Religion + migration poll

Which do you most NOT want to migrate into your country (pick one):

  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Christian

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tao

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Come one Come all

    Votes: 20 47.6%

  • Total voters
I voted Christians. There are too many as it is in the States and I'm sick of travelling missionaries trying to pawn off their useless god in other countries
Its not an option? Why? I have seen universities spend millions on constructing walkways for the handicap in buildings which are over a hundred years old.

In the east we have a saying, "jagah ghar mein nahin, dil mein hona zaroori hai" ie you need to make room not in your home, but in your heart. A university that spends billions a year csn't afford to accomodate the students that bring in the most money? What kind of service is that?
Yes, the Uni can not afford to build squat toilets because instead they built prayer rooms (which they did). Now, with that cleared up, WHAT exactly are you going to do O enlightened one.

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In regards to religious identity: Which group do you most NOT want to immigrate into your country.

A poll for bigots. How can anyone say they don't want followers of certain religion to come to their country? Aren't Jews, Muslims, Christians etc. individuals? Should they not be judged as individuals? Do we not get practicing/non-practicing Jews/Muslims/Christians?
The religious demographics of the Republic of India show Hinduism (an umbrella term which includes in law every citizen who does not subscribe to Abrahamic religions and Buddhism[1]) as accounting for 80% of the population[2]. Tribals (comprising about 36% of the population) are excluded from this computation by law[3]. The second largest religion is Islam (13%).

A census held by the Pakistan International Bureau indicates that over 97% of the population of Pakistan are Muslims.[1] There are small non-Muslim religious groups: Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Parsis, Bahá'ís and others 3%.
Religions of India[26]α[›]β[›]

Religion ↓ Population ↓ Percent ↓
All religions 1,228,610,328 100.00%
Hindus 867,578,868 80.456%
Muslims 158,188,240 13.434%

Religious Population in Pakistan

* Muslims: 167,600,000
* Hindus: 2,000,000
* Christians: 2,000,000

Apparently there are nearly as many Muslims in India (13%) as there are in Pakistan, but there are only about 2 million Hindus in Pakistan.

Could it be that one religion is far more tolerant than the other?
A poll for bigots. How can anyone say they don't want followers of certain religion to come to their country? Aren't Jews, Muslims, Christians etc. individuals? Should they not be judged as individuals? Do we not get practicing/non-practicing Jews/Muslims/Christians?
I'm not sure of your point? You don't like the poll results or you don't like the idea of having a poll? You don't think these questions should be asked?

I think it's important that these questions are asked and addressed before something happens. If there is an overwhelming responce "We don't want Muslims" then this opens the door for right wing-nuts to get into office and do something crazy on the back of popular support. It'd be much better to find out why people are unhappy with Muslim migration and then try to educate people (both Muslims and non-Muslims) towards reaching an acceptable compromise.

Closing your ears and eyes is not going to make the problem, if there is one, disappear. What will happen, and I suspect is happening now, is the government will just close the door a little more on Muslims and open the door a little wider for Asians, Europeans and Americans (including South America). Then they'll let the Muslims neighborhoods deteriorate until we have ghettos just like in the inner city USA. I think it's much better to open discussion and find solutions.

So, again, what is your point? What is your solution?

I'm not sure of your point? You don't like the poll results or you don't like the idea of having a poll? You don't think these questions should be asked?

The results of any poll like this would be blatantly obvious to everyone. When pushed, of course people would say they don't want Muslims to come into their country. Partly due to the fact that Islam and Muslims have been victims of a spiteful campaign of propaganda and lies for the last 30 years – this has only intensified (many times) since 9/11. Anyway, people who vote in such polls are generally dumb, they don't think.

The poll is meaningless, the mateys in charge of the poll normally have an agenda, they and everyone else already know what the results of the poll. It is just another propaganda tool - with no relevance to anything that matters.

I think it's important that these questions are asked and addressed before something happens.

What will happen? the UK and most of Western Europe are not like India, Russia or even Australia when it comes to racial violence.

If there is an overwhelming responce "We don't want Muslims" then this opens the door for right wing-nuts to get into office and do something crazy on the back of popular support. It'd be much better to find out why people are unhappy with Muslim migration and then try to educate people (both Muslims and non-Muslims) towards reaching an acceptable compromise.

The 'opinion' of the masses should not be taken seriously. We only need to take account of the opinion of those people that matter.

Closing your ears and eyes is not going to make the problem, if there is one, disappear. What will happen, and I suspect is happening now, is the government will just close the door a little more on Muslims and open the door a little wider for Asians, Europeans and Americans (including South America). Then they'll let the Muslims neighborhoods deteriorate until we have ghettos just like in the inner city USA. I think it's much better to open discussion and find solutions.

So, again, what is your point? What is your solution?

You'll always have people pushing for conflict, pushing for trouble. Muslims have been living in Europe for many years now and are well established. Trouble makers (post 9/11) seem to have dominated the media yet we have completely ignored those Muslims that live like everyone else - they go to schools, unis, they work, play football etc. Just like everyone else. Muslims are being misrepresented. It’s simple.

Trying to push this thing about Muslims being completely different is just nonsensical. My mates include Whites, Blacks, Indians (Sikhs & Hindus), Portuguese mateys, South Africans - Christians, Athiests, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians etc. We live very similar lives, you think they're suddenly going to want Muslims thrown out? There is simply too much overlap in many parts of this country, it is in no ones interest to throw Muslims out or make life harder for them – no one benefits.

The Government for one will never take such steps, they're actually more likely to bring in more Muslims. The UK and US have a moral obligation to bring in as much Iraqi and Afghani refugees as they can, but apart from that, the UK needs Muslim doctors and nurses to keep the NHS functioning, the UK also needs more and more Muslim students to help fund UK universities. From what I know Muslim numbers are increasing. Another thing, Islam is a faith, not a nationality. You could try and stop qualified people coming in from Pakistan, Iraq or wherever however you cannot stop White and Black people in the UK from becoming Muslims themselves. That problem throws a spanner in the works, your poll is actually about stopping people from Muslim nations (e.g. Pakistanis, Afghanis, Lebanese, Somalians etc.) coming in, bringing in their customs and whatnot, not exactly about keeping Islam out – that is not possible.
Bring the Muslims here.
I love 'em.
Just keep the physics/ math heads on their own shores.
Boring as batshit ! Boring.. talk about something else!
What is it about this time of day?
Bring the Muslims here.
I love 'em.
Just keep the physics/ math heads on their own shores.
Boring as batshit ! Boring.. talk about something else!
What is it about this time of day?

Bring the Aussies to the UK! :p

I meet a lot of Aussies at work and they seem to be the most laid back people out there (more than Europeans and Americans), always willing to have a chat and joke around, the ones I speak to seem to understand a lot of the slang used in the UK (and vice versa - i think...) and that only helps.

This one Aussie was telling me how the integration of different people in England is something he was really impressed by. I've heard that from South Africans as well so it really makes me think about why certain people here complain so much.
I have some Aussie friends in the UK, who have been violently mugged on the street.
Guess who by?

Your going off the rails in a big way. Step away from the PC and come back after two days rest. really, it's not good to spend too much time here.

Anyway, I like Indian food. Vindaloo is yummy.

M*W: I have been away for more than a week! It doesn't matter how long I'm away from my PC, because S.A.M. is not gonna change. She can dish it out, but she can't take it. Did S.A.M. really think she could blast and debase atheists as being immoral and non-religious without someone standing up to her? Or does she think she's immune to fair play? It was S.A.M. who admitted on this forum that Muslims lie. I never knew this until S.A.M. said it. However, I now understand that it is S.A.M. who lies and certainly not every Muslim which I hope I did not imply. Even my Muslim friends who have read S.A.M.'s posts say she's a radical and doesn't know what she's talking about.

As long as S.A.M. condescends the atheist viewpoint, I will be right here to defend atheism even though I don't believe atheism needs defending but religious philosophy does.

Also, S.A.M. is totally misinformed. Even when the atheistic position has been explained to her, she refuses to understand its concept. Perhaps S.A.M. fears atheism and atheists, because we are so unlike her. I don't know of any atheists who fear religion. We just don't accept it.

So, now I'm back from my week away, and I didn't think about S.A.M. the whole time I was gone! What a relief!
The results of any poll like this would be blatantly obvious to everyone. When pushed, of course people would say they don't want Muslims to come into their country. Partly due to the fact that Islam and Muslims have been victims of a spiteful campaign of propaganda and lies for the last 30 years – this has only intensified (many times) since 9/11. Anyway, people who vote in such polls are generally dumb, they don't think.
There has been propaganda? Like what? I know in the USA no one even really knew anything about Muslims before 9/11. I'm sure you could ask about any American back then "What is Islam" and they'd have no idea what you are talking about.

The poll is meaningless, the mateys in charge of the poll normally have an agenda, they and everyone else already know what the results of the poll.
Why do you suppose Muslims received so many votes?

Why Muslims? Why not Buddhists? Shinto?

The 'opinion' of the masses should not be taken seriously. We only need to take account of the opinion of those people that matter.
That's a funny way to look at a democracy.

So, in your opinion, Muslims have done absolutely nothing at all to bring about this results of this poll? The total fault lies at the feet of non-Muslims. Non-Muslims are to blame?

I'm still wondering: Why not Buddhists or Shinto or Hindi?
I wonder if the Chinese and Japanese and Thai and Taiwanese and Indian I speak to, who also seem to favor limiting Muslims immigration are also receiving propaganda?

Do you suppose so?
OR do you think there could be something that migrating Muslims may doing the produces this sort of response?

I mean, it really seems odd that even the Chinese guy I was talking to the other day said something similar as this poll indicates. Even the Chinese are in on the conspiracy to promote propaganda? This seems a little far fetched to me.
How can anyone say they don't want followers of certain religion to come to their country? Aren't Jews, Muslims, Christians individuals? Should they not be judged as individuals?
You become an individual...when you stop being a follower.