questions to an abductee

Quantum Quack said: are unable to tell us at this time why they wish us to vibrate at a better broadcast frequency?

Unable or unwilling. There is a primary directive to which all creatures adhere - "Never do anything to destabilize the general populace".

That not withstanding, the answer, from my perspective at least - based on the information, with which I am programmed, is a simple one; to better serve 'their' purpose. That is to say, the purpose of those doing the altering.

It may help to realize that there is more than one thing happening here at one time, more than one objective, more than one agenda, more that one chef in the kitchen if you will. Multifaceted agendas at every turn of the wheel – all competing, all trying to get the most bang for their buck with each any every interaction that takes place with us.

Creatures of a higher order ‘multi-task’, (that concept cannot be overstated) and there is more than one group or clan interacting with us at a time – all are vying for what they see as being in their best interest; their agenda, firmly in place.

We are biological machines – six billion biological machines vibrating away to a frequency designed into us genetically. The only way to change the station is to alter or change the transmitter – genetically, that is.

Hence the abduction phenomena

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I thought I'd run a little story past you to see how ift feels to you:

In point form

Earth a “test tube”

Humanity an experiment in genetic evolution.

Aliens are our forefathers

Aliens faced with extinction due to mistakes made in their own genetic engineering.

Aliens genetically removed matters of a sexual nature from their gene pool to facilitate higher mental functioning, thus destroying their future.

Seeds the earth with basic humanoid forms, Large brained but little knowledge in an attempt to start again.

Approximately 10,000 years ago.

Our original home: Star to the east of the right leg of the Orion constellation.

Communications with aliens are largely telepathic in nature

Reason for genetic manipulation is to facilitate first contact by mitigating culture shock and allowing Humanity to cope with telepathic communications, which currently inspires paranoia’s.

Reason: to ensure survival of Alien ( us ) race.

Project “Test tube” completion date : with in next ten years.
the problem as I see for your aliens is that the projected completion date has been accelerated due to as you have put it
It may help to realize that there is more than one thing happening here at one time, more than one objective, more than one agenda, more that one chef in the kitchen if you will. Multifaceted agendas at every turn of the wheel – all competing, all trying to get the most bang for their buck with each any every interaction that takes place with us.
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Multi-tasking consists of multiple agendas being simultaneously implemented and executed by an enormous variety of creatures all at the same time - all having their best interest, firmly in place.

Conflicts? …there are none. All creatures of a higher order utilize those creatures of a lower order in a way that is best for their (the higher order’s) needs. Simultaneously, it may be in the best interest of those creatures of a lower order to allow themselves to be utilized by those of a higher order. And those creatures of a higher order may utilize (premeditatedly) those of a lower order in such a way as to motivate those of a lower order to want (or seek) to be utilized…..hierarchically, it’s serves each one’s purpose, and everyone wins.

Multiple agendas converging...

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To this I must concur.
But as you have stated higher order entities utiising lower entities for mutual benefit also applies to these "Alien" machinations.

As in a higher entity is also utilising them for mutual benefit.

For instance are your alien friends aware of other alien races involved in this universal intrigue?

I know of three in particular.
Multiple agendas converging...

I would refer to this as a universal concordance pending.

Can I ask what you know of vacuum fluctuations or to be a little more candid "Time wobbles"........
Quantum Quack said:
I would refer to this as a universal concordance pending.

Can I ask what you know of vacuum fluctuations or to be a little more candid "Time wobbles"........


are you an Abductee/Contactee?

Vacuum's don't fluctuate since a true vacuum would contain no more energy than Zero Point, Fluctuations in frequency involve the ebbing and flowing of atoms within a volume to "transverse" the oscillation communique.

Namely a moving particle has to collide with another particles system (e.g. an atom) to convey motion in the form of oscillation.

An atom does have a natural Oscillation level, and it has been proven that if the right harmonics are met it can cause an increase in radiological breakdown. (there is even theory to suggest that there would be a harmonic to correct radioactive breakdown too) such usage of oscillation can be found in Radiotherapy when certain chemical chains are targetted. (I remember once coming across a chart of different frequencies for Viruses, which of course could have been used for Gene Therapy albeit it would be *Extremely* painful)

Steady State Theory
If you believe the universe is "refueling itself by itself" then obviously the theory I suggest you look at that covers one of the many universe theories is the Steady State Theory, which suggests that the universe is "flat" mathematically. (Flat as if you were to identify the universes mass content from it's beginning and draw a line with it's exponential growth, the line would move near enough diagonally in regards to the change of atomic state.)

Gods vs. Aliens
I suggest that people that are religious in any sense of the word, refrain from stating that any "God" is alien in origin. Firstly if aliens do turn out to be very much like my identification of individuals doing illegal clandestine projects that are very human, calling them a "God" is only going to cause them to continue to think they can play at being "God". (This tends to go hand in hand with the criminal "genus" [Genus, not Genius and usually meglomaniac] that believes they are above all laws and if they were taken to court over their misuse of such equipment they might attempt a "religious clause" based upon their "Following" which will be made up of the mislead and decieved)

Also when looking at the aspects of Theology, wasn't "Man made in the image of God", if that was the supposed case, the a "God" wouldn't be alien either.

Self imposed heirarchy systems
based upon the topic of how supposed "higher beings" would make use the "lower ones" by how they see fit, I see as a definition of complaisantsy or self imposed importance on the perpertrators of the "alien sharade".

"Brain Washing" or "Mind control" when a success would utilise such complaisantsy to their advantage, namely if you were inclined to think you were beneath someone they would "Use you" and take advantage, I think this a very creul demeaning method of doing business and most of the time the self-imposed "Higher Beings" really do need to be brought into alignment with the real universe as appose to their secretive society.

I know that man's history in not so distant years imposed slavery slavery of one race over another, and such bigots as the Nazi regime still imply their "higher being" over any creed that doesn't meet their understanding and thus implied Eugenics where lower castes were seen so beneath them they they worked them to death, used them in nerve gas experiments or valued their life so low to not care about taking them.

However the one thing that mankind has began to understand in relatively recent years is it's attempt to embrace equality, since equality would suggest that people can get along with one another. I prefer equality rather than of complaisantsy since of complaisantsy is Tyranically founded and usually leads to Rebellion.
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Vacuum's don't fluctuate since a true vacuum would contain no more energy than Zero Point, Fluctuations in frequency involve the ebbing and flowing of atoms within a volume to "transverse" the oscillation communique.
As I understand it this is the current thinking but by no means consider it to be thorough nor correct. Vacuum can fluctuate in intensity and time also. Space as we know it is not a true vacuum, but it is a very low pressure.


are you an Abductee/Contactee?

As I identified QQ, Vacuums contain at it's lowest Zero-Point energy. (Zero-Point is suggested to be quantum from other universal positions occuring simulataneously at other universal positions, or even a bleed across of quanta of the molecular structure of the test apparatus, bent into the volume by a kind of LaGrange effect)

If a vaccum however was to contain absolutely nothing, then there would be no fluctuation, even if the Volume of the container changed in size.

Theory here is that if a Container like a Piston had it's cavity converted to a vacuum, it would have little resistance to move the piston in either direction if it was a "closed" system. [Closed meaning that no air could be drawn in or released.]

Tests/Experiments on vacuums using Pressure Chambers (that notibly exist for use with treating Deep sea divers of the Bends [Nitrogen Narcosis]) would suggest this by taking an uninflated balloon that's completely flat and sealed with "no air" and then placing it inside a room thats depressurised, if the balloon contains "any air" then in most cases it will expand as the room is depleted of atmosphere, however if the balloon contains "no air at all" it should remain flat.

This doesn't test oscillation, but however would test matter and energy existing with a supposed vacuum. (although a balloon would not ruleout external interference, since it could be penerated by certain wavelengths. This is where you would have to be "kept in the dark" to "turn the light on".)
Stryder, thank you for your comments.
The reason I brought this issue up in this thread is that for our Particular alien friends referred to by jocariah to travel or should I say translate to here, Earth the vacuum I am referring to has to be stable enough for them to be successsful.

To travel the vast distances involved means that the aliens have to utilize the almost absolute vacuum ( ie. nothing ) which allows for instantaneous translation to the destination of choice.

If the thresh hold between absolutely nothing and very low vacuum "something" is fluctuating in an instable way universally the ability to travel is impinged upon.

From what I have come to learn our "alien" freinds are virtually trapped here and can't leave Earth nor can any other visitations occur until the fluctuations become steady and predictable.
because absolute nothing is the centre of time ( between the future and the past)
And any fluctuations in time ( time wobble ) will effect the dimension that is needed to be utilised to travel. ( ie Nothing )
I might add also that any time fluctations will effect the entire universe including the stability of matter, rotational velocities, 'c', basically the whole sheebang.
Jocariah, the answer to your question would be best stated as I am an Observer and that I communicate with these three races when I need to.
QQ, interesting.

i was just informed of something somewhat similar, and i want to get feedback on it.

i was told that our solar system travels along space (universe, whatever) and creates an elipse, which isnt surprising.

but what they said was that in this 'orbit' of our solar system, there are two focal points, and that at one point the solar system is the closest to the center of the galaxy, and at the other focal point (or apex), we are the furthest away from the center of our galaxy.

now, what they explained is that while we travel AWAY from the center of the galaxy, life forms tend to 'fall asleep' - and likewise, as we travel back towards the center, we become 'awakened'.

the entire cycle was said to be 25,920 years.

what do u guys think of this ? ever heard anything similar ?
When I was in my early teens I was really into aliens, even had dreams of being abducted... well at least I think they were dreams.

1. I remember waking up at night and not being able to move, this is not unnatural as sleep paralysis happens to every non-narcoleptic person a few times in there life.

2. I remember waking up in terror and running to my room's door and closing it as it was starting to open ( think I woke up from the sound of the door opening), I spent the rest of the night with my back against that door, sweating awake.

3. I remember seeing aleins, I remember the lights going out while reading and then they come, just appeared and then thats all I remember.

All this happend after I read a few abductee books. So I wonder if they were dreams induce by the alein craze.

1. I remember being in my basement and seeing a alein there and bashing it to death with a baseball bat. Don't think that happened.

2. the aleins tended to look diffrent and things change by thought (where that bat come from?)

I think the alein craze is a positive feed back loop, people get int othe stuff start having dreams about aliens, start thinking they were abducted and tell about it, write about it, other repeat the pattern.

If all experiences were as you've described, then your point would be well taken. However, they are not. An abductee’s experience can run the gambit from the subtle to the overwhelming, and although similar in some fashion, from one abductee to the next, they can, an often do, differ greatly.

For the most part, abductees/contactees don’t have a vested interest in shouting out their experiences from the rooftops. They are oftentimes more focused on trying to integrate their life as an abductee with the world in which they find themselves - the world, for the most part, having no social or spiritual provisions for their experiences.

I am not indicative of all abductees, but I am one, and so is my son. These phenomena are multifaceted and far-reaching, howbeit not within the mainstream - at least not yet.

That reminds me, from one abductee to the next their description of the aliens, what the aliens told them, what the ship look like, and what the aliens did, always varied. How could they? If aliens came and abducted many people then you would expect the abductees to have matching descriptions.

Also even if one out of 10,000 abductees tells their story, that’s enough with the proliferation of modern media, have you seen how many books there are on abductions, tv programs, movies, etc?