
Gee, that's not very nice. I'm killable, in other words, even though I may spawn the person who could bring about world peace?

Quit focusing on death. What is it amongst the religious, why does death fascinate them? It's totally bizarre. Start thinking about life, the only thing you can be sure of is that you have one.

Death is really the reason you appreciate life. If you had eternal life then I wonder how many would even consider life as something special knowing no such as death... that is why death is important to think about.

There are no guarantees for any more even if that book you're reading says so.

But that book can potentially stop me from destroying the world at a whim.... Atheism on the other hand basically takes life to be practically meaningless which came through a bunch of haphazard reactions, and in reality we are STILL just a collection of reactions that make up our body- if everything is destroyed we simply return to our elemental components- its not like we destroyed anything? Matter can't be created nor destroyed- Life happened once and it can happen again- we're just a collection of chemical reactions- why not become part of a combustion reaction :shrug:

Do you consider yourself a model representative of your faith?


Lastly lets not change the topic to religion. So all you Atheists have no problem that everything is destroyed because we're just biodegradable junk :m:

Peace be unto you ;)
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Atheism on the other hand basically takes life to be practically meaningless

Methinks you have made a mistake there. I value life more than anything else. I'm making the most of mine. I'm sure that there isn't any atheists on the planet who thinks life is meaningless to them.

Logic it out. It's really quite simple.
Methinks you have made a mistake there. I value life more than anything else. I'm making the most of mine. I'm sure that there isn't any atheists on the planet who thinks life is meaningless to them.

Logic it out. It's really quite simple.

Your life may mean something to you..... there is no guarantee that another's life is meaningful.... And that 'meaning' is self-created, which doesn't have to be in accordance with everyone.

In truth you are simply a collection of atoms that are in a reaction, you are biodegradable junk- anything more than that is your self-creation. :D

A sex addict could value another's life say a women, only because they can rape them everyday- they enjoy it but the life of the other to them is quite meaningless- and why should you value others (per Atheism?)

If someone doesn't value another person, there is nothing wrong with that- or are you trying to impose that everyone have meaning of their own life and the other person's life- if so then you need to participate in the thread "Do Atheists have a God Complex?"- remember to say Yes.

So Atheism doesn't really contribute to having "meaning" (that is self-created) - all it allows us to know is that we're all just atoms and really biodegradable junk :m:

Peace be unto you ;)
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We're just chemical reactions that went boom :D Why is life even important, who gives a damn. Someone who became tired of life just destroys everything, Atheism has nothing to say?

Well, why do you give a damn?
So Atheism doesn't really contribute to having "meaning" (that is self-created) - all it allows us to know is that we're all just atoms and really biodegradable junk
I find it strange how so many people are concerned with what happens after life and what the meaning of it is, instead of actually living life and taking n the experience as it happens.
Atheism doesnt subscribe to meanings based on pure speculation and faith. Now as to the statement about "allowing" one to know that they are just atoms/junk, I feel like its something akin to me making a statment saying that all religion allows is for us to realize that we are just slaves and tools of god.

Maybe you could look at the situation with a little more tact...:shrug:
Not really. These mutations, although random, can be counted on to happen, given enough time. They only provide the variation which can then be selected. The mutations do not provide the adaptation itself. A mutation that leads to small wings does not turn a waterbird into a penguin. Rather, a series of selection pressures work on natural variations, until the result is a penguin.
But then you do agree that there is a random element, at least as far as we can tell?

You call it random I call it chance =p
But natural selection is not. It's not as if a random mutation would lead to humans having wings, the selection pressure is the guiding force, not mutations.
Uh! NO man.
I'd sooner say that theism treats life as being meaningless.

Please go on to show this to me because theism in most cases sees life as 'sacred'- while Atheism is indifferent because we're just biodegradable junk :D

An atheist who sees meaning in life is because of their own self- not because Atheism gives life meaning. Leaving aside your own construct of meaning, you're just biodegradable junk which is made up of many reactions- why not get into a combustion reaction, Atheism is indifferent to this :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
It seems to me that theism treats life as merely the transit point to something better....or worse.
Please go on to show this to me because theism in most cases sees life as 'sacred'- while Atheism is indifferent because we're just biodegradable junk :D
Sacred? You all hope to get to that higher plain some day, where does that leave life?
Please tell me, why do you see life as sacred?

An atheist who sees meaning in life is because of their own self- not because Atheism gives life meaning.
Correct. And?

Leaving aside your own construct of meaning, you're just biodegradable junk which is made up of many reactions-

why not get into a combustion reaction,

Atheism is indifferent to this :shrug:
So what?
I find it strange how so many people are concerned with what happens after life and what the meaning of it is, instead of actually living life and taking n the experience as it happens.

Why are experience important when you're just going to return to elemental atoms once you die, anyways you're just a collection of reaction, when you die you just become part of another reaction- its possible that when you die your atoms then make up the shit of a bull. There is absolutely no meaning to life in Atheism- we're just haphazard collection of atoms- and we can be recycled because we are biodegradable junk :m:

Atheism doesnt subscribe to meanings based on pure speculation and faith.

Atheism can't subscribe meaning to life because we're just a collection of reactions. It has nothing to do with 'speculation' or 'faith'- the fact we are just junk is enough to devoid life of any meaning. Even life is not so important because its just a haphazard event. Now if you want to attribute meaning to life- that is your own thing- but Atheism only sees you as a collection of reactions which one day will break down because we're biodegradable.
Now as to the statement about "allowing" one to know that they are just atoms/junk, I feel like its something akin to me making a statment saying that all religion allows is for us to realize that we are just slaves and tools of god.

Maybe you could look at the situation with a little more tact...:shrug:

Its not about 'looking' the discussion is about Atheism. Atheism has nothing in it that gives meaning to anything. That is why if someone blows everything up it really doesn't matter because we'll just split into our elemental components, not like anything happened. Why should anyone give a damn about anything or anyone in Atheism?

Peace be unto you ;)
Since the world is a result of chance events in the universe, as the atheists claim, then isn't it possible that we destroy the world, and let the universe have another crack at it, perhaps it'll create a 'peaceful world'. Maybe we will re-EVOL-ve. (EVOL is LOVE backwards) into beings that are more peaceful- anyways if everything was just in the state of 'energy' we would all just be One- and at peace with each other. :m:

Is there a reason why someone shouldn't do this? And anyway, why should anyone give a damn about any of you, its not like something will happen to them after they die? They'll simply be recycled into the circle of life....

I don't see anything in Atheism that would stop them from doing this....... Afterall we're just disposable junk- good thing we're biodegradable...:m:

Peace be unto you ;)

i have to say, i like ur thinking!
But then you do agree that there is a random element, at least as far as we can tell?

You call it random I call it chance =p

Look at the thread 'God of Science' its basically about this subject.

Peace be unto you ;)