questions to an abductee

Sounds like you've discovered the area I have been deep in contemplation over for the past 5 or so years.

When I usually mention "Paradox" my meaning is an event that occurs before it is suppose to, and thereby being an event that doesn't necessarily have to occur again if it changes how it was originally triggered so that it either occurs at a different time or doesn't occur at all.

Such paradoxes I believe are linked to ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). My reasoning here is to do with "Causality". My understanding of causality being that for an event to be perceived as having happened, it meant the event had to have happened, so when relativistically looking at an event it means it has to occur to have existant relative observations.

[I've termed my meaning incase *my* universal understanding differs from that of the consensus]

How I see "Causality" effecting ESP was previously mentioned in a very crude flash file that I generated to cover it, however I've since deleted that but I will attempt to create a written explaination of a Scenario that will explain ESP/Mysticism and Causality crossed with a "Paradox".

ESP Experiment or Telepathic fraud
Firstly I have to set the stage, in this the stage has the main experimenter being an individual that claims to be a "Mystic" and a selection of Audience members.

It should be known that the Mystic has a method of generating a paradox, Although I can't tell you exactly how for many reasons (one being if everyone did it, the universe would get quite chaotic and far more than it should be.)

The paradox generates a Duality of universes, the Mystic maintains to be an "Observer of both universes" while the subjects (audience members) are unaware.

In universe #1, The Mystic asks the audience member their name and where they come from, in universe #2 however the Mystic does a stage act of straining for great powers while the same time period that universe #1's action takes.

Once the questions have been asked in universe #1, in Universe #2 the Mystic can be see stating to that particular audience member their name and where they come from without seemingly any more assistance than Telepathy.

Conclusion: well albeit that my example is a "protoscience" since it hasn't undergone testing and would need research done on what the generation of a paradox would cause to people and the universe they reside in.

However it would be seen from a relative perspective that someone has an answer to a question that wasn't asked, the theory is that since the "Mystic" exists in both universes within the same space the only thing that would be altered is there "state of mind" to exist between the two universes and their vocal cords. Theory suggests that their natural EM field generated by their molecular makeup would "fold" the universes when in relationship to energy like neurological reaction (e.g. thought)

In fact further study could be done to see the relationship of individuals when they are "displaced" in regards to their own mass (namely they exist in two different universal planes at two different universal positions), the suggestion there is that people might see one plane from the other as a "ghost" or that a person thinking about the weather might walk through the universal position that in the other plane a person is standing and the thought could be shared for that instance.
[If this was proven, then it would suggest lockign people into mental institutes would just bleed craziness from paradox victim to paradox victim.]

Admittedly I've refrained from "aliens" here, because I've just been covering the potentials of multiworlds environments.
My pet "protoscience" is time manipulation to which over the past 5 years I have been trying to cover the ethical and moral issues of why it should or should not be allowed if proven possible and even if it should have any legal systems installed to protect ourselves from ourselves. I have been doing this before I embark on actual providing the science to go with it, because you "can't run before you can walk".

In science people do get pushed to do things before they can walk and this opens up a whole number of poorly thought out and wrongly executed moves that potentially generate any number of problems in the future. (Nuclear power being just one)
That reminds me, from one abductee to the next their description of the aliens, what the aliens told them, what the ship look like, and what the aliens did, always varied. How could they? If aliens came and abducted many people then you would expect the abductees to have matching descriptions.

the reason they seem so different is because we interpret things differently. plus, add to this the fact that aliens are able to shapeshift, or "project" images, you can easily see why they might appear different to different people.
the people see them as how they would expect to see them.

for example take this bit of information:

the reason the "Greys" are gray is because our eyes cannot see all the spectrums which the Greys are made of, very much like how we cannot see ultra violet rays etc.
Thus, we cannot see the true color of their skin, we register 'Gray' - a very neutral color.

make sense?
Firstly I find what you say to be incredibly cryptic for me to understand but from what I gather you are referring to what I call "refracted perception".

Refracted perception is an ability to look at things "sideways" or from a vantage point that is not restricted by time or space or location.

The mystic in your scenario could be considered to be viewing time in a refracted state. Percieving a possible future and then creating that future ( thus a paradox) In the process of doing so allowing himself credibility when in fact he is creating the event. ( not the knowledge but the event of discovery of that knowledge)

I think this is my interpretation of what you are attempting to say, though I am not sure.

It’s difficult for us to fathom, the degree to which we are so easily manipulated.

This is a fair statement. But in perspective we manipulate each other every day of our lives, so much so that we take this ability for granted. And when we find out just how manipulated we are it is a somewhat startling, scarey and depressing discovery.

In understanding one's own intent -the awakening - one is then able to see the intent of others. There is no magic here, but rather the knowledge of self, in all of its facets and guises.

We discover ourselves through the exploration of our fears – and that is as it should be. For those timid souls will never grow to understand the beauty that lies within them, through the discovery of self.

And in that discovery, both the wicked and virtuous aspects of self are unfurled. So that we may love and hold dear the entirety of self – whether it be pleasant or unpleasant. Nevertheless it is who and what we are. It is the self, laid bare for us to see.

So then, thereby comes the enlightenment of self – that discovery to which so many of the prophets of old have made mention, in one form or another.

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No one comes to enlightenment except that that road be laid out for them. No one seeks the ethereal when the physical confronts their every turn. It is not of our doing; we are led to seek, led to journey to the unknown – to discover where spirit leads.
Quantum Quack said:
Do you feel that your "Alien" conduiter cares or has love for you?

Of course not.

They are neither benevolent nor malevolent. They are task-driven, mission-oriented creatures. Continually doing those things, which are in their best interest at any given point in time.

To them, we are a means to an end.

Remember, our emotions are genetically based. We emote based on genetic structure, or our inherent genetic tendencies. The universe is not filled with love, hate or any emotion for that matter. The universe simply ‘is’ – our interpretation of it is based upon (seen by way of) our ‘emotions’.

We are humans; we have certain tendencies, certain genetically based tendencies. This is not the case with all creatures. All creatures do not possess (nor desire to possess for that matter) our individual, ‘human’ tendencies.

The benevolent father figure who after creating the universe, goes on to confess his love for us, is a fairytale - a children’s fable. Meant for those souls, who, for whatever the reason, need to be treated as children, unable or unwilling to think for themselves.

Naturally, that is not meant to say that I don’t feel the richness or fullness of my emotions – however, I am not led around by my nose, subject to their every whim. I experience them with eyes wide open. Knowing that I am experiencing those emotions, which are genetically based, within me. Therein, lies the knowledge of self - our emotional body, being one of its facets or aspects.

What's a conduiter?

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a conduiter is an entity that uses a host as a vessel as a means of communicating with.
A conduitee is a person who is being utilised as a means of communication.

Some people use the phrase "Auto speak" as a way of describing themselves when acting as a medium.

I personally have witnessed alien conduiting in two separate persons.

It's a form of mind control and as you say it is a means to an end.

Funnilly enough it was described in that film "Independance day"
When a research scientist was utilised as a communicator, like a ventriliquist uses a "doll" by a captured fictional alien.

We, the world's collective psyche, are being exposed to them (the idea of their existence) gradually - over time.

ok, we have all known about the Greys, we never hear the end from them, but, i want to know if anyone has had encounters with other races of Alien ?

i am particularily interested in anyone who has had possible encounters with Sirians or Reptilians... and how do you know that they were these types of alien ?

i guess its kind of a dead-end question, because they are known to take different forms ...


Also, Jocariah, has it been mentioned by your abductors the rumors that races of alien had in fact created some forms of what became Religions in the past?

Also, would u ask them about the events of a Peruvian Woman in '72 and any possible effects it had on alien visitation ?

more later

zonabi said:
Also, Jocariah, has it been mentioned by your abductors the rumors that races of alien had in fact created some forms of what became Religions in the past?

I think all religions were created for us, and no doubt serve a valuable purpose - they provide a needed foundational influence within our (human) societies. I would never advocate tearing them down, but rather simply seeing them (recognizing them) for what they are, and expanding and moving on with what we now have.... all religions share a common thread.

It is our genetic tendency to seek a god figure within our lives. That genetic tendency was placed within each of us (by way of our genetic structure) for a reason. We were programmed genetically to seek a god figurehead in our lives, and the scriptures were provided to us so as to tie into (work in conjunction with) that genetic programming.

Enlightenment is the awakening of ‘self’ – seeing those things within our lives for what they are, and for the role they play.

i totally agree, but i wonder what they make of the churches that have twisted religions words and used them for selfish purposes...
...i guess they dont care, they probably even knew it was going to happen. afterall they did program us.

it is rumored that there are thousands (billions) of extra terrestrial peoples watching the earth and what is happening here and now... it seems we are going thru something that is special in some way to the universe... do you care to comment, or do your abductees care to comment on these rumors ?

As I said before, “It’s difficult for us to fathom, the degree to which we are so easily manipulated”.

Unless one has been exposed to creatures of a higher order, it is hard to imagine the degree to which they can so completely control so many facets of the human experience.

Thoughts, conscious visual information, subconscious impressions, dreams, feelings, emotions, tendencies and behavior patterns can all be manipulated and controlled by them.

What is and is not real takes on a whole new meaning.

They often know our underlying subconscious intent as well, something we ourselves may not even be aware of.

On one hand I am thrilled for the opportunity to be exposed to such creatures, (defying the imagination as it does); often seeing it as gift given to me that few others share, or are able to imagine. At other times it feels as if an overwhelming burden, being thoroughly controlled and manipulated according to their specific agenda for me.

I imagine in reality, it may be a little of both.

Not really sure what to make of my own beleifs on this issue myself.

Are these alien races doing this to every planet they come across that is inhabited by species that will allow such gene manipulation with their own?

Would our species before the gene manipulation have come to a point of self awareness on our own if not interupted by these alien races?

I am begining to feel some what of conflict with the actions taken by these races.
What of us, that do not see these other races as being supperior.
Just because they have advanced technology.
They might know a little more than us on certain subjects.

Does that make them better than us.
No way!
I beleive that us as a human race contain within us tremendous potential.
To be leaders in the universal neighborhood.

I am almost begining to wonder if the military is doing what I am getting at.
I am no pet.

Has what these beings done to you Jocaria, made you more happy?
Do you feel you have more meaning in your life?
Have you become more of a positive influence for those around you that you care about?
Or do you feel like you have become more apathetic towards life in general.

Do these beings have a passion for life.
Are these beings who they are because of overcoming great struggles to reach their own great potential, or have they become who they are out of neccessity?

This is alot of questions, sorry.
But all very heart felt.
moementum7 : Would our species before the gene manipulation have come to a point of self-awareness on our own if not interrupted by these alien races?

Jocariah: All things are steered toward evolution at the hands of those creatures who may have it in their best interest for certain things (e.g., humans) to evolve in a certain way, a way that is best for them – all things evolve, in one way or another.

moementum7: Has what these beings done to you Jocariah, made you more happy?

Jocariah: This is all that I know - all that I have known - I have no basis with which to form a comparison.

moementum7: Do you feel you have more meaning in your life?

Jocariah: More meaning because of their influence? (I don’t know any other way in which to live) More meaning than other people, not being so-called abductees, as I appear to be?(I cannot say what other people feel as it pertains to their feeling that they have meaning in their life – I have no idea whatsoever what other people think or feel)

moementum7: Have you become more of a positive influence for those around you that you care about? Or do you feel like you have become more apathetic towards life in general.

Jocariah: I am more pragmatic than what I may appear. I am not an intellectual by any stretch of the imagination. I have not come to where I am through rational, logical analysis of all the information available concerning those things about which I write. I have no interest aquiring additional information on the subject, or in debating or justifying my views........ I was programmed this way – I was programmed and taught this information that I possess, at the hands of my keepers, over the last 30 years or so.

As to me being a "Positive influence", only those around me can answer that question.

"Life in General"? …. Life ‘is’ - I am simply living out that life which was provided to me.

I did not create myself - I did not conceive myself - I did not choose the time in earth's history in which to incarnate - I did not choose my parents, or my country of origin - I did not choose my genetic tendencies – I did not choose my environmental influences - I did not choose my life’s subconscious motivations (those motivations that arise, which are continually being played out in me). And lastly I did not choose to be an abductee.

The term "My Life" strikes me as a rather vague and ambiguous one at best.

moementum7: Do these beings have a passion for life?

Jocariah: Passion is a human trait or emotion that may or may not be present in their genetic make-up. Keeping in mind, that there are countless variations of so-called aliens - not just the Grays, which while being popular are not the sole species.

moementum7 Are these beings that they are because of overcoming great struggles to reach their own great potential, or have they become who they are out of necessity?

Jocariah: That I cannot say - I know them as being completely focused creatures that are neither malevolent nor benevolent. All creatures are in the process of evolving in some way, shape or form. They (these creatures of a higher order) have creatures of a higher order over them as well – so on and so forth. To what end – who can say.

Hope this Helps - Cheers
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No one comes to enlightenment except that it be
laid out for them. No one seeks the ethereal
when the physical confronts their every

It is not of our doing then - we are led to seek, to
search out the unknown, to journey to that
distant shore, so that we may discover

There is no finer quest one may endeavor to undertake,
than the exploration of self. For through the understanding
of self we may yet discover our place in the universe,
our role in this hierarchy, of which we are so innocently
a part.

There is no magic here, but simply the knowledge of self
in all of its facets and guises – which after all should
be our birthright.

We discover ourselves through the exploration of our
fears – and that is as it should be. For those timid souls
who neglect this journey will never grow to understand
the beauty that lies within, through the discovery of self.

And in that discovery, both the wicked and the virtuous
aspects of self are unfurled. So that we may love and
hold dear the entirety of self – whether it be pleasant
or not for us to see. Nevertheless, it is who and what we
are – it is ‘self’, laid bare before us.

So then, thereby do we come to the enlightenment of
self – that discovery to which so many of the prophets of
old, in one form or another, have made mention.

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