Question: what do muslim women get in heaven?

Originally posted by SnakeLord
The only other evidence you have suggesting such a thing was written by people who didn't even know what caused an earthquake

and you confess to know what cause earthquakes. Perhaps you can contact the United State Geological Survey and offer your important information so they can update their state of the art warning system to a minute and a half instead of the current ten second warning.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
, thought there was a big dome in the sky holding water,

The Quran never said that liar....The Quran described rain as a product of clashing of clouds....It's very interesting and scientific, you should read it for a change.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
and considered the world to be flat as a pancake.

The Quran never said the earth is flat. The Quran said that the earth is expanded, and that doesn't mean flat by any fat ignorant guess.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
telling us to kill our children if they're naughty, and to remember to cover our poo when he's in the vicinity, cause he finds it detestable.

Quran never says that.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
But looking at all historical records, all texts of this nature, what is it that these people really witnessed? Ah yes, the ACTS of their supposed god --------- Earthquakes, floods, raining bloody sulphur whatever. Things that can easily be explained by science in our modern times.

AFter you make the call to the USGS, call the EPA and offer all the information you know about see they claim that their stinky guaging stations that have been in place for less than
40 years can predict a 500 year occurance flood. Based on their studies, we get three 100 year floods every year.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
They didn't know why or how- we do. People in those days couldn't even figure out why the wind blew, and promptly blamed it on wind carrying angels.

Check the Quran on winds, and while you at it, check the Quran on oceans. The Quran described how waves form due to differencial density layers.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
Those people knew fuck all about the world

Yeah they don't know fuck...fuck is your specialty.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
and the way it works. You are following in their footsteps

And who is standing like the idiot tracing my footsteps to even know where I'm going....

The rest of your vomit is the same bull shit.
the fact that complex design in our universe do exist

The fact? How have you come up with a conclusion of 'fact'? From your perspective things certainly might seem complex.

To me a sink tap looks complex whereas to a plumber it's just a bunch of nuts and bolts stuck together.

It all depends on perspective. It appears complex to you because you're looking at a product far down the line instead of looking at the starting ingredients. Of course study would help you become a much better person than you obviously are at the moment, and give you a much greater, and non-prehistoric, understanding of the planet and how it all works. Feel free to live back in the days where knowledge challenged individuals walked the earth, but you're simply slowing everyone else down who has to stop just to explain to you what the reality is. I would suggest you spend more time looking at real science books instead of the mental deficients version of a science book - often called a bible.

"look! There's an earthquake in LA, god must exist!"

You have no facts. You have no evidence. All you have are bold but pointless assumptions because you don't actually know anything about the world and everything on it. Some try to find the answers, some- like you- just prefer listening to ancient idiots who thought they'd get shitloads of virgins to bonk when they died.

Start seeking answers, or continue sleeping through it all - the choice is yours, (or your parents/husbands/priests whatever).

Give the designer of the universe some credit you ungratefull fool.

Who we talking about? As i keep telling you, these entities of yours are nothing but fantasy and wishful thinking. There's nobody to thank except my parents. But tell you what.. you can thank him for me... along with santa claus, the tooth fairy and the guitar playing turnip of mount hoogleboogle.

Furthermore, i take it from your rather pathetic post, that you didn't actually have a worthwhile debate to my points? Doesn't that tell you something? Maybe it's time you actually sat down and had a chat with yourself.

Your lack of knowledge

Sure, just like everyone else on the planet. Unlike some however, i wont be so depressed by that fact i need to believe in invisible beings spoken of by ancient retards.
The quran heh? Sorry i can't tell you guys apart- you all sound the same. Bible/quran same shit different day.

and you confess to know what cause earthquakes.

Most often, earthquakes occur in 'earthquake-prone' zones where two tectonic plates meet, split or slip by one another, (spend some time reading up on 'plate tectonics'). The type of plate contact determines whether the earthquake will be shallow or deep. During the movement of these plates, intense forces overcome the friction between the plates. If the plates become 'locked together', forces build up and eventually must give way - with the plates lurching into new poistions and creating an earthquake.

No, i did not gather this information from the bible, quran or any other ancient religious tripe. Once you're quite finished with your verbal diarrhea you'll notice this has nothing to do with contacting the USGS about their state of the art warning systems. This is basic science you can study and learn about.

The Quran described rain as a product of clashing of clouds....It's very interesting and scientific

Lol, very scientific.

The Quran never said the earth is flat. The Quran said that the earth is expanded, and that doesn't mean flat by any fat ignorant guess.

Ah, expanded- my apologies. Fair enough let's move away from the bible and more towards the quran- for surely they're a smart bunch of people right? Hmmmmm where to start? Ah yes, let's start here with quran science:

Surely He knows well all the thoughts within the breasts.
-- Sura 11:5
Die in your rage; God knows the thoughts in the breasts.
-- Sura 3:119

wow.... the thoughts within the breasts? Shit, someone told me thoughts came from the brain, not from the tits. What a fucking grand old bunch of scientific people the quran writers must have been. Forget flat world belief, this has it beat hands down.

Hmmmm but then again....... let's go back to 'flat earth belief' for a moment:

Till, when he [the traveller Zul-qarnain] reached
the setting-place of the sun,
he found it going down into a muddy spring, ...
-- Sura Sura 18:86

It is scientifically proven that the sun does not set in a muddy spring. Seems the quran writers thought different..... in fact, why even make such a suggestion UNLESS you thought the world was flat? I mean this guy even reached the place where it sets.... was he billions of miles away in space at the time, or was he just a daft lying dumb plonker talking out his ass who happened to think the world was flat?

What was it you said to me? "you should read it for a change". Same to you.

Hmmmm what else?

We have indeed decked the lower heaven with beauty (in) the stars,
(for beauty) and for guard against all obstinate rebellious Satans.
(So) they should not strain their ears in the direction of the Exalted Assembly but be cast away from every side.
-- Sura 37:6-8

Very scientific.

At length, when they came to a valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it." Sura An-Naml [The Ant] (27):18-19

Ants do not talk. If you dissect one you'll find out they dont have the ability to make noises. Furthermore to think that an ant would be aware of who solomon was is hardly scientific.

Quran never says that.

Ok.... those were biblical examples, but the quran has it's fair share.

AFter you make the call to the USGS, call the EPA and offer all the information you know about flooding..

You really like avoiding the points, dont you?

Check the Quran on winds, and while you at it, check the Quran on oceans. The Quran described how waves form due to differencial density layers.

Yeah, and it also says people think with their breasts, ants talk and the sun sets in a mud pile, (of course that last one can't be debated because there REALLY was a guy who stood there and saw it happen).

Yeah they don't know fuck..

Obviously not. Except that breasts have the ability to think etc etc etc etc.

And who is standing like the idiot tracing my footsteps to even know where I'm going....

I care about humans, i'd rather save you from the brain death you're currently experiencing.

The rest of your vomit is the same bull shit.

You're right, next time i'll take the advice from your great book and start thinking with my tits....... just like you do.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
It is scientifically proven that the sun does not set in a muddy spring. Seems the quran writers thought different..... in fact, why even make such a suggestion UNLESS you thought the world was flat? I mean this guy even reached the place where it sets.... was he billions of miles away in space at the time, or was he just a daft lying dumb plonker talking out his ass who happened to think the world was flat?

You picked my ultimate favorite you unlucky idiot soul.

Let me ask you a couple of question and assume you can connect the dots.

What is the name of that river that runs across the great china that includes mongol and parts of current Russia?
Hint's a mucky spring.
Oh hell, you'll never get it...It's the yellow river. Why do they call it yellow, because it has the most amount of sediment that have ever been found in a river.

Now, check your watch, what's the time SnakeLord?. Well, I dunno where you live, but I guess the time that your watch will show depends on where the sun have set on you?. Right now, the sun is setting in US and rising in China, and so it's the end of the day in the US and the beginning of the next in China. Check your globe snake, where the time zero, where does the sun hit first? Please consider that the earth revolve clockwise, so the east get's the sun before the west does. God in the Quran used time coordinates and the geography to tell us that Zul Qarnein, meaning the two horned one, or Alexander the great, was in China....Wow...

PS. In arabic, Sadr doesn't mean breast as normally translated. Sadr means essence, but of course you're not interested in understanding, only in confirming your idiocity.
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So..... Alexander the great got there and found the sun going into the yellow river? That's what it says.... but science would beg to differ. Piss poor attempt on your part. And you call that your favourite? Must be a hard task even tying up your shoelaces. :bugeye:
Originally posted by SnakeLord
next time i'll take the advice from your great book and start thinking with my tits....... just like you do.

Don't try my little fool. You are a bull...and in the farm, you are slaughtered as veil or if you are a stud, you're kept around a bit just to impregnante the're not kept around much, for fear of march to the slaughterhouse you fool because your breasts are useless. I don't think we can enter a match here. Two little miracles of god have lived exclusively on the norture they got from my tits. My tits gave them antibodies, norishment for development of their brains. Your tits are ugly dry and useless. ...March on.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
So..... Alexander the great got there and found the sun going into the yellow river? That's what it says.... but science would beg to differ. Piss poor attempt on your part. And you call that your favourite? Must be a hard task even tying up your shoelaces. :bugeye:

I could understand that Arabic is not your language, but damn, you must have sucked in English. Even such horrible surface literal translation would not be accepted for Shakespeare. Poor thing, you bore me.
Your tits are ugly dry and useless. ...March on.

Makes me wonder why god bothered giving them to me in the first place. Pretty fucking pointless woudn't you say? Ah, you already did. Of course they can be explained by science... would you like me to go into the details?
I could understand that Arabic is not your language, but damn, you must have sucked in English. Even such horrible surface literal translation would not be accepted for Shakespeare. Poor thing, you bore me.

Well as a former freelance writer i'll take that as a mildly humorous quip or just a meager attempt at diverting from the topic at hand.

As for 'surface literal translations'.... what do you do? Just make up anything in order to satisfy your pathetic lack of real knowledge?
Originally posted by SnakeLord
Makes me wonder why god bothered giving them to me in the first place. Pretty fucking pointless woudn't you say? Ah, you already did. Of course they can be explained by science... would you like me to go into the details?

NO detail please, but if you want to be usefull once in your life, do me a favor and ask your science to make your tits work properly. Just explaining on behalf of science gets pretty boring....

The Quran actually explains even the tits in male.

When we are conceived, we are both male and female in one. Our sex is not determined until later, The male dick reduces to the female clitorus, the balls to the clitoral flaps, and the breasts stay for both. It's the female hormone that makes the tits work.

"Was he not a drop Of sperm emitted (In lowly form)? Then did he become A clinging clot; Then did (ALLAH) make And fashion (him) In due proportion. And of him HE made Two sexes, male And female." 75:37-39]

You see our proportions were fashioned first before our sex was determined....How the hell could Muhammed have known that? Then of course, you're not interested in understanding...keep confirming your idiocity.

PS. If you know anything about depth, look at how god referred to the drop of semen as a he. The male body is the basic ingredient for humans...the semen....The egg or the female component is merely the earth or the egg. Females intially stem out of male bodies. Just like Eve was created out of Adam.....Perhaps evolution will one day understand that.
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No offence, but you are without doubt the most uneducated person i have stumbled upon in a long time. In the morning i will start explaining some of the facts to you, in the meantime i suggest you catch up on some reading..... no, not the quran- i mean a science book.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
No offence, but you are without doubt the most uneducated person i have stumbled upon in a long time. In the morning i will start explaining some of the facts to you, in the meantime i suggest you catch up on some reading..... no, not the quran- i mean a science book.

It took you an hour viewing my post to write this garbage.???? Don't deny.....I viewed who was online and you were staring at my post for like an hour before you finally ejaculated the useless responce. If I were you, I would not come back tomorrow, it's called the principale of salvaging one's pride.....

By the way, You won't find it in any science book.
I viewed who was online and you were staring at my post for like an hour before you finally ejaculated the useless responce.

Too funny. Although snakelord had that particular page open in his browser, it probably never occurred to you that he might have been chatting enjoyably on the phone, eating a pizza or making love to his wife, all the while you sat there staring at who's online.

Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of black muddy (or hot) water. And he found near it a people. We (Allâh) said (by inspiration): "O Dhul-Qarnain! Either you punish them, or treat them with kindness." (Al-Kahf 18:86)

What is the name of that river that runs across the great china that includes mongol and parts of current Russia?
Hint's a mucky spring.
Oh hell, you'll never get it...It's the yellow river. Why do they call it yellow, because it has the most amount of sediment that have ever been found in a river.

Now, check your watch, what's the time SnakeLord?. Well, I dunno where you live, but I guess the time that your watch will show depends on where the sun have set on you?. Right now, the sun is setting in US and rising in China, and so it's the end of the day in the US and the beginning of the next in China. Check your globe snake, where the time zero, where does the sun hit first? Please consider that the earth revolve clockwise, so the east get's the sun before the west does. God in the Quran used time coordinates and the geography to tell us that Zul Qarnein, meaning the two horned one, or Alexander the great, was in China....Wow...

Yet the translation and commentary I have (which is islamic, not Christian anti-islamic) specifically states that ain-in hami’at-in (literally black sea) ain being abundance of water, hamiat being black mud. The place referred to is the Black Sea.
Because this thread is in relation to Islam I oriented this towards the Qur’an. But rest assured the same hold for ANYTHING Christian as well.

The truth is there is no possible way that a person could listen to ants communicate. Ants “communicate/speak” using chemicals. But that’s neither here nor there. You can just say God made whats-his-face “understand” the chemicals or god did this or god did that.

I can be and am impressed by ancient people’s knowledge.
- I am impressed by the cataract surgery that the Romans/Greeks performed. It’s done exactly the same way today only a pump is used instead of sucking.
- Measuring the Earths circumference using shadows is truly novel and I am amazed even now.
- Measuring the planetary rotations of the first five plants and being able to predict their future placement was absolutely astounding. Nothing came close to that little number in complexity for over 2000 years. THAT is amazing.
- Only now are some ancient mortar recipes being discovered. And some of these have been found to be FAR better than what we ARE using TODAY. That’s amazing - yes?

These and many other marvels are just a few of the amazing discoveries the ancients made and I think we are amazed – and that’s not even considering literature, theater, art, sculptor, politics, etcetera.

BUT, and this is the sticking point, THESE were NEVER EVER claimed to be godly inspired. They have authors (HUMAN) and these are the people we credit with these marvels. They are SECULAR discoveries. These above are just expletory occasions of human ingenuity, cleverness, and genius. They have application in the real world as well as precisely explain nature thus allowing us to build on that knowledge and therefore (to me) have astonishing value. These are the things that make me love to read history.

Stating that a blood clot or a leach-like-thing is a KEY step in the process of human development isn’t amazing to me. Why? Because it has no application, doesn’t add value and if anything can be misleading. This small little verse doesn’t seem to add much of anything to the knowledge of human development and frankly seems to be a plagiarism of the world famous ancient 2nd century A.D., physician Galen’s work as he described the placenta and fetal membranes in his book "On The Formation of the Foetus." And this is supposed to be God inspired? I think Galen did better.

Setting that entirely aside. If there were a god we would expect that when god gives man a little “inside information” he doesn’t prattle on about a blood clot or leach. He says something profound about genetics. And he lays down some principles of human/animal development. Or he could easily describe atoms. Not in some hanky-panky manner but in a few short a very specific no if-ands-or-buts with absolutely no need for further interpretation manner. Why do I go so far here? Because I have even had my religious friend here claim such and such DOES explain atoms, DOES explain the big-bang DOES explain this or that. ALBEIT AD HOC! To prove my point I say: One can only wonder why no one thought to write a treaty on the topic? Or use this information for benefit to make further discoveries. Why couldn’t a clever god had left some inspired passage that would qualify as a “godly revelation” and yet be used to greatly benefit man. Such as the simple concept of atoms.

The truth is that the truly great leaps forward were ALWAYS in EVERY INSTANCE made by secular discoveries - many of which were by not-particularly-religious men.

So when given two theories:

1) Such and such is God inspired.


2) Such and such was not God inspired but just the work of men.

Sensibly we must come to the logical conclude of choice: #2.

Why? Well because there is NOTHING in ANY religious text that makes the cut. That is: truly great leaps forward that are found in religious texts. Why would God – creator of the universe – leave these mere scraps of pitifully partial half-baked relatively useless information? I just don’t think so. So the simpler solution is to conclude these works are the writings of men. Albeit in some cases very clever men, genius even. In other not so much (I refer to the clot/leach). Nevertheless, men all the same. To not come to such a conclusion it to delude ones self. And you must ask: am I being biased? I state again - there are no meaningful and useful miraculous revelations in ANY religious books. And when I say miraculous I mean information of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe and that especially must have been insight that was gained in a manner that one can logically conclude transcends the laws of nature ie: better than just plain old human imagination and ingenuity.

It just isn’t there. ANYWHERE. If it were there then - someone would have used it. I don’t know of anyone quoting a religious text and saying: See here it says god created the universe in a way that appears to be like the Big Bang. Instead (and what we do see) its AFTER some genius secular discovery is made – THEN and ONLY then does someone religious say: See here it says god created the universe in a way that appears to be like the Big Bang.

Rather pathetic isn’t it?

I’ll say again: And this is supposed to be God inspired? I think Galen did better. Is it sinking in yet?

I don’t expect to change a religious persons mind. And I’m absolutely sure that it would be easier to change a person’s language. Near impossible. The religious mind that is reading these words are already discounting and discrediting them. Coming up with solutions and alternative explanations. Assessing and reaffirming previous beliefs. “”The [insert religious text here] IS a miraculous work of god and these are god-inspired scientific revelations. Who cares if they didn’t lead to any further advancement? Who cares if we have to be ad hoc? That doesn’t mean they’re not god inspired!! I mean this wasn’t supposed to be a scientific text anyhow!! Just a few bits of this-and-that to show man that there is God and these are HIS revelations. Hell – we should be luck we even got that. Who does this Michael character think he is? Better than God! Just another typical scientist trying to usurp God. I hope that Michael just rots in Hell! Oh, what am I saying? – the poor lost soul. I’ll pray for him. Oh that feels better. I love you God and I now know even more than ever that you love me too. God – you there god? Hello?? Hello?? “Yes I am here! Oh – Good thought I’d lost yah for a second””


Although I have said nothing expletory in this short essay, offered nothing new, nevertheless – these ideas are an affront to the religious belief and as such must be inherently wrong. However, to the scientifically trained mind and those on this board that have a rational way of thinking – they will see the simple truth here.
Why would God – creator of the universe – leave these mere craps of pitifully partial half-baked relatively useless information?
Those who you use the bible as their physics textbook are bit strange and do not represent the vast majority of christians.

Just another typical scientist trying to usurp God. I hope that Michael just rots in Hell! Oh, what am I saying? – the poor lost soul. I’ll pray for him. Oh that feels better. I love you God and I now know even more than ever that you love me too. God – you there god? Hello?? Hello?? “Yes I am here! Oh – Good thought I’d lost yah for a second””

However, to the scientifically trained mind and those on this board that have a rational way of thinking – they will see the simple truth here.
Science has never produced a simple truth. I never seen science produce something that could be taught in full generality to a 5 year old. Neither have I seen science produce a code of conduct. You cannot compare science to religion because they are based on two different things. One is based upon physical observation the other is based upon spiritual observation.
Originally posted by okinrus
“”Just another typical scientist trying to usurp God. I hope that Michael just rots in Hell! Oh, what am I saying? – the poor lost soul. I’ll pray for him. Oh that feels better. I love you God and I now know even more than ever that you love me too. God – you there god? Hello?? Hello?? “Yes I am here! Oh – Good thought I’d lost yah for a second””

That was me having some fun :)

Science has never produced a simple truth.

I never seen science produce something that could be taught in full generality to a 5 year old.
What do you mean here? Many things can not be taught “in full” to a 5 year old. So, I don’t quite get the point.

Neither have I seen science produce a code of conduct.
Code of conduct is based on the society from which you are raised – which may or may not be heavily influenced by a religion. Certainly you wouldn’t say that Atheistic China has no code of conduct? Because, actually it’s probably a little more “moral” than your typical Westerners code of conduct (what ever moral means). We can agree that your “code of conduct” would not be the same as a Japanese Christian’s “code of conduct”. I can tell you that right now – it would be dramatically different. Even within a society a Christian raised in a military family compared with a gay family compared with a raciest family compared with a family from the 1500’s compared with a family from the 700’s etcetera would all be different. Even though they are all “Christian” and in the same country. So again I say – what’s your point?

You cannot compare science to religion because they are based on two different things. One is based upon physical observation the other is based upon spiritual observation.
I was not comparing religion with science. Yes, I agree they are two different beasties.

Spiritual observation? This I’d like to see :) The truth is, one can not distinguish between “spiritual observation” and simple mental psychoses. If you can – could you please explain how. Let me give you an example: lets say I have two people in front of you. Both say that God talks to them in their heads. For arguments sake we’ll say that one of the two is telling truth while the other has a chemical imbalance/schizophrenia. Upon examination each and every question is answered identically between the two. How would you, okinrus, tell between the two? Come on, explain how you are going to do this “Spiritual observation” to distinguish between the two. The truth is you can not.

Spiritual observation – Pfffff! What a load! There is no such thing.

Lastly, the point of my post was this. There are various “revelations” given to various religious figures. Some of these fall into the realm of scientific study. (You should know this – just think of how the Church put Galileo to death and you’ll see that there can be some overlap). Anyway, of these revelations that we could consider to be “learned” (such as Human Development) some people that are considered “skeptics” like to focus on these revelations because we as skeptics think that if god was going to truly reveal something within the realm of science for the betterment of mankind – well then, the revelations should be something truly miraculous or at least useful. However – these supposed godly inspirations are no better than idea’s that were floating around at the time and certainly no more miraculous than the HUMAN inspired examples I laid out at the beginning. I ask: What is the point in god revealing the stages of human development if said information is useless, not miraculous, and (given the time difference of close to 800 years) I’d say not even of the caliber of Galen’s work? If the information isn’t used – well I’d say it’s pointless. Or then again, one may say the point is simply that God wanted to show how such-and-such prophet MUST have been in contact with god because look at this simply AMAZING revelation. Such that even 1000 years later – it still finds embryologists gasping and holding they’re breath. The truth is the information isn’t amazing and if god wanted to leave something amazing he’d have simply mentioned the existence of genetic inheritance, the big bang, or something about matter being made of atoms. Either of these could be summed up in a 4 sentence structure that the human mind could grasp and make use of. But he didn’t. Instead he decided to talk about blood clots/leaches like things. Ohh so stupendous *smirk*! It added nothing significant benefit to mankind, was not used for anything medically, and was actually wrong – unless VARY liberally interpreted (bones first then flesh around bones – Pfff!). These “revelations” are not even on a par with previous MAN-MADE discoveries.

So one must ask ones self, why didn’t God reveal something truly magnificent? I think we can now agree it’s because these “revelations” were really from man - not god.
Code of conduct is based on the society from which you are raised – which may or may not be heavily influenced by a religion. Certainly you wouldn’t say that Atheistic China has no code of conduct? Because, actually it’s probably a little more “moral” than your typical Westerners code of conduct (what ever moral means). We can agree that your “code of conduct” would not be the same as a Japanese Christian’s “code of conduct”. I can tell you that right now – it would be dramatically different. Even within a society a Christian raised in a military family compared with a gay family compared with a raciest family compared with a family from the 1500’s compared with a family from the 700’s etcetera would all be different. Even though they are all “Christian” and in the same country. So again I say – what’s your point?
Ah, the country who has decayed their sammuri code of ethics to eating dead fetuses. Nevertheless, whatever moral scheme, whether it be based upon greed, religion or common sense, it is definitly not based upon science.

What do you mean here? Many things can not be taught “in full” to a 5 year old. So, I don’t quite get the point.
Sure you can say that the leaves of a tree are green but there's no way you could explain to them photosynthesis.

Both say that God talks to them in their heads. For arguments sake we’ll say that one of the two is telling truth while the other has a chemical imbalance/schizophrenia. Upon examination each and every question is answered identically between the two. How would you, okinrus, tell between the two? Come on, explain how you are going to do this “Spiritual observation” to distinguish between the two. The truth is you can not.
Religion begins at the individual.

just think of how the Church put Galileo to death and you’ll see that there can be some overlap).
Church did <em>not</em> put Galileo to death. They put him under house arrests, which wasn't that bad because his house was a mansion.

are considered “skeptics” like to focus on these revelations because we as skeptics think that if god was going to truly reveal something within the realm of science for the betterment of mankind – well then, the revelations should be something truly miraculous or at least useful.
I don't think revealing science is beneficial to God.

Either of these could be summed up in a 4 sentence structure that the human mind could grasp and make use of. But he didn’t. Instead he decided to talk about blood clots/leaches like things.
Blood clots and leaches are in the Quran not the bible. There are Quran scholars who want to present the book as scientic and others who believe it's a religious text that stands on it own.

So one must ask ones self, why didn’t God reveal something truly magnificent? I think we can now agree it’s because these “revelations” were really from man - not god.
It is possible that God remains somewhat hidden by divine providence based upon seek and ye shall find.
When we are conceived, we are both male and female in one.

Not exactly.

A baby inherits one copy of every gene from his/her father and one copy from his/her mother.

Basically 'traits' become uncoupled on the genetic level to determine things, (eye colour/sex etc). In very rare circumstances these might not become uncoupled and a child ends up with both sexual organs. (I actually know a guy like this. He has both sexual organs and even has a womb but is a 'male').

The nipple 'trait' has no reason to uncouple. Men simply have nipples because women do. They do men no harm and as such the trait doesn't uncouple. Its for this same reason whales have pelvic bones, humans have tail bones etc. If they did us any harm, we wouldn't have them.

However, important traits, such as sexual orientation, do uncouple and thus give you either a boy or a girl. It has nothing to do with shrinking penises- it all happens at the 'genetic level'.

How the hell could Muhammed have known that?

Sorry, what did muhammed know?

PS. If you know anything about depth, look at how god referred to the drop of semen as a he.

Goes with the times. Women were regarded as vastly inferior, (in some places they still are, aren't they). Hell, even into the 1900's women weren't regarded as anything special.


Sperm comes from men. It goes into a woman and she has a child. Nobody looked inside a woman and noticed she had an egg. So for ancient unknowledgable people, it appeared to be the male who was the sole creator of children - women simply carrying it for them.

It has nothing to do with 'depth', it's to do with you 'reaching'.

Furthermore you're wrong anyway, and thus so would allah be if he thought all children started off as boys.

Females intially stem out of male bodies. Just like Eve was created out of Adam.....Perhaps evolution will one day understand that.

Absolute garbage. Go to school. Come back here in a few years/decades

It took you an hour viewing my post to write this garbage.????

I started a response but decided it was too late to waste my time teaching simple biology to someone who thinks ants can talk. So i changed it to that.

I viewed who was online and you were staring at my post for like an hour before you finally ejaculated the useless responce.

One thing about forum online lists is the person remains as being online for a good while after they've actually left.

If I were you, I would not come back tomorrow, it's called the principale of salvaging one's pride.....

Feel free to say something along those lines when you have some facts, some knowledge. At the moment you're merely providing me with endless humour. My daughter is 4, and yet her understanding is far in advance of yours. I pity you.

By the way, You won't find it in any science book.

Now figure out why.....

Science has never produced a simple truth.

The earth is round. My daughter understands that fully- which is a lot more than can be said for the twonks you trust with your very existence.

I never seen science produce something that could be taught in full generality to a 5 year old.

The earth is round. The earth goes round the sun. My daughter is 4, yet she understands these perfectly. The guys you listen to didn't have the slightest fucking clue.

Neither have I seen science produce a code of conduct.

And why should it? Contrary to religious belief, some of us do not need an ancient book to tell us how to be moral citizens. Just incase people do need lawful guidance- we have modern day laws that provide ample enough information. I'm sorry but the ten commandments are no longer required. As for gods other laws - such as stoning naughty children to death - luckily some of us have progressed beyond this method of thinking.

I don't think revealing science is beneficial to God.

How so? Kindly explain..