Real time Telepathic test, and development exercise

EVENT: I did not post numbers on time.
REASON: I could not access the thread due to SciForums database problems.
NOTES: I recorded the numbers below in 'Notepad' @ 4:01 p.m. california time.

A) 323
B) 292
C) 199
D) 111

What I experienced:

Nothing unusual
ellion said:
also, there is poor rapport between recipient and sender.
off course the format of this test is such that the possibility of failure is extreme.
It has been deliberately designed to be tough.

The use of numbers that have no emotional value is in it self an extreme test.

The reason though is that the ability to recieve the numbers should not be dependent on the range of numbers to choose from.
For example I ask you to pick a number between 1 and 1 the task any harder to determine what that number is [ than 100 ~400], when talking about psychic ability?
You either seee the number or you don't.

So yes... this trial is very rigorous in what it is attempting to demonstrate.
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Squeak22 said:
Check your sleep timer, sometimes it gets hit on accident.

You might be right. There are other hypothesis to consider:

*The volume was on high and the bass may have vibrated the on/off switch a little too much.
* We have multiple remotes that can turn the TV on and off and one of my cats may have stepped on it.
* We keep some kind off 'wreath'-like thingy on top of the TV. The bass vibrations may have nudged it to hit the on/off button on the top of the TV.
Of course it also could have just turned itself off because it just simply turned itself of for some normal reason that we can't determine. In other words simply pure coincidence. [ me thinks the power surge overload relay was thrown due to an internal power inconsistancy]
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Interesting that C was 200 away from being correct and another out of position close call.
ozzie said:
Of course it also could have just turned itself off because it just simply turned itself of for some normal reason that we can't determine. In other words simply pure coincidence. [ me thinks the power surge overload relay was thrown due to an internal power inconsistancy]

Yep, that could be. It was an unusual and certainly unexpected event within the day.
Prince_James said:

What foundation do you have for the pineal gland being the source of this?

As to the rest of the theory:

Extremely interesting, but I must also ask why, if the conscious mind is willing to experience something, that the internal processes would block the experience? Moreover, isn't schizophrenia a bit different than simple "extordinary experiences"? These people have visual and auditory hallucinations, seemingly stemming from an internal, not external, source.

More questions:

In what way are we "one entity"?

In what way is individuality illusional?

How can your pineal gland "superimpose" over anyone elses?

It is really proper to conclude that the glands of the body are related to the energy epicentres of yogic thought?

As a whole:

What do you think would be the impact on your theories if this test continues as it is, that is, persists in being a negative? Whilst certainly not the end of all tests we can do on this - ndeed, after the test I have some proposals for further inquiry, as well as other tess entirely - it would certainly demonstrate something, no?

As the validity of my reasoning is steeped in a phenonema that has yet to recognised as valid any attempt I make at rationalising it's physics is going to inspire questions that can never be answered to your satisfaction.
If you go to the Theosophical societies headquarters in New York [240 & 242 East 53 Street] and have a look at the book shop or library, you will find tens of thousands of books, charts and mystical artifacts that all attempt to explain the physics of mind and body and our interconnectivity. There is an enourmous amount of literature to plow through and try and understand.

From aroma therapy to iridology, acupuncture to reflexology, Eastern Mysticism to eastern mysticism [ ha ] you name it it will be represented on the shelves. And yet not one has achieved mainstream scientific acceptance.

Possibly I am over generalising.

THis telepathic trial has many motivations behind it.

The first is to attempt to answer the question:
"Why is it so difficut to prove the reality of the psychic realm in a way that satisfies mainstream science and medicine?"

It is not sufficient enough to know that enourmous numbers of persons have had direct experience of it, literally millions of persons have some story to tell yet none can prove it in a way that is logically consistant and scientifically testable. [ esp. regards to predictablility and repeatability]
For me it is not a question of the reality of the psychic realm but a question of why it is not able to be proven. I think this is a more productive question than to simply state that it can't be proven because it doesn't exist beyond imagination.

So you ask what would failure of this current trial demonstrate?
Whilst it may not meet our requirements for proof it is just another step in answering the question about why it can't be proven.

In theory the psychic realm is constantly being proven as a part of normal every day expereince. The psychic realm is what makes our conscious existence function. In most cases this psychic functionality is normal but every now and then an anomolly will occur and spark an interest in what makes reality tick.

The thing that is important it realise is that once a certain aspect of normal psychic function is realised the person who has realised it now has a diminished state of consciousness, because what was once subconscious is now conscious and subject to the deliberate will of that person. So that person has gained conscious awareness of the function but lost subconscious or autonomic functionality of that function.
What was once automatic is now a mix of deliberate and semi deliberate. Thus his mental state is already compromised to a lower functionality that that of a person who has not realised it. A piece of the subconscious puzzle is now missing from the subconcious as it is now conscious.

When a person uncovers some of the physics involved the truth has a profound effect on that persons conscious life, this effect normally puts the person on the mystical fringe of society. If that personis successful in achieveing balance he may become an astologer or a tarot reader, or decide to write books on his experience and so on. If the person doesn't achieve balance and the experience of fundamentals of consciousness are too profound he will end up usually very sick indeed as his mind tries to reconcile that experience and funtion whilst missing the autonomic or automatic subconscious element.
It is little wonder that the psychic realm has never been proven to be a reality even though it is the reality. Possibly because we are attempting to prove something that is inherantly uncontrolable enough to afford repeatability and predictability.
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A) 323 - 288
B) 292 - 308
C) 199 - 399
D) 111 - 171

Possibly Prince you woudl care to show the numbers side by side as a way of avoiding having to scroll back..... :)
Numbers received and next time shall they be placed side to side, Crunchy's on left, the results on right.
ozzie said:
"Why is it so difficut to prove the reality of the psychic realm in a way that satisfies mainstream science and medicine?"
the will of the observer influences the observed.
Crunchy's on left, answers on right.

A) 131 A = 204
B) 303 B = 116
C) 109 C = 323
D) 177 D = 215
As we are half way through the trial I thought a summary table might be appropriate:

<Img src=>

As is obvious there is no significant relationship in the numbers
I shall post the next set (6) in 5 minutes