Religion + migration poll

Which do you most NOT want to migrate into your country (pick one):

  • Jewish

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Christian

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shinto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tao

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 3 7.1%
  • Come one Come all

    Votes: 20 47.6%

  • Total voters
I think a better poll would be: How much do you know about each religion via their books?

That was my post. According to Merriam-Webster religion is defined as, among others,:

the service and worship of God or the supernatural

Atheism is defined as:

a disbelief in the existence of deity

My post talked about each "religion", by its definition therefore about a set of beliefs in, among others, a deity of some kind, in that poll, not about atheism, the disbelief in any deity. Nowhere did I talk about Atheism, yet you somehow seem to think I implied it was the same as all other religions. If i wanted to talk about atheism, I would have specifically mentioned it.
Look I included Atheism because I didn't want to leave people without a choice if they didn't want someone who was an atheist.

SAM suggests that it's the Muslims turn now. This may be true. But - why?

History shows that Xian Europe and Muslim ME were at war many times over the centuries. Many times. And sometimes it was the Muslims on their religous crusades and sometimes it was the Xians on their crusades.

But, now it's a modern era. And we're suppose to be moving on and into a multinational transboarder world. So why now?

If we were to have a similar poll about Japanese just after they attacked Pearl Harbor the poll would probably be complete against Japanese. Or so I would think. But, it's not. It's overwhelmingly (thus far) against Muslims.

So - why? Is it mainly just the war in Iraq and Afghanistan? IS that the only reason or is it something more?
Michael i had a lecture yesterday which was about liberal democrasy and the lecturer was talking about how in a liberal democrasy the defult is equality and libity and a strong argument must be made to discriminat or remove a libity from a person or a group.

Now this sounds great right until you actually look at the political system especially federally. Look at the second reading speaches given to the bill for reforms to give gay and lesbian couples the same finantial rights as everyone else.

Look at how howard manipulated the media and the public in regard to the little children are sacred report and the tamper

Basically what im saying is that just because we are "modden" doesnt mean we are in any way "MORAL". If we wish to expound these ideals we actually need the political will to put pressure on the pollies to VOTE for them.
I suppose I got to thinking that what's important for the nation of immigrants as well as the immigrants themselves is how well we integrate into society. I myself am an immigrant. I think it's important that I respect the culture I have immigrated to and try my best to positively add to it, not just take.

Thus far it's Muslims that are not wanted. Is this a phenomena of Sciforums or is it a generally held view?

Secondly - Why?

I wonder what Muslims think that reason why is? I wonder what people who chose Muslims think the reason why is? I also wonder if it's the same as the people who chose Atheists and Xians?


O you are an immigrant? :) from where? I think many of the people who voted against Muslims are probably American or other white because of the war on terror and the relatively popular, however erroneous, association between Islam and terrorism. I for one voted "Come one, come all." I don't care what religion they are, if they want to come to America they are welcome :)
OK, but why are Muslims being singled out. I certainly know Australia has a high population of Buddhist Thai, Shinto Japanese, Hindu Indians and Jewish Europeans.

So? Why?

Also, I think this is a serious question - I'm shocked people are so loath to confront it.
The Emperor is Naked, as they say.

O you are an immigrant? :) from where? I think many of the people who voted against Muslims are probably American or other white because of the war on terror and the relatively popular, however erroneous, association between Islam and terrorism. I for one voted "Come one, come all." I don't care what religion they are, if they want to come to America they are welcome :)
I'm an immigrant from the USA to AU. But, I've also lived in Japan. I know what it's like to not "fit in", but, I certainly did my best and tried to fit in. Actually, I would have liked to have stayed but Japanese give tenure jobs usually to Japanese. So, I live in AU.
thats interesting, i thought you were born here?:p

Oh well:)

I do agree with you i just dont see what the solution is, there was a quite interestering speach i was reading the other day by Justice Kirby on the sexuality wars as he put it between the east and west.

As i stated in another thread its my opinion that we are biding our time till the baby boomers and above die so that we can move the country forward which i dont really say with any pride. Australia has gone from a world leader in social reform to one of the slowest movers, we have states all over the US recognising gay marriage, we have a political party willing to put up both a women and an african american as candiates for there highest political office and we are still passing laws which deamonise aborigionals, imigrants and the other underclasses of sociaty like homosexuals.

I was reading an ordance that predated federation from SA (and the NT which SA had control of at that point) to alow aborigionals to give evidence because they couldnt swear on the bible. That aim may have been well intentioned but the wording was apaling. I dont have it in front of me right now but it went something like this:

"the native peoples being savages and unknowing of god..."

Now the first time i read it i thought how much the country had changed but then you think about howards speaches about the "national emergency" and the second reading speaches on the bill to amend the finantial laws and i cant really see any change at all.

Its like we are being dragged kicking and screaming to where we should be running
I voted Muslims.
I am from England.
concidering england has been the best in taking other peoples countries AND is the main reason the middle east hates the west
Their hate gets a lot of attention over here.
personally i think the english have the LEAST right to complain about being atacked. How many aborigionals did the english kill?
how many native americans?
how many africans did you enslave and transport across the world or kill?
Well citizens of western countries, it doesn't matter what you think.
The major parties don't care about the public's views on immigration, and any questioning of immigration policies can easily be silenced.
Granted, the English have a history of colonization. However, the English don't seem fussed over Hindu people migrating to England. Mainly just Muslims.

Why is it that people do not want Muslims to migrate into their countries?