PUBLIC displays of affection!

People are told not make out on their front porches & the 1s telling them that feel the same about it as you do about this.
If something is socially acceptable, it's OK otherwise It's bad??? Not in the least.
You may have the legal right to ask them to stop but you're being very rude & to me, morally unacceptable.
Society being on your side means nothing at best & could be detrimental.

I really don't see how you come to that conclusion. Society is on my side, but morality isn't? How is that possible? Morality and things of that nature are subjective, and reliant on society, so to say they are mutually exclusive is just plain false.

Let me ask you this, though: Do you not think it's rude for two people to make out in front of children?
WHY is there a time & place for it? Some children are uncomfortable seeing it & some aren't.
Let me explain it like this, most things that are offensive are controlled to an extent. Like in the workplace, if you are brash and rude to someone, you could get in trouble or fired. If you tell a joke and if someone gets offended by it, you could get in trouble. The thing is, some people are uncomfortable with or offended by certain jokes and some aren't. But on the very prinicple that at least ONE person is uncomfortable with it, most places of employment prohibit that kind of behavior, even though not everyone is easily offended.
So, let's go back to PDA. As you can plainly see, some people ARE offended by it.
The difference is that there are overweight people who have no control over it, and certainly no handicapped person can change their situation. Comparing it to two people in the park making out implies that overweight and handicapped people have somehow made the decision to be the way they are.

Two people making out could easily go home and do it.

It's still a matter of seeing something you don't want to see. i know people who want laws forcing fat people to wear the "right" clothing. Some want laws forcing women to dress certain ways. Because of things they don't want to see. Based on their feelings.
2 people making out sometimes can't easily go home & do it.
It's still a matter of seeing something you don't want to see. i know people who want laws forcing fat people to wear the "right" clothing. Some want laws forcing women to dress certain ways. Because of things they don't want to see. Based on their feelings.
Honestly, do you really want to see a nasty, bloated fat chick wearing spandex and a cropped top? Honestly?
Anyone who does want to see something like that, let me know so I can come visit you and beat some sense into you.

2 people making out sometimes can't easily go home & do it.
So they go out in public, with total disregard for how others might be offended by it and do it there?
It's still a matter of seeing something you don't want to see. i know people who want laws forcing fat people to wear the "right" clothing. Some want laws forcing women to dress certain ways. Because of things they don't want to see. Based on their feelings.
2 people making out sometimes can't easily go home & do it.

Those are the fringe people, though. They are not representative of society as a whole. I'm really surprised that you can't understand the difference here. Just because it's wrong to tell overweight people to wear certain clothing does not mean it's wrong to tell two horndogs to get a room. These are not comparable.
Let me explain it like this, most things that are offensive are controlled to an extent. Like in the workplace, if you are brash and rude to someone, you could get in trouble or fired. If you tell a joke and if someone gets offended by it, you could get in trouble. The thing is, some people are uncomfortable with or offended by certain jokes and some aren't. But on the very prinicple that at least ONE person is uncomfortable with it, most places of employment prohibit that kind of behavior, even though not everyone is easily offended.
So, let's go back to PDA. As you can plainly see, some people ARE offended by it.

Those are examples of things directly affecting someone rather than someone seeing something they don't want to see. Being (FEELING) offended by something doesn't necessarily mean the thing is bad or should be stopped.
WHY do you draw the line where you do rather than a lesser or greater level?
WHY do you decide what others should do based on your feelings?
WHY do you draw the line where you do rather than a lesser or greater level?
WHY do you decide what others should do based on your feelings?

dont you think people should ahve consideration for other peopel around them?

i was in town with my daughter a while abck and with ehr boyfriend, and i wouldve kicked her ass if she started kissing in public like that, but she has more consideration for herself and others around her
I really don't see how you come to that conclusion. Society is on my side, but morality isn't? How is that possible? Morality and things of that nature are subjective, and reliant on society, so to say they are mutually exclusive is just plain false.

Let me ask you this, though: Do you not think it's rude for two people to make out in front of children?

When I say something is moral or immoral, naturally that's me. If I speak of society's morals, I phrase it that way (or religious morals or other people's morals, etc). My morals aren't reliant on society. Are yours?
Those are examples of things directly affecting someone rather than someone seeing something they don't want to see. Being (FEELING) offended by something doesn't necessarily mean the thing is bad or should be stopped.

i am not saying stop kissing in public, just dont suck each others faces of, its not done,

let me ask you, if you ahve kids, would you make out in fron of them?
When I say something is moral or immoral, naturally that's me. If I speak of society's morals, I make that phrase it that way (or religious morals or other people's morals, etc). My morals aren't reliant on society. Are yours?

way to avoid the question!!

would you consider it rude to make out in front of children?
WHY do you draw the line where you do rather than a lesser or greater level?
WHY do you decide what others should do based on your feelings?

To your first question, I draw the line because I'm an intelligent being that is capable of rational thinking. I can see in more than black and white. That's like asking me why is rape illegal but not consensual sex. The reasons are obvious.

To the second question, if we are in a public place, and I don't want to be uncomfortable, I am within my rights to ask them to stop. Of course, they are in their rights to tell me to go eff myself, too. But you're saying I shouldn't even have the right to ask, and even accused me of being immoral. It's so easy to say when you're the one on that side of the fence, the side that is doing the offending. Try being on the other for a moment.

When I say something is moral or immoral, naturally that's me. If I speak of society's morals, I make that phrase it that way (or religious morals or other people's morals, etc). My morals aren't reliant on society. Are yours?

Yes, and so are yours. That's where morals come from. You may differ on certain issues, but yours were shaped by society.
To your first question, I draw the line because I'm an intelligent being that is capable of rational thinking. I can see in more than black and white. That's like asking me why is rape illegal but not consensual sex. The reasons are obvious.

To the second question, if we are in a public place, and I don't want to be uncomfortable, I am within my rights to ask them to stop. Of course, they are in their rights to tell me to go eff myself, too. But you're saying I shouldn't even have the right to ask, and even accused me of being immoral. It's so easy to say when you're the one on that side of the fence, the side that is doing the offending. Try being on the other for a moment.

Yes, and so are yours. That's where morals come from. You may differ on certain issues, but yours were shaped by society.

Rape is directly forcing something on someone they don't want. What we're discussing is seeing something someone doesn't want to see.
You each have those legal rights. You think I accused you of being immoral yet you accuse them of being immoral.
I've been on both sides, a little of which I've mentioned.
No. My morals do not come from society.
Rape is directly forcing something on someone they don't want. What we're discussing is seeing something someone doesn't want to see.

What is the difference? If you are fucking right in front of my children in the park, you are raping them of their innocence, and me of my right to be able to discuss this subject with them before they go out and see it for themselves. Just take a while to think about it, because I think your passion for this subject is blinding you to the reality of it.

You each have those legal rights. You think I accused you of being immoral yet you accuse them of being immoral.

I "think" you did? Dude, you did. Anyway, see how that feels?

I've been on both sides

Then I'm surprised you still have such a fundamentally flawed understanding of it. That's not an insult, just an observation.

No. My morals do not come from society.

Yes they do. If you didn't have a society, you'd have no base to build your own opinions from. In that aspect, your morals are reliant on society's. That is why each society has a different set of morals. That's why it's OK in some places to make a woman wear a burka, while in others it's OK for a chick to be nude on the beach.
What is the difference? If you are fucking right in front of my children in the park, you are raping them of their innocence, and me of my right to be able to discuss this subject with them before they go out and see it for themselves. Just take a while to think about it, because I think your passion for this subject is blinding you to the reality of it.

I "think" you did? Dude, you did. Anyway, see how that feels?

Then I'm surprised you still have such a fundamentally flawed understanding of it. That's not an insult, just an observation.

Yes they do. If you didn't have a society, you'd have no base to build your own opinions from. In that aspect, your morals are reliant on society's. That is why each society has a different set of morals. That's why it's OK in some places to make a woman wear a burka, while in others it's OK for a chick to be nude on the beach.

I'm not going to explain the difference between rape & seeing something 1 doesn't want to see. There are many things parents don't want their children to see until they feel the time is right & many things they want them to never see. That alone is no evidence the things shouldn't be done.
It's quite obvious I've given much thought to this. You think my passion for this subject is blinding me to the reality of it simply because your passion for this subject is blinding you to the reality of it.

No. You are wrong. No matter how many times you say it, you have no damn way of knowing how I got my morals. THAT IS JUST PLAIN RIDICULOUS. You don't know me & you have no way of knowing how I got my morals. You have absolutely no evidence & no way of getting any. DROP IT!

You're right & I'm wrong. No, I'm right & you're wrong. You've yet to provide any good reason or evidence. Only feelings, being uncomfortable & the majority feels this way so it's right.
I felt offended yesterday when someone said to me "Thank god there are people like you in this world". He probably "thought" he was paying a great compliment but he wasn't.
I'm not intending to get this into religion. Just giving an example of something offensive directly from 1 person to another rather than seeing others do something I don't want to see.
I'm not going to explain the difference between rape & seeing something 1 doesn't want to see. There are many things parents don't want their children to see until they feel the time is right & many things they want them to never see. That alone is no evidence the things shouldn't be done.

Depends on who you ask. The majority of people in society would probably say that it shouldn't be done. But even if that wasn't the case, I should still be able to ask the couple to stop. Your insistence that I'm being mean and immoral is odd, as is your comparison of public affection to the handicapped.

It's quite obvious I've given much thought to this. You think my passion for this subject is blinding me to the reality of it simply because your passion for this subject is blinding you to the reality of it.

It's not that obvious, no. But even if you did, I think you're looking at it from the wrong perspective.

No. You are wrong. No matter how many times you say it, you have no damn way of knowing how I got my morals. THAT IS JUST PLAIN RIDICULOUS. You don't know me & you have no way of knowing how I got my morals. You have absolutely no evidence & no way of getting any. DROP IT!

Is this how you have a discussion? You lash out in anger like a child? Are you a child? I can only assume you're no older than 14 or 15 with an outburst like that.

C'mon. You're better than that.

You're right & I'm wrong. No, I'm right & you're wrong. You've yet to provide any good reason or evidence. Only feelings, being uncomfortable & the majority feels this way so it's right.

The evidence for it is that you don't see people acting out their fantasies in public that often, which means that it's not socially acceptable. And whenever you do, you're likely to see someone ask them to chill out, further proving that it isn't socially acceptable.

Hey, maybe someday society will change. Maybe it will perfectly acceptable to go down on your partner on your front lawn during a parade. Who knows? But right now, that's how it is. Right and Wrong are subjective, so to ask for a universal notion of either is a strawman.
I wasn't lashing out. I was being as emphatic & strong as you indicated was needed. What I said is true while you claim to know something about me you can't possibly know. You insisted after I said otherwise (twice?). It's far different from 99.9% of discussion topics. You've seen me often not get emotional when most people would. i wasn't trying to discuss it. I was trying to get an otherwise seemingly reasonable person to stop saying he knows something about me which he cannot possibly know & which I know about myself. Unless you're god in disguise. Here even after it's abundantly clear neither of us will change on this & I said to drop it, you couldn't do it.

As for the discussion topic, you repeat yourself without any substance. Society WILL change & many things people today think are immoral won't be then. Again, socially acceptable or not doesn't indicate right or wrong. You know that. I never said you shouldn't be able to ask them to stop. It's seems wrong to me just as the other seems wrong to you. Everything "depends on who you ask".

It should be obvious I've given this much thought. I've asked for more than feelings & opinions to base it on. You & others are emotional on this topic.

That's how it is is something I never would've expected from you after all the logic I've seen you demonstrate in other threads. You seem very different in this thread than others. You're better than this.
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I wasn't lashing out. I was being as emphatic & strong as you indicated was needed.
When did I indicate that being emphatic was needed? You can be strong about your opinion and still be wrong. As a matter of fact, the loudest person in the room is often just being loud to cover up his inability to form a good response.

What I said is true while you claim to know something about me you can't possibly know. You insisted after I said otherwise (twice?).

Again, you can say otherwise all you like, but your argument displayed that you didn't understand. It's like me saying "I know that the sky is blue, damnit! Anyway, why the hell is the sky so green?"

Also, I can know where you get your morals from. You get your morals from the same place everyone else does--society. Granted, if you are religious, you may get some of your morals from that, but in the end religious morals are predicated on the morals of its time, either for or against. If you were born in Afghanistan, you might think it proper for a man to beat a woman with a stick when she gets out of line, or shows her face to another man.

It's far different from 99.9% of discussion topics. You've seen me often not get emotional when most people would. Here even after it's abundantly clear neither of us will change on this & I said to drop it, you couldn't do it.

I did drop it. My comments were about your immature outburst.

As for the discussion topic, you repeat yourself without any substance. Society WILL change & many things people today think are immoral won't be then. Again, socially acceptable or not doesn't indicate right or wrong. You know that.

First, I agree that society will change. I've already said that. And I agree that socially acceptable does not dictate right or wrong. But that wasn't the question. You told me that I would be wrong (actually, you said I'd be immoral) if I told two lovers to stop swapping spit in public. So what do you base that on?

That's how it is is something I never would've expected from you after all the logic I've seen you demonstrate in other threads. You seem very different in this thread than others. You're better than this.

Well, I appreciate the left-handed compliment. All I've set out to show is that I have every right to ask a couple to stop making out in front of me. When you said I was being immoral and mean, I simply pointed out that you would be in the minority opinion on that one. The only one between us who has yet to provide sound reason for their belief is you.
This seems calculated to generate another "outburst". You didn't drop it before & you can't now.

The other is useless too. We're simply going back&forth & not getting anywhere.

I'm glad this wasn't my 1st discussion with you.