Reflections of a Former Christian

Satyr said:
So let me see if I’ve got this right….

This topic is an exposee of thoughts by an idiot who had the mental weakness to be seduced by Christian childishness and the character flaw to be taken by Christian morality….and we are supposed to now take his most current intellectual burps, which he calls reflections, seriously?

I don’t know about you guys but when I hear about someone who has managed to get himself into an automobile accident I don’t seek out his instruction on driving a car, nor do I take whatever he has to say about avoiding accidents seriously.

What I do is listen, giggling under my breath at his utter stupidity, and then wait for his next accident to send me into convulsing laughter.

To do otherwise would be like expecting the scorpion to not bite the fox in the middle of the river.
If it’s in your nature to be weak and gullible it will always be a serious part of your character.
Like addictive personalities.

Actually Satyr you raise by your example given above one of the key issues that faces all of us including South Star and that is the issue of intolerance, not only towards others but yourself.

To attack the weak to help bolster your own flawed sense of security, to trample on someones elses desire for improvement in the fear that he may eventually shine brighter than you......all issues of tolerance and a low self esteem which I feel South star is endevouring to grow from. It is enough to say;
"At least he acknowledges his need for help by posting his reflections and the courage to expose all his weaknesses in doing so"
You too Satyr, have exposed your weaknesses but you don't realise you have where as South Stars courage towards his quest for self discovery is at least more free of the delusion or illusion you suffer from.

BTW as you can see I have exposed one of my many weaknesses, and maybe someone or even you Satyr, will care to help me with it?
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Here are some ways, for example, you can take if you WANT to fuck yourself up:

-- Get yourself some crack, get high, knock up a dozen girls (or more, as many as you can get, the more, the better), get AIDS, gonorrhea, syphillis, etc., kill a few people, set some fires, and die at the age of 24 from an incurable strain of TB which you have contracted while a gang of angry Neonazi white boys have raped you, thoroughly, when you were in prison serving time for shoplifting.

-- Study hard, get a few PhD's and be the most educated motherfucker in the world who enjoys it most if his 2-year old niece is sitting in his lap, pressing against his crotch.

-- Don't study all that hard, watch telenovellas, wear women's underwear, and complain how this world is becoming worse and worse, harder and harder to live in. And have your other boyfriend's girlfriend feed you dry slugs.

-- Break your mirror and become a human monster, the perfect social chameleon who does nothing but suck on other people's spiritual strength, like a vampire.

Some of these things you might not be able to avoid, no matter what.
But there is a difference if you set off on a course of life with the intention of WANTING to avoid those things, or not. If you are clear that you WANT to avoid them your mind will be at peace.
If you don't want to fuck yourself up, then you have a sound reason to adhere to morality.

So let me see if I’ve got this right….

This topic is an exposee of thoughts by an idiot who had the mental weakness to be seduced by Christian childishness and the character flaw to be taken by Christian morality….and we are supposed to now take his most current intellectual burps, which he calls reflections, seriously?

And you were, of course, born smart and strong and with a flawless character, and have kept, all by your own effort and without any help from others, that throught your life. And most of all, you are the one to be credited it is so!

* * *


Your version of reality includes the existence of gods and is not the reality we live, but is the reality in which you want to live - you've already made your choice. The differences have already been presented and explained, yet you choose to ignore or reject them because they do not fit into your version of reality.

Your version of reality excludes the existence of gods and is not the reality we live, but is the reality in which you want to live - you've already made your choice. The differences have already been presented and explained, yet you choose to ignore or reject them because they do not fit into your version of reality.
water said:
Here are some ways, for example, you can take if you WANT to fuck yourself up:

-- Get yourself some crack, get high, knock up a dozen girls (or more, as many as you can get, the more, the better), get AIDS, gonorrhea, syphillis, etc., kill a few people, set some fires, and die at the age of 24 from an incurable strain of TB which you have contracted while a gang of angry Neonazi white boys have raped you, thoroughly, when you were in prison serving time for shoplifting.

-- Study hard, get a few PhD's and be the most educated motherfucker in the world who enjoys it most if his 2-year old niece is sitting in his lap, pressing against his crotch.

-- Don't study all that hard, watch telenovellas, wear women's underwear, and complain how this world is becoming worse and worse, harder and harder to live in. And have your other boyfriend's girlfriend feed you dry slugs.

-- Break your mirror and become a human monster, the perfect social chameleon who does nothing but suck on other people's spiritual strength, like a vampire.

Some of these things you might not be able to avoid, no matter what.
But there is a difference if you set off on a course of life with the intention of WANTING to avoid those things, or not. If you are clear that you WANT to avoid them your mind will be at peace.
If you don't want to fuck yourself up, then you have a sound reason to adhere to morality.

I think you should be a spokesperson for strawmen everywhere..

I've been a little behind on replies but I'll show you in a little bit why what you are saying is non sequitur. Recognizing that there is no basis for morality will not make a man loot and plunder. All I have asked (so far) is if there is at all a basis for being moral or obligating another to be moral. Not adhering to morality does not equate to 'fucking myself up' (or wanting to); that is fallacious. There after all, moral people who lie and cheat and steal and yet would raise a storm if a bank robber is allowed to go scotfree by the courts. Now that is fucked up.

And yes, these 'moral' people who mindfully avoid the things you have listed don't adhere to morality when it seems convenient not to. The question to be tackled is, why the double standard? That doesn't seem very much like logical reasoning.
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§outh§tar said:
I've been a little behind on replies but I'll show you in a little bit why what you are saying is non sequitur. Recognizing that there is no basis for morality will not make a man loot and plunder.

Really? It will make him passive, then riot, then passive etc.

All I have asked (so far) is if there is at all a basis for being moral or obligating another to be moral.

Not adhering to morality does not equate to 'fucking myself up' (or wanting to); that is fallacious. There after all, moral people who lie and cheat and steal and yet would raise a storm if a bank robber is allowed to go scotfree by the courts. Now that is fucked up.

They are not moral.

And yes, these 'moral' people who mindfully avoid the things you have listed don't adhere to morality when it seems convenient not to. The question to be tackled is, why the double standard? Now that doesn't seem at all like logical reasoning to me.

The double standards come from doubting that there is a basis for morality.
water said: "§outh§tar, Here are some ways, for example, you can take if you WANT to fuck yourself up:

-- Get yourself some crack, get high, knock up a dozen girls (or more, as many as you can get, the more, the better), get AIDS, gonorrhea, syphillis, etc., kill a few people, set some fires, and die at the age of 24 from an incurable strain of TB which you have contracted while a gang of angry Neonazi white boys have raped you, thoroughly, when you were in prison serving time for shoplifting."
M*W: Were you that girl who somebody knocked up, got AIDS from, along with gonorrhea, syphillis, chlymidia, trichinosis, etc.? Have YOU ever killed another human being... set some fires... and did you die at the age of 24 from TB? Are you a NeoNazi white bitch who's been raped by a gang? Are you in your own little prison of insanity? It sure seems so!
water said: "Study hard, get a few PhD's and be the most educated motherfucker in the world who enjoys it most if his 2-year old niece is sitting in his lap, pressing against his crotch."
M*W: water, you are a deranged, fucking whore. Child perpetrators don't usually have one PhD less many. You will never be able to convince the rest of us that you have any education at all! You are a sick woman, and I use the word "woman" very loosely. You're not a "woman," because you have a dick. People like you like it hard and sadistic. That's why you seem so wanton on these forums! You want a hard dick shoved up your ass, and then you'll be happy. I wish you luck, you scumbag. I pity the children that have cum in contact with you!
water: -- Don't study all that hard, watch telenovellas, wear women's underwear, and complain how this world is becoming worse and worse, harder and harder to live in. And have your other boyfriend's girlfriend feed you dry slugs.
M*W: water, you are insane. I see you as a little old withering away woman who never got enough sex, so you're mad at the world. Have you never tried to masturbate? You might be more kind if you did. Certainly, no man with any sense would ever want to be with you!
water: -- Break your mirror and become a human monster, the perfect social chameleon who does nothing but suck on other people's spiritual strength, like a vampire.
M*W: water, you are a vampire. You suck on the blood of our posters. You said it yourself, you "are ugly." It's pretty obvious that you are as "ugly" as you believe you are.
water: Some of these things you might not be able to avoid, no matter what. But there is a difference if you set off on a course of life with the intention of WANTING to avoid those things, or not. If you are clear that you WANT to avoid them your mind will be at peace. If you don't want to fuck yourself up, then you have a sound reason to adhere to morality.
M*W: Water, you are a pervert and a sexual perpetrator. Why must you transfer your sexual deviance to others? You are an immoral perpetrator, a child molestor, and a wanton woman who cannot find gratification anywhere! There is no place on Earth for the likes of you! I only wish you could get fucked real hard. Maybe then, you would calm down. Maybe then, you would experience what real women experience. Maybe then, you could be satisfied with yourself, but I doubt it. You are an insatiable woman who has no idea about humanism. If Jesus was a real person, you'd probably want to fuck him! Sorry, bitch, he's taken. Get a life. Get a religion. Get yourself fucked.

I don't think you can do it! You are a lost human being, and you are a whore for Jesus. Admit it, you whore! Admit it!
water said:
Really? It will make him passive, then riot, then passive etc.

Aww not the strawmen again! I promise, I will show why man will not do this as soon as I'm done with the post (hopefully today).

They are not moral.

Hell, if you put it that way, then no one is and there is no basis for the legal system. But that would put the sanity of people who defend the legal system into question.

'Tis better to say lawyers are moral. If not, see what doodoo that puts us all in.

The double standards come from doubting that there is a basis for morality.

Do you adhere to a moral code (to whatever extent)?
Again I’m a little slow so help me out.

Are we taking the musing and clarifications of a retard seeking for reasons to feel proud about himself for discovering that religion is a farce as a good enough subject matter to indulge in our own need to feel good about ourselves for having discovered this before he did?
If so why don’t we invite twelve year olds into this Forum and instruct them about Critical thought, as we secretly find pleasure in the instruction?

If you had any level of reading comprehension you would understand that I was asking for input not giving it..
Hey, maybe next week you can ask for help concerning your discovery of the wheel.
Then we can all find pleasure in helping you decipher the round shape and the benefits of the oval shape and we can all feel pride in already knowing about it ourselves.

Now I know that from where you are from, the idea of there not being an ultimate supreme being and purpose and meaning to life is a novelty worth sharing and I can comprehend your obvious pride in separating yourself from the myriads of retarded animals, calling themselves human,that still believe in childish tales, but this is old news to me dude. To me and to many others.

Not much there to feel proud about, except your ability to wake up from a dream.
Now, let us see if you can make sense of reality.
The ‘I’m not a Christian anymore' is growing old.
Find a new thing to draw attention to yourself with.

Haven't you heard?
The Earth is, supposedly, round!!!!
Tell us about it and we can feel good by telling you about gravity.

Non sequitur.

Now go away. It will be sad if you come back out of spite. Pathetic really.

Just go away and don't come back.
I can comprehend your desire for me to disappear. Unfortunately I’m awaiting your next revelation that life is meaningless, to brighten up my day.
Plus, I want to give you a reason to use your newfound knowledge concerning ‘non sequitor's’ and Latin phrases of all kinds, that can exhibit your education level and smarts.

I know you understand the compassion and need for altruism in existence - you have certainly exhibited the need for support and help from others in your every sentence here - I just wonder if you comprehend the need for cruelty and viciousness yet.

You, being a newly reawakened atheist, I don’t think, fully comprehends the ramifications of your choice.
Perhaps you should have settled for the feel-good, hypocritical compassions of your previous mental drug.
It was easier on the mind.

I wonder if you fully grasp the consequences of Lucifer’s gift and you don’t just wallow in the expectations of the power it entails.

From the little I’ve read of you, you seem to be someone that still basks in the glory of discovering the error of his previous ways and wants to be rewarded for discovering a truth known to all but the many fools populating this disgusting Earth.

Have you felt the beauty of tragedy yet?
Have you seen the comedy?
Have you overcome despair or accepted it?

When you do, get back to me.
I’ll be watching you and those like you struggling with reality and all the reasons and choices it entails.

As for your desire to be rid of me, I can only say that your need to have me silenced and your methods of keeping me from commenting show a lack of appreciation for those that are your better.
How will you improve yourself if all you seek is comforting words and warm hugs from those that ‘get you’ and feel your pain and want to guide you through the minefields?

Jesus Christ, if all you have to say is that you’ve discovered that Christianity is a myth, then what really have you got to say to those that matter?

Quantum Quack
To attack the weak to help bolster your own flawed sense of security, to trample on someones elses desire for improvement in the fear that he may eventually shine brighter than you......all issues of tolerance and a low self esteem which I feel South star is endevouring to grow from. It is enough to say;
"At least he acknowledges his need for help by posting his reflections and the courage to expose all his weaknesses in doing so"
You too Satyr, have exposed your weaknesses but you don't realise you have where as South Stars courage towards his quest for self discovery is at least more free of the delusion or illusion you suffer from.
Shall I protect the weak from inevitability then, dear Quantum Quack?

Shall I exhibit your Christian morality even while denying its reality?
Shall I defend the sickly and crippled to satisfy my inner need to defend my own insecurities from the big bad world, while pretending it’s for altruistic, compassionate reasons?
Shall I save the weak and ill and risk the health of the strong because it satisfies my inner need to save myself from the cruelty and coldness of a universe I do not comprehend?
Shall I protect the helpless lonely young deer because I cannot relate to the vigour and vitality of the brutal wolf?

What you exhibit is more than weakness, for weakness in ubiquitous. You exhibit the hypocrisy of someone seeking self through the other and the feebleness of one dismayed at life’s cruelty.

When you comfort and guide this poor lost soul you are really protecting and guiding yourself through him.

Do you think I buy that superficial bullshit you throw around?
I see deeper, you miserable soul.

And you were, of course, born smart and strong and with a flawless character, and have kept, all by your own effort and without any help from others, that throught your life. And most of all, you are the one to be credited it is so!
Nice talking to you again my Slovenian princess.

How nicely you’ve expressed your opinions about me in the past. I appreciated your candour and your desire to expose your keen eyesight.
I only question your ability to recognize how that ‘keen eyesight’ was focused by my own willing participation.

But now is a different time; a time of pretence and hypocrisy.

The time of the Satyr.

Should I tell you what I’ve seen in you in the past and in the present?
Shall I offer you the same public honesty which you so eloquently offered me?

But, my princess, I’ll allow you to keep on believing in the fantasy of your own awareness and in the reality of your own opinions.
It’s more fun.

As for your commentary I can only say that I woke up in my early teens from the dream state of fantasy. If this guy is anywhere near twenty he’s more than pathetic, he’s just like you my dear, a lost soul seeking redemption and healing in Dionysian union and in the comfort of shared pain.

Wholeness they call it, in these modern times.

It is true that different kinds mature at different speeds – if at all- but to then show off your newfound, partial, appreciation of a greater reality and ask for support on public Forums from unknown people, as if you’ve stumbled upon the Holy Grail is like a child showing off his ability to walk amongst sprinters.

I was certainly not born into awareness but I’ve learned to keep it private and not to think it’s a novelty amongst those that actually think and don’t just live.

But I can see the desire there. The need to show the newfound gem, which some have already crafted into jewellery.
I wonder if this retard can appreciate the fact that there’s more to intellectual freedom than discovering that one isn’t bound by chains.
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You being a newly reawakened atheist, I don’t think you fully comprehend the ramifications of your choice.
Perhaps you should have settled for the feel-good, hypocritical compassions of your previous mental drug.
I wonder if you fully grasp the consequences of Lucifer’s gift and you don’t just wallow in the expectations of the power it entails.

Ahh. Hmmm.

So who took your lunch money and broke your toy truck little boy? Or is it that your parents abandoned you to the tender mercies of an orphanage and the gentle hands of the headmaster?

So many possible explanations for such a well adjusted little satanist...

I can, however, understand the viscious joy you get from just being you. It also is a powerful mind drug, is it not?
By the way Satyr,

The reason that there are so few of you and so many of us is that your mental set was generally weeded out by the even more uncaring and viscious hand of evolution. You are an anachronism destined to forever lurk at the edges of the curve of normal distribution. Good luck in your obscurity.
superluminal said:
Ahh. Hmmm.

So who took your lunch money and broke your toy truck little boy? Or is it that your parents abandoned you to the tender mercies of an orphanage and the gentle hands of the headmaster?

So many possible explanations for such a well adjusted little satanist...

I can, however, understand the viscious joy you get from just being you. It also is a powerful mind drug, is it not?
Wow! You think?!!!

A new revelation from the bleachers.

This one has discovered the art of insinuation and derogatory commentary derived from personal insi8ghts.

I am truly impressed.

Tell me about my troubled childhood and how my mommy didn’t show me love.

And what does your need to interject, out of nowhere, say about you?
The defender of the wronged, the hero of the weak, who is weak himself, the representative of justice and right.
He sees a poor innocent being assaulted and he finds pleasure in placing himself in the middle.
Shall I say that he sees himself in the persona of this needy, pathetic, “innocent” victim?
I bet you cried at the sight of those twin towers crumbling.

Tell me are you, also, an atheist?

How wonderful for you, if you are.
What mental fortitude it shows.

By the way Satyr,

The reason that there are so few of you and so many of us is that your mental set was generally weeded out by the even more uncaring and viscious hand of evolution. You are an anachronism destined to forever lurk at the edges of the curve of normal distribution. Good luck in your obscurity.
The only thing you have to say for yourself is that your kind is preferred in this universe?
So are germs and roaches and bacteria, you poor excuse for a human being.

That you are preferred in a world that wants blind, conforming, automatons, is your claim to glory?
How nice for you.

The meek shall inherit the Earth, my man.
Be proud in your meekness.
You have certainly accepted a reality that benefits cowardice and weakness. A world meant for Christians and where those few that glimpse reality can be proud of their “awareness” as Atheists.

What a beautiful example of a feminized man you are.
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What a beautiful example of a feminized man you are.

Why thank you! Is it my legs... or my nice round ass?

Tell me about my troubled childhood and how my mommy didn’t show me love.

Oh, I said there were many possible explanations for your curious state. I doubt your mommy had much to do with it my friend.

And what does your need to interject, out of nowhere, say about you?
The defender of the wronged, the hero of the weak, who is weak himself, the representative of justice and right.
He sees a poor innocent being assaulted and he finds pleasure in placing himself in the middle.
Shall I say that he sees himself in the persona of this needy, pathetic, “innocent” victim?

Well, I did post early in this thread (I know you can read) and then generally lost interest, until YOU showed up and sparked some interest. Thank you btw.

I bet you cried at the sight of those twin towers crumbling.

Naw. I'm not the crying sort. It was a helluva show though, wasn't it?

Tell me are you, also, an atheist?

Ok. I'm an atheist.

How wonderful for you, if you are.
What mental fortitude it shows.

Again, thank you. You show much kindness and generosity for such a badass dude.

The only thing you have to say for yourself is that your kind is preferred in this universe?
So are germs and roaches and bacteria, you poor excuse for a human being.

Hey now. Bacteria are the dominant life form on the planet surpassing all others in biomass by orders of magnitude. So, show a little respect for the real inheritors of the earth. Ok?

That you are preferred in a world that wants blind, conforming, automatons, is your claim to glory?
How nice for you.

Again with the well wishing. I like you too!

The meek shall inherit the Earth, my man.
Be proud in your meekness.

No. Pay attention - The viscious flesh-eating Bacteria (among others) get the inheritance bonus.

You have certainly accepted a reality that benefits cowardice and weakness. A world meant for Christians and where those few that glimpse reality can be proud of their “awareness” as Atheists.

Ain't we special? You are fun.

What a beautiful example of a feminized man you are.

Again, you are just too kind. Damn this is fun. Hit me with your best fucking shot! I'm getting wood...
Evil is just a fleeting spike of irrational self-nihilism.
When said and done it has the half life of a blink of the eye.

So when you slash you own wirists in despair of not being truelly loved or even liked, think about all the real fun you have missed, the real joy that you have failed to experience the stuff that endures beyond the moment and the next moment and the next.

When all you can dream about is destruction of your own reflection in a mirror , consumed by your impatience to be rid of such an intolerable sight that is you, ponder just for a moment of what could have been....
The hell that you exist in holds no attraction to others except those who share the perverse plessure of their own imprisonment and the suffering of their fellow inmates.
It is us you hate so much because you see what you cannot have.....strap on a bomb and blow your self up.....sure you may take a few innocents with you but you will be gone for ever and never again inflict your evil on others again......a small sacrifice to rid ourselves of such a cancer, however the ones left behind will continue to have joy and love and leave a legacy for those yet to be that can only reject and learn from the like of your sufferring.

So be that fleeting moment in our dreams show us how much inner joy we have, show us our beauty by example of your ugliness......and remember always what it is you have missed out on.......remember us forever , because we will always remember the gift of you......

You are a very good writer. I think your post was appropriate.

Is it a character flaw of mine that while Satyr clearly deserves pity, I see him only as a tool for my own entertainment?
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superluminal said:

You are a very good writer. I think your post was appropriate.

Is it a character flaw of mine that while Satyr clearly deserves pity, I see him only as a tool for my own entertainment?
Unfortunately having pity will only feed the beast, he or should I say it [that he/it is portraying] feeds off the horror and disgust of others to some how validate his/it's self destruction.
The desire to have meaning to it's life, and the craving to have an impact is so strong that morality is a tool he uses to generate purpose to it's existence.

Clearly a feral child living in the guise of an intelligent and articulated person. Feral for lack of genuine social interaction. Starved of meaning and values etc etc........oops I better not say too much because he may actually learn to heal himslef of his own self inflicted social deprivations.
So, can I still poke at him? Just for fun? Or is that like teasing someone with a handicap? Aww shit. I'm gonna mess with him.
Enough with the personal commentary, people, or I will close this thread.