Question Re: towel usage.

Yes, me too, I draw the line at douche :p

Again, the problem is the number of humans on Earth. It's OK to pollute the environment a little, but 7 BILLION humans ... even a little becomes a LOT.

I personally like being clean, I shower at least twice a day (morning for work and then following a workout at night). Shoes off at the door and I still like to mop the floor at least once a week. Cloths can be clutteryish, but, I need to keep the stove and kitchen space spotlessly clean ... which doesn't mean using a lot of paper towels but does mean soft-scrub, laundrey always has detergent (though it's probably just as good with water). etc.... I think my habits are normal to just above normal.

What I do NOT use is anything that is antibacterial. I strongly suggest never using anti-bacterial anything. Especially mouthwash, the last thing you'd want is a mouth full of resistance bacteria which you've selected for.
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laundrey always has detergent (though it's probably just as good with water). etc.... I think my habits are normal to just above normal.

when you do laundry, you use detergent to get it clean? that's amazing.

and no, water alone isn't going to cut it.
You take a shower, you finish. You take a clean towel and dry off your clean body, drying yourself in the process. Question: is the towel dirty? Should it go into the hamper?
Let this serve as my answer:
This is something me (the youngest of five kids) and my wife (the only child) disagree on, I would like to hear some input on it from you folks.

You take a shower, you finish. You take a clean towel and dry off your clean body, drying yourself in the process. Question: is the towel dirty? Should it go into the hamper?

As the youngest of five growing up in a large family the answer is no- your clean body and that clean towel remain clean- it only gets wet and needs to be dried (hung on the shower rod to dry off). To my wife the clean towel on your clean body somehow become dirty and needs to go into the hamper.

So who is right?

Hi dear, In my opinion you should use separate towel each because in recent research there are so many bacteria's in the towel's using one man having a little disease. So it is strongly recommended that use separate towel's.
this is interesting...a hygiene hypothesis...


If that's true, then the solution would be a mandatory series of childhood shots that contain the various trigger-antigens as opposed to departure from early hygiene.

That would also standardize exposure since encounters with them is reliant on probability, and is certainly no guarantee (who's to say one filthy condition contains the right microbes?). least that's what I'm seeing at first glance.
Why is it that a natural balance or solution NEVER occurs to ANYONE?
Just out of curiosity, why is a specific solution format even important?

Version 1 (the man-made solution)
Take a pill

Version 2 (the Avatar/Fern Gully solution)
Find a specific pine tree, tear off a piece of moss covered bark by hand and eat it.

in this case, the man made pill works 99.99% of the time (assuming you follow the directions....... eat it before your meal, and don't drink too much fluid or you'll pee it out).
The "natural" solution works 63% of the time due to variations in weather, various parasites/bacteria that change the chemical composition of the bark, variations in growing conditions, etc etc..........but the Okipinokie tribe has been using it for thousands of years and its natural.

It's not as if mankind just "man-makes" stuff arbitrarily. Heck - if mossy bark can fix the problem 99% of the time, then we don't even bother making pills and just farm it outright.
I was thinking more along the lines of stop contaminating the earth and our bodies with chemicals, pollutants, pharmecueticals, and toxins, commune with nature, stop trying to control everything, and let nature take its course.
Same kind of situation with washing hands after you use a bathroom. I mean: you come in from somewhere with your already dirty hands, use the bathroom (when I use a public bathroom, I don't touch with my bare hands anything but my zipper), then go and meticulously wash your hands with soap. What is it? A necessity to wash your hands whenever you can? Or they get dirty just by touching the air in the bathroom? If anytime you need to wash them, it is before the actual process, in case you must touch your "johnson". Call me a pig if you wish, but it's always been strange to me.
But when we did that we died at a grand old age of 25.

More like 35-45. Of course trying to live through even an impacted tooth can be like hell. Wonder if Lori ever have her teeth drilled with no painkillers or whats that shit they shoot into your jaw? I know i have many times.
Well i shower only because i have a gf. Were it not for that i would shower once a week or maybe even once every 2 weeks, BUT i would clean various parts intermittently.
Well i shower only because i have a gf. Were it not for that i would shower once a week or maybe even once every 2 weeks, BUT i would clean various parts intermittently.

LOL, girlfriends do have that impact on men. That is why I started to use deorderant and brush my teeth. :) After a while it just becomes a habit. Were it not for women we would probably be just a bunch of heathens running around the forrests somewhere.
Well i shower only because i have a gf. Were it not for that i would shower once a week or maybe even once every 2 weeks, BUT i would clean various parts intermittently.
If you don't shower unless you have a girlfriend, how did you get a girlfriend in the first place? Or did you happen to meet her on shower day?

As to cleaning the various parts intermittently (I assume face, pits, crotch, hands); isn't it easier to just clean them all at once in a shower? (except for your hands and maybe face).
If you don't shower unless you have a girlfriend, how did you get a girlfriend in the first place? Or did you happen to meet her on shower day?

I dont remember if i showered but it is possible. I dont use shaving cream or deodorant either. Just plain ivory or brown soap. Up until a few years ago i never used shampoo but my barber told me i would go bald because of the lye. Which now i agree with because tbh, i noticed my hair thinning and once i stopped using soap on my hair it came back.

As to cleaning the various parts intermittently (I assume face, pits, crotch, hands); isn't it easier to just clean them all at once in a shower? (except for your hands and maybe face).

I wash my hands often throughout the day, my face not so much and include that with the weekly shower or if i could get away with it every two weeks. Sometimes i use witch hazel on my face though.

People would never know but sometimes people have told me my underarms smell. That doesnt bother me though. Otoh, i make sure my breath smells good, especially when i am around other people.
More like 35-45. Of course trying to live through even an impacted tooth can be like hell. Wonder if Lori ever have her teeth drilled with no painkillers or whats that shit they shoot into your jaw? I know i have many times.

Oh hell no. I'm all about the pain killers. But I did see a documentary once that looked at a primitive tribe who ate an entirely whole foods, natural diet, did not even brush their teeth, and had virtually no tooth decay. They introduced the tribe to processed foods and their teeth immediately began to rot.