't embark on such dangerous dare or wager if such dreadful possibility was anything but zero.

also, you won't think much of this post of mine because you must have already discovered that what i'm trying to do here is present a possibility then base on it an argument to "pressure" you to believe in something before evidence for it is presented, how dishonest of me.

and how smart of you.
i consider this man and marriage a gift from god.
just as each breath is; but we often take it for granted

this one just so happens to fit a personal need; so it excited you on many fronts (as the appreciation is noted, also keep the idea on balance (both sides will unfold over time; don't go tooooo high, the fall often hurts)

miracles are not magic, just unexpected
thanks for clarifying what you define as a miracle; now it is easier to see why OUR interpretations vary

(this is how dialogue ensues; each learn a bit from the others on what they mean)
everything's a miracle...nothing is a miracle.

i guess it's all just relative to what you expect.
and that is where suffering lives; predeterminations (see the eatern folk; they try to teach a mind how to remove predeterminations/expectations/loss-gain of the suffering mind)

and i didn't find this man in a book.
that interaction was already in process well before you knew it was coming

be appreciative but also keep the eyes open for the lessons (good or bad)

remember; do not fib to yourself (hide something of difference between you) just to keep the utter parts close (we both know, them fibs (to ourselves) will always bite us in the butt later)

i'm living the dream...

we all are

knowing how to appreciate each breath is how to know that


Bliss can be experienced by appreciating every moment.