questions to an abductee

ii also wonder about if we aren't being shown someting by example. for instance, i once asked this new ager about the 'Greys' and she explained matter of factly over a cup of tea that they were entities who were over cloned and needed to feed of us...or something like that. it was a while back
now what kind of frightens me that our future. i am so despairing of my 'education' speicies--their friggin relentless ignorance, that i wonder if that expericne is not warning us what we may become. over cloned un-feeling mosters...dont know if others share this?

IN some ways it is and interesting pheno, the accounts and tales of persons who feel that they have experienced something that seems incomprehensible to others.

The story that I have come to learn gells quite well with what Jocariah has mentioned in his dialogue.

" Many years ago a race of humanoid beings genetically modified themselves in the pursuit of intellectual endeavour free from troublesome emotions and sexuality. Unfortunately they failed to see how important sexual energy was to the health of their bodies. They removed any sexual tendancies to avoid the confusion that the energies tend to generate. It is possible that they attempted to remove the tendancy to violence and in doing so destroyed their future as a race. They effectively secured their extinction and found that once the gene pool is engineered it can not be returned to it's original naturally evolving state.
The only solution was to clone a human being or beings using ancient stored DNA stock and place them in a sancturary called Earth, to allow the genetic structures to evolve again with out making the same mistake that they did.

By taking genetic material over the years they have managed to secure their future. in fact we are their ancestors, now living in the present.

So humanity began as an experiment that needed to succeed.

But this is where I contradict Jocariah in that I don't agree that we are being manipulated genetically as they would not want to mess up again. The natural evolution of the genetic human is far too important. And way to easy to corrupt. Some how Joc has confused the reason for humanity and genetic priority in to a fear based knowledge. ( My opinion Joc- sorry)

There is however a need to prevent culture shock which may occur sometime into the future and methods other than genetic manipulation and much more benign are being employed to prevent serious damage.

Unfortunately because of the significant genetic differences the alien thought processes ( wave form ) create intense fear and panick in common people. Leading to incredible states of surreality and mental collapse.

It is also worth noting that mankinds success in mapping the 1st level or tier of the human genome about 3 or 4 years ago has caused concern. The cloning of The sheep Dolly and other geneering techniques has caused the possibility of alien intervention to be brought forward.

At the same time as all this is occuring there was a greater issue in the back ground that has prevented alien intervention. Mainly this "problem" has prevented aliens from traveling as they used to do. Their ability for FTL travel has ceased. This was brought about by signifiant vacuum fluctuations meaning that "hyper space" was too unstable. The universe as a whole has a problem and not just the aliens. This major ELE problem is almost fixed and again humanity has been the solution, however ignorance of the role played is or was essential.

At least two other races unknown to the aliens are involved in a surrupticious fashion and well the plot just gets thicker by the day........Humanity has taken a very special place in universal affairs and we don't even know it"

The main reason for our specialness is our relatively natural ungeneered state"

Is there any proof of the above....of course not.......

Will there be proof in the future....most certainly...because humanity is very much "the" future......

It makes for a good story hey?

Maybe I'll write book one day..... :)