
Atheism says nothing about any atoms.

Sure because there is no 'Book of Atheism' so to speak. But if you understand that the Universe is meaningless- all of you and any all you make is just as meaningless- This is the fundamental Truth that Atheism portrays.

You are a very confused individual (if you are an individual at all). Atheism doesn't give a shit about anything and neither does theism. It's people that give a shit or not.

No Theism does give a shit, and people who believe in it give a shit because of it- Not all, but many people. Atheism doesn't give a shit like you said :D

Peace be unto you.
because the fundamental truth is that you are all meaningless biodegradable junk :m:.

Yup, deal with it. I deal with it by finding beauty in nature, by helping out my fellow people who are all here in the same boat as feeling human individuals, by contemplating the mysterious origins of the physical world...

Your argument is avoiding a very important point, which I have mentioned several times already. Atheism doesn't eliminate meaning in life. It only eliminates the false purposes and meanings revolving around religious mythology.
And so are you..

Peace be unto you :)

I'm not an Atheist- but yes by your understanding of the universe I am biodegradable junk- So Atheism has no prohibition if everything is destroyed- Great.... :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
Sure because there is no 'Book of Atheism' so to speak. But if you understand that the Universe is meaningless- all of you and any all you make is just as meaningless- This is the fundamental Truth that Atheism portrays.
Really? Atheism says nothing about that either. Atheism just does not agree with the notion of God. That's it.

No Theism does give a shit, and people who believe in it give a shit because of it- Not all, but many people.
Theism doesn't give a shit, theists may.

Atheism doesn't give a shit like you said :D
Irrelevant. Atheism doesn't have anything to do with whether someone give a shit or not.
I'm not an Atheist- but yes by your understanding of the universe I am biodegradable junk- So Atheism has no prohibition if everything is destroyed- Great.... :shrug:
Who is going to destroy everything?
There are no prohibitions in religion either, since there is no God to enforce it. In fact, religious people tend to blow things up in far greater numbers than non-religious people. We have the example of Islamic suicide bombers, Aztec human sacrifices, The Crusades, etc...
Atheism doesn't, nor does theism, but atheists may, alike theists.

Theism mandates taking this life seriously and so 'give a shit'. Atheism doesn't because the fundamental truth Atheism teaches is that everything and anything you do is meaningful in the big picture of the universe.

Peace be unto you ;)
Yup, deal with it. I deal with it by finding beauty in nature, by helping out my fellow people who are all here in the same boat as feeling human individuals, by contemplating the mysterious origins of the physical world...

Your argument is avoiding a very important point, which I have mentioned several times already. Atheism doesn't eliminate meaning in life. It only eliminates the false purposes and meanings revolving around religious mythology.

Its not about dealing with anything... Its to say that Atheism makes everything legal- because its just as meaningless as an illegal act-

Peace be unto you ;)
Theism mandates taking this life seriously and so 'give a shit'.
So you only take this life seriously because theism says you should?
:eek: What would you be without theism??
From that perspective I can see why you can't wrap your mind around the fact that people do give a shit about life without some myth telling them to.

Atheism doesn't because the fundamental truth Atheism teaches is that everything and anything you do is meaningful in the big picture of the universe.
Atheism doesn't teach that and nor do I see how it would be relevant to the issue at hand if it did.
Really? Atheism says nothing about that either. Atheism just does not agree with the notion of God. That's it.

Really? Can you read between the lines :eek:

Theism doesn't give a shit, theists may.

Theism does give a shit, and theists also may give a shit.

Irrelevant. Atheism doesn't have anything to do with whether someone give a shit or not.

Its what it 'portrays'. Just as spidergoat said the universe is meaningless- you may create your individual meaning but that is still meaningless.

Peace be unto you ;)
So you only take this life seriously because theism says you should?
:eek: What would you be without theism??
From that perspective I can see why you can't wrap your mind around the fact that people do give a shit about life without some myth telling them to.

You are confusing two SEPARATE things:

1. Does Atheism give a shit?
2. Do Atheists give a shit?

I'm talking about number 1, and you are talking about number 2. Atheism doesn't give a shit even if Atheists do. I'm not talking about if the people care or not. I'm talking about the fundamental belief system.

Atheism doesn't teach that and nor do I see how it would be relevant to the issue at hand if it did.

The issue is about Atheism- so its completely relevant.

Peace be unto you ;)
Really? Can you read between the lines :eek:

Theism does give a shit, and theists also may give a shit.

Its what it 'portrays'. Just as spidergoat said the universe is meaningless- you may create your individual meaning but that is still meaningless.

Peace be unto you ;)
Well, you are obviously a lost cause.

Have a nice day :)
No, YOU were confusing those two and I have been pointing that out to you.

You have to be joking me. I have continuously said Atheism doesn't give a shit. I've been trying to point out that Atheism sees the whole universe as pointless and so everything in it. Atheists may come up with their own meaning but ATHEISM has no say into the meaning of life- for all Atheism sees is that you are all meaningless biodegradable junk :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Its not about dealing with anything... Its to say that Atheism makes everything legal- because its just as meaningless as an illegal act-

Peace be unto you ;)

Ultimately, yes, there is no "Book of Life" in which all our actions are written for all eternity. However, there are human laws and rights which we acknowledge.

By analogy, there is no ultimate art, but there is art. There is no ultimate universal music, but there is music. There is no ultimate love, but there is human love. Atheism is compatable with these ideas.
You have to be joking me. I have continuously said Atheism doesn't give a shit. I've been trying to point out that Atheism sees the whole universe as pointless and so everything in it. Atheists may come up with their own meaning but ATHEISM has no say into the meaning of life- for all Atheism sees is that you are all meaningless biodegradable junk :D

Peace be unto you ;)
So what? What's your point then?
There are no prohibitions in religion either, since there is no God to enforce it. In fact, religious people tend to blow things up in far greater numbers than non-religious people. We have the example of Islamic suicide bombers, Aztec human sacrifices, The Crusades, etc...

As long as you have people who practice the religion then they prohibit themselves from certain actions because of their religion- so the prohibitions are in the religion. It is not God that enforces those prohibitions- because religion teaches that the enforcer has to be you, yourself.

As for the killing..... its not even about people. Its about the fundamental understanding. Theism places an inherent meaning in life, while Atheism takes life inherently meaningless..If you are a theist and then use religion to prohibit yourself- then there is a meaning to it fundamentally.

If you are an Atheist and then make up your own meaning- fundamentally it is all meaningless.

Peace be unto you ;)
Ultimately, yes, there is no "Book of Life" in which all our actions are written for all eternity. However, there are human laws and rights which we acknowledge.

You as an Atheist acknowledge them but under Atheism these laws are just as meaningless- so why should anyone, say I, respect your laws- I can create my own laws- and Atheism has nothing to say about this.

By analogy, there is no ultimate art, but there is art. There is no ultimate universal music, but there is music. There is no ultimate love, but there is human love. Atheism is compatable with these ideas.

Atheism is only compatible because it says nothing about them. But the fundamental truth is- the art is meaningless, the love is meaningless, the music is meaningless.

Peace be unto you ;)