Religion = arrogance.

Although you make a very good case against Christians and so... What about other religions. Not all religions are so and by basing it just on Christianity you are being biased in an opposite direction of Christianity. Second, Athiests are arrogant. They go around saying that they believe in nothing to set themselves apart from the rest of religious people and talk to them as if they are better because they have no religion.
Although you make a very good case against Christians and so... What about other religions. Not all religions are so and by basing it just on Christianity you are being biased in an opposite direction of Christianity. Second, Athiests are arrogant. They go around saying that they believe in nothing to set themselves apart from the rest of religious people and talk to them as if they are better because they have no religion.
M*W: Atheists only seem arrogant to theists.
I'm going to make 2 points here.

1st: Religion involves beliefs that appeal to a person's arrogance. A Christian for example believes that God was not happy by himself and needed to create humans. They also believe that God loves them so much that he died for them.

Now I'm sure christians will come back and say, 'oh but we are sinners, and we humbly accept God's forgiveness and it is because of god's glorious love that he died for us.'

But the belief itself still involves the acceptance, that God thought that you were worth dying for. You don't see any teachings that god loves all the animals in the world so much that he would die for them. No christians believe that they are special, that they are 'son's of god' Jesus even teaches that christians are brothers and sisters to himself as they know god's will.

So christian belief in a nutshell, involves believing that humans/christians were created because god was not satisfied with the current way things were, that christians were worth the death of Gods son, that christians are the children of god, that god wants to spend the rest of eternity with christians because they are so amazing, that christians are worth listening to every second of every day when they pray, that god has nothing better to do then control/bless every part of thier lives, that god will listen to them and through prayer do what they want god to do for them ("jump through this hoop god").

Honestly when you look at it, Christian belief pretty much has god as their bitch.

2nd point:

Agnostics and athiests' beliefs do not involve any arrogant puffing up of themselves. They simply humbly believe that they exist, and they do the best they can with their lives. They don't sensationalize their existance, they accept it.

Religion is arrogance parading around as modesty.

Atheists make up their own rules, their own basis for what they believe. They live by their standards, the way they want. Not all atheists are arrogant (most are), and most religious people are arrogant. Humans in general are arrogent. Answers, you are arrogant, hypocritical, and selfrighteous.