Question: what do muslim women get in heaven?


What an absolute idiot. ......Who died and left you in charge of the interrogation table?...Idiot.

OK, let's slosh away the name-calling in this quote, and adress the actual question of "Who died and left you in charge of the interrogation table?"

There is a simple answer to that: I am not in charge of anything on this forum, or any other forum.

What I meant in that post you quoted was that you so proudly professed this "Working Model" on the existance of God, yet you did not explain the working model. Even further, you then went and said that your basis for belief in God was "as solid as concrete" or something like that. But you never once told us what that basis was! This, Flores, is called ducking the question, and you aren't very good at it.

All I ever asked of you was to list the factors you put in your working model of God. I didn't ask what women get in Muslim heaven, nor did I ask you "Why Mohammed invented Islam." I wasn't offensive or rude to you in any of my posts. (Although the temptation was there)

My obligation to make you understand is equivelant to my responsbility in making a mule understand..... Not applicable to anything

Normally, I would ask why you would talk about this Working Model and not back it up, but I know now that you were lying. You don't have a working model, and you have no idea why you believe in God. You just believe blindly.

On this site, I state my opinion, I'm comfortable with my opinion, and I'm accountable for my opinion to myself

So what you're saying is that you know the answer to my question, and have asked yourself that very same question? Then if you have and are so comfortable with the answer, then why not state it here?

Again, I come to the only conclusion: You don't have an answer. You believe because you want to, and you won't question it.

When I recieve comments from you or others that are light years backward, I will simply let you know that you are way off, I'd rather not turn my attention to your wild goose chase

Again, I'll say it: I only asked you to elaborate on the idea of a working model for the existance of God. You explained what a working model is just fine, but you refuse to explain this working model! This isn't a goose chase, it's simply a question. If I'm way off, why don't you have an answer?

not to insult your wild goose chase or anything, but I'm simply not interested in your logic

You aren't interested in any logic, it seems.

Nothing wrong with brain damaged people, but please don't compel me and force me to make them understand

So you liken my line of questioning to a handicapped person trying to understand religion? Well, yet again, if I'm so wrong, why don't you seem to have an answer to set me straight?

You are high maintenance time consuming brainless son of a bore me....get it? Nothing personal idiot

Here we have 1) an example of the MODERATORS FALLING THE FUCK ASLEEP, and 2) Flores hanging a big neon sign over her head that says "I believe because I was told to!"

I want everyone to understand that when a person responds with personal attacks to a question posed to them, it's usually because the question 1) makes them realize a horrible truth about themselves, or 2) is too much for them to handle. I suppose those could both be the same thing, but in this case, they are seperate. Simply because Flores can't answer the question, and has done everything in her power to prevent herself from having to confronting the "horrible truth," which is obviously that she has no idea what she's talking about.

Bottom line: You went out of your way to insult me, and it's only because you can't answer the question.

Now think about your pride before you ask ME again to explain things to you....I'm not your frikkin Mama....If I were you, I would ask your Mama tonight to explain religion and what women get in heaven for you....Yeah ask your mama what she will get in heaven...ask your dad too, and if they both start looking so disapointed at the stupidity of the mule that they fed and raised for years that is still asking such stupid question, then you might find it in your heart to forgive me for not sharing my views with you. Be gentle on your parents, although I'm sure they expect anything from you. Ask them to wipe your butt while they are at it too.

The fact that this garbage was allowed to be shown on this board is a black eye on the face of the moderators. How they could let this pathetic, ignorant little girl get away with a garbled, barely-intelligible paragraph like that is so far beyond me that I'm considering dumping this board.

And as for you, Flores: Thank you. You proved my point even better than I could have. You are a typical theist who believes in spoonfed ideologies, and who won't question thier validity out of fear of finding out that it isn't true.


Get a life, and a sense of direction while you are at it. Any moderator could see quite well that there is no room on this thread to answer questions on my model of god. We are merely talking about what women get in heaven, and I have answered that question in various ways. I have gave the sarcastic answer, the serious answer, I quoted from the Quran, ect....What the hell else do you want from me? To massage your nipples indefinetly until milk comes out?? You are obviously chasing me around in other threads because I seem to have started your though process in one direction about god's singularity, and now you don't know how to think for yourself anymore. Think for yourself...Watch blues clues.

Poor thing....I really mean it.
Here is a possibility... there are only 72 virgin women in all of heaven and nobody is ever allowed to deflower them. Otherwise you would run out of virgins as they wouldn't stay virgins long.
Originally posted by JDawg
The fact that this garbage was allowed to be shown on this board is a black eye on the face of the moderators. How they could let this pathetic, ignorant little girl get away with a garbled, barely-intelligible paragraph like that is so far beyond me that I'm considering dumping this board.

I think that in a free forum, people can & should respond at what ever level they are at, or IQ or lack thereof. Ideas, ideals, worldviews come into conflict & crash, coalesce, evolve, dissolve

so let's discuss, argue, &/or shout, with logic, or the lack thereof

If you really feel offended, then report her to the moderator, otherwise let the bits & bytes fly as fast as your fingers can type
Originally posted by Clockwood
Here is a possibility... there are only 72 virgin women in all of heaven and nobody is ever allowed to deflower them. Otherwise you would run out of virgins as they wouldn't stay virgins long.
ah, you just described muslim hell, they need to tilth their fields

Get a life, and a sense of direction while you are at it

If that's how you wanted, then fine.

Fuck. You.

Any moderator could see quite well that there is no room on this thread to answer questions on my model of god

You can go off onto tangents about my mental retardation, or how you aren't my mommy, but you can't find room to answer a question about something YOU brought up? Ahh, I see. You're an ignorant cunt and a liar too!

We are merely talking about what women get in heaven, and I have answered that question in various ways.

But you never answered the question that I asked you. What is your working model of God? Simple question, with no sarcastic undertones or agendas. Just a question. You brought it up, I asked you to elaborate.

But now I see that it was a load of bullshit from the get-go, and you can't answer it.

You are obviously chasing me around in other threads because I seem to have started your though process in one direction about god's singularity, and now you don't know how to think for yourself anymore.

No, unfortunately, Flores, you haven't inspired me in any way. The reason I ask is because you stated there you use a working model to decide on God's existance. This, you said, was better than sifting through, and I'm paraphrazing, "Pieces of the puzzle that may or may not go."

That was such a rediculous notion that I had to ask exactly what information you put into this equation in order to come up with a positive answer. I mean, were you saying "Milk comes from cows + Trees produce oxygen = God exists? Seriously, it was a completely appropriate question, and I can't see why you would have a problem answering it. Aside from you not being able to answer it, of course...

Think for yourself...Watch blues clues.

Nah. I can see what it's done for your logic; I think I'll leave it alone.


I think that in a free forum, people can & should respond at what ever level they are at, or IQ or lack thereof. Ideas, ideals, worldviews come into conflict & crash, coalesce, evolve, dissolve

I would agree completely, and I do for the most part, but you have to understand the difference between arguing and this:

What an absolute idiot. ......Who died and left you in charge of the interrogation table?...Idiot.

My obligation to make you understand is equivelant to my responsbility in making a mule understand..... Not applicable to anything.... On this site, I state my opinion, I'm comfortable with my opinion, and I'm accountable for my opinion to myself...If I recieve a comment that seems entertaining or educational for me, I'll respond. When I recieve comments from you or others that are light years backward, I will simply let you know that you are way off, I'd rather not turn my attention to your wild goose chase....not to insult your wild goose chase or anything, but I'm simply not interested in your much as I'm not interested in curing a brain damaged person so I can debate with him/her my believes....Nothing wrong with brain damaged people, but please don't compel me and force me to make them understand... You are high maintenance time consuming brainless son of a bore me....get it? Nothing personal idiot.

Now think about your pride before you ask ME again to explain things to you....I'm not your frikkin Mama....If I were you, I would ask your Mama tonight to explain religion and what women get in heaven for you....Yeah ask your mama what she will get in heaven...ask your dad too, and if they both start looking so disapointed at the stupidity of the mule that they fed and raised for years that is still asking such stupid question, then you might find it in your heart to forgive me for not sharing my views with you. Be gentle on your parents, although I'm sure they expect anything from you. Ask them to wipe your butt while they are at it too.

See, shit like THAT is uncalled for. You know what? It's not even like I care what she thinks about me, or if she thinks about me at all. It's more of the fact that she was allowed to post a completely useless, profane, ignorant pile of shit like that. If she couldn't answer the question (which she CAN'T, I think that's obvious) she should just have said so. Or, even better, not made up the whole "Working Model" lie in the first place! God, there's a thought!

But you're right...if she's going to get nasty like that, then so am I. Fuck her, and her lying, ignorant, pathetic self.

Originally posted by Randolfo
I think that in a free forum, people can & should respond at what ever level they are at, or IQ or lack thereof. Ideas, ideals, worldviews come into conflict & crash, coalesce, evolve, dissolve

so let's discuss, argue, &/or shout, with logic, or the lack thereof

If you really feel offended, then report her to the moderator, otherwise let the bits & bytes fly as fast as your fingers can type

Spoken like a true wise sciforum's experienced man Randolfo.

What's going on Randolfo, did you finally get city water?...I knew that well water your were drinking from had too much Lithium in it.:D
Originally posted by Flores
What's going on Randolfo, did you finally get city water?...I knew that well water your were drinking from had too much Lithium in it.:D
you're too funny Flores, that Lithium was meant for you, no wonder you're not getting better, call 911 right now, so that the men in the white coats can take you back to APU (the Adult Protective Unit). Breathe the air of freedom while you can, relax, take the red pill:
If what I am reading is true...

...then Islam would be a very hypocritical religion.

With such a repressive attitude toward sex and sexuality, why would "good" Muslims be rewarded with a harem of members of the opposite sex who are presumably there for the purpose of sexual activity?
Re: If what I am reading is true...

Originally posted by Galt
...then Islam would be a very hypocritical religion.

With such a repressive attitude toward sex and sexuality, why would "good" Muslims be rewarded with a harem of members of the opposite sex who are presumably there for the purpose of sexual activity?

The Quran doesn't once mention the word sex or sexuality in heaven. I defy you to bring that to me. mention of the word sex in heaven. It merely says that heaven is a place where good pure company will be found. Nothing wrong with pure good company, is there? no mention of sex, check your own demented logic next time, because you're the one making the whole pornographic movie in your head up and you're liking it.
Re: Re: If what I am reading is true...

Originally posted by Flores
The Quran doesn't once mention the word sex or sexuality in heaven.

I never said that it did.

Originally posted by Flores
I defy you to bring that to me.

Why should I have to provide evidence for claims that I never made?

Originally posted by Flores
It merely says that heaven is a place where good pure company will be found. Nothing wrong with pure good company, is there? no mention of sex, check your own demented logic next time, because you're the one making the whole pornographic movie in your head up and you're liking it.

I never said these virgin women and young, attractive men were definitely there for sex. I said presumably, which is perfectly logical considering that men are rewarded with females and females are rewarded with men. If it was only for friendship, why isn't everyone in Muslim heaven rewarded with pure, good people of both genders?
Re: Re: If what I am reading is true...

Originally posted by Flores
The Quran doesn't once mention the word sex or sexuality in heaven. I defy you to bring that to me. mention of the word sex in heaven. It merely says that heaven is a place where good pure company will be found. Nothing wrong with pure good company, is there? no mention of sex, check your own demented logic next time, because you're the one making the whole pornographic movie in your head up and you're liking it.

you sure islam doesn't do it itself?
Why did Mohammad's first wife enjoy more personal power in pre-Islamic & the quranic Islamic period, than many women do today in Afghanistan, Iran & S. Arabia?
What changed?
I have to say I found these paragraphs quite disconcerting. Anyone care to comment on these particular paragraphs. As to me they appeared to be pedophilic in nature.

From the above site:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 16:
Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah:

While we were returning from a Ghazwa (Holy Battle) with the Prophet, I started driving my camel fast, as it was a lazy camel A rider came behind me and pricked my camel with a spear he had with him, and then my camel started running as fast as the best camel you may see. Behold! The rider was the Prophet himself. He said, 'What makes you in such a hurry?" I replied, I am newly married " He said, "Did you marry a virgin or a matron? I replied, "A matron." He said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?" When we were about to enter (Medina), the Prophet said, "Wait so that you may enter (Medina) at night so that the lady of unkempt hair may comb her hair and the one whose husband has been absent may shave her pubic region.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311:

'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:

Narrated Hisham's father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
Re: Re: Re: If what I am reading is true...

Originally posted by Randolfo
you sure islam doesn't do it itself?

DO you see me referring you to stinky sites for references....No I don't...I have a different style, so please don't confuse me for Proud Syrian and have childish useless my dick is longer than yours conversations decorated by hate sites. It's enough for this board to see you both going at it, you don't need me to be part of this orgy.
Originally posted by Michael
I have to say I found these paragraphs quite disconcerting. Anyone care to comment on these particular paragraphs. As to me they appeared to be pedophilic in nature.

From the above site:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 16:
Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah:

While we were returning from a Ghazwa (Holy Battle) with the Prophet, I started driving my camel fast, as it was a lazy camel A rider came behind me and pricked my camel with a spear he had with him, and then my camel started running as fast as the best camel you may see. Behold! The rider was the Prophet himself. He said, 'What makes you in such a hurry?" I replied, I am newly married " He said, "Did you marry a virgin or a matron? I replied, "A matron." He said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?" When we were about to enter (Medina), the Prophet said, "Wait so that you may enter (Medina) at night so that the lady of unkempt hair may comb her hair and the one whose husband has been absent may shave her pubic region.

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311:

'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 236:

Narrated Hisham's father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.

If I were you, I would print out all the Hadith, roll it up nicely and use it for toilet paper. Hadith is garbage corrupt bible equivalent crap. The Quran told us that Prophet Muhammed is not a teacher, just a messanger of the Quran only....But of course, if you feel so comfortable reading garbage that have been said by Bukhari who heard it from Bin Laden, who heard it from everyone in the town who heard it from noone who said that Prophet muahmmed might have said it, then you seem to have the same IQ that Bin Laden camp members have.
Originally posted by Flores
If I were you, I would print out all the Hadith, roll it up nicely and use it for toilet paper. Hadith is garbage corrupt bible equivalent crap. The Quran told us that Prophet Muhammed is not a teacher, just a messanger of the Quran only....But of course, if you feel so comfortable reading garbage that have been said by Bukhari who heard it from Bin Laden, who heard it from everyone in the town who heard it from noone who said that Prophet muahmmed might have said it, then you seem to have the same IQ that Bin Laden camp members have.
I really didn't know what Hadith was/is? If it's all crap why is it still around? Do Muslims use it? If so are there many who do and if so why?
If I were you, I would print out all the Hadith, roll it up nicely and use it for toilet paper. Hadith is garbage corrupt bible equivalent crap
The Quran doesn't exactly call the bible crap does it? Your animosity against the bible is greater than Muhammed's, which should tell you something.
i confess
i have been servicing
the women
up in heaven
for eons
and i am tired

ps: muslim women are fine!