Religion + migration poll

Which do you most NOT want to migrate into your country (pick one):

  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Christian

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tao

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Come one Come all

    Votes: 20 47.6%

  • Total voters
there wasn't a 'only let secularists' option, so i said muslim. in my experience, they're the most closed-minded and prejudiced. i'm all for multiculturalism, i just haven't liked what little i've seen of islam. for sam - australia.
I'd be interested to know how many voters against Muslims are from the same countries that voted against Jews escaping the Holocaust from entering their country during WWII.

Would the voters care to declare their nationalities?

The two are unconnected. A person can be alive now and realize that Islam (individual Muslims are quite different) is a religion that seems to tolerate a lot of nasty behavior. This may only be perception, but Jews are the very foundation of America's industrial dominance.

Sure, but if those same countries, at different times in their history, thought the Japanese, the Jews, the Irish, the Catholics, etc were not something they wanted in their society, it shows a pattern of behaviour. As for Jews, their being the foundation of America's industrial dominance did not prevent Americans from turning away the St Louis during the holocaust, did it?
This may only be perception, but Jews are the very foundation of America's industrial dominance.
Where did that come from? There is no "foundation" - as an idea it simplifies and provides comfort, but it doesn't really exist, there is no simple answer. Industrial dominance came about by a large number of factors, from conquered land, to the personality of the people that migrated, to secular governance, etc.. Secondly, why delineate "Jews" from the rest of American society? Why not just say "Americans". Are you all that sure that the "Jews" you are referring to were even religious? Maybe, like Einstein (or even me and probably you and half of everyone) they had some parent or great great great great GREAT great great grandparent that was Jewish (1 in 10 people of the Roman Empire were "Jewish" at one time) and they themselves couldn't give two craps about Gods. Back then people thought the French and the Germans and the Polish were races of people. For some reason people still hold onto this archaic concept for "Jews". It's not true.

Lastly, your assumption almost makes it seem as if Jews are somehow not "Americans", that they came here from outer space and built the Pyramids.... like I said, why even say Jews? Why not say Europeans? (as they probably were)? Why not say Germanic or English (as they probably were). Why "Jews" - Why not just "American"?

It seems that for one reason or another Muslims are not welcome immigrants. It could be the war. It could be that enough of those who have migrated are making a bad name for the rest of Muslims. It could be that certain cultural aspects of some Muslims nations are viewed negatively and by association Muslims themselves are viewed negatively. Or a combination of any or all and more of the above.

I wonder, in a Republic should the preference for migrants shift towards Buddhists, Shinto, Jews and Hindi?

RE: Assimilation/Integration
A Republic is made of Citizens and Citizenry works best when there is a common set of values. One of those being Secular Democracy. We should make it a point of cause to orient migration towards people who are pro-secular democracy.
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Michael if you honestly belive that you need to start with some of the former howard minsters, ie howard himself and kevin andrews.

if you actually read the so called citizanship test you will see BLATANT anti secularisum being pushed in favor of christanity. of course there is also the fact that they couldnt even get the national colours correct (its gold and BLUE not gold and green morons)
And, ultimately, they were given the boot.

I think the reason why secularism is important to our type of governmental structure should be made more apparent in school. Children should better appreciate the value of a secular government.

you dont seriously belive that the reason the howard goverment was booted out was the citizanship test do you?

even the rudd goverment is going to keep it not to mention that if you lission to the debate on the 2nd reading speach for the same sex finantial bill you would see quite clearly the religious bigotry comming through

not to mention that every parliment is opened by the lords prayer which is an INSULT not only to the aithiasts and agnostics but also the jews, muslims and every other religion
Come one come all, if they contribute to the country and follow its laws.
I wonder why no one voted for Buddhists, Hindu, Tao and Shinto? Also, of the religions, Muslims are really high on the list.


Anyone care to post some reasons?
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I'm still curious as to why Buddhist, Tao, Hindu and Shinto got ZERO votes? I mean, most Americans don't like the fact that China is takenurjerbs so one would think Tao or Buddhist would have been hit a few time. Japanese tokurjerbs so Shinto should have been hit. Hindu are polytheists Oh My. Oh My. They should have got an hit or two.

So why Muslims?

Note: Even pre 9/11 there were a lot of Arnie movies were Muslims blow things up and killed people for god BUT Indian Jones did have the Hindi Temple of DOOOOM.... so hmmmmmm
I say come one, come all, so long as they work hard and integrate well.
I was thinking about integration the other day and what it means to be multicultural.

OK, I used to live in a college dorm back in Uni. Well, the way it worked was each area had 10 rooms and those students all shared a kitchen and dinning room and two bathroom/showers. We were responsible for the over all cleaning but a cleaner did come in once a week. Well, one day someone went in to use the toilet and found shit all over the bathroom. Everywhere. Floor, ceiling, walls - just disgusting.

The cleaners refused to clean it.

I wasn't going to. They had to seal the toilet off and get a professional cleaning service.

Then it happened again. And again. And someone figured out that a person from SE Asia was the problem. This had happened before with someone else. They would stand on top of the toilet seat and try to somehow squat some shit into the toilet but once in a while when they were sick shit just went everywhere.

They were spoken to many times and it didn't stop. And it wasn't an isolated indecent some other floors were having similar problems or had had similar problems with people from SE Asia.

Well, we had had enough of that shit, (no pun intended) and so in the end they were not allowed to use the normal toilets - not until they had proven they had learned how to properly.

The dorm ended up having to get locks for every toilet in the dorm. They had to go down to one special toilet/shower, ask to be let in by the front guard or secretary, use the toilet, which would then be inspected after they were done and they then returned the key.

It was an embarrassment for them - but that's the way it went. They needed to learn that their behavior was unacceptable, they didn't want to change it, they were asked time and time again and finally this was the only solution. If they shit on that toilet then they'd be getting on their hands and knees and cleaning it with bleach until it was spotless.

Well, people bitched this was not fair. We were being bigots. Some arse hole students even picketed the dorm. Can you imagine! I wish those f*ckers would have had to clean the toilets! Oh, then you'd see how fast they'd change their tune. Well, tough. Picks and all we stuck to this plan and eventually they learned that shitting everywhere was not acceptable properly used the toilet.

Problem solved.

Can you imagine if they refused to? Then what? Imagine if there was enough people to where this was the norm for public toilets? My God..... What if the MAJORITY of the students in the dorm where like this? Then we would have had a big BIG problem. The reason we were able to cope is because there was a relatively small number of problem people and there was enough resources to see that they were integrated and taught how to act properly.

Call it assimilation or integration or whatever - it is necessary for a well functioning republic. When in Rome do as the Romans. This does not mean that you can not open an interesting restaurant or start an Internet company but there are certain lines that simply can not be crossed. Shitty all over a public restroom being one of them.

It seems that Muslims are crossing the lines of what is acceptable behavior. Now that there are enough Muslims, it's becoming a big problem. The only way to reverse this is with education. With education with come integration.

Just something I was thinking of.

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We're very polite to our foreigners even when they behave like turds. Its not samskara to humiliate a guest.
Tell me SAM, if you lived in a dorm, and someone was shitting all over the walls and floor and even some shit on the ceiling (God only knows how the hell it got up there) AND after speaking to this person many time it continued to happen, even the Admin sat the person down and explain that it is unacceptible - and it continued to happen.

What would you do?

In that sense we were all guests there. This was a dorm, people lived there from all over the world. Secondly, we were not real guests, this was all of ours home.

Anyway, your solution?


I want to emphasize that (a) this was more than one person (b) they did NOT clean up after themselves (c) we all share that room to clean in as well. It's a share facility. (d) asking repeatedly did nothing to stop it.