Real time Telepathic test, and development exercise

Crunchy Cat said:
A) 140
B) 200
C) 250
D) 300

What I experienced

Nothing unusual, just posted the numbers that popped in my head.
So you did not feel anything extraordinary. In other words you have chosen numbers intuitively, with little to no sense of deeper value?

Would it be wise to discuss, amongst ourselves, the results of this first rung of tests? Or wait till after the test is done to discuss anything?
The first thing that comes to mind when I saw Crunchies numbers. Subjectively Crunchy has selected a spread of numbers that suggest an even distribution. Ahhh!! such is our desire for order.....
Also I felt we rushed the result.

What I would like to suggest is that Crunchy waits until much later before posting his numbers. Posting the numbers at the latest possible time relative to the midday [melbourne dead line ] for the next set.
In other words allow for the passage of time, which may afford a firming up and possible discarding of earlier choices.
All the same, thanks for your selection given.
I shall post another series tomorrow at midday.
Prince_James said:

Would it be wise to discuss, amongst ourselves, the results of this first rung of tests? Or wait till after the test is done to discuss anything?
Obviously the first thing we notice is virually a zero correlation to the sent numbers.
But at this moment I would consider it to be a subjective set posted by Crunchy.

I don't think it really matters if we discuss or not.....

BTW it is good that the system we have established has performed as expected regarding postings etc....well done. :)

The first thing that comes to mind when I saw Crunchies numbers. Subjectively Crunchy has selected a spread of numbers that suggest an even distribution. Ahhh!! such is our desire for order.....

Yes. I had noticed that, also, which also raised concern as to whether he was striving too hard for the numbers on a conscious level and ended up almost guessing.

Also I felt we rushed the result.

What I would like to suggest is that Crunchy waits until much later before posting his numbers. Posting the numbers at the latest possible time relative to the midday [melbourne dead line ] for the next set.
In other words allow for the passage of time, which may afford a firming up and possible discarding of earlier choices.
All the same, thanks for your selection given.
I shall post another series tomorrow at midday.

This would be wise.

Obviously the first thing we notice is virually a zero correlation to the sent numbers.
But at this moment I would consider it to be a subjective set posted by Crunchy.

I would also like to point out, which Dr. Cello (a poster here) also noted and told me MSN, that two of the numbers are out-of-order close to two numbers. These numbers, of course, being the 140 to 145 and 300 to 306. Whether or ntot his means anything I cannot say, although we may want ot look out for such near misses in the future.
ozzie said:
The first thing that comes to mind when I saw Crunchies numbers. Subjectively Crunchy has selected a spread of numbers that suggest an even distribution. Ahhh!! such is our desire for order.....
Also I felt we rushed the result.

What I would like to suggest is that Crunchy waits until much later before posting his numbers. Posting the numbers at the latest possible time relative to the midday [melbourne dead line ] for the next set.
In other words allow for the passage of time, which may afford a firming up and possible discarding of earlier choices.
All the same, thanks for your selection given.
I shall post another series tomorrow at midday.

If you would like, I can post the previous days numbers around 4:00 p.m. California time the next day.
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ozzie said:
So you did not feel anything extraordinary. In other words you have chosen numbers intuitively, with little to no sense of deeper value?

I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. I simply chose the numbers that firmed their way into the ol' brain. I didn't sense any 'deep value' concerning the numbers. It should be noted that around 10:00 California time something very odd happened. My wife and I were watching TV (a sony Vega), and the TV simply turned off and I had to turn it back on with the remote. It's the first time I've observed this behavior on this TV; however, I have seen it happen before with many other TVs.
Crunchy Cat said:
I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. I simply chose the numbers that firmed their way into the ol' brain. I didn't sense any 'deep value' concerning the numbers. It should be noted that around 10:00 California time something very odd happened. My wife and I were watching TV (a sony Vega), and the TV simply turned off and I had to turn it back on with the remote. It's the first time I've observed this behavior on this TV; however, I have seen it happen before with many other TVs.
funny thing about the TV is that a while ago this was a farely common occurance here and got so annoying sometimes I had to turn it off and leave it off. Also TV reception will be effected depending on my concentration levels on other things. For example if I am writing a letter whilst the tv is on the reception will vary, going to white noise and out again as I was tryng to work out what to say.
There was no real ability to predict this disturbance which made it even more annoying.
There is a simple explanation if one holds belief in the way the imagination works with space generating a very small electric charge as part of normal thinking. If this charge gets too high it creates an interference pattern.
Also a while ago I could only use computer touch screens with my right hand as my left hand would have no effect.....

Often electric shock is mentioned by persons who are in the throws of psychosis. Static discharges being the case caused by hyper neurological tensions collapsing due to the realisation of an idea or pseudo proof [ reinforcing the belief in the psychosic creations.] The act of thinking IMO normally requires this discharge but in much smaller values.

As far as I am concerned the event that Crunchy mentions about his TV is important to me as it means that hyper-neurological tension is present. [ not experienced in a conscious way as such but present all the same]
It means to me that too much pressure is being applied either indirectly by myself or self inspired by Crunchy directly. [ or by other subconscious witnessess]
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Seeing as the event is significant to ozzie, I would suggest recording it as part of my experience associated with our dialy event.

BTW, Ozzie, let me know if the received numbers for tonight should be posted by 9:00 p.m. California time or if I should wait until 4:00 p.m. Caliornia time tomorrow afternoon?
Crunchy Cat said:
Seeing as the event is significant to ozzie, I would suggest recording it as part of my experience associated with our dialy event.

BTW, Ozzie, let me know if the received numbers for tonight should be posted by 9:00 p.m. California time or if I should wait until 4:00 p.m. Caliornia time tomorrow afternoon?
Yes I think posting around 4 pm your time [9am my time] [7 pm Princes time] would be a great move.

Another thing:
What normally happens with these types of tests is that the reciever inevitably attempts to guess what he already knows.The result will then never be conclusive as the reciever subjectively attempts to interpret an objective truth.

The theory behind all this is that the truth [ the numbers I generate and place on a white board ] is an objective truth in the same way that typing this post is.

Subconsciously Crunchy already knows the truth about the numbers and needs to allow this truth to be realised in his consciousness. The numbers themselves are simply numbers and have no emotional value in themsleves however realising the numbers carries with it a certain emotional value.
BTW this why I am using a random number source as this reduces my own emotional attachment to the numbers.

The desire to realise the numbers imparts an emotional value upon them.
This emotional value is the main obstacle to success. However if we are genuine in our desire to reveal the truth we already know and our motivation is altruistic the numbers [ truth ] will be eventually realised.
This test is not just about proving that we are all interconnected subconciously, it's main purpose for me is to move forward in the ways we can treat persons who are suffering high degrees of psychic trauma, such as Schizpophrenia and the like. I personally need no evidence as I already have it. However you and others are requiring evidence before changing your beliefs or accepting new beliefs. This is of course quite acceptable as I would not expect any one to believe something with out experiencing direct proofs and evidence to support such belief.

Also regardless of the outcome of this trial, there is always a future to apply what we learn here. And I can assure you I am learning heaps from this experience which I am grateful for.
Every word posted by all contributors is a part of this learning process.

I shall post a new series of numbers in less than 28 minutes.
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Yes. There is much to be learned from participating in this experiment no matter what the result.

But tell me, how does he subconsciously have knowledge of the numbers? Or would you prefer to discuss this after the experiment's completion?
Prince_James said:

Yes. There is much to be learned from participating in this experiment no matter what the result.

But tell me, how does he subconsciously have knowledge of the numbers? Or would you prefer to discuss this after the experiment's completion?

I am tempted to get into the detail but really this is mainly Quantum Quacks area of expertise. I shall ask him if he wishes to get involved in this thread. So far he has wanted to avoid direct participation preferring me to swim on my own as much as possible.
May be he will start another thread about the issue?
ozzie said:
Yes I think posting around 4 pm your time [9am my time] [7 pm Princes time] would be a great move.

Acknowledged. I will do so starting this round and continue in this manner.
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Interesting! I had not known that Quantum Quack was at all involved in some of these theories. We should indeed start a thread on such, but perhaps after the experiment is over so we're all on the same base.
A) 205
B) 310
C) 108
D) 108

What I experienced

Nothing unusual at all. These are the numbers that made their way into my conciousness. The only "deeper value" I can associate with them is a high confidence level.