Real time Telepathic test, and development exercise

The thing that stands our for me that is most important is that we have a farely stable system in place. Nothing overly dramatic is being experienced. [ Even though we all wish "someting" to happen]
This affords the potential for possible success later on in the trial. If negative extremes were being experienced and reported I would have to consider abandoning the test.

Yes. Everything seems to be going smoothly, although the results have thusfar been negative.
As it is now 2 hours after I posted the numbers to Prince and as yet he has not confirmed their delivery .....I can maybe conclude that I spoke to soon about smoothness....

edit.....have used QQ's handle accidently....sheesh!! [ smoothness ....

Now that's better.....
[ we share the same PC]
Again there appears no correlation in the numbers.

Part of the reason for this test is to highlight and explore reasons why proof of psychic pheno is so difficult to show. Why it seems virtually impossible to prove psychic pheno as a reality and not just a figment of imagination.

So far in 3 test comprising of a total of 30 numbers from a selection pool of 300 we have seen not one match.

The line of thinking I am currently re-exploring:

There is a part of the psychic realm that I call a rectifier. This aspect inverts intent usually due to intensity being too strong.
So no matter what we do the results will always be the inverse to desire.

Now as I see it, Crunchy wishes for success and I wish for success. In terms of physics this means that both Crunchy and I are positive poles and our intent is repelling. We both want the same thing, so we end up in a stand-off.
This positive alignment can not be changed. In other words we cannot deliberately become opposite poles because the intent or reason for changing the poles is still a truth.
I have yet to see a solution to this rectifying except to make the numbers a negative value so thus attracted to both of us.

What is currently happening is:

[ a state of repelling exists ]

n = numbers
O = Ozzie
C = Crunchy

So I am working on the notion of generating an "attractive" set of numbers.

If the numbers are inherantly attractive then possiby Crunchy will be attracted to them.

Any way this probably sounds Like a heap of gibberish but I thought I'd share a bit of whats happening here any way.

I shall post the next set in approx. 20 minutes
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As to your theory, I'd have to ask: Why does there seem to be a "rectifer" at all? When I normally desire to do something I am capable of doing it, I am not repulsed by my desire to do it, am I? In fact, the desire -to- do it lets me do it, as i must first desire to do something before I choose to do something, no?
Prince_James said:

As to your theory, I'd have to ask: Why does there seem to be a "rectifer" at all? When I normally desire to do something I am capable of doing it, I am not repulsed by my desire to do it, am I? In fact, the desire -to- do it lets me do it, as i must first desire to do something before I choose to do something, no?


The main reason for the existance of rectification or inversion is associated with intinctive self protection.

Extraordinary experiences have most often extraordinary consequences.

In fact most persons exhibiting symptoms of Schizophrenia are doing so because they are attempting to ground their extraordinary experiences in a way that resembles sanity but falls way short of it. In other words their behaviour is an attempt at being sane and not insane, even though it appears insane to us.

All persons have a desire for sanity. Most persons work on this issue all their lives, tryng to maintain perspective on all things. Trying to achieve the sanest position. [ and most people fail in many instances to maintain that perspective - anger , aggresion, impulsivity, ]
Now for this trial to be successful it must by default generate an experience for Crunchy that he would consider extraordinary. And whilst it is not the experience itself that poses the problem it is the memory of that experience that can.
What is often described in persons who have had extraordinary experiences is that if that experinece is denied the persons mental tapestry starts to fall apart. Thus schizophrenia is deemed a condition that means the persons sense of reality deteriorates. This deterioration caused in the main by not understanding what they have experienced and the denial of those experineces as being real and worthy of understanding.

So the rectifier [ pineal gland ] attempts to maintain sensory integrity at all times. If this is threatened it inverts the desire leading to negative or neutral results. It has the ability to override any desire you might have in the interests of sensory integrity.

I have come to understand that when two people want the same thing at a psychic level this creates a threat to sensory integrity. The main reason for this is that we are essentially the one entity but we are dealing with the situation as if we are two entities.
Crunchy and me or you and me and so on.

This separation is necessary and must be maintained thus psychic connectivity is tempored by the primary need to maintain the illusion of individuality.

What concerns me most is not so much this trial but the negative effects my testing with my partner is having on my partner. Every time we run a trial she is getting stronger at dealing with the outcomes of extraodinary experiences. Mood deterioration, poor reasoning ability, relational frictions, insecurity etc. are a significant problem but gradualy her reactions to the experiences are getting more secure. Hence the results we are getting are improving. Attempting Psychic interactions has an inherant risk and needs to be managed carefully.

So the body defends itself from experiencing the extraordinary because it's ability to cope with the consequences is not adequate enough. [ evidenced in the number of people hospitalised with Schizophrenia and similar illnesses due to the inabaility to cope with extraordinary events]
Thus there exists a system of rectification as part of the persons self defence instincts. [ adrenal shock upon realisation is always an issue]

As mentioned in another thread on Tensing, suspense and tension caused by suspense has in itself the ability to neutralise any connectivity. To be successful these issues have to be resolved and essentially this comes back to me and how I cope with the extraordinary [ as we are one entity] The more secure I become the better others become because my pineal gland is superimposed over every one elses.
So as this trial continues my primary focus is on my reactions to what we are attempting to do, and as I learn to react more securely the results of these types of endevours also become more secure and thus more conclusive.

Now after reading this you are probably thinking that I am just doing what I suggest persons are doing that have symptoms of schizophrenia. This is a fare assesment. Sure, I am grounding my extraodinary experiences in what may be considered as a pseudo science. So it could be argued whether my grounding is any more sane than a religious fevered person preaching end times and demonstrating a messiah complex.

I have no arguement other than the evidence I am experiencing confirms the pseudo science I am espousing.
BTW in case you are not aware, the Pineal gland is the gland referred to in Eastern philosophy as the Crown Chakra.

The whole of Eastern mysticism and even Buddhist philosophy is an attempt to ground experience in a way that makes sense. As to veracity this is yet to be proven.
And if this trial is successful this also goes a long way to supporting notions of Eastern thought and philosophy.
So to prove conclusively the reality of psychic pheno has significant ramifications. And it is these ramifications I feel, that generate the rectification or inversion factor that I described earlier.
Crunchy Cat said:
My wife and I were watching TV (a sony Vega), and the TV simply turned off and I had to turn it back on with the remote. It's the first time I've observed this behavior on this TV; however, I have seen it happen before with many other TVs.

Check your sleep timer, sometimes it gets hit on accident.

So the rectifier [ pineal gland ] attempts to maintain sensory integrity at all times. If this is threatened it inverts the desire leading to negative or neutral results. It has the ability to override any desire you might have in the interests of sensory integrity.

What foundation do you have for the pineal gland being the source of this?

As to the rest of the theory:

Extremely interesting, but I must also ask why, if the conscious mind is willing to experience something, that the internal processes would block the experience? Moreover, isn't schizophrenia a bit different than simple "extordinary experiences"? These people have visual and auditory hallucinations, seemingly stemming from an internal, not external, source.

More questions:

I have come to understand that when two people want the same thing at a psychic level this creates a threat to sensory integrity. The main reason for this is that we are essentially the one entity but we are dealing with the situation as if we are two entities.
Crunchy and me or you and me and so on.

In what way are we "one entity"?

This separation is necessary and must be maintained thus psychic connectivity is tempored by the primary need to maintain the illusion of individuality.

In what way is individuality illusional?

As mentioned in another thread on Tensing, suspense and tension caused by suspense has in itself the ability to neutralise any connectivity. To be successful these issues have to be resolved and essentially this comes back to me and how I cope with the extraordinary [ as we are one entity] The more secure I become the better others become because my pineal gland is superimposed over every one elses.

How can your pineal gland "superimpose" over anyone elses?

BTW in case you are not aware, the Pineal gland is the gland referred to in Eastern philosophy as the Crown Chakra.

It is really proper to conclude that the glands of the body are related to the energy epicentres of yogic thought?

As a whole:

What do you think would be the impact on your theories if this test continues as it is, that is, persists in being a negative? Whilst certainly not the end of all tests we can do on this - ndeed, after the test I have some proposals for further inquiry, as well as other tess entirely - it would certainly demonstrate something, no?