Reflections of a Former Christian

The greatest probem I have with religion, especially portrayed by Christianity is that to believe means to consider God to be quite insane.
To believe and worship the words of the bible would be like placing your son on a cross and have him executed for his innocence.
God to me is a hell of a lot smarter than the insane version most religions believe in.

To enshrine insanity by worshiping it so that every time you see a cross you reinforce the insanity; a bit like worshiping act of terrorism on 9/11
It is little wonder that Christians appear a little looney.....

If you think God is so stupid as to act in such a way then I feel great sadness and can only reconcile myself in the belief that you are worshiping an inferior and somewhat insane manifestation of yourself.
A question of morality:
If you think putting your only son on a cross after allowing great suffering is a moral act then I am afraid you are as insane and immoral as he is....
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I need a voice of reason. I feel like going out and strangling the nearest theist/xian I can find. No shortage of the shitwads here in lovely Lancaster Co. Pa.

it's just that if you look to the church for moral guidance and you have to lower your moral standards to do so what is the point? It's abit like dumbing out.....or attempting to lower your own IQ.

You can try to be less smarter than you are but in the end you are just laughing at them. [and that's just plain sad]
So to be true to yourself you feel the need to argue your case and that just gets no-where fast because to do so only lowers your moral state to equal theirs.
superluminal said:
Sounds simple dosen't it?
It is and it isn't
IMO religion is only a part of the moral evolution of the human race. As humanity strives for a saner and more moral position it has to go through the pain of growing. The evolution of sustainable success requires sufference.....after all
In some ways this is a little of topic and yet it is very relevant:
In my travels yesterday I was confronted with an evangalist Christian wanting to convince me to believe as he does.
You know the type of situation I am referring to, where they hand you a brochure and then attempt to humiliate you into listening to their POV.

Well this guy went on and on about how he was a sinner and how I was a sinner and how this dude was placed on a cross to redeem us and allow us accesss to the bliss of heaven etc etc etc.....
I listened for a while and I stopped him and asked him a question:
"Can you tell me a lie with your mouth shut?
Is there any way you can lie to me with your voice still?
When you stand there with your mouth shut what are you saying? The truth or a lie?"
"So tell me are you telling me a lie or the truth with your words?
So I said to him that when he can talk to me with out words I will listen to his truth............"

but as you normally get he was so focussed on his fear of and for what he believed in, my comments went unheard........ [ ha.... the irony...and he was telling me I couldn't hear the truth...which is not suprising because he never stopped talking]
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God is our Creator - we have that innate sense of morality because He created us with it. We share his nature that way

Talking from a biblical sense, this simply is not true. We were made without morals, only to find them in a fruit given to us, (against god's wishes), by a talking snake - only to then be punished, cursed and eventually drowned by this being that saw some serious problem with mankind having morals. If anything Jenyar, you should be thanking the snake.
God is our Creator - we have that innate sense of morality because He created us with it. We share his nature that way

We share gods morals. Hmmm...

Really? Well then.

I guess I'll go out and smite me a few large ethnic groups that don't particularly agree with things the way I see 'em.

Then, I'm gonna drown my children and start over again. I think my wife will go along. (they're such disobedient little turds).

What next. Ok. I'm gonna go set fire to New York. No. Wait... LA. Much more debauchery and such there.

Damn it feels good to be in such fine company as you are when you are one with god and his morals!
I guess I'll go out and smite me a few large ethnic groups that don't particularly agree with things the way I see 'em.

Then, I'm gonna drown my children and start over again. I think my wife will go along. (they're such disobedient little turds).

What next. Ok. I'm gonna go set fire to New York. No. Wait... LA. Much more debauchery and such there.
Same trap Adam fell into: thinking himself to be on the level of God himself.
Quote Jenyar:
"Same trap Adam fell into: thinking himself to be on the level of God himself."

* Been missing you dude! So Adam knew right from wrong right from the start?

(seriously, where have you been? we were hanging out at

What is, is.

Stating identities does shit.

Then why watse bandwidth responding to such a selfevident and trivial thing? See what I mean?

You are the one who keeps on stating identities and you do as if you had shown or proven something thereby.

Are you learning disabled? I evolved from pond scum, same as you. I'm here because deoxyribonucleic acid replicates.

Poor you, that must be hard to *consistently* think this way of yourself.

Same as you. Why are you here?
(we already know how you think you got here).

No, you don't know. You don't understand the act of creation, and neither does anyone else know it in full.

You started this.

Too bad. After thousands of years of deep thought on the subject you'd think you could get there a bit quicker and easier.

And you think you have ...

Dumb. You can say whatever you want. Just don't try to impose your religious ideas on me through policy. Which I know you and your theist friends are just dying to do.

An atheist must guard his atheism all the time, most fervently!

Deep insight. And the lesson is that people in possesion of religion are to be feared. You all have a manifesto from god that explicitly tells you to convert us or kill us.

Do you feel threatened?

Deny that and I will consider your knowledge of religion in general to be on a par with your knowledge of science. Nil.

Your god-complex is in full bloom.
Quantum Quack,

A question of morality:
If you think putting your only son on a cross after allowing great suffering is a moral act then I am afraid you are as insane and immoral as he is....

If you are NOT God, then putting your only son on the cross after allowing great suffering, is an act of insanity and immorality.

But it was God who did what He did. This makes all the difference.
stretched said:
Quote Jenyar:
"Same trap Adam fell into: thinking himself to be on the level of God himself."

* Been missing you dude! So Adam knew right from wrong right from the start?

(seriously, where have you been? we were hanging out at
I have been keeping a low profile :)

The argument that Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong is usually a kind of moral strawman, a generalization that extends past the scope of what Genesis actually means to tell us. It doesn't try to explain the origins of morality or even knowledge, but gives as an insight into sin, and it shows one specific "arch-sin" that puts all sin and man's estrangement from God into context.

People don't seem to realize that right and wrong are moral descriptors, not self-existent entities, like wood and stone. And in a religious context - the context of man's relationship with God - right and wrong are expressed as obedience vs. disobedience. In terms of Adam and Eve, it is typified by one commandment: "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die". Within the context of Genesis 2 and 3, this represents the 10 commandments of the Bible - the whole moral and legal duty of man towards God, is for Adam contained in this one simple commandment. And God knows he was able to understand it. Eve certainly understood it - she even interpreted it more strictly: "... and [we] must not touch it" (God didn't say this).

So as far as God required anything of man, Adam had all he needed to satisfy that requirement. Desiring knowledge, being curious, eating fruit, nothing was simply arbitrarily "wrong" or forbidden, so that it required some special ability or secret insight to discern such "wrong" things from other "right" things. As Genesis explains it to us, what was morally wrong was only so because it was in direct opposition to what they already knew of God's will.
Now you're getting there.
And you wondered how come I thought not doing your homework, or going to bed late could be immoral.
water said:
Quantum Quack,

If you are NOT God, then putting your only son on the cross after allowing great suffering, is an act of insanity and immorality.

But it was God who did what He did. This makes all the difference.
and a hell of a lot worse in my opinion
"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die".

so Adam chose death over servitude, knowledge over ignorance, life intead of eternal nullness.....hmmmmm...where have I heard all this before I wonder..... :)
Quantum Quack said:
and a hell of a lot worse in my opinion

You have no idea what it must be like to be able to give life. God knows, and He can do it.
Quantum Quack said:
so Adam chose death over servitude, knowledge over ignorance, life intead of eternal nullness.....hmmmmm...where have I heard all this before I wonder..... :)
The fruit represented knowledge that leads to death, not knowledge per se. Becoming a slave to nature that leads to certain death is also servitude. Life eternal was onlt available with God, and it was taken away because of sin - so to be precise: he chose eternal nullness over eternal life.

Serving yourself is not freedom, although you might think so. It feels like freedom, because you don't have to answer to anybody, but it's also voluntary ignorance - choosing not to obey someone with infinite wisdom, and trusting your own limited knowledge instead, seems to me far from wise.