questions to an abductee



I’ve been tossing around something today that someone said to me in a PM, regarding a “different reality” to which abductees may be exposed, which they feel accounts for their inability to properly chronicle and integrate their experiences. Thought it might be of interest.

Reality – The Greater Whole

There really is only one reality, howbeit one with
many different components or facets. Take for example
infrared, those invisible rays just beyond the red end
of the visible spectrum; invisible to our naked eye,
they exist in a portion of the spectrum that can only
be seen through the use of infrared photography or
instruments such as FLIR's (Forward Looking InfraRed
cameras), which are designed to be sensitive to only a
specific portion or facet (e.g., infrared) of the
entire spectrum.

Likewise, we simply exist in one facet or portion of
the spectrum, which we call reality.

Our existence, our universe, all of creation exists as
components or facets of a greater whole. One component
or facet may exist without being aware of the others.
There are no simultaneous realities, no simultaneous
existences - simply different facets of the greater
whole. This may seem like semantics, but it
illustrates the concept of the ‘greater whole’, of
which all things are a part.

Our consciousness is part of the greater whole as well
– sometimes called or known of as the collective

So in saying that ‘all things are one’ or ‘all things
exist as a part of the whole’, it illustrates an
underlying concept, precept or construct that runs
throughout all things – whether those things are
known to us or not.

Everything is simply one component of the greater

One universe - many facets.

One reality - many facets.

One 'self' - many facets.

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There’s a story that’s told, of a fire that’s burning.
The time is at hand, there’s a change in the wind.
There’s a river that flows, a generation that’s coming.
It’s about to unfold, and we’re about to begin.

I probably should quantify my exposure to the subject
matter about which I write.

My keepers or guardians, as some prefer to refer to
them, programmed me extensively, subconsciously, on
several different topics (e.g., astrophysics, the
subconscious mind, genetics and the laws of the
creation frequency) over the course of my
life.. My understanding of
these topics is limited simply to that exposure which
I have had at their hands. I have not
(never at any time) perused or gone out of my way
to acquire any additional information on any of this - to
my way of thinking, “I know what I have been taught”.

I imagine I exist as a dichotomy, in that I consider
myself to be very pragmatic in my approach to life,
while at the same time understanding what others may
consider theoretical, or hypothetical in nature. But
to me, it is not theoretical; it is simply what I have
been taught over the course of many years. There
again, the information may or may not be correct – but
nevertheless it is information with which I was
programmed. I do not judge the information as to being
correct, but rather I simply see it as
information that I possess, for reasons that may never
become apparent to me.

As I write the information on the topics that I have
come to understand, it appears to come from my
subconscious into my conscious mind. Whether I put pen
to paper, or type it out on a keyboard, in a way, it
seems as if I have already heard or learned it at some
point in my past.

I have said all of this to say that because of the way
that I have acquired this information, I am not in a
position to argue or debate my understanding of this information,
based on its merits (or the lack thereof) compared to any
other parallel or conflicting concepts. And I am not
of the ilk to compare or weigh my understanding with
those of another - even if a person has been
traditionally trained, and is considered the
preeminent source or expert in the field about which I

What I am attempting to say here, is that this is how
I have come to be as I am.


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I have said all of this to say that because of the way
that I have acquired this information, I am not in a
position to argue or debate my understanding of this information,
based on its merits (or the lack thereof) compared to any
other parallel or conflicting concepts. And I am not
of the ilk to compare or weigh my understanding with
those of another - even if a person has been
traditionally trained, and is considered the
preeminent source or expert in the field about which I

So with this in mind you have come to appreciate that others will not take anything information you say seriously as there is, by your own revelation, nothing to consider as of having any intrinsic value.

So whilst you know this why write it?
Quantum Quack said:
So with this in mind you have come to appreciate that others will not take anything information you say seriously as there is, by your own revelation, nothing to consider as of having any intrinsic value.

So whilst you know this why write it?

Why indeed?

Hello QQ.
Proof of Contact? Look in the mirror....

phlogistician said:
Care to share some of the information you have been programmed with Jocariah? Some samples, not all of, naturally, that would take too long. Although I presume you have transcribed it all, and not just left it to memory?

phlogistician said:
Could you be specific? Write the information down on sciforums as accurately as you can? Preferably the stuff about physics, as that's my background.


having read some of your work posted on this forum, i find it personally refreshing that someone is keeping those of us with our heads in the clouds as it were with both feet held firmly on the ground.

yes your skepticism is of great value...

yet not everyone who is a 'contactee' is, by the very nature of the experience--however life-changing consciously it appears to become, or is allowed to be--traumatized enough over the alleged event to the point of becoming a self-described 'abductee.' I for an example consider myself to be a 'contactee,' not an 'abductee:' and would stay open, loving, creative and fearless with regard to embracing our benevolent ET friends. After all, abductees can, over time, become contactees, which may require healing the effects of a sudden culture shock?

As you share that your background is in physics, one of my life skills would be in working with dreams. (Did you say that you also kept a dream journal? Great idea!! :) ) If I may share what i get from your dreams (just a few brief illustrations that you considered to be the most important to share publicly on this thread), is that you may have been 'shut down' in this life due to an apparent abuse of the intuitive facilities in what may have been some past incarnations. (Others may have hinted at that in this thread--I noticed you may have kind of dodged the bullet, eh?) But your soul, which you do not believe exists in this life, in other incarnations very much not only believes it does but actually may be quite gifted and skilled in using it and perhaps even in manipulating others psychically...

At any rate, your comments here may be the openings in this thread where you can allow yourself, and everyone therefore, to become: "skeptical of your own skepticism??" Bravo. I commend you! :D

Can I therefore refer you to a Frenchman, not a physicist yet given information on that topic, who relays the written results of his contact experience? in a message from benevolent extra-terrestrials that normally do not get involved directly with human affairs--with the reasons why they normally don't yet now plan to....

The Referendum to Everyone from the Non-Interfering ETs

Jean Ederman also has a website that includes ET craft diagrams and a new theory of physics, stating, for example, that time is a substate of space, and which goes into further detail on certain rather controversial ideas regarding Contact with our ET friends.

Jean Ederman's ET Research
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Oh please stop! So now, instead of just debating whether extra terrestrials have visited earth, and choose to abduct people, you're proposing souls, re-incarnation, psychic ability and 'channeling'?

Take each paranormal subject one by one, and examine them separately, and look at the offered 'evidence' for each one. You'll soon find that none of them stand up by themselves, but are often woven together and become a belief system.
What's wrong phloger, does your system of phlogging the forum make it difficult to handle more than one item at a time? Is that a limitation?
Quantum Quack said:
any way what's so paranormal about the paranormal?? :D

Exactly. It's a self defeating term. If it happens, for real, due to whatever circumstances, it's 'normal'. It can be measured, studied, and understood eventually.

It's only paranormal while it's regarded as dubious, and there is no evidence.
I would say that what Science currently Doesnt clearly offer explainations for is paranormal,Like Death for example.

Dreams are not Paranormal i would say,Medical science has explaiantions for them dont they? (I am not sure though...)

I cant see,since i havent seen a Ghost.My personal theory though is that Ghosts are from Other Dimensions where all the thought matter is collected,ergo you see a projection or mental image of a person in front of you in that dimension.
Suppose you see a Ghost,that would mean a person's mental image is crossing the dimension to come to reality.Or may be you are in different Dimension...Never mind,its all jabber ;)

while we are just yabbering, a ghost could be the manifestation of a waken dream. A dream you have whilst awake.
Quantum Quack said:
while we are just yabbering, a ghost could be the manifestation of a waken dream. A dream you have whilst awake.

Exactly. It's often assumed (incorrectly) that sleeping is a vastly different state from waking, and that the whole brain is somehow shut off during sleep.

During sleep deprivation, parts of the brain will sleep, and dream, and those dreams will be experienced by the conscious mind, overlayed on the environemnt it is in at the time, and meld the two experiencs together into a vaguely consistent experience.

Some googling for 'Randy Gardner' or 'Peter Tripp' two of the more famous sleep deprivation subjects will reveal that both suffered very noticeably, and had hallucinations to varying degrees whilst awake.

Thanks to the electric light bulb, we now sleep less than we used to 100 years ago. We sleep less than we would choose to do without external pressures of work etc.

People who 'see' apparitions regularly, are most probably people who need more sleep than they manage to get, and suffer a waking dream. No biggie, no souls, ghosts, hauntings or paranormal explanation required, just a very normal one. Not enough shut eye.
Norv, go do some research eh? Actually take the time for a proper critique and provide some counter evidence, rather than just sniping.