Real time Telepathic test, and development exercise

Yes, I was going to mention that. Technology, being as it is, tends to be volatile to one extent or another.
Hi Ozzie,

Thank you for the detailed proposal and I appreciate all the ground work you have put into this! I am going to summarize my understanding of the proposal and will ask for confirmation of my interpretation.

* Every day, for 10 days, at approximately 12:00 p.m. Sydney / Mellbourne time (7:00 p.m. California Time; 10:00 p.m. New York time) the following process will commence:

- You will generate 4 numbers >= 101 ~ <= 400.
- The numbers will be recorded on a whiteboard.
- The numbers will be sent to Prince with alpha labels A, B, C, & D to indicate order of generation.
- The numbers Will be empressed upon me but not directly in real time.
- I will post the numbers with alpha labels A, B, C, & D to indicate order of generation.
- I will post any notes about the experience from a cognitive and emotional perspective.
- Prince will post his numbers upon completion of my post with alpha labels A, B, C, & D to indicate order of generation.

* The experiment comes with the following challenges:

- Performance anxiety (i.e. 'Tensing') is a risk for the sender (yourself) and may lead to undesirable results.
- Any perceived violation of 'free will' by the receiver (myself) may result in a defensive reaction and produce undesireable results.
- Non-direct and non-real time empressing is a new and has not been tried before and this may produce undesireable results.

Let me know if my interpretation is correct. I will also likely have a few questions. I would propose a starting date of Friday. The reason is that on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. my time, I have a business engagement that will take my full and utmost focus for ~4 hours and I don't want to risk a hiccuup in the 10 day trail.


Since you shall be doing other things, presumably, throughout the ten day test, do you really find that a four hour business meeting will really impact things significantly?
Prince_James said:

Since you shall be doing other things, presumably, throughout the ten day test, do you really find that a four hour business meeting will really impact things significantly?


Consider the following risks in combination:

* I have never done this before.
* Any stray thought that pops on the scene during the business meeting will be immediately and actively discarded (I will be intentionally unreceptive to anything else during this time).
* There are items I am not clear on and I will very likely have questions for Ozzie and follow-up questions to his answers. This may potentially take a couple of days to hash out.

If the concensus is to proceed today regardless of these risks then I would have to question the intent of the participants as the experiment's integrity would be compromised. This would be a shame considering I am fully committed to Friday September 23rd to Monday October 3rd (this does make the reasonable assumption that all my questions will be hashed out by my proposed starting date).
Crunchy Cat:

You make good points for postponing the test. I can see why you'd prefer to take the more cautious route and wait till Friday, and thus shall I fully agree to waiting, so please do not think I am pushing you to start tomorrow, and sorry if I might have given that impression. However, I must ask whether or not you feel that your normal life will impede you? Or do you intend to spend a great deal of concentrative effort in receiving the numbers from until the 3rd?
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My normal life at 7:00 p.m. PST should be just fine for 10 days in a row (acceptance of the experiment would not have occured otherwise). There is simply a special case on Thursday and it's our responsibility to minimize risk as much as possible.
Crunchy, Prince,
Friday will be fine.
As the nature of this test is a full time 10 day trial, in other words the total duration is 240 hours + maybe a couple. IT is seriously worth keeping in mind that normal every day activities be maintained. I don't think changing anything is going to be helpful. I would suggest relaxing on the whole notion and just get on with it.

What willl probabaly happen is that at the very moment I create the numbers and post them to Prince you Crunchy cat will be under a certain pressure. Until the last post of numbers 216 hours later.

The experiment no matter how it is constructed is far from ideal. This has certain appeal to me as I happen to enjoy challenges that stretch ones imagination.

From an eseoteric perspective what is happening even now is a sort of sycnhronistic meshing, where by the empressed numbers will find their way somehow into Cruchies conscious domain.

The thing to realise from my perspective is that even with out deliberate action on my part the numbers will be known by Crunchy at a deep subconsiuous level, and all I will be doing is attempt to facilitate their uprising in to Crunchies conscious realm.

So relax, as I am not really sending anything that you don't already subconsciously know.


The other thing is until I see a post from Crunchy on Friday saying that he is ready I wont be doing anything pro-actively.
I will wait until I see a post from Crunchy before I will start generating the numbers and the trial will begin.

Another point:

The recievers 4 numbers are to be posted even if they may seem to be a wild guess [ guessing is to be avoided as much as possible]

Crunchy, possibly you can describe your normal internet time, time online.
I get the impression that you post your last post whilst I am asleep.

If we can create a deadline for the posting of the recievers numbers it would act as a datum time that we can all work around.

Of course flexibility is the key to all this but a number post deadline would be helpful.

In other words I wish Crunchy Cat to describe his criteria, and one that he is comfortable with.

I personally am not able to get online until about 11 am Melbourne time.

Actually this time thingo needs to be firmed up generally.

Ok......... [ozzie bites the bullet]
I will post 4 randomly selected numbers to Prince at 12 midday or very close to that every day for the 10 day period.
My first send will commence on Saturday 24th at 12 midday. Melbourne Sydney time.
This I think is your Friday.

sender post :

Melbourne 12 noon Saturday
NewYork 10pm Friday
California 7pm Friday
I will post to this thread a post indicating that the numbers have been sent to Prince at this time.

It is worth noting that we are already in a 24 hour cycle of sorts as the threads history is showing so I see no reason to think this will change.
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Crunchy Cat said:
Hi Ozzie,

Thank you for the detailed proposal and I appreciate all the ground work you have put into this! I am going to summarize my understanding of the proposal and will ask for confirmation of my interpretation.

* Every day, for 10 days, at approximately 12:00 p.m. Sydney / Mellbourne time (7:00 p.m. California Time; 10:00 p.m. New York time) the following process will commence:
- You will generate 4 numbers >= 101 ~ <= 400.
- The numbers will be recorded on a whiteboard.
- The numbers will be sent to Prince with alpha labels A, B, C, & D to indicate order of generation.
- The numbers Will be empressed upon me but not directly in real time.
- I will post the numbers with alpha labels A, B, C, & D to indicate order of generation.
- I will post any notes about the experience from a cognitive and emotional perspective.
- Prince will post his numbers upon completion of my post with alpha labels A, B, C, & D to indicate order of generation.

* The experiment comes with the following challenges:

- Performance anxiety (i.e. 'Tensing') is a risk for the sender (yourself) and may lead to undesirable results.
- Any perceived violation of 'free will' by the receiver (myself) may result in a defensive reaction and produce undesireable results.
- Non-direct and non-real time empressing is a new and has not been tried before and this may produce undesireable results.

Let me know if my interpretation is correct. I will also likely have a few questions. I would propose a starting date of Friday. The reason is that on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. my time, I have a business engagement that will take my full and utmost focus for ~4 hours and I don't want to risk a hiccuup in the 10 day trail.

Correct except I will post my numbers to Prince at 12 noon every day starting from Saturday [ your Friday ] 24th of September, Melbourne time.

Given the nature of the trial allowances must be made for unknown contigencies and unforseen circumstances. In other words this is not a "do or die" effort, it is not an "all or nothing" type event.

Any extreme effort applied will create negative results. In other words the trial must be conducted "sanely" and kept in perspective.
Crunchy Cats mental and societal integrity will and must be maintained even if that means the test will fail to be conclusiive.
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Can I ask Crunchy and Prince to indicate the City and state they will be in during the trial?
Just so I get this time issue sorted out in my head.
For the sake of interest the following is a picture of the whiteboard I will be using.
<img src=>
Crude but effective

Barring the extremely unlikely occurrence that I shall be out of town, I shall almost assuredly be in New York City, specifically, the borough of Brooklyn, throughout the ten day trial. The farthest I am likely to go under any normal circumstance would be to Manhattan, but I'd be back to Brooklyn likely around the time you send the numbers to me in PM, or if not, definitely within a few hours time.

When I receive the numbers, I shall also make sure to post that I have gotten them here on the forums. I will not, however, reveal said numbers until I see that Crunchy Cat has posted, which will naturally result in me posting again sometime later in the day, unless Crunchy answers before confirmation of getting the numbers, which should not be a problem so long that I do, in fact, get them.
ozzie said:
Can I ask Crunchy and Prince to indicate the City and state they will be in during the trial?
Just so I get this time issue sorted out in my head.


I will be spending 70% of my time in Mountain View CA and 30% of my time in San Jose CA. They are very close to each other geophraphically.


Your last postings actually answered all the questions I had to my satisfaction so I am ready to go. I don't have a normal internet time per se'; however, I will make a committment to do my uptmost to post the 4 numbers by 9:00 p.m. California time. If for some reason I am blocked from doing this, I will write the numbers down by 9:00 p.m. California time and post them as soon as possible, confirm that they were actually recorded by 9:00 p.m. California time, and explain what prevented me from posting.

Feel free to do any pre-experiments prior to our start on Friday (your Saturday).


P.S. I will be wearing a digital watch for the 10 day period with the alarm set to 8:30 as a reminder.
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Just a note to say that I will be posting the first set of numbers to Prince in 12 hours. I will also post to the forum that I have done so.
I have posted the 4 random numbers to Prince in a PM.
As agreed Prince is not to open the PM until after Crunchy has posted his reciepts.

Please keep in mind that random number selection follows no particular rational. All numbers are possible.

I have received the PM, but have not opened it yet. I anxiously await Crunchy's post.
A) 140
B) 200
C) 250
D) 300

What I experienced

Nothing unusual, just posted the numbers that popped in my head.