questions to an abductee

I already explaind Zonabi, maybe you didn't bother reading it, in which case, shame on you.

I'm a skeptic, so I bring balance to the pseudo claims. This is a forum, where things are discussed, discussion involves more than one viewpoint. Therefore pseudoscience is not a place where proponents of such quackery get free reign to make wild claims without any criticism.

If your ideas are sound, they will stand up to scrutiny. You're just pissed because NOTHING you post can take it, and few of the people who think they've been abducted are actually sure.

If people are PMing you, because they are scared (of an anonymous guy on chat forum, get a spine!) they are doing themselves a disservice by not opening up to the larger community who might be able to help them.
Just a note on sounds:
If you sat in a room, that was completely silent you are more than likely to hear either telecommunications frequencies, frequencies rebounding off the walls (which is seen if you ever use night vision optics) or internal chemical reactions.

If you hear a "hiss" on the TV, then you should realise that interference from the television and it's antenna can cross over to the speaker cables if they aren't sheilded properly. (The same thing can actually occur to modems if the cables aren't sheilded causing internet connections to error)

However there is one thing that I believe can be used to prove if a person is being used by people broadcasting thought patterns to them (mind control etc), if you had the capacity to sit the individual infront of a television and then control the modulation of the tuning of the television, you could find out if they have a duplex broadcast being sent/recieved by them.

The idea being that if there is a signal out, it could be picked up by the television, and if the individual was say in front of the TV, what they see would start to become uniformed and evolve in a fractal algorythm based on time delay and frequency.
It might even be possible for people to imagine a shape or object, and implant it to the television screen in this manner just to prove that they are being used in such clandestine projects.
Steady on Stryder, you've proposed a method via which people could perhaps prove they've been abducted. You aren't going to get many people volunteering to be tested.

But even if they did and failed, they'd still concoct a new pet theory as to why the test was flawed. I mean, we've had 'greys' emerging from graveyards in one thread. People will always resort to the spiritual, thinking that something they say can't be measured, cannot be falsified.

Nice try though.
Actually my basis isn't about little grey men, Maybe ones in black suits perhaps but not grey.

It's a simple test that I believe should be used in Mental hospitals, as some of the defined cases of patients are in fact being abused and it would be a way to show the doctors that the abuse is taking place.

Psychiatric doctors (I am told) are the most hardline skeptics anyone can come across for anything. You could knowingly state something about cosmology that is "theoretical", but not delusional and the Psychiartic doctor will be dismissing it as a delusion fantasy and trying to force drugs down their neck (even if your claim is legitmate), this is the failure of modern medical practices keeping up with the other areas of scientific endevours.

This is the reason I suggest giving them something that could potentially provide proof, that they don't usually seek, through the use of this "Feedback loop" method.

Also if the setup of such equipment was done, it could provide a method to locate the transmittion if of course it's landbased through squelching or antenna directioning.
(If it's satellite based then it's a little more difficult.)
zonabi said:
i steered off topic i admit. but whatever its still related nonetheless. i dont care if you guys dont agree, im not here to convince. time will tell, and thats all BOTH of us can really count on.

but, what i do want to say is that your (phlog) inconsiderate remarks has already caused some people to NOT POST their experiences with abductions and possible abductions BECAUSE OF YOUR SCRUTINY. that is why i TRIED to ask for only SERIOUS responses, those who are genuinely interested/intrigued. Yet you still STOMP YOUR FOOT IN HERE CLAIMING WE ARE ALL WRONG. THAT NOTHING HAPPENED, NO SUCH ABDUCTIONS COULD EVER EXIST. you have disrupted my thread and i am sad because people were honestly wanted to get some answers and you shoe'd them off. shame on you and your inconsiderate mindset.

now i have to handle all the messages thru private, which is NOT WHAT I WANTED TO DO. i hate to sound rude but you're an ass.

As an abductee I can say, from my perspective at least, that there should be room for all opinions on the subject, whether they are in agreement with me or not. No need to shut anyone out - is there?

I for one simply state my experiences, as best I am able, and let the chips fall where they may.

There should be enough room for all types of posters in here, or any thread for that matter. I think there is validity to all types of opinions and perspectives.

All of us simply see the world according to our thought processes, whether those processes are genetically based or based upon (influenced by) our environmental experiences, nevertheless they are part and parcel of who and what we are.

Besides, all things, forum threads included, seem to have an ebb and flow all their own – who can predict where one topic may lead, or at what point another may stop. It’s rather like our lives for the most part – unpredictable. And it’s this very unpredictability that is of interest to many of us.

On the other hand, my words may simply be adding more B.S. to this stew – but either way, it’s each reader’s choice, ultimately, independent of what others may feel regarding the matter.


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phlogistician said:
Look, I love the Discovery Channel, but they do show some utter crap at times. They have one 'documentary' that shows humans and dinosaurs co-existing, which just didn't happen, so don't believe all you watch on TV. Critical thinking is the most valuable skill you can have.

No, you saw a recreation of a supposed alien dissection. Probably footage from the Santilli film, and he is a well known fraudster.

So how old were you at the time? Maybe you were a little young to be watching a dissection.

'greys' as in Aliens, coming from a graveyard? That sounds more than a little confused. But then hallucinations are synonymous with fever, so nothing that was experienced can be taken at face value

Did anybody else actually see the greys? Or was it just part of your step dad's hallucnation.

Where does he live? Buttfuck Arkansas? Everybody is familiar with the ideas of aliens from another planet, unless you never had a TV, went to the cinema, or read a comic or sci-fi book. Look, at some point he's seen a picture of a 'grey' to even use the term, and retrospectively assigned this image to his hallucination.

Why would we have no more need for muscle? As we develop machines to do our work for us, we will be free to indulge in recreation. That means sport to many people, which requires muscle. I work with computers, and use my mind to earn my wage. I'm not however, some pale stick creature. Quite the opposite in fact. Using my body is a real pleasure. Why would anyone give that up?

So you saw a scary documentary and it still gives you nightmares. Well, I had a few bad dreams after seeing the films 'Alien', and 'Frankenstein'. I know none of it bore any truth.

So an advanced civilisation of alien beings can't abduct people when the lights are on? Defeated by a 100watt lightbulb after crossing the galaxy in their space ship? Does that make sense? Can't you see it's all in your head?

The chief APPEARED to scare them away.

He was poor, lived in a old town in wyoming.

Muscle, my god people are getting more and more into virtual reality, and nano-technlogy has just been perfected (or almost).

Oh yah, im sure one little show gave me 10 years of this shit. Thanks for your crappy comment on that.

A light IS a part of the mind, as noone really fears anything but fear itself. The unknown is also fear. You fear what you dont know. Its called ignorance. The light lets you KNOW what is there. The darkness holds secrets.

You said NO, i didnt see a Dissection, it was just a video of one. Wouldnt that be seeing a dissection?? :bugeye:
caffeine_fubar said:
The chief APPEARED to scare them away.

That didn't answer my question though did it? Did anybody else, apart from your hallucinating stepdad, see the 'greys'. You didn't explain why aliens would be coming froma graveyard either.

Muscle, my god people are getting more and more into virtual reality, and nano-technlogy has just been perfected (or almost).

So, won't nanotechnology help us stay in fine physical shape, even though we're coach potatoes? Nanotechnology is far from perfected, btw, in fact, in reality, it's in it's infancy. There's not one application of nanotechnology yet, in fact.

Oh yah, im sure one little show gave me 10 years of this shit. Thanks for your crappy comment on that.

Seems it has. The idea that you have recurring nightmares caused by a stupid Discovery Channel show is far, far, more likely that Aliens visiting Buttfuck Wyoming and abducting you.

A light IS a part of the mind, as noone really fears anything but fear itself. The unknown is also fear. You fear what you dont know. Its called ignorance. The light lets you KNOW what is there. The darkness holds secrets.

So, you are saying that the Aliens come when are feeling scared? Your mental state summons them? Keeping the light on keeps them away? And you really think there is something more to this than some childish 'monsters under the bed' nightmare?

You said NO, i didnt see a Dissection, it was just a video of one. Wouldnt that be seeing a dissection??

It wasn't a dissection of an alien. Real aliens have not been captured, dissected, and filmed for the Discovery Channel. What you saw, was a recreation of a supposed alien dissection. IE it was made up, fake, fantasy. A rubber alien model and actors, you do understand that right?
Stryderunknown said:
Actually my basis isn't about little grey men, Maybe ones in black suits perhaps but not grey.

It's a simple test that I believe should be used in Mental hospitals, as some of the defined cases of patients are in fact being abused and it would be a way to show the doctors that the abuse is taking place.

Psychiatric doctors (I am told) are the most hardline skeptics anyone can come across for anything. You could knowingly state something about cosmology that is "theoretical", but not delusional and the Psychiartic doctor will be dismissing it as a delusion fantasy and trying to force drugs down their neck (even if your claim is legitmate), this is the failure of modern medical practices keeping up with the other areas of scientific endevours.

This is the reason I suggest giving them something that could potentially provide proof, that they don't usually seek, through the use of this "Feedback loop" method.

Also if the setup of such equipment was done, it could provide a method to locate the transmittion if of course it's landbased through squelching or antenna directioning.
(If it's satellite based then it's a little more difficult.)

Hello Stryderunknown,

Speaking of psychiatry, there's a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and
Harvard professor of psychiatry named John E. Mack, M.D, which might be of interest, as his work relates to the abduction phenomena.

He's listed as having won a Pulitzer in 1977 for a biography of TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) anyway, not his regression hypnosis quack work.

Hypnosis has been widely debunked as a method of recovering 'lost' memories of abduction.

If you want academic credentials looking at the abduction phenomena;

I met her several times some 18 years ago, when she lectured my then girlfriend in psychology, when I was a physics student.

Make sure you read the entire article, especially the part about sleep paralysis, which is exactly the experience I detailed in my post on this board not long ago.
"If people are PMing you, because they are scared (of an anonymous guy on chat forum, get a spine!) they are doing themselves a disservice by not opening up to the larger community who might be able to help them. "

and how are you gonna help them phlog, by telling them they didnt experience anything, that is isnt true and nothing more than a dream ? you try to push that crap down everyones throat.

some have specifically stated they didnt want to be shot down by the 'negatives' in the forums, and they said thats what seems to be happening even in my thread here already. so in essence i see that your scrutiny has stopped potential conversation/discussion about the abduction phenomena here. anyways

anyways i see that you arent going to shut up so let the games begin
People will only get 'shot down' if they have come to a conclusion already, and _want_ to have been abducted. I detailed an abduction experience in my thread, that matches up pretty well with what othes are reporting. So, knowing that experience was not an abduction, what am I supposed to do? Let folks delude themselves, or take a step back, and examine things with a rational mind?

Like I said, solid experiences and hypotheses can stand scrutiny. The fact you say people are hiding says a lot.

Did you read the article I linked above yet, btw?
I detailed an abduction experience in my thread, that matches up pretty well with what others are reporting.

As stated in your post, you experienced the "hallmarks" of an abduction. And I'll agree with you -- you were never abducted. How can I tell? Well, how could you have? You sound too blasé and self-complying, as if you were glad to get something off your chest. Whew -- you must have been glad! No residue -- no haunting shadows pulling at your sense of sanity. How harmonious you depict yourself. Or at least, smug at the thought that now that you were able to "figure it out", you could proceed to rob everyone else of their unique and bizarre experiences. Who are you? The gauge of McCoy? Or are you assuming you are McCoy?
Maybe I'm blasé about it simply because I know it wasn't real? I've had 'night terrors' before, so know how they work. So yes, I feel pretty comfortable with it quite quickly after the experience, and find it quite amusing after a while.

How could I "rob everyone else of their unique and bizarre experiences", they've still had the experience first hand, nobody can take that away. What I can do though, is help them understand what they've experienced, and show them no matter how real it felt, it was just a dream, others have them too, and they aren't to be feared.

Sounds like you want abductions to be true, that you want people to suffer trauma, and psychological stress, however.

Did you read that link above yet, btw? Care to criticise it?
phlogistician said:
Maybe I'm blasé about it simply because I know it wasn't real?
Exactly. It wasn't real. And normally, when something isn't real, one doesn't go around broadcasting it like an evangelical. Or hang-around like a Christian missionary with a net hidden behind his back. Isn't that what you're doing? You're fishing? You're not only the McCoy of sanity and psychological up-righteousness, you're also a priest with an agenda:


phlogistician said:
Sounds like you want abductions to be true, that you want people to suffer trauma, and psychological stress, however.

Which sounds faintly like, you're debased and wish to pervert our youth and see them in hell.

And how could you go about "robbing others of their experiences"? Don't ask me: you've said as much yourself. If your sound judgment for reality is so intact, then how can you go amiss of your own words?

As thus:

phlogistician said:
See, if people only talk to other believers, they'll convince each other there's validity to their whacky ideas. If the ideas are strong enough, they'll bear scrutiny. If there is real evidence, everybody will have to listen. The only reason you'd want to exclude skeptics, is because you are overly fond of your ideas, they don't bear scrutiny, and there is no evidence.

The problem here with what you're saying is that, a) experiencers are suddenly "believers" (whatever that means; sounds Christian -- you're typecasting), b) that they are contagious to one another, like a disease, c) that their thought processes are flawed ("whacky"), hence of no worth (like, to be seen but not heard), d) that they must bow to you, like servants, since they must validate themselves to your criterion, e) that a challenging mind is considered a threat because your hostility and disparaging attitude is supposedly oh-kay and "normal".

Then you go about defending your "scepticism" by alleging "balance" and a forum where things should be "discussed" (a la Athenian) involving "more than one viewpoint". In other words, you won't allow topics to be researched because you'll nix them first before they get a chance to leave the periphery of your rejection. Why, a similar attitude that Skinwalker has towards Haisch and other "pseudoscientists"! So, in the end, nothing will be gained because you won't allow for protraction -- since you're keeping your foot firmly against a door that wishes to open...

You're pressing me! I become very stubborn when people begin to press me. Actually, I have no idea what link you're referring to since I've deactivated the ghastly looking underlines to links on my browser. And, up to now, you hadn't given me any reason to be curious... but I'll check it up soon enough.


Your questions are familiar, yet, at bit clinical. It might interest you to know that not all abductions are of that nature, although most that are published seem to be stuck there. My interests are towards the more unusual sort of abduction that spills into all areas of daily life; a sort of on-going project, seemingly conducted at the threshold of consciousness. Also, most abductees, if not all that I know of, won't even expressly proclaim anything outright. There's a sense of prudence with the alleged awareness. It would be like walking along a tightrope: you don't look down but straight ahead. Always.
Oh -- the link was a plain URL.

Just got back from it. I won't bother reading it because I've read that stuff already. And I won't bother telling you about my experiences either because somehow this is not the place for me to discuss them: abductees also tend to feel protective about their experiences -- like a holy relic that mustn't be soiled in public. But what I will share is this with you:

Nothing stands on its own, nothing is isolated, nothing is a fluke, nothing is just a fling. Abductees have learned to look at the overall picture -- and where there are many holes in the puzzle, abductees will listen and share information with each other, take or leave at will, feel comfortable with what might or might not "fit", confident that... there's nothing more to loose.
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Share. I shared mine.

You may still discuss the content of the link as well, and contrast the evidence against abduction phenomena.
Share. I shared mine.

Show me yours and I'll show you mine? No thanks.

You haven't shared anything with me: I don't relate to your "experience". And I know damn well you wouldn't with mine. Not many here would. In fact, I share in private discussion boards not accessible to the general mob. We like to strip naked in private.
What is of interest to me is that there seems to be such adversarial (if not outright hostile) interactions here. I guess that’s OK, but it no doubt drives people away that have little interest in relating, or interacting in such ways.

From my perspective, being an abductee is all about discoveries along the way, mostly along non-traditional parameters, or boundaries. So that traditional logic or parameters for that matter, hold little if any significance.

I don’t need to prove that I am an abductee – from my perspective, I am what I am regardless of who accepts, rejects, or has no feelings either way concerning me or my past experiences with aliens.

It may be that there are only three types of abductees. Those who have yet to acknowledge or understand that they are (after having been abducted), those who know that they are and refuse to accept it and move on (leaving behind the anger and resentment of it all) and those who have accepted it and moved on with their lives, such as they are.

Dull, it not a word one uses in coming to terms with their life as an abductee. That cannot be said of the countless lives I encounter on a daily basis. So that we abductees can say we have a more exciting ride, as we live this life of ours. That must account for something I guess.

But then, maybe not.

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