Religion = arrogance.


People make god whoever they want him/her to be. That's why they can have such a strong relationship with him.

A relationship is created when you can relate to someone. When you make god what you want, you make him someone you can relate to 100%. Leading to that very strong connection that is incredibly hard to break through rational reasoning.

dunno how to respond to this..
i don't think i am making him what i want him to be..
i am trying to make him a good thing..
see religon vs god thread for another breakdown of why i believe..
Do you WANT me to post the definitions to prove you wrong? Or do you know already :p
This whole tread reminds me of an old saying about guns, "Guns don't kill people, people do." The same logic can be applied to the OP, "Religions are not arrogant, people are arrogant.". Arrogance is a human quality, not a religious attribute.

Peace be to you :)
This whole tread reminds me of an old saying about guns, "Guns don't kill people, people do." The same logic can be applied to the OP, "Religions are not arrogant, people are arrogant.". Arrogance is a human quality, not a religious attribute.

Peace be to you :)

Oh really I thought you would say "People dont kill people religions do"
Oh really I thought you would say "People dont kill people religions do"

religions don't kill people. religion is a study...a philosophy. philosophies don't kill people either. neither does mathematics, or astrology, or history, or anything else you might want to study.
This whole tread reminds me of an old saying about guns, "Guns don't kill people, people do." The same logic can be applied to the OP, "Religions are not arrogant, people are arrogant.". Arrogance is a human quality, not a religious attribute.

Well, yes and no. People have a tendency to categorize - this is bad, that is good. In point of fact, there are religions that are more or less quantifiably innocuous - Shintoism, I think generally, is one example. And you don't see a lot of Tibetan monks running around killing people. On the other score, being a follower of Kali isn't terribly humanitarian, and neither is cutting out someone's heart on a stone altar, which was popular among the Norse and Aztecs. So there is indeed a sliding scale, although much of it falls up to the individual worshipper, as expected. Nothing is all bad or all good; religions can be proportionally hazardous or arrogant.
religions don't kill people. religion is a study...a philosophy. philosophies don't kill people either. neither does mathematics, or astrology, or history, or anything else you might want to study.

Sure they do every day in Afganastan and Iraq people are killed in the name of God and country and the whole shot storm started because of a religous nut Job on both sides.
And if not for the religion the mailbox is safe
well not really

It simply means that there is an absence of (religious) violence in your vicinity ... which means you will have to rely on caricatures of international political events if you want to drive home your message of some inextricable connection between religion and violence.

I'm going to make 2 points here.

1st: Religion involves beliefs that appeal to a person's arrogance. A Christian for example believes that God was not happy by himself and needed to create humans. They also believe that God loves them so much that he died for them.

Now I'm sure christians will come back and say, 'oh but we are sinners, and we humbly accept God's forgiveness and it is because of god's glorious love that he died for us.'

But the belief itself still involves the acceptance, that God thought that you were worth dying for. You don't see any teachings that god loves all the animals in the world so much that he would die for them. No christians believe that they are special, that they are 'son's of god' Jesus even teaches that christians are brothers and sisters to himself as they know god's will.

So christian belief in a nutshell, involves believing that humans/christians were created because god was not satisfied with the current way things were, that christians were worth the death of Gods son, that christians are the children of god, that god wants to spend the rest of eternity with christians because they are so amazing, that christians are worth listening to every second of every day when they pray, that god has nothing better to do then control/bless every part of thier lives, that god will listen to them and through prayer do what they want god to do for them ("jump through this hoop god").

Honestly when you look at it, Christian belief pretty much has god as their bitch.

2nd point:

Agnostics and athiests' beliefs do not involve any arrogant puffing up of themselves. They simply humbly believe that they exist, and they do the best they can with their lives. They don't sensationalize their existance, they accept it.

Religion is arrogance parading around as modesty.

It depends which materials you read, and how deeply you read those materials. Go through the dogmatic preachings of organised churches and you'll see a lot of stuff basically intended to get folks to feel good about obeying church doctrine. Read earlier stuff and you'll see it's mostly about individual spiritual/mental development, which applies whether you're religious or not.

As for agnostics and atheists not being arrogant, that in itself is pure hubris. Most such people I see on the Internet pop up on forums and such and start off with "Lol, you crazy religious people, you are so blind, I am much more enlightened than you because I don't believe blah blah blah". Pure arrogance, and entirely unsupported by any form of logic.

Don't assume any superiority simply because you have embraced some (any) ideology. It's as meaningless as stating you're awesome just because you're left handed rather than right handed. And yes, it is assuming superiority, it is displaying hubris, when you pop up with that bold stuff above.
It depends which materials you read, and how deeply you read those materials. Go through the dogmatic preachings of organised churches and you'll see a lot of stuff basically intended to get folks to feel good about obeying church doctrine. Read earlier stuff and you'll see it's mostly about individual spiritual/mental development, which applies whether you're religious or not.

As for agnostics and atheists not being arrogant, that in itself is pure hubris. Most such people I see on the Internet pop up on forums and such and start off with "Lol, you crazy religious people, you are so blind, I am much more enlightened than you because I don't believe blah blah blah". Pure arrogance, and entirely unsupported by any form of logic.

Don't assume any superiority simply because you have embraced some (any) ideology. It's as meaningless as stating you're awesome just because you're left handed rather than right handed. And yes, it is assuming superiority, it is displaying hubris, when you pop up with that bold stuff above.

Sure they do every day in Afganastan and Iraq people are killed in the name of God and country and the whole shot storm started because of a religous nut Job on both sides.

and there are plenty of other religious people who don't kill people. and plenty of non-religious people who kill people. the point is, that religion does not kill people, people do! for a whole host of reasons!
hey lori..haven't seen ya in awhile..

got married twice (same guy, two places), vacationed in mexico, inlaws visiting from out of town, christmas, new years...still have one more wedding celebration/reception tomorrow...and i still gotta party with the girls! phew!

no time for arguing. :)

but i posted a link to my wedding pics in the picture thread mark V. check em out.
got married twice (same guy, two places), vacationed in mexico, inlaws visiting from out of town, christmas, new years...still have one more wedding celebration/reception tomorrow...and i still gotta party with the girls! phew!

no time for arguing. :)

but i posted a link to my wedding pics in the picture thread mark V. check em out.

can you edit and link them? i went looking couldn't find that thread..