questions to an abductee

Thanks for your replies.
I understand what you are saying.
Your a very interesting character Jocaria.
I cannot even begin to fathom your perspective of having experienced what you have.
And here I thought I had a burden with simply seeing these mettalic disc shaped crafts.
Wish you the best.
Peace Out
moementum7 said:
Thanks for your replies.
I understand what you are saying.
Your a very interesting character Jocaria.
I cannot even begin to fathom your perspective of having experienced what you have.
And here I thought I had a burden with simply seeing these mettalic disc shaped crafts.
Wish you the best.
Peace Out

Our perspective is uniquely our own. Each of us being the product of our genetic make up, as well as our environment experiences.

I can't fathom not being as I am.

Seeing metallic disc-shaped craft is indeed a burden - an assault of the senses in a very real and powerful way. We all expect, on a subconscious level perhaps, that life will follow certain pre-set parameters. When something comes along that does not fit (goes against or is contrary to), those parameters, it must be integrated (justified or balanced) into our psyche. The subconscious mind accomplishes this task, but not without having to rearrange long-held, pre-established, belief patterns or systems, so as to fit, in a very organized way, the new information.

Sometimes new decisions or beliefs need to be made before this can happen. An example might be, coming to the conclusion after some internal turmoil, “Oh well, I guess these things really do (or really can) exist”. Or even thinking (or convincing one’s self) that what was seen, was not really what it actually appeared to be, after all.

Ultimately, it doesn't really matter - what ever works for the individual. Either way, it amounts to the subconscious mind’s job of justifying the event with the individual’s existing psyche, or underlying belief systems.


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Are these alien races doing this to every planet they come across that is inhabited by species that will allow such gene manipulation with their own?

Would our species before the gene manipulation have come to a point of self awareness on our own if not interupted by these alien races?


from some of what I have gathered through numerous sources, these people do not simply go out altering worlds randomly.

there is, of course, reasons behind why they choose, or are given, a specific planet to visit and possibly enhance thru several different mediums.

whereas I am sure that other planets may follow the same 'manipulation', not all of them do. those that DONT take an extremely LONG time to reach the point of being a true advanced life species, such as the 'aliens' we may see are visiting earth.

the Greys, on the other hand, are amongst one of the races of people who most definetely travel to numerous planets for projects, them being the most scientific and precise beings in this corner of the universe. This is evident in the "Star Map" Betty Hill was shown by Zeta Reticuli aliens, and this map showed what the aliens called "trade routes" consisting of several stars in our galaxy, including Zeta Reticuli and Sol (our sun) and about 5 other Stars, and these were all connected with Lines, going to and from these stars.

this shows to me several projects that Greys are part of, and it isnt without reason, because like i said, the Greys are very Calculating (like Jocariah states as well) - which leaves less room for error, and since they are considered emotion-less, it leaves even less chance for feelings/emotion to entangle/endanger the project(s)

now, on the opposite side of this existance spectrum there ARE higher beings (people) who DO in fact practice Love and Care (Emotions). These are aliens that are sometimes called Pleiadians or Nordics. these people focus on their spirituality rather than their physicality. Some of these beings would eventually rather become pure spiritual energy as opposed to the technological races who would rather stay in physical bodies, using their toys.


Earth seems to be an attempt, by BOTH SIDES OF THE SPECTRUM, TO INTEGRATE.

Take a look at the world and how dual it all seems. We are shown numerous times the 2 choices to make: For/Against War? For/Against Gays? For/Against Abortion? For/Against Bush Admin ? For/Against Religion? For/Against Aliens ?

we see that there is duality at our level of existance, because this duality illusion is what helps us decide what orientation we want to be.

Earth seems to be, at this crucial point in galactal history, going through the steps of evolution (both artificial and natural) in a whole new way, never before seen.

this is why so many UFOs are sighted, why so many Aliens and Spirits want to come and see what is happening. Some of these visitors even jump into the reincarnational cycle of earth to experience this first-hand.

we humans, at this point in earth history, are at a crossing road between Spirituality Street and Physicality Avenue. we have technology that is new, but we also have our spiritual (religious some may call it- but i dont like that word) roots deeply engraved into us.

so, we are of TREMENDOUS interest to the galaxy, as Jocariah states as well, these beings of higher order are deeply interested in our evolution/advancement. because, whether or not you all realize, our thoughts and actions have implications throughout our existance. we make our own world, whether u believe that or not.

it may seem like we are robbed of choice, but its quite the opposite.
Jocariah have u ever thought that perhaps your soul choose to incarnate into this world and become part of this ? this could explain why you are so frequently visited, and explain WHY you are targeted.
meditation and the like may open up your subconscious to help you find some answers ?

one question: how frequent are u visited Jocariah ?
and if i may ask an even more personal question: how old is your son and what does he say of this entire experience? do you talk to him about it ?
how about other family memebers, do they know of this ?

hope it isnt too personal.

zonabi said:
Jocariah have u ever thought that perhaps your soul choose to incarnate into this world and become part of this ? this could explain why you are so frequently visited, and explain WHY you are targeted.
meditation and the like may open up your subconscious to help you find some answers ?

one question: how frequent are u visited Jocariah ?
and if i may ask an even more personal question: how old is your son and what does he say of this entire experience? do you talk to him about it ?
how about other family memebers, do they know of this ?

hope it isnt too personal.


I don't seek answers per se - answers are (or information is) provided to me that I am meant to have (to my way of thinking, I am shown whatever I am meant to have). I simply observe those things that are in front of me at any given point in time – living as I do in the now. When information is provided to me, I consciously choose to neither believe nor disbelieve the information. Rather, I simply see it as information that was given me, nothing more. Simply saying as I do ..."that's interesting"... and leaving it at that.

In the larger sense, I can imagine (via my higher self) choosing this particular incarnation in which to inhabit. I can recall many of my past lives as well.

My son and I talked at length – comparing notes if you will – just a few weeks ago about how we are, and the programming we’ve received (instructions and the like at their hands). He recalls me telling him, at a very young age, how to deal with his fear at the onset of the events. I recalled an overwhelming and powerful feeling of dread (possibly paternal instincts), upon realizing that they were exposing him to this very same ordeal, to which I was a part.

My wife knows about me being as I am – having been a part of some extraordinary events herself, with me, over the last ten years or so – according to him, his mother (my x-wife) knows nothing of my/his experiences.

We were both laughing at how they’d leave me out side of my house when I was a kid, after bringing me back – I’d then have to pound on the back door and wake up my mother so she could unlock the door and let me into the house (I couldn't figure out what to tell her) .... maybe it's only funny if you knew my mother. At any rate, that and always being so tired in school, which was not funny, after having been kept up all night by them – it was more like exhaustion really… something to which we could both relate.

But now we are now both fine - being as we are (whatever term, one might choose to discribe us).


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i fail to see the point of responding to this thread becuase i dont think anyone who comes to this forum is an "real" abductie,, or even has valid proof of any "facts"..

ive seen no concret evedience than sugests that abuctions are real

prove me wrong?
A Canadian said:
ive seen no concret evedience than sugests that abuctions are real

prove me wrong?

In fact, plenty of facts have been posted about the 'abduction' experience being nothing more than bad dreams. None of these facts have been refuted by the believers, they've just been ignored. Despite direct invitations to discuss linked material dissecting the phenomenon, believers have declined.

And the believers say it's skeptics that have closed minds. We come here to listen to what they have to say, buy they won't read what we link, nor discuss it.
phlogistician said:
In fact, plenty of facts have been posted about the 'abduction' experience being nothing more than bad dreams. None of these facts have been refuted by the believers, they've just been ignored. Despite direct invitations to discuss linked material dissecting the phenomenon, believers have declined.

And the believers say it's skeptics that have closed minds. We come here to listen to what they have to say, buy they won't read what we link, nor discuss it.

Believe or not as you so choose – either way it is of no consequence to me.

But there is a third alternative that you may have overlooked – remaining neutral, consciously choosing neither to believe nor disbelieve (seeing as how you might not have enough information with which to decide). But, seeing those things that you find merely as points of information.

It is not my job, nor my life’s mission to prove anything to anybody. I am simply living out my life being as I am.

You sound as if somehow we owe it to you, to prove we are what we are. Must the universe and all things present within it prove themselves to you as well?

We are all on a journey; we are all on a separate journey – a journey that is best for us.

Spend your time remaining seeking proof of everything you encounter, or simply live out those days that you have left upon this planet in wonderment – seeing the diversity among all things present. Either way it is your choice, your responsibility to live as you choose.

I do not dance to another’s tune. You have established your own rules – your own life’s doctrines. Chase down those things that you must. Your life is your own to live.

Why would anyone try to prove anything to another – what would their underlying motivation be to do so?

The proof you seek is your responsibility – not mine.


Ah, so your excuse for ignoring the scientific proof that the experience is nothing more than a bad dream, or abnormal brain activity, is that you're a bit cosmic? Jesus, being a hippie was never an excuse for anything!
From my perspective, if one possessed a talent or power to persuade people (and such people exist of course), they might better serve mankind by persuading people that they can be empowered – indeed, that they can empower themselves.

How do people become empowered? And once empowered, empowered to do what?

phlogistician said:
Ah, so your excuse for ignoring the scientific proof that the experience is nothing more than a bad dream, or abnormal brain activity, is that you're a bit cosmic? Jesus, being a hippie was never an excuse for anything!

Hello phlogistician,

I appreciate you taking the time to voice your skepticism.


A Canadian said:
i fail to see the point of responding to this thread becuase i dont think anyone who comes to this forum is an "real" abductie,, or even has valid proof of any "facts"..

ive seen no concret evedience than sugests that abuctions are real

prove me wrong?

Hello A Canadian,

You are correct - what is "the point"? You appear to have already made up your mind.

I imagine that before making up your mind you thoroughly researched all of the facts, all of the evidence (pros and cons), reviewed all of the information available, and gone the extra mile to research these phenomena personally, yourself. Talking no doubt at length to those claiming to be abductees and well as those debunkers.

Then after weighing all of the information you’ve acquired - over the course of time, and much deliberation - you came to your ultimate conclusion. Because you are a scientific soul, and your conclusions are scientifically based, you undoubtedly followed scientific procedures as well.

Because only a fool would simply pop into a thread he knew nothing about to voice a baseless opinion on something with which he was unfamiliar. And you’re not a fool, are you?

So bravo, well done … thanks for all of your hard work on these extraordinary phenomena ... now on to that next decision that awaits.

Hello M7,

It's difficult to have a big ego when you've come to realize that what you really are in essence, at least in some form or fashion, is simply a Lab Rat - subject to certain creatures of a higher order. And being the product of a higher order, continually, and at all times, at the mercy of their agenda(s). Of course that may not be all that I am - it is however, one key facet.

Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my presence here.

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Jocariah said:
From my perspective, if one possessed a talent or power to persuade people (and such people exist of course), they might better serve mankind by persuading people that they can be empowered – indeed, that they can empower themselves.

How do people become empowered? And once empowered, empowered to do what?


I think, from my perspective at least, that knowledge of 'self' empowers. People become empowered when they acquire the knowledge of self.

Empowered to do what? To live their lives with eyes wide open - seeing themselves as they really are.

Empowering it is ... seeing self in all of its facets or aspects. Not necessarily as the world portrays self ... but rather as self really exists.

There is a natural fear or reluctance to see self, to take those steps necessary to understand self, as it truly exists. We are taught - indirectly it seems - that we need not know too much of self, that is best left to those Freudian-types, only to be approached when the psyche is imbalanced, or at odds with physical being.

But I think it to be our birthright … seeing self as that beautifully complex entity with which we are so inexplicably linked.

Why is it, for the most part, we know so very little of who we are, and what we are doing here?

Why is it being kept from us?

Why has it been kept from us for so long?

Oh christ... So aliens live upon us now. Hahahahahahahaha. I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but this is hilarious.
suffer said:
Oh christ... So aliens live upon us now. Hahahahahahahaha. I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but this is hilarious.

Hello Suffer,

A good sense of humor is an asset.

Evidently you’re here because of an interest, at least at some level, in these extraordinary phenomena. Given the choice, I think skepticism is much preferred over swallowing whatever anybody tries to feed us – whether or not his or her intentions are sound. But that having been said, it may be that rather than right or wrong, true or false, good or bad and black and white, we may have countless other options open, or available to us.

We may even have more options (more degrees of latitude if you will) within the scope of remaining neutral, as well.

I remember seeing a headline awhile back in US News and World Report that read; “China - Friend or Foe?” They were trying to classify a world power with billions of people, with whom we have had a long-standing trade relationship for centuries, and who’s culture has effected our own in countless ways, into an either or scenario (in the process, trying to stuff only two choices down our throats). Pick one or the other folks, that’s all you’ll get to choose from – how totally absurd that is.

Well, what about neither. Maybe more friend than foe, or maybe more foe than friend, or what about a classification ‘in-between’ those two extremes depending upon what china and the US see as their best interest at any given point in their relationship – dependant upon what topic might be at hand. And even then, how can it be classified or ‘pigeonholed’ into only one of two possible categories? That’s ridiculous, and yet we all buy into that mentality day-in, and day-out as we go about our lives, trying to classify all that we encounter into an ‘either or’ - 'good or bad' category.

Why do we need to think only in ‘either or’ possibilities. There must be countless degrees of separation across the entire scale of possibilities for us to consider, regardless of what we might be considering at any given point in time.

No need to quickly pick one or the other, is there?

There is more to these phenomena than what we may be aware – these phenomena, being presented to us as they are, are forcing us to examine our thought processes in ways that were never before imagined, as well as simply being a precursor to us (the general populace that is) becoming more indoctrinated with the concept that (conceptually) others exist within this universe as well. Whether or not we choose to believe that possibility, the concept, or idea of it, has been ‘planted’ (implanted - brought into our conscious minds) nevertheless.

And from there the concept grows, year-by-year, over time. These phenomena taking place always in the periphery of the collective consciousness of the world, until that point in which it becomes a normal, natural, and accepted part of the world’s mainstream culture - at some point in the future.

It seems a rather civilized process, I’d say.


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It’s fair to say; that in being as I am, I don’t have a lot experience in dealing with how others view my experiences. What they see as abnormal, irregular or absurd as it pertains to my experiences with those creatures of a higher order is to me part and parcel of who I am. This is how I have lived my life, and their lessons for me absorb my conscious thought, day-in and day-out. To me, this is normal - it is only when I step forward to discuss these extraordinary events or phenomena in my life that I am struck with the apparent differences between most others and me. Differences, that goes far beyond simply my exposure to these creatures – cutting if you will to the very core of my underlying view of myself, and my existence within the universe.

This can be extremely disconcerting and discomforting to me at times.

This may sound rather trite, or obvious ... but nevertheless at times it is overwhelming.

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I remember seeing a headline awhile back in US News and World Report that read; “China - Friend or Foe?” They were trying to classify a world power with billions of people, with whom we have had a long-standing trade relationship for centuries, and who’s culture has effected our own in countless ways, into an either or scenario (in the process, trying to stuff only two choices down our throats). Pick one or the other folks, that’s all you’ll get to choose from – how totally absurd that is.

This I find most wise.

Jocariah can I ask a more mundane question about mundane things?

Are you able to function in society as you would consider "Normal" people do?

"Function normally" meaning are you able to support your self with employment, go shopping, cook, enjoy personal relationships, etc etc.