Reporting on Gods Visit

we've actually been discussing that quite a in the moment, and appreciating it for all it's worth. not being careless, but not dwelling in the past, or trying to predict the future. i think that's where a lot of pain and frustration the past and in fear.
Ok.. who would have thought ;)

By the way, god hasn't contacted me yet. What do I do ?
if you haven't experienced (appreciated) existence by now

perhaps go jump in a lake!

(i couldn't help it)

(eg.. forgiveness is not my best trait; and if you look around, nor is it to the world)
we've actually been discussing that quite a in the moment, and appreciating it for all it's worth. not being careless, but not dwelling in the past, or trying to predict the future. i think that's where a lot of pain and frustration the past and in fear.

and to note what Enmos is asking; he wants to know what to expect

that is what many many most every human being on earth wants to know


so they read, they try and then some just give up and find what makes them happy

but how many actually know life?

what it is, how it works and what to expect???
and to note what Enmos is asking; he wants to know what to expect

that is what many many most every human being on earth wants to know


so they read, they try and then some just give up and find what makes them happy

but how many actually know life?

what it is, how it works and what to expect???

expect the unexpected. but it will make sense.
How so ? Isn't it about god ?

no not's about you. i think that's what makes it seem scary. but it's not scary. god is like the perfect parent. unconditional love is serious in that you can't escape it. the consequences of realizing god are enormous, but god isn't surprised by himself, or by you.'s all about you enmos.
no not's about you. i think that's what makes it seem scary. but it's not scary. god is like the perfect parent. unconditional love is serious in that you can't escape it. the consequences of realizing god are enormous, but god isn't surprised by himself, or by you.'s all about you enmos.

God isn't me, is he ? It's about god making himself known. I can't make him show himself, he can.
Kindly tell Bishady to fuck off. Thanks!

I did not ask what to expect from life, I asked what to expect when god contacts me.

hee, hee, hee. i don't have enough tact for that i don't think, but i'm trying.

you can expect your life to make sense in a way it never has before. you can expect feeling like you're developing a new pair of eyes (perception). things will seem so obvious and you'll wonder why it wasn't before. you can expect him to use the world around you to enlighten and develope heal you. you can expect to be humbled. you will have to look deep inside. you will be broken (of the flesh), and birthed (of the spirit). you will find the capability to be invincible and fearless and loving. you will find peace even in times of hardship. and ultimately, you will find the freedom to be yourself.
Kindly tell Bishady to fuck off. Thanks!

I did not ask what to expect from life, I asked what to expect when god contacts me.

"expect the unexpected" is not an answer

what to expect is that ONE day mankind will comprehend itself (each person can understand)

there is no such thing as an individual called 'god' separate from us, anywhere in existence, except as created by the interpretations and beliefs of mankind
God isn't me, is he ? It's about god making himself known. I can't make him show himself, he can.

right, right...but god's focus is all about you. he'll blow your mind but it won't be in an attempt to bedazzle you with his greatness for no reason. he's just going to show you undoubtedly who he is. that way, you can trust him enough to want a relationship with him (it) (?).
hee, hee, hee. i don't have enough tact for that i don't think, but i'm trying.
You don't need any tact for that. Just say: "Bishady, FUCK OFF!"
See ? It's easy :p

you can expect your life to make sense in a way it never has before. you can expect feeling like you're developing a new pair of eyes (perception). things will seem so obvious and you'll wonder why it wasn't before. you can expect him to use the world around you to enlighten and develope heal you. you can expect to be humbled. you will have to look deep inside. you will be broken (of the flesh), and birthed (of the spirit). you will find the capability to be invincible and fearless and loving. you will find peace even in times of hardship. and ultimately, you will find the freedom to be yourself.
How do I know it was god arranging things ?
And I already am myself..
hee, hee, hee. i don't have enough tact for that i don't think, but i'm trying.

you can expect your life to make sense in a way it never has before.
just as claimed within most every religion on earth

what to expect is that ONE day mankind will comprehend itself (each person can understand)


no wonder the hammer hangs over your head
yu say that but then share in another frame that the unexpected is a miracle

so? miracles can't make sense??? miracles make a hell of a lot more sense than the normal bullshit the majority of humans spend their time focused on every day.
"expect the unexpected" is not an answer

what to expect is that ONE day mankind will comprehend itself (each person can understand)

there is no such thing as an individual called 'god' separate from us, anywhere in existence, except as created by the interpretations and beliefs of mankind

i have never said that god is an individual that is separate from us. i have said the exact opposite actually.

you're just arguing to argue now. :bugeye:
he's just going to show you undoubtedly who he is. that way, you can trust him enough to want a relationship with him (it) (?).
Undoubtedly ? So no matter how he chooses to do it, it will be undeniable. Ok, works for me.
What time frame are we looking at ? Within a month, year, decade ?