Question: what do muslim women get in heaven?

Originally posted by JDawg
But let me ask you how you could talk so freely about that, then say something like this:

Perhaps you missed it, but I also said....

Yet, many can only see orgies and evil in the purest of things....and I'm sick and tired of their mentalities that I'd rather throw back their mockeries right in their face

I have found out that throwing back people's mockery at them to be an extremely effective technique in debating. It's not my mockery, I'm merely, throwing mockery off me back to it's source.

You know Flores, I asked nicely and you responded with a personal attack.

I have noticed that the Islamic members here who are entrenched in their religion are some of the most hypocritical and volatile vipers I’ve ever seen. They never have a valid argument or are willing to share ideas – they merely spout venom.

If I were to judge Islam based on these members, I would conclude it is their religion that is the primary reason for terrorist activity.
Gee thanks Q,

Thanks for lumping me with people that I have nothing in common with. Most of all, thanks for the great insight to my charachter, you're such an insightfull person....Please tell us more about the likes of me.

As far as what I have to say about Q: I seriosly think that he's in desperate need for a big hug and kiss from me and such hunger has truly clouded his vision.

Thanks for lumping me with people that I have nothing in common with. Most of all, thanks for the great insight to my character

Actually, I went out of my way not to mention anything about character – I only mentioned the connection was with belief. And yes, your belief has much in common with those folks.

I seriosly think that he's in desperate need for a big hug and kiss from me and such hunger has truly clouded his vision.

No thanks, I’ve seen your picture.
Originally posted by chalcedony
I made the assumption I did based on a display of Paradise shown somewhere in the middle east at a college where Paradise was shown but they deliberately did not put in the virgins and that caused a controversy.

Somewhere in the middle east??? Where is that somewhere.....And what respectable college is that? Shame on anyone who would make a physical display of paradise and whoever goes their to watch doesn't have an ounce of brain left in their heads. The closest these guys will get to paradise is that model that they built in their university campus.....I hope they enjoyed the movie.
Originally posted by (Q)

I have noticed that the Islamic members here who are entrenched in their religion are some of the most hypocritical and volatile vipers I’ve ever seen. They never have a valid argument or are willing to share ideas – they merely spout venom.

If I were to judge Islam based on these members, I would conclude it is their religion that is the primary reason for terrorist activity


Care to have an argument Q? or you like thread like

Pagan Islam.
Muhammad evil
Muslim are terrorist etc?

Sorry, in a thread like above, I don't expect much serious arguemtn. Perhaps you can expect that?
Actually, the quote from various sites like this one got me curious about Western women converting to islam:

“Western women are turning to Islam in rapidly increasing numbers.
KAY JARDINE discovers why they are so keen to become Muslims.”

but, this response from Flores, raises the question:
Are all these virgins male? because then it would be a 'gay' heaven, no? So, you'll get more 'gay' converts, right?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm looking at the implications of what you said in your statements below:

Originally posted by Flores
God speaks of young boys in heaven for me. No doubt about it, Gilman are boys in Arabic, no doubt, no interpretation, no confusion. virgin boys for me baby. And it's repeated over and over again. Please note that 70 is never mentioned in the Quran. Here are the Suras.

"Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them. Youths (handsome) as Pearls well-guarded. (The Noble Quran, 52:24)" "...Youths (handsome)..." is written in Arabic as "gilma-nun llahum". Gilma-nun literally means young males. This Noble Verse is talking about young male servants whom Allah Almighty Created for the service of the Believers in Paradise.

"Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness), (The Noble Quran, 56:17)" "...youths of..." is written in Arabic this time as "wil-daa-nun", which literally means young boys. This Noble Verse is again talking about young male servants whom Allah Almighty Created for the service of the Believers in Paradise.

"And round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness): If thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered Pearls. (The Noble Quran, 76:19)" "youths of..." uses the same exact word in Noble Verse 56:17.
Quit trying to be a slut. It just looks tacky.
Besides, I'm sure that they'd beat you for that in most Islamic countrys.
Unless you like that sort of thing, of course. :)

As for the virgins, they seem to be something not intended to be taken literally.

I have found out that throwing back people's mockery at them to be an extremely effective technique in debating.


Chalcedony said:

Actually, I'm rather curious. We all hear about paradise and the whatever number of virgins the men get. What is paradise for muslim women? I would also appreciate any suras you have to back it up.

And you came back with...

Where do you hear about that???? And why haven't you taken it upon yourself to confirm dirty gossip that circulate inside your church walls. Why is it always the ignorant that makes the blanket insults and it becomes a burden upon the knowledegalbe to undo the harm????

I don't call that throwing someone's mockery back in their face; I call that insulting. Perhaps you don't know the difference...

Check your attitude at the door, Flores. While you seem to know much about your religion, you know little about real human interaction.

And stop ducking my post in the other thread, namely the one where I ask you to talk about your "working model" in relation to your decision that God exists.

okay okay,
Here's my final answer to what muslim women may get in heaven?

They don't get JDAWG, RANDOLFOS, Q, and other less than perfect speciman men. Those rejects of the human species need to ride another comet to another undisclosed location. Muslim women in heaven get perfect flawless positive arguments from real men.......We might also get a XEV to keep things interesting and whip us in heaven shape every once in a while.

PS. This is my goddamn heaven, my mind will make whatever it wishes, go makeup your own heaven and make sure not to imagine me in it.
Flores acknowledges:

This is my goddamn heaven, my mind will make whatever it wishes, go makeup your own heaven and make sure not to imagine me in it.

You see, Flores, it’s not so difficult to realize and understand that it’s all in your imagination.
Originally posted by (Q)
You see, Flores, it’s not so difficult to realize and understand that it’s all in your imagination.

Precisely buddy. All my information comes out of my own head....Yours on the other hand comes out of the exit only hole below the little in your back.
I think people are being a little too hard on Flores... Most muslims(who are not fanatical terrorist!) believe that heaven will be a continuation of this life only better. Thus those in marriage in this life would continue married in the next life. They do not interpret the passage of young men to be an orgy no more than the connotation of homosexual relationships. Heaven for me is just the avoidance of pain though...

Here's my final answer to what muslim women may get in heaven?

That wasn't my question, Flores! You tell me I have no brain in my head, yet you dont' seem to know how to READ!

Just to let everyone in on the subject, Flores said that she did not bother searching for evidence that may or may not be relative, nor looking for pieces of the God puzzle that may or may not fit. What she needed was a "Working Model" for God's existance. That way, she knew what to look for when deciding on the God question, without having to do a lot of research, or spending my time looking.

First I pointed out that such a theory was rediculous, because if there was a set criteria in place that had already been fufilled, then who wouldn't believe in God? She flipped, and said I had no idea what a working model was, citing all these obscure facts aboout Newton and the sort, all the while not explaining what the hell her working model was! Being the gentleman that I am, I posed the question again...

And she refused to answer, dancing all around the question, even go so far as to say that "I know that my basis for my belief is as strong as steel!" But at the same time, she is afraid to answer the question. So, I felt compelled to search for her and pose it to her nomatter where she was, under what forum or topic. I need to hear this response.

And you say the answer she gave me here. I never asked her what Muslim women get in heaven, I asked how she came to the conclusion that her god existed. And I got this:

They don't get JDAWG, RANDOLFOS, Q, and other less than perfect speciman men. Those rejects of the human species need to ride another comet to another undisclosed location

This insult-riddled bullshit is what Flores felt compelled to reply with. This brainwashed moron insults everyone who poses a question she cannot answer on a daily basis. And don't think I'm being dramatic; she has yet to honestly and intelligently answer one single question posed to her in this forum as of yet! Instead, her and her Muslim cohorts just relentlessly bash and insult and bash and insult. And they wonder where stereotypes come from...

So either answer the question for real, Flores, or simply admit that you can't.

Originally posted by Flores
okay okay,
Here's my final answer to what muslim women may get in heaven?

They don't get... RANDOLFOS, and other less than perfect speciman men. Those rejects of the human species need to ride another comet to another undisclosed location. Muslim women in heaven get perfect flawless positive arguments from real men.......
My dear Flores; you'd be lucky to catch me (though as a married women, I would have expected you to say that you would be with your husband in eternity), but I only date Christian women
This is not a nursery Jdawg...

Originally posted by JDawg
So either answer the question for real, Flores, or simply admit that you can't.


What an absolute idiot. ......Who died and left you in charge of the interrogation table?...Idiot.

My obligation to make you understand is equivelant to my responsbility in making a mule understand..... Not applicable to anything.... On this site, I state my opinion, I'm comfortable with my opinion, and I'm accountable for my opinion to myself...If I recieve a comment that seems entertaining or educational for me, I'll respond. When I recieve comments from you or others that are light years backward, I will simply let you know that you are way off, I'd rather not turn my attention to your wild goose chase....not to insult your wild goose chase or anything, but I'm simply not interested in your much as I'm not interested in curing a brain damaged person so I can debate with him/her my believes....Nothing wrong with brain damaged people, but please don't compel me and force me to make them understand... You are high maintenance time consuming brainless son of a bore me....get it? Nothing personal idiot.

Now think about your pride before you ask ME again to explain things to you....I'm not your frikkin Mama....If I were you, I would ask your Mama tonight to explain religion and what women get in heaven for you....Yeah ask your mama what she will get in heaven...ask your dad too, and if they both start looking so disapointed at the stupidity of the mule that they fed and raised for years that is still asking such stupid question, then you might find it in your heart to forgive me for not sharing my views with you. Be gentle on your parents, although I'm sure they expect anything from you. Ask them to wipe your butt while they are at it too.

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Originally posted by Randolfo
My dear Flores; you'd be lucky to catch me

Luck is just like religion, it's a matter of prespective.

Originally posted by Randolfo
(though as a married women, I would have expected you to say that you would be with your husband in eternity),

Yeah, you go tell god to pair us up, we would be so happy, but if god decide I'm to go to heaven and my husband to another location or vice versa, you better believe that I won't jump ships for him or him for me. Our love for each other would prevent us from bringing harm to one another and also from defying the will of god.

Originally posted by Randolfo
but I only date Christian women

Good for you. There will be plenty of those in the location that you are going to....As christians say.....YOU WILL BE EQUALLY YOLKED.....Too bad christians never once examine the quality of the yolk that they are so willingly equating and separating on this earth. Perhaps they are all equally rotten yolked. Only God knows the quality of our YOLK and whether your partener is a true believer or not.
Question... where are all these virgins supposed to come from. There can't be enough willing women who died virgins who ever lived on this planet. Did Allah just wave his hand and make a few billion?

Are they completely mindless?
Flores, no offence but you really need to take a chill pill.

Outbursts are most often the sign of someone without an answer, and more than that; someone who knows they don't have any answers.

There's nothing wrong with that of course, but it's pointless trying to put in any kind of a debate in such a situation.

Better to just not say anything and only respond when you have the ability to do so and to answer all return questions.