Religion + migration poll

Which do you most NOT want to migrate into your country (pick one):

  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Christian

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tao

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Come one Come all

    Votes: 20 47.6%

  • Total voters
The Muslims in our country all come from countries which are not at war, but have terrible religious based governments, terrible living conditions and not enough freedoms. Which is why they left their cruddy part of the world to get a better government, better living conditions and more freedoms.
Other than for a couple of terror attacks on South Africa by Islamic terrorist forces.. everything is peachy.

Woman from Saudi here can even drive cars. Freedom is awesome!

Women from Saudi drive cars everywhere but in Saudi Arabia.

Though that may be changing soon

Women in Saudi Arabia will be allowed to get behind the wheel as the government lifts its longstanding ban on female drivers, according to a UK newspaper report.
In my country the Jews and Muslims get along well enough. There is no tension.

Thats also true outside the countries affected by the creation of Israel.
Boo fricking hoo? Try walking through Iraq after the USAmericans have bombed a civilian area. Betcha it'll not be prettier.

Why does that mean my point is wrong?
As a teen, I knew (a blonde USAmerican kid) some "rough neighborhoods" in Beirut, where the ______ (fill in the blank) had their supposed enclave. It didn't have any effect on me at all. Descrimination didn't (in normal situations, I was treated with only kindness, even privilege for being from the USA) ever come to mind in how I was treated.

In Arabia, my mother-in-law was chided by the cops for habitually leaving her earings visible under her Gutra when driving (yes illegally) to al-Khobar.

Steve 1c: "You should watch a white man try and walk through some of the Muslim areas in England."

I've been that white man, and I liked it very much. Try smiling and conversing with interest with those you encounter, and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

It's places like Sciforums where you had better watch your back. Buffalo Roam counted the Muslims- and they're EVERYWHERE! :eek:
Because you clearly don't have any fricking notion of what discrimination means?

You just don't like admitting you're wrong.

I've been that white man, and I liked it very much. Try smiling and conversing with interest with those you encounter, and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Have done.

Notice how I said some areas.
Red herring. Morals of a past time, slavery and racism are out dated concepts and have no place in modern society.
Let me make the story a little simpler for you.

White supremacists exist today. They don't like blacks. They teach their children that blacks are inferior, they teach their daughters not to date with blacks, they teach their children not to make friends with blacks, if their daughter brought home a black man, they very well might kill her and him.

NOW, you were saying something you probably heard the TV tell you to think - something about accepting other people's points of view and by doing this you are somehow also being compassionate and tolerance.

So, suppose there were a very large community of racist skin heads teaching their children, in their public group meeting, their bigotry - and on occasion, suppose one of these skin head's kids went off and killed an innocent black person. Now this doesn't happen very often mind you, not as often as say being hit by a car, but it does happen now and again. "Oh, well." the skin head's say, "we don't teach our children to kill". Those kids must be under the influence of a "radical" skin head, you see, normal skin heads just teach their children that their race, language, culture and religion is most supreme. They never teach to kill.

Yet, sometimes one of their children kills as fellow citizen who is Black. But, not as often as, say, a car accident happens. Ergo, according to Blindman, it's fine. :bugeye:

So, Blindman, skin head DO exist.
Of that we can agree. We also know exactly what they teach.

My question to you is: Are you still inclined to be compassionate for their beleif? Accepting and tolerant of their philosophy?

I suppose if a large number of Aussies picked white-supremacists as people they did NOT want to migrate to their country, you'll be happy to rally in the skin heads defense - you know, because the idea of multiculturalism is so important that you don't even know what it means to be multicultural.

And on the note of multiculturalism, I've lived and worked Canada, USA, Australia, Japan and New Zealand. I've stayed with family in Germany, England, Japan, China and Mexico. My partner is from a different country, speaks a different language, her family can not speak English at all, they have a deep religous beleif. Yet, me as an atheist, seem to get along with them quite fine. I think I know a little something about what multicultural means.

I said that I was disappointed that the majority of voters have bigoted points of view.
Why was it that "Muslims" got so many of the votes? Why isn't the "bigoted" vote split with Jews, Xians, Hindu, Shinto, Tao and Muslims all receiving equal numbers of votes?

Well? Why?

Oh, wait, I'm sorry Blindman, you probably shouldn't think about that - you'd be "preaching hate" just for thinking. Yes, go back to Bugs Bunny and let sociologists, psychologists or other more professional people do the thinking for you.

So, Blindman, skin head DO exist.
But they are not a religion, and in Australia they will not get to immigrate.
I think I know a little something about what multicultural means.
I am a Dutch Australian, my family immigrated to Australia in 1968, I speak 3 languages. I think I know what it means to be multicultural.
Why was it that "Muslims" got so many of the votes? Why isn't the "bigoted" vote split with Jews, Xians, Hindu, Shinto, Tao and Muslims all receiving equal numbers of votes?
Once again....Guess it because of the hate mongering from people like you.. :rolleyes:
Also because the poor bigot can only vote once, should have been a multi selectable poll.
Oh and demographics.
Maybe an option could have been, Any religion except my own.
Yes, go back to Bugs Bunny and let sociologists, psychologists or other more professional people do the thinking for you.
What your a psychologists.. . Oh should I ask my soon to be wife. She works for the non government school system as a psychologists. She services the all the northern region schools, including Catholic, Muslim, Jewish and even the various community (aboriginal) schools in the North West.

I know all about the suffering families and children have to deal with being outsiders/minorities..
But they are not a religion, and in Australia they will not get to immigrate.
Funny that, you seemed happy enough to suggest racism was taking place and now you're splitting hairs? Come off it.

Religion is an ideology just as is white supremacy an ideology.

Now, my question was: Are you still inclined to be compassionate for white supremacists beliefs? Are you still accepting and tolerant of their philosophy? Are you happy to allow white supremacists to teach their ideology? Teach their philosophy? Are they not part of this multicultural Australia you were just one minute talking about. Or not?

Which is it?


It's strange Blindman, one minute you were standing over there on a podium telling us all about how it's all wrong to even poll a question. Hell just asking the question made me a bigot ... although everyone could have picked 'come one come all' and I jhave no bearing on their choice) And now you're telling me white supremacy should and is outlawed? Is that correct?

Haaaaa! You can't have it both ways. You can't stand there and say it's wrong to not want people to come into Australia and then turn right arounf and say these people are not allowed into Australia. :bugeye:

Geesh, get your story straight....


Of the two of us, you and I, I wonder who is married to a white skinned person and who is with the dark skinned person? I know at least one of us is with a non white.;)
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I am a Dutch Australian, my family immigrated to Australia in 1968, I speak 3 languages. I think I know what it means to be multicultural.

Yeah SURE. *sarcasm*

Move to an inner city in the U.S and you will learn real fast.

I know all about the suffering families and children have to deal with being outsiders/minorities..

Someone will always be the outsider.
Michael said:
Of the two of us, you and I, I wonder who is married to a white skinned person and who is with the dark skinned person? I know at least one of us is with a non white

Thats a very very strange comment. Does your Japanese girlfriend know you consider her a non-white?
white, yellow, red, blue, brown, tan, fair, bla bla bla it's all phenoytypes. Some people like a bit of chunk of the butt some people like sticky .. .. it's all phenotypes. You know I don't think race is an apt adjective in todays day and age. Anyway, to answer you question, on many occassions I have said I don't find white skin, blond hair blue eyed people attractive. On the beach we "whiteys" kind of look like plucked chickens - yuck :D

The second point is, didn't you find it ironic Blindman chided me for polling the question but soon enough was more than happy to exclude white supremacist racists in his/her "multicultural" world? Go figure. I find little difference between what some religious instructors commonly teach and what some white supremacists preach. How many times have you been told "Arabic" is God's language? Jews are a "race"? The Qur'an is the "only" perfect book? bla bla bla ... ...
Anyway, the point is you can not call one person a bigot for simply polling if anyone can migrate (although we should provide those that do with a better and more thorough public educational system) AND then turn around and say this group over here must not be allowed to migrate.

If that is not pure unadulterated hypocrisy, well then, I don't know what is?


Note: I also think that this additional education should include information which proves there is no such thing as "race" and white supremacists are knuckle dragging derelicts of an age gone by, an age of Superstition and Magic - in essence The Age of Conan. Haaa!
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