Real time Telepathic test, and development exercise

Prince_James said:
Colours received but let's see if Crunchy is up for it.

Your gung-ho attitude is admirable Prince. Thanks for making the experimental process such a success!
Quantum Quack said:
As you all know I have been observing and coaching at this end.
Even though the results are on the surface disappointing, well done!! to all participants. ;)

Thank you for coaching the process QQ. Much appreciated.

The first thing to realise is that this trial of ten cycles failed to show any direct quantifiable evidence to support the notion of psychic interactions between me and Crunchy Cat.
This is shown clearly in the results. Even though we would like to draw correlations and explore patterns in the numbers sent and received this would can in no way be any more than mere curious entertainment.

As I stated in the beginning in a response to Pete a miss is a miss and any deviation from intent is considered as a failure of intent.

There are many ways of reasoning this failure. However no matter how we do so it will not change the result.

It may however change results in the future.

The trial from a normal psychic researchers perspective was profoundly difficult to succeed in. To achieve conclusive success would be to any one in the field a great surprise.

This does not necessarily imply impossibility but simply the limitations that are currently present and that they may change in the future.

What I experienced over the trial proved to me that it is indeed possible, many insights into the problems of evidencing and proving came to the fore. Insight into how we can select numbers at random in our thoughts and how this random selection is so fundamental to our freedom to think as we wish to. [free-will]
The fact that Crunchy Cat has reported only one extraordinary event is actually to me a very positive sign, even though this meant that the trial failed to show anything extraordinary.
The reason why this is important to me is that normally when I approach this type of thing the participants report many extraordinary events or behave in an extraordinary fashion. The pressure of these types of trials effect people in different and sometimes profound ways. It is important to note that this has not occurred. The last thing I wish to do is induce psychosis in any one.

However this is what is important to me and I understand that others may see this as insignificant.

The main theme of the experiment for me was to deal with disappointment, embarrassment, and pressure to succeed even if the sanity of someone else was compromised. It is tempting after all to prove the psych by generating negative results. Negative in the way of extraordinary events not necessarily directly related to the trial. For example Crunchy’s comment about the TV event meant to me that there was a threat to integrity, and I am glad that this only occurred once.

As I have attempted to explain on numerous occasions, when working in this area safety is always the highest priority. In fact this is probably the greatest reason for failure to produce any significant result. I would rather fail than generate sensational results at the cost to the participants.

The most profound experience I had during the test was that once it was started the connectivity I had up to that time been developing with my partner reduced to almost zero [ normal ] In that our 80% success rate fell to zero as well. This is interesting as it means to me that I have attempted something with this trial that lifted the game to another level, bringing the world into focus and reducing the isolation that our home based trials were undertaken in.

As to whether we can restore this connectivity we will have to wait and see.

All in all it has been a very positive experience and I would like to extend by warm appreciation to all those who participated.

Possibly in the future we may try again........
Crunchy Cat:

Your gung-ho attitude is admirable Prince. Thanks for making the experimental process such a success!

T'was my utmost of pleasures!

Rather than me taking an educated guess as to the hypothesis being tested, the desired result, and the mechanics behind the experiment, want to tell me more about what's trying to be accomplished and how?

I send the notion of elaboration before we formally start the test.


This does not necessarily imply impossibility but simply the limitations that are currently present and that they may change in the future.

Quite true.

What I experienced over the trial proved to me that it is indeed possible, many insights into the problems of evidencing and proving came to the fore. Insight into how we can select numbers at random in our thoughts and how this random selection is so fundamental to our freedom to think as we wish to. [free-will]

Although this is a bit philosophical of a question for the matter at hand: Do you think free-will is a necessity?

The reason why this is important to me is that normally when I approach this type of thing the participants report many extraordinary events or behave in an extraordinary fashion. The pressure of these types of trials effect people in different and sometimes profound ways. It is important to note that this has not occurred. The last thing I wish to do is induce psychosis in any one.

Might you elaborate on some of those things?

All in all it has been a very positive experience and I would like to extend by warm appreciation to all those who participated.

Possibly in the future we may try again........

Speaking of which, I have an idea for a follow-up experiment: 5 days, same procedure for the number and result sending at the same times, but with only 1 or 2 numbers each day, and perhaps with a range one hundred less.

What say the both of you?

As regards my experiences:

Nothing at all worthy of note here. The experiment, on my end, went by without any problems at all, or any odd experiences. It was immensely positive and interesting. It also gave me something to do at 7 and 10 each night! I'm also rearing to go for anything we have in store and would like to propose other tests regarding other phenomenon we might devise and test. A test involving pendulum divination would be very interesting, for instance, or one involving remote viewing. In fact, I'll stand up to volunteer to be the diviner for anything regarding the pendulum, having fiddled with such things in the past.
The thing that made this trial so difficult and almost impossible is that the selection of a number in your head with out any other reason than to select a number [ any number ] is a way of testing your own freedom.
I have used this method many times in the past.
If the number feels coached I would simply select another number. Also tending to avoid number associations. Thus freewill is expressed by the uniqueness of your random selection.

It is inherantly an instinctive reaction to attempt to maintain the integrity of your freedom. Thus any attempt by me to coherce a result immediately is instinctively rejected.
Another method is to use the opposite to word association. To use word DIS-asscociation is a method of reducing subconscious links and associations.
For example I say the word "bomb" and the next word chosen has to be as far removed from any association with the word as possible.
Try it someday with a willing partner and you'll find it can be a great source of fun and inspiration.

By using random numbers in this test meant that the numbers had no direct associations and afforded the greatest freedoms to both Crunchy and myself. It also made the test incredibly difficult to succeed in.
As to a further test I would like to wait for the now finished test results to sink in for a few days or so before making any decision to continue.

There is no doubt in my mind that in time, if we continued this test [ open ended time frame] that eventually we would show results. But this may be unecessarilly rigorous.

I certainly am thinking about it though....
Also was I the only one that didn't get post notification e- mails or was this also effecting others?

I never subscribed to that service on the thread.

But tell me, in what way is simply picking a random number a way to test one's freedom?
ozzie said:
Also was I the only one that didn't get post notification e- mails or was this also effecting others?

I saw a notification somewhere that SciForums did some server swappin'. Since I saw the notification, my email notifications stopped and I never bothered to reinstate the for my profile.

As you correctly stated, the experiment failed to provide evidence of pshychic phenomena. You did a great job of hosting the experiment and I appreciate the sincere effort towards discovereing evidence.

I have a hypothesis of why positive results may have been experienced with your wife. Perhaps you have picked up on patterns of her number choices and simply became good at predicting the next choice in her pattern. I might suggest analyzing prior positive results and seeing if certain numbers came up again and if there were any fuzzy sequences of numbers that reared their heads.

I have been keeping track of research on Migrane headaches (my wife gets them) and one particular company ( is in clinical trials with a portable Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator. It just occured to me that this type of technology would probably be applicable towards treating the symptoms of shizophrenia. Ultimately, everything in the brain boils down to electrical impulse and it would seem to me that TMS technology is a much more direct and controlled way of addressing schizophrenia (imagine if those voices could be turned off with the click of a button).

Last but not least, I wanted to let you know that I admire your desire to find the truth and by hypothesizing, experimenting, and analyzing results, you are light years ahead of others in thought process. I would propose that the hypothesis of your extraordinary experiences being localized (self-brain generated) be considered for testing in the future.

Crunchy Cat said:

As you correctly stated, the experiment failed to provide evidence of pshychic phenomena. You did a great job of hosting the experiment and I appreciate the sincere effort towards discovereing evidence.

I have a hypothesis of why positive results may have been experienced with your wife. Perhaps you have picked up on patterns of her number choices and simply became good at predicting the next choice in her pattern. I might suggest analyzing prior positive results and seeing if certain numbers came up again and if there were any fuzzy sequences of numbers that reared their heads.

I have been keeping track of research on Migrane headaches (my wife gets them) and one particular company ( is in clinical trials with a portable Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator. It just occured to me that this type of technology would probably be applicable towards treating the symptoms of shizophrenia. Ultimately, everything in the brain boils down to electrical impulse and it would seem to me that TMS technology is a much more direct and controlled way of addressing schizophrenia (imagine if those voices could be turned off with the click of a button).

Last but not least, I wanted to let you know that I admire your desire to find the truth and by hypothesizing, experimenting, and analyzing results, you are light years ahead of others in thought process. I would propose that the hypothesis of your extraordinary experiences being localized (self-brain generated) be considered for testing in the future.

Thanks for your generous comments Crunchy Cat!!
As to the Transcranial Magnetic stimulator. I have been involved in part of the assessment process [ controlled study group] of something very similar. Facinating science. A major teaching hospital has been researching and trialing the device here for nearly 15 years.
It involved a figure 8 magnetic electro magnetic coil that focusses a magnetic field precisely on to the area of concern. It causes involuntary muscle reflexing in it's cudest form. Typically sessions would run for approximately 1.5 hours including all sorts of statistical analysis including side effects. [ muscle over flow effects ]

They eventually hope to generate a field that can stabilise the precarious nature of the brains teetering.
I got involved years ago after researching just how precarious brain stability was.
That is also an area of interesting statistics.

I can't recall the actual name given to the research but I believe it to be similar. Sorry to hear or your wifes condition I hope you guys can find solutions.

The other thing I wanted to mention was that as you have hypothesised and suggested I have always considered the possibility of "normal" causality of my experiences. It is extremely easy to be fooled into believing the extraordinary when being a subject of the extraordinary.
What is imagination? And what isn't?
Is there any other more reasonable explanation for the experience?
and so on.....

We as humans all wish to be special, we all wish to be able to make a difference, these desires exist in all of us and are easilly invoked in this area of psychic discovery.

To think that someone can just clinically step up on a stage and act free from emotion and desire is absurd. And as such it is emotion and these desires that can cripple a persons ability to act with reason and sanity.

So in answer to your suggestions, I appreciate your desire and good will. And yes it is always worth reinforcing the need to keep things grounded.
BTW have you ever played cards [ Canasta ] with someone who can psy read [ inconsistantly ] your hand of cards, and vica is an amusing thing indeed. :D
My partner and I play canasta cards game most evenings as a way of relaxing but it is impossible to either win of loose, unless one person deliberately allows the other to win.

Most bizare I can assure you..... :D [ a bit monty Pythonish]
[ although I am a bit upset that she doesn't want to play chess although I can understand why]
Due to prompting in another thread I have just re-read this thread and feel that another trial may be in order. This time however I will be involved directly and not my brother inlaw Ozzie.

If Prince James and Crunchy Cat are up for it I would like to hear suggestions as to what form it could take.

Thusfar, no results. I am going to be trying it with a more people and over again in the upcoming weeks, though. I'll keep you updated.

The main reason for the existance of rectification or inversion is associated with intinctive self protection.

Extraordinary experiences have most often extraordinary consequences.

In fact most persons exhibiting symptoms of Schizophrenia are doing so because they are attempting to ground their extraordinary experiences in a way that resembles sanity but falls way short of it. In other words their behaviour is an attempt at being sane and not insane, even though it appears insane to us.

All persons have a desire for sanity. Most persons work on this issue all their lives, tryng to maintain perspective on all things. Trying to achieve the sanest position. [ and most people fail in many instances to maintain that perspective - anger , aggresion, impulsivity, ]
Now for this trial to be successful it must by default generate an experience for Crunchy that he would consider extraordinary. And whilst it is not the experience itself that poses the problem it is the memory of that experience that can.
What is often described in persons who have had extraordinary experiences is that if that experinece is denied the persons mental tapestry starts to fall apart. Thus schizophrenia is deemed a condition that means the persons sense of reality deteriorates. This deterioration caused in the main by not understanding what they have experienced and the denial of those experineces as being real and worthy of understanding.

So the rectifier [ pineal gland ] attempts to maintain sensory integrity at all times. If this is threatened it inverts the desire leading to negative or neutral results. It has the ability to override any desire you might have in the interests of sensory integrity.

I have come to understand that when two people want the same thing at a psychic level this creates a threat to sensory integrity. The main reason for this is that we are essentially the one entity but we are dealing with the situation as if we are two entities.
Crunchy and me or you and me and so on.

This separation is necessary and must be maintained thus psychic connectivity is tempored by the primary need to maintain the illusion of individuality.

What concerns me most is not so much this trial but the negative effects my testing with my partner is having on my partner. Every time we run a trial she is getting stronger at dealing with the outcomes of extraodinary experiences. Mood deterioration, poor reasoning ability, relational frictions, insecurity etc. are a significant problem but gradualy her reactions to the experiences are getting more secure. Hence the results we are getting are improving. Attempting Psychic interactions has an inherant risk and needs to be managed carefully.

So the body defends itself from experiencing the extraordinary because it's ability to cope with the consequences is not adequate enough. [ evidenced in the number of people hospitalised with Schizophrenia and similar illnesses due to the inabaility to cope with extraordinary events]
Thus there exists a system of rectification as part of the persons self defence instincts. [ adrenal shock upon realisation is always an issue]

As mentioned in another thread on Tensing, suspense and tension caused by suspense has in itself the ability to neutralise any connectivity. To be successful these issues have to be resolved and essentially this comes back to me and how I cope with the extraordinary [ as we are one entity] The more secure I become the better others become because my pineal gland is superimposed over every one elses.
So as this trial continues my primary focus is on my reactions to what we are attempting to do, and as I learn to react more securely the results of these types of endevours also become more secure and thus more conclusive.

Now after reading this you are probably thinking that I am just doing what I suggest persons are doing that have symptoms of schizophrenia. This is a fare assesment. Sure, I am grounding my extraodinary experiences in what may be considered as a pseudo science. So it could be argued whether my grounding is any more sane than a religious fevered person preaching end times and demonstrating a messiah complex.

I have no arguement other than the evidence I am experiencing confirms the pseudo science I am espousing.
BTW in case you are not aware, the Pineal gland is the gland referred to in Eastern philosophy as the Crown Chakra.

The whole of Eastern mysticism and even Buddhist philosophy is an attempt to ground experience in a way that makes sense. As to veracity this is yet to be proven.
And if this trial is successful this also goes a long way to supporting notions of Eastern thought and philosophy.
So to prove conclusively the reality of psychic pheno has significant ramifications. And it is these ramifications I feel, that generate the rectification or inversion factor that I described earlier.

Ozzie said:
Thanks for your generous comments Crunchy Cat!!
As to the Transcranial Magnetic stimulator. I have been involved in part of the assessment process [ controlled study group] of something very similar. Facinating science. A major teaching hospital has been researching and trialing the device here for nearly 15 years.
It involved a figure 8 magnetic electro magnetic coil that focusses a magnetic field precisely on to the area of concern. It causes involuntary muscle reflexing in it's cudest form. Typically sessions would run for approximately 1.5 hours including all sorts of statistical analysis including side effects. [ muscle over flow effects ]

They eventually hope to generate a field that can stabilise the precarious nature of the brains teetering.
I got involved years ago after researching just how precarious brain stability was.
That is also an area of interesting statistics.

I can't recall the actual name given to the research but I believe it to be similar. Sorry to hear or your wifes condition I hope you guys can find solutions.

The other thing I wanted to mention was that as you have hypothesised and suggested I have always considered the possibility of "normal" causality of my experiences. It is extremely easy to be fooled into believing the extraordinary when being a subject of the extraordinary.
What is imagination? And what isn't?
Is there any other more reasonable explanation for the experience?
and so on.....

We as humans all wish to be special, we all wish to be able to make a difference, these desires exist in all of us and are easilly invoked in this area of psychic discovery.

To think that someone can just clinically step up on a stage and act free from emotion and desire is absurd. And as such it is emotion and these desires that can cripple a persons ability to act with reason and sanity.

So in answer to your suggestions, I appreciate your desire and good will. And yes it is always worth reinforcing the need to keep things grounded.
BTW have you ever played cards [ Canasta ] with someone who can psy read [ inconsistantly ] your hand of cards, and vica is an amusing thing indeed.
My partner and I play canasta cards game most evenings as a way of relaxing but it is impossible to either win of loose, unless one person deliberately allows the other to win.

Most bizare I can assure you..... [ a bit monty Pythonish]
[ although I am a bit upset that she doesn't want to play chess although I can understand why]
Rocking on brother.