Question Re: towel usage.

Which are perpetuated by unnatural lifestyles and pollutants/toxins.

uh, no. many diseases are quite natural and have nothing do with "unnatural" lifestyles or pollutants/toxins. ever heard of parasitology? infectious disease? microorganisms? viruses? ever heard of the black plague? you have a dog, right? ever heard of lyme disease from ticks? hookworm, tapeworm, heartworm? ever heard of vaccinations? do you think you get vaccinated against pollution? of course not. duh???

have you ever taken biology in grade school? lol. do you think when you catch a cold it's because of the pollution index? lol.

people have been dying of disease before modern pollution, k? a grade schooler knows this. one is called 'living' organisms and pollution say from burning coal is not. yes, pollution can cause diseases of their own, such as cancer but they are not the only source. :rolleyes:

oh, you have to keep "perpetuating" that it's always how people 'live' and their choices that is at fault or the cause of all suffering and unpleasantness, so your 'perfect' creation and 'perfect' god idea is intact.
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i just wonder does anyone else stop while they are washing their face in the shower and realize they had just touched their butt hole with that same hand ?
We have each spent a lifetime developing the antibodies to our own bacteria, so it's not necessary to be draconian about things like this. You're holding a soapy washcloth and there's hot water running over your hand! Regardless of what part of your body that hand was just scrubbing, it's probably cleaner than the inside of your mouth.
why do you shower twice a day? superstring said he does too. do you guys really get that dirty twice every day, and if so, why?
I can't stand to shower that often. My skin gets so dry it's painful. But of course I have a very dry metabolism. Eyes, nostrils, skin, saliva, sweat glands, they all underproduce. I have to put lotion on my hands several times a day, all over my body after every shower, and other tissue-maintenance rituals that are not suitable for a G-rated website. I shower after I work out 3 times a week, maybe a little more often in the summer.
well, i guess if you have sex in bed every night that would be understandable, but then you're screwing up your sheets anywayz.
I don't know about you guys, but I like my body to be clean before I rub it against somebody else's, and I expect the same courtesy from her. However, at my age that doesn't increase the frequency of showering enough to seriously aggravate my dry skin problem.
Hi dear, In my opinion you should use separate towel each because in recent research there are so many bacteria's in the towel's using one man having a little disease. So it is strongly recommended that use separate towel's.
In addition to your own bacteria, you also spend half a lifetime developing antibodies to your spouse's bacteria, so I wouldn't obsess about that either. The same goes for the other people in your household and even your pets. Our immune systems work pretty damn well. After all, we all kiss our dogs and cats without covering them in Saran Wrap.
Same kind of situation with washing hands after you use a bathroom. I mean: you come in from somewhere with your already dirty hands, use the bathroom (when I use a public bathroom, I don't touch with my bare hands anything but my zipper), then go and meticulously wash your hands with soap. What is it? A necessity to wash your hands whenever you can? Or they get dirty just by touching the air in the bathroom? If anytime you need to wash them, it is before the actual process, in case you must touch your "johnson". Call me a pig if you wish, but it's always been strange to me.
I didn't save the link because this is not information I ever dreamed I would be sharing on SciForums, but last year in an advice column a physician stated that it is actually not necessary for either men or women to wash their hands after urinating, or even--as he so quaintly put it--"an uncomplicated bowel movement."

In other words, your immune system really does work. Although actually it turns out that urine contains very little bacteria.

But public restrooms? You bet! When I'm done I use a paper towel to open the door, and I notice that more and more public restrooms have trashcans right by the door because everybody's doing it.
people died younger usually because of diseases.
But also nutritional ignorance. Homo sapiens is the apex predator on this planet (we eat both bears and sharks, right?) and we have a predator's metabolism, tuned to get all its necessary nutrients out of meat. After the Agricultural Revolution ca. 9500BCE, we steadily converted to a grain-intensive diet. Grains have plenty of protein but they're woefully lacking in vitamins and minerals. The life expectancy of a Paleolithic hunter-gatherer (who had managed to survive childhood in an age when infant mortality was about 80%) was around 55; by the Roman era, when only the rich could afford meat (and infant mortality was about as bad as in the Stone Age), it had dropped to around 25. It rose back to around 35 in America, because it wasn't crowded and there was lots of room to raise livestock.

But you're right, modern scientific medicine discovered the technologies of vaccination, antibiotics and public health, while biologists discovered vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Infant mortality is now so rare that each instance is almost front-page news, and life expectancy at birth is around 75.
People have always gotten cavities but things really took off when people started to have large amounts of sugar in their diet. Most primitive people have very limited amounts of sugar.
These new "sippy cups" have caused an epidemic of cavities in baby teeth and even permanent teeth. Kids are constantly saturating their teeth with sugar and supporting a huge culture of strep bacteria.
We have each spent a lifetime developing the antibodies to our own bacteria, so it's not necessary to be draconian about things like this. You're holding a soapy washcloth and there's hot water running over your hand! Regardless of what part of your body that hand was just scrubbing, it's probably cleaner than the inside of your mouth.
i usually assume it is cleaner than my mouth as i usually brush my teeth after i shave (which is after i rinse) so until then technically it is leaner than my mouth..
and who said anything about a washcloth?

But you're right, modern scientific medicine discovered the technologies of vaccination, antibiotics and public health, while biologists discovered vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Infant mortality is now so rare that each instance is almost front-page news, and life expectancy at birth is around 75.
procreate, destroy the world...:rolleyes:
Close the lid before you flush. That helps reduce the fecal plume.
Okay folks, I've been saving this for about six months, because I knew some day I could just slip it in as a response to a post instead of starting a "humor" thread with it. It is SO relevant to this discussion, I can't believe it!!! BTW Lori, the answer to your question is #17.

Dear Friends: As we approach the beginning of another month, I want to thank all of you for your educational e-mails over the past year. You have changed my life in so many ways!
  • 1. I no longer open a bathroom door without using a paper towel because of the bacteria on the handle.
  • 2. I can’t sit down on a hotel bedspread because of what has happened on it since it was last washed.
  • 3. I won’t shake hands with someone who just came in from their car because twenty percent of people pick their noses while driving alone.
  • 4. Eating a little snack sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.
  • 5. I can’t touch any woman’s purse because I know it has been on the floor in a public bathroom.
  • 6. Because of the e-mail about rat feces in the glue on envelopes I now use a wet sponge when I pay my bills and half of my checks are returned with smudged ink.
  • 7. Because bottling plants are also full of rat feces I scrub the top of every soda can with Comet. It tastes like shit!
  • 8. I ask waitresses to please not put lemon slices in my ice water because lemon peels are breeding grounds for bacteria.
  • 9. I can’t have a drink in a bar because I’ll wake up in a bathtub full of ice with one kidney.
  • 10. I no longer drink Coca Cola because I can’t stand the thought of putting something in my stomach that can remove toilet stains.
  • 11. I no longer buy gas without taking someone along to watch the car so a serial killer doesn’t crawl in my back seat when I’m filling up.
  • 12. I no longer cover dishes in the microwave with plastic wrap because it causes cancer, but now stuff I don’t see is stuck on the roof of the microwave and falls into my food.
  • 13. I can’t use anyone’s toilet but mine because a big black snake could be lurking under the seat and cause me instant death when he bites my butt.
  • 14. I didn’t pick up a five dollar bill I saw lying on the asphalt in a parking lot because you told me it was put there by a sex molester waiting for me to bend over.
  • 15. I don’t know where to buy gas because some oil companies support Al Qaeda and the others support South American dictators.
  • 16. I’m afraid to do any gardening because I could be bitten by the Violin Spider and my hand will fall off.
  • 17. I now keep my toothbrush in the living room because microscopic drops of water splash six feet out of the toilet.
  • 18. I no longer have any savings because you told me to send it to Penny Brown. Apparently it helped because two years later she’s still alive, but sadly still on the verge of death.
  • 19. But that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program.
  • 20. A German scientist from Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read their e-mail with their hand on the mouse.
  • 21. Don’t bother letting go now, no one’s looking.
  • 22. Or are they???
if you use a measuring cup for water do you put it back in the cupboard after using it?

after dishes isn't the food that is stuck in the strainer clean?

have you ever wiped a fork off on your shirt (or jeans) and put it back in the drawer?
Do you wash the bottom of you feet when you take a shower?
I scrub them.
You should too, gets any skin off thet's ready to come off, keeps the calluses healthy.
Another neat trick to keep your feet healthy? salt in your socks.
It's ecologicaly irresponsible to wash a towel each time it gets used. In a world where people have to walk miles for a bucket of dirty water, it's pretty imoral too. Wife needs to get a fucking grip on reality.
I scrub them.
You should too, gets any skin off thet's ready to come off, keeps the calluses healthy.
Another neat trick to keep your feet healthy? salt in your socks.

i always think,there is water and soap rinsing past my feet,and i have those texured rubber stickers on the bottom of my tub, so they are doing the scrubbing, so i figured why do i need to wash the bottom of my feet? they should already be clean by the time i get to them, also it eliminates the slippage of standing on one foot..that was the excuse back the day, now it is very hard for me to reach my feet to begin with..(the older you get..)
( my ideal woman has a foot fetish..)
It's ecologicaly irresponsible to wash a towel each time it gets used. In a world where people have to walk miles for a bucket of dirty water, it's pretty imoral too. Wife needs to get a fucking grip on reality.

How about showering itself? Or wiping your arse for that matter?
How about showering itself? Or wiping your arse for that matter?

I'm not preaching anything absurd. Using a towel more than once is perfectly acceptable.

If you're disgusted at your own clean ass, dry it with a paper towel or something.
Several other things that will affect how often you should wash your bath towels are:

1. Your diet will affect your skin and sweat, and the quantity and variety of bacteria you are hosting at any time. High sugar, fat and red meat will make most person's sweat more hospitable to bacteria.

2. How thoroughly you shower and rinse.

3. What products you use in the process.

4. The air temperature and humidity in your bathroom.

5. Any injury, illness or stressful condition will also affect your body secretions.

My mother was raised in a household of each person having their own set of towels, which were washed as required, determined on their frequency of use. Frequency of use is determined by a number of other seasonal factors that relate to each person's activities.

Showering or bathing daily is not required by everyone, though a basin sponge bath of face, armpits, personals and feet is a good way to stay comfortable and inoffensive with a complete cleaning two or three times a week.

Teeth cleaned twice daily and hands after use of facilities and before handling food are excellent health precautions. While all around me succumb to the seasonal crud several times a year, I frequently manage several years between catching a sniffle, so I credit the teachings of my mother with being adequate to prevent offense to the general population.

Of course, if we are going to get 'cuddly', I would suggest that the experience is enhanced by each partner being recently subjected to adequate personal hygiene, which standards undoubtedly vary.

Splashing on an ounce of cologne is not my idea of freshening up, fellas. :p

Even when we lived without running water, there was always a basin set out with a drop of bleach in for hand scrubbing. We were all taught how to wash our bodies, in the proper order of top down, using a minimum of water each, a puddle bath I call it, lol. About one quart of water each.

Actually, I suppose I have always had running water, just formerly I had to run and get it before utilizing it. Indoor plumbing is a highly under-rated luxury, and from days of water scarcity, we use it respectfully, even though we have our own deep water well.

Interesting thread.
I'm not preaching anything absurd. Using a towel more than once is perfectly acceptable.

If you're disgusted at your own clean ass, dry it with a paper towel or something.

And throw it away? Tsk! :spank: