Religion = arrogance.

You are everywhere with unfounded assertions and misinterpretations.
My question was coherent. You generalized about Christians while using a particular segment of the Christian population's ideas. In this case Calvinist ideas.

You do see how you are contradicting yourself. Now it is humble to be chosen. Before it was arrogant.

You are making up an attitude and asserting it logically follows. It does not. One does not have to be arrogant in this situation. Do you always feel arrogant when you make a choice you are glad you made? I don't.

Just because Christianity involves humble beliefs, does not mean that it has other beliefs that are not humble.

Why is it an all or nothing view point of yours.

I've already mentioned that the bible teaches contradictory messages on this subject and yet you keep making it a point that the messages contradict.
Lol I'm not allowed to interpret the bible but every single other christian is?
I never said you were not allowed to interpret the bible. In fact it is disingenous to even suggest I said this.

However you are arguing that because of your interpretations OTHER PEOPLE are arrogant.

That is just silly.

Or am I just not allowed to interpret the bible in a way that you don't agree with?
Do you really not understand?
Just because Christianity involves humble beliefs, does not mean that it has other beliefs that are not humble.
You worded this incorrectly, but I know what you probably meant. Of course not. I never asserted anything else.
Why is it an all or nothing view point of yours.
It is not. Yours has been, however. Read your own posts.

I've already mentioned that the bible teaches contradictory messages on this subject and yet you keep making it a point that the messages contradict.
Nope. I keep making the point that your generalizations are not correct.
Yeh they just think people who are religious have a mental disease, have low IQ and need psychiatric evaluation. It also helps that most theists are black or female. So then they show us Bell Curve hypotheses about why white people, excuse me, I mean atheists are vastly superior human beings with tremendous geniuses in their fold/

That was a weird post. What's up?

It seems reasonable that Atheists have had a higher education (Uni), especially if they were raised a theist, but what's skin tone have to do with anything???
Note, answers,
in the context of an OP that is saying the Christian belief means that God is their bitch
iow where you are generalizing about Christians, your interpretation is a misinterpretation because it is not the case that most Christians or even a significant majority have this interpretation.

If you opened a thread and were talking about your own interpretation, actually I would find it interesting. I like retakes on Abrahamic texts.

But in a thread where you are building a case that Christians are by definition arrogant your interpretation of the texts is irrelevent.
That is correct.

I actually think most Christians do not think this. And there is enough in the Bible to support the notion that one must choose to find one's way to God via Jesus. Some Christians only give this lip service, but it a majority concept. People actively choose to be born again. People ask Jesus to come into their hearts and forgive their sins. People ask regularly to be forgiven for their sins, to help them to be good Christians. And so on.

Yes those things you said are correct. Many Christians believe the particular denomination in which they have membership is the correct religion and people belonging to a different faith are bound for hell. Because the devil deceives or tricks people into having the wrong faith. Sound familiar?

Why to constant reminder of free will and not choosing to go Satan's way. Anyone can become a Christian and many Christians actively encourage them to make this choice.

Its double talk, one can’t have it both ways, yet Christians try. They are chosen by predestination; speaking of a person’s free will. :D It is possible some people aren't that versed in their christian faith. Individual believers can't rewrite the bible just to suit themselves. Yet people do try.

Do you agree with me on this or do you think the OP is rational?

Honestly, I think answers is grinding an axe.
2nd point:

Agnostics and athiests' beliefs do not involve any arrogant puffing up of themselves. They simply humbly believe that they exist, and they do the best they can with their lives. They don't sensationalize their existance, they accept it.

Religion is arrogance parading around as modesty.

So somehow you declaring that there is no god, and that you define your own rules, or society does. HUMANS SCREW UP! God does not. The fact is, the amount of atheists that make threads about how religious people are arrogant (primarely Christians), they are stupid, they are ignorant, etc. That is direct evidence that atheists are arrogant, foolish, ignorant, and so on. It's awfully hypocritical don't ya think?


Also, based on what you said in this thread, it shows you are ignorant of what Christians believe. Learn about a faith before you criticize it.
Just to clarify, this is my interpretation of key concepts within Christian belief.

For example: When I see the belief that God is always there to hear every little thing that a Christian has to say to him in prayer, I see arrogance. To think that a God would have nothing better to do than to listen to Christians bitch and moan, come on!

But at the same time others see a god that listens to every little thing and say, wow god is amazing that he cares about us so much to listen to us bitch and moan.

Same concept, different interpretation.

This post was based on my interpretation.

Also I posted a couple errors before, like 'other christians' because I was just rushing to do some quick replies in my lunch break and didn't have time to check over what I'd written. Sorry if there was any confusion.
So somehow you declaring that there is no god, and that you define your own rules, or society does. HUMANS SCREW UP! God does not. The fact is, the amount of atheists that make threads about how religious people are arrogant (primarely Christians), they are stupid, they are ignorant, etc. That is direct evidence that atheists are arrogant, foolish, ignorant, and so on. It's awfully hypocritical don't ya think?


Also, based on what you said in this thread, it shows you are ignorant of what Christians believe. Learn about a faith before you criticize it.

Flame what is it about Christian faith that I don't know?
Just to clarify, this is my interpretation of key concepts within Christian belief.

For example: When I see the belief that God is always there to hear every little thing that a Christian has to say to him in prayer, I see arrogance. To think that a God would have nothing better to do than to listen to Christians bitch and moan, come on!

But at the same time others see a god that listens to every little thing and say, wow god is amazing that he cares about us so much to listen to us bitch and moan.

Same concept, different interpretation.

This post was based on my interpretation.

Also I posted a couple errors before, like 'other christians' because I was just rushing to do some quick replies in my lunch break and didn't have time to check over what I'd written. Sorry if there was any confusion.

I don't find it to be arrogance to believe that God loves us as much as he does, those he created in His image (man). It is arrogant to say that he loves are cares for you more than another person, in that sense, Christians can be wrong, and stuck up. God's love is unconditional, no matter who you are, no matter what race, what religion. He loves you none the less.

Sorry crazy punctuation.
I don't find it to be arrogance to believe that God loves us as much as he does, those he created in His image (man). It is arrogant to say that he loves are cares for you more than another person, in that sense, Christians can be wrong, and stuck up. God's love is unconditional, no matter who you are, no matter what race, what religion. He loves you none the less.

Sorry crazy punctuation.

I do agree God views all humans to be in the same fish bowl.
Flame what is it about Christian faith that I don't know?

Fundamentally, it's not a question of knowing what, but Whom. i.e. Knowing Him gives you the proper understanding of "what" [the] Christian faith is about. Without knowing Him, you can't properly know're interpretations concerning the "what" so far in this thread are a dead give away (that you don't know Him).

Okay so I can only know the right way of thinking about christianity if I'm a christian?

I guess I'm just plain out of luck there.

Okay so I can only know the right way of thinking about christianity if I'm a christian?

I guess I'm just plain out of luck there.

You find religion incongruous because of recognizable inconsistencies. People of faith never think of it that way. You're not going to change their minds.
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God's love is unconditional, no matter who you are, no matter what race, what religion. He loves you none the less.
But I think this is where answers' point about arrogance fits in. If God loves us all, then why is the bible clear on the fact that not everyone gets to heaven? It is through the acceptance of Jesus (as Lord and Saviour) that one gains entry into the magic palace. If that love were evenly distributed, would not all of humankind be greeted with arms wide open into heaven? Why punish a mortal human (hell) for the earthly choices they made (not choosing Jesus)?

I guess it's possible to pick out the quality of 'appealing to arrogance' in a particular religion, if that's how you choose to see it. However, this quality is not isolated, and stands alongside many other qualities, healthy & unhealthy. And by no means does it define the religion, or its followers.
But I think this is where answers' point about arrogance fits in. If God loves us all, then why is the bible clear on the fact that not everyone gets to heaven? It is through the acceptance of Jesus (as Lord and Saviour) that one gains entry into the magic palace. If that love were evenly distributed, would not all of humankind be greeted with arms wide open into heaven? Why punish a mortal human (hell) for the earthly choices they made (not choosing Jesus)?

I guess it's possible to pick out the quality of 'appealing to arrogance' in a particular religion, if that's how you choose to see it. However, this quality is not isolated, and stands alongside many other qualities, healthy & unhealthy. And by no means does it define the religion, or its followers.

Yeah I pretty much agree with all of that.
But I think this is where answers' point about arrogance fits in. If God loves us all, then why is the bible clear on the fact that not everyone gets to heaven? It is through the acceptance of Jesus (as Lord and Saviour) that one gains entry into the magic palace. If that love were evenly distributed, would not all of humankind be greeted with arms wide open into heaven?

The Bible is clear that not everyone gets into heaven, but the arrogance is certainly not on the part of the One Who came to earth--or the One Who sent Him. The arrogance is on the part of those who, when confronted by God's Law (exposing their guilt)--and yet are nevertheless extended an invitation to "the magic palace"--do not humble themselves and believe/obey.
Think of the "arms wide open" of the crucified Jesus both as your condemnation and as your greeting/invitation [to "the magic palace"].

Why punish a mortal human (hell) for the earthly choices they made (not choosing Jesus)?

Because you were told to do otherwise (choose Christ), it's the one act of disobedience that brings you to the point of no return.
If god really loved us, he wouldn't require faith in something with no proof to get into heaven.