
That's not what I asked. I asked why you give a damn.

I give a damn because I'm a theist, I think that was the point of my previous response to you- Atheism doesn't give a shit to put it frankly :eek:

Peace be unto you ;)
Atheism has nothing in it that gives meaning to anything. That is why if someone blows everything up it really doesn't matter because we'll just split into our elemental components, not like anything happened. Why should anyone give a damn about anything or anyone in Atheism?

You are correct that the universe as a whole is without purpose or meaning. However, an individual can have purpose and meaning, which can be informed by science, which is why people give a damn about things blowing up.

I would ask you, why should you care about things blowing up, since we all go to an afterlife anyway? You see, an atheist worldview makes this life much more important.
It seems to me that theism treats life as merely the transit point to something better....or worse.

That may be one way to look at it, but you still need to catch the bus if you want to end up in the 'better' position. At least you'll do something to catch the bus. There is still a meaning. If you're just a collection of reactions, why the hell care- Entropy will win, you're just an atomic unity that is following the laws of Thermodynamics- there is no effort needed on your part.

Peace be unto you ;)
That may be one way to look at it, but you still need to catch the bus if you want to end up in the 'better' position. At least you'll do something to catch the bus. There is still a meaning. If you're just a collection of reactions, why the hell care- Entropy will win, you're just an atomic unity that is following the laws of Thermodynamics- there is no effort needed on your part.

Peace be unto you ;)

Oh, so only you 'care' in order to catch that bus then? :rolleyes:
Sacred? You all hope to get to that higher plain some day, where does that leave life?
Please tell me, why do you see life as sacred?

Its not about 'leaving life' its about using life in a meaningful manner to attain something better. There is a meaning attached to life in Theism. In Atheism you're simply a collection of atoms in a reaction that is following the Laws of Thermodynamics and are going to get disposed like the biodegradable junk that you are :m:

This response of 'so what' is exactly the point. Atheism doesn't give a shit about anything. Doesn't matter who dies, what happens- its all good-- this is what is wrong with Atheism. If someone blows up all the children in the world- Atheism says 'so what'-- WTF...........

Peace be unto you ;)
Oh, so only you 'care' in order to catch that bus then? :rolleyes:

Its an example, at least you're trying to catch the bus by USING this life-- there is meaning attached-

Atheism says - 'Sorry, but your life is just as meaningless as everyone else's. You are all just biodegradable junk' - Someone blows up everything- Atheism has nothing to say- and that is the most f-ked up, primitive thinking that has ever existed for the human society. (Its not like you care about human society- its just junk :m:)

Peace be unto you ;)
No, You seem to be attributing atheism with a complete lack of any and all moral fiber, do you even know what atheism actually is?
How would you know that, being a theist and all? :p

Well, why don't you show me otherwise- Anyways you don't have to be an atheist to at least understand Atheism-

Why don't you show us that Atheism gives a shit :D

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
Its not about 'leaving life' its about using life in a meaningful manner to attain something better. There is a meaning attached to life in Theism. In Atheism you're simply a collection of atoms in a reaction that is following the Laws of Thermodynamics and are going to get disposed like the biodegradable junk that you are :m:
Atheism says nothing about any atoms.

786 said:
This response of 'so what' is exactly the point. Atheism doesn't give a shit about anything. Doesn't matter who dies, what happens- its all good-- this is what is wrong with Atheism. If someone blows up all the children in the world- Atheism says 'so what'-- WTF...........

Peace be unto you ;)
You are a very confused individual (if you are an individual at all). Atheism doesn't give a shit about anything and neither does theism. It's people that give a shit or not.
Atheism isn't a comprehensive philosophy, and as such cannot and should not compete with a worldview like theism. It is merely a position on theism and the supernatural, it does not preclude other moral philosophies such as secular humanism.

In fact, many forms of theism include the idea that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO GET BLOWED UP. They call it the apocalypse. So why should you care about things getting blown up? It's an integral part of many religions.
Man I hate doing this:


Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
The doctrine that there is no God or gods.

Nowhere in thay definition does it say that atheists dont give a shit about children or the world or whatever bullshit you have been littering this forum with.
You are correct that the universe as a whole is without purpose or meaning. However, an individual can have purpose and meaning, which can be informed by science, which is why people give a damn about things blowing up.

Your 'meaning' in the end will become 'meaningless' part of the universe- there is no real meaning to your life in Atheism- the only reason they give a damn is because they need a meaning.

I would ask you, why should you care about things blowing up, since we all go to an afterlife anyway? You see, an atheist worldview makes this life much more important.

Because what you do here determines everything about afterlife- in essence afterlife and life are connected. So we do give a damn about things blowing up.

Peace be unto you ;)
There is no meaning in atheism, but there is meaning in human beings. There is no love in a star, but there is love in the brain, which comes from stars. Emotions and meaning are emergent properties of matter. There still isn't an overarching meaning to the entire thing, but that's fairly irrelevent.
Its an example, at least you're trying to catch the bus by USING this life-- there is meaning attached-
So to you living things are just a means to get what you want? I find that revolting.

Atheism says - 'Sorry, but your life is just as meaningless as everyone else's. You are all just biodegradable junk' -
Atheism says nothing of the sort.

Someone blows up everything- Atheism has nothing to say- and that is the most f-ked up, primitive thinking that has ever existed for the human society. (Its not like you care about human society- its just junk :m:)
Uhm aren't the theists blowing up things?
And, again, atheism does not say anything about all that but atheists may very well.
How old are you?
Man I hate doing this:


Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
The doctrine that there is no God or gods.

Nowhere in thay definition does it say that atheists dont give a shit about children or the world or whatever bullshit you have been littering this forum with.

Okay, where does it say that it cares about any children either, and for what reason? Atheism is believing NOT God but the natural process- the universe as spidergoat said is meaningless- And so are you- that is the core of Atheism- anything other than that is prescribed by you to yourself- Why should I give a damn about any of you- what about Atheism is there to stop me? Its not like there is a higher power that will punish me- Say I go to jail- who gives a crap? If someone makes it the meaning of life that they want to rape all the women- what is it about Atheism that stops it? And even if there is, why the hell does it matter-

Anything prescribed by Atheism is just as meaningless because everything is meaningless! So you don't really even need to follow any 'moral fibers' - if there are any that Atheism prescribes - because the fundamental truth is that you are all meaningless biodegradable junk :m:.

Peace be unto you :)
The appealing nature of a philosophy or religion has nothing to do with whether it's true or not. Religion has served social purposes in the past, no matter how silly they were.