PUBLIC displays of affection!

you can ask them to stop, but as they are in a public place they don't have to listen to you or respect their wishes. If it bothers me for some reason then I just don't look, in a public place it's difficult to force someone to look at you. That's what my mother used to say to me all of the time, anyway. "If it bothers you so much then, why are you staring at them?" good question. I don't think it really bothers kids too much either (at least little ones) they're completely fascinated by people making out and having sex. We took the kids out for a walk through the park and there were two different couples out. one just making out the other was actually having sex and they couldn't get enough of it. questions, questions, questions and most of them wanted to go back and watch, but I told them staring was not nice, so they kept on walking. It was kind of funny.
lucifers angel
i am not a prude, that is somthing no one can accuse me of being, trust me!!

So that makes you a hypocrite?

sex is the most wanderful you can do, but it is best behind closed doors

That's what is known as your opinion. I happen to hold the other opinion. I'm not troubled by nudity, pda, public sex acts, etc. Have fun.

I know what I like and am comfortable with and it doesn't bother me that some people like more or less or other.

I don't see any of it as different than any other animal.

I also keep my kids informed to their level of interest, which is pretty minimal at the moment. We don't gawk or make a big deal about it, so they don't either.
I'd point and laugh at them. No one wants to be doing something sexual and be laughed at.

Sweet! My money is on you getting your teeth kicked in. Males engaged in courtship/mating are notoriously high strung and aggressive.
Do it within reason. Don't mess things up for the rest of us.

How many people here like to see public displays of affection?

... I mean holding hands, walking arm in arm, hugging in public, even gentle kisses is ok, but where should people draw the line?

Of course we should allow public displays of affection, within reason. Surely we want to be a kind and civilized society? So why should we hide, that many married, or soon-to-be-married, opposite-sex couples are in love?

I don't see extended kissing, looking like sexual foreplay, to be appropriate. But affection kissing should be fine. I don't really like kissing so much, seems unsanitary, so most kissing should be limited to one's mate.

Breastfeeding babies in public should be deemed okay, as its very good for people to be welcoming their babies to come to life, people eat in public, breastfeeding in public is commonplace in developing countries still more pronatalist than us, and we in the U.S. don't breastfeed enough I see from looking at the statistics. I hear people from developing countries criticise us Americans for thinking breasts are sexual. Well maybe for Americans, they are, but surely we can "overlook" it, and ignore, don't stare, if there is a baby there to explain for the "exposure."

Lots of people enjoy having sex in places where they could get caught, (its a excitment thing) i.e parks, car parks, even bushes, should they be allowed to be able have sex outide?

I know that it is against the law in UK, but that doesnt stop some people.

Your thoughts

Well of course people should be allowed to enjoy sex outside, provided it's in some place where a married couple would reasonably sleep together, say like in a tent at a campground, or in some poorly furnished overcrowded refugee camp at night. Presumably, they should try a little to keep their "animal sounds" or "nature's music" of human reproduction, quiet enough so that not too many neighbors hear? And I do believe parents have every right/expectation to enjoy sex with their children around, if there's no reasonable way to be away from them, say like in developing countries where an entire family may sleep in a room or two, or while thinking the children in the tent or motel room, probably are asleep? What should be shunned, is the unnatural anti-life use of "birth control."

And I do think that sex in the great outdoors, would hardly be obscene or a sin, provided its in some reasonable place reasonably unlikely to be visited by other people. Say like being stranded upon some deserted island, or on a deserted beach that isn't so popular that somebody would come by every few minutes. I really don't think the wild animals would take any offense at seeing humans naturally mate. It would look quite "natural" to them.
Sometimes it's best to leave people be, especially if a baby might be about ready to come into existence.

you can ask them to stop, but as they are in a public place they don't have to listen to you or respect their wishes. If it bothers me for some reason then I just don't look, in a public place it's difficult to force someone to look at you. That's what my mother used to say to me all of the time, anyway. "If it bothers you so much then, why are you staring at them?" good question. I don't think it really bothers kids too much either (at least little ones) they're completely fascinated by people making out and having sex. We took the kids out for a walk through the park and there were two different couples out. one just making out the other was actually having sex and they couldn't get enough of it. questions, questions, questions and most of them wanted to go back and watch, but I told them staring was not nice, so they kept on walking. It was kind of funny.

Yes, I largely agree. Staring isn't polite. Where actual privacy lacks, perhaps there can be some "virtual privacy," which means, keep on walking. If you must watch what people should have kept more private, watch what little you can, as you keep on walking on. Some thing should just be taboo, and sometimes it's better not to create an incident, and not get involved. However, if it's animals in the zoo, copulating, animals that have no need for privacy, people would seem free to stare and watch the entire reproduction deed. Animals don't have any "human rights" to privacy and such.

I think with some 6.7 billion people, and naturally-growing, upon the planet, it's probably quite possible that people will occasionally find themselves "aware" of other people having sex. Best to ignore "nature's music" coming through thin apartment walls, or if married lying with your mate, why not join in and reproduce at the same time, if it's too arousing? Orgies would be immoral, but I don't think that includes "virtual orgies," caused by people living a bit too close together and hearing "sounds" through thin apartment walls or summertime open windows.
Personally I don't like pda, though. And rarely engage in it. I've never kissed my boyfriend in front of my parents. Holding his hand or leaning on his shoulder or something is as about as affectionate as I get in public. I have kissed and hugged my best friend in public, but that's because I don't feel awkward about it, since there nothing sexual between us, regardless of what other people might think (aka the parents of daycare children. :p God they get on my nerves.)
Sweet! My money is on you getting your teeth kicked in. Males engaged in courtship/mating are notoriously high strung and aggressive.

really? Who does that? Who gets caught engaging in sex and kicks the teeth in of the person who catches them?
I think wild animals keep going at it and don't care who's watching

Isn't that when you don't get too close?

I do think parents though, could choose to keep going at it, when children walk in on them. Already been caught, so why stop? Kind of hard to stop, when about to cum, and really shouldn't rob the kids of another sibling maybe about to come to life.

Explain to the children, "Next time knock, and wait to be invited in."
How many people here like to see public displays of affection?

What kind of a question is that? Nobody likes watching public displays of affection; sure, some people don't have a problem with it, but nobody goes out of their way to see it happen. If you ask me, it should be severely restricted by law: outright sex is obviously out of the question, as are most other sexual acts. It seems as if most people do it for attention: "Oooh, look at me, I'm making out with this martian-ugly slut. Talk behind my back, you jealous greaseballs". Of course, we're not truly jealous ... we just have an unexplainable, untamable urge within us to scissor-kick the asshole while he's in the act. The worst part is when the guy makes eye contact with me when he's showing "affection". The tribal instinct within me rages, as my eyes are emboldened with a vicious inferno of hatred. "Who you starin' at, bitch nigga!?" When the female makes eye contact with me, I give her the haughtiest of looks, practically saying "Don't you wish you had me instead of that girl man?" with my eyes, running my fingers through my hair and licking my lips in the process, just to fuel the jealousy and self-pity. In the animal kingdom, a scrawny bastard would obviously be manhandled by the stronger adversary, whose goal is winning the voluptuous female. For me, the female is not a reward; rather, the destruction of the male is an absolute necessity, simply for bloodlust and pride.

really? Who does that? Who gets caught engaging in sex and kicks the teeth in of the person who catches them?

You didn't say "catch." You said "laugh at." That is a definate challenge for primates and you can expect agressive behavior from dominant males. Luckily for you a lot of humans can control their instinctual responce to a degree and you'll probably just get threat displays to begin with. But if you've already escalated it by invading his space on top of laughing at him, I know any number of guys that would just hit you out right. Pow!

Of course you probably just target non dominant males since that sort of behavior is indicative of the insecurity associated with "bullying." Still being in courtship mode makes even non dominant males more aggressive. You might get a surprise.
Doesn't watching other people do something trick your brain into thinking its doing it too? I remember studying "mirror cells" or whatever back when I was still a neuroscience major. It's when you watch someone else do something and then your body responds as if you were doing it too. Like when you see people eating and all of the sudden your hungry too even though you weren't before. So watching other people have sex or perform some sort of sexual act it can stimulate the release of testosterone which then "turns you on" or "makes you horny" and kind of wish you were doing it too.
Nobody likes watching public displays of affection; sure, some people don't have a problem with it, but nobody goes out of their way to see it happen.

Depends on if there is anything to watch. Some people are pretty artistic about it. I don't mind stopping to enjoy the show. Gusto and enthusiasm alone is contagious.

I remember a compatriot and I stopped by and joined a group watching a couple couples go at it in a pussy eating contest. Entertaining and informative. Its always nice to see some one with an honest love of a job well done.