Question about older boys

girls nowdays want it all, and the older they get the more they want. Meanwhile young girls at least dont demand as much cash.
Thats silent unfair to say. The only two websites I'v been on lately are this and to get a psp.

Please dont be mean. I really don't agree with drama on the net pls.
and younger girls are so gullible

omg he winked at me, i think he lurrrrvs me
and younger girls are so gullible

omg he winked at me, i think he lurrrrvs me

omg nooo way!!! I heard he like totally has a thing for merisa johnson, but shes dating chad henderson but like I heard they might break up omg omg
and it's like, totally cool, because we are bff and we share like everything

*hands you a bug*

Well me and my son have been having some discussions lately along these lines.
It seems that the girls come up to him and ask him to be their boyfriend.
I said you are 11 what do you mean "boyfriend" I said you have tons of time for
all that nonsense. He keeps saying it is the girls that keep approaching him. Apparently he has had 2 "girlfriends" since Sept. :bugeye:

Then we had a disscussion that I am 38 and do not want to be a Grandmother for a LONG TIME!! so he just better go back to skateboarding,
soccer, gaming etc. and forget about this Girlfriend stuff, at least until High School.
Varda, did that bug pee on you or....did he know your hand in the biblical sense via a hand job.
Like they talk like trash!! Every second word is Fuck!
They hang off these boys with their skirts yanked up barely
covering their asses. Catholic School.....PFFFFFFFFTTTTTT
They are the worst!

That's a total Canadian thing though. Every Canadian girl I know (aside from you, of course, heh) is a fun, loud-mouthed slut. Gotta love em, they're freaky deaky. And hey, this even includes four of my aunts and even one of my grannies. Those girls are the life of the party at family gatherings, they're hilarious.

Heck, even teen porn sites, tons of the up-and-comers, and many of the popular ones of the past few years are mostly Canadian girls. Canadian girls are like Catholic schoolgirls, they're probably all wild for the same reason those schoolgirls are, being so repressed and all that when they come of age, they let loose with sexual liberation.

Although, it's pretty much that way everywhere now. Ever since this whole Britney Spears bubble gum pop came out in the 90's, all the girls are dressing like hoochies now. I mean c'mon, there's even little girl thong underwear, that's ridiculous, stupid moms dressing their daughters up as prostitots. Sexuality on television has gotten way out of control and its influence has spread like wildfire. Now instead of the repressed girls being the sex freaks, thanks to our supposed great Western media, everyone is starting out that way at young ages.

- N
I didn't realize it until I was 18, but 4 years makes a really big difference. I can think of how much people changed between my freshman and senior years of high school. There is a big difference. Since there is a big maturity difference it would make you wonder why would an 18 year old want to hang around with 14 year olds anyway? I don't think I would have all that much fun hanging out with a group of 14 year olds, but maybe thats just me :shrug: As I've learned the hard way people who try to get with younger people who are obviously less mature than they are; are simply looking for someone who is easy to manipulate. I even feel that way now where people who are 20 or 30 years older than me have talked me into doing less than satisfactory things. It just constantly reminds me of how naive I am, so I try not to be so gullible even though I am one the easily manipulated youths I was referrinhg to earlier.
Boys have hearts!!! Just not the ones who prey on younger girls or women.

But I'm glad Varda thinks her husband just wants to fuck her.
Brains and boobs don't often mature at the same rates. Boys are about 10 years behind girls when it comes to maturity. ;)
jeez give us a break, where the hell did you get that stat, thats just another feel good coolade made to make women feel good about themselves. First of all, not all girls. There is a lot of this crap going around, crap like women are emotionaly stronger...please don't make me laugh. Why is it that women are the first to cry and last to stop crying when there is a death in the family. Why is it that women are the ones who bash your car's windshield when you break up with them? Why is it that they take almost everything so seriously and refuse to follow logic? Why do they drive like maniacs? Why are they more conceeded at a younger age? There is no fucking way women are more mature than men, I've met a lot of ridiculus women, and I can't say for sure also that men are more mature than women. About older boys, I think girls like them because they have obviously been around the block a few times and know what they are doing. Older guys like younger girls for the fun of it.