PUBLIC displays of affection!

Doesn't watching other people do something trick your brain into thinking its doing it too? I remember studying "mirror cells" or whatever back when I was still a neuroscience major. It's when you watch someone else do something and then your body responds as if you were doing it too. Like when you see people eating and all of the sudden your hungry too even though you weren't before. So watching other people have sex or perform some sort of sexual act it can stimulate the release of testosterone which then "turns you on" or "makes you horny" and kind of wish you were doing it too.

Well I have heard that reproductive urges are contagious, sort of like yawning. Isn't that really the biggest reason why we can't allow people to engage in sex in public? Why it is understandably taboo. Watch too long, and you feel like "joining in." I heard somewhere, even a married couple watching porn on TV, may feel like "doing it" after only but 5 minutes. Orgies are immoral, because they generally involved promiscuity, and would spread STDs and AIDs. Also, society has a right to know who the fathers of all these babies are, and demand that parents take their rightful role in providing for all the children that keep popping out of so many fertile women all over the planet. If people are promiscuous, it's harder to tell who the farmers are, and to hold them resonsible for actually being good fathers to their children. But I should point out, that "virtual orgies," say like people hearing their neighbors having sex through thin apartment walls, then also "joining in," enjoying sex with their own mate, and not bothering their neighbors, doesn't seem particularly immoral, as it's not spreading the STDs around. So it's not that we must completely hide the natural normal reproductive activities of adults, but expect that people seek out some reasonable level of privacy for expressing their "marital duties." We should want for them to do it, to keep the human race growing nicely and thriving, but we don't necessarily want to see them doing it.

So it does seem, if I spy somebody having sex in public, just take one's family and keep on walking by. Probably don't act crazy and provoke and scream, making it a traumatic experience for children with questions. Walk on by, and answer any questions honestly. Don't hang around, waiting upon some "incident" to happen. Probably if I saw some handy policeman around, I would tell him to check out what that couple is doing over yonder. Well unless that couple would seem to have had some reasonable expectation of being alone long enough to do their reproducing deed? Some places might actually seem to be secluded enough, to upon having spotted them, not conclude that they meant to be having sex "in public." In either case, maybe it's best to pretty much leave people be, not necessary condone such immoral behavior.
Several problems with that A) She is my home room teacher B) Our home room teachers are our counselors and C) Since I`m in french immersion and she is the only french social teacher in the school I cannot change classes.

Besides she's not that bad a teacher I just wish she'd do something about this.

I feel your pain. You might try changing where you sit and see if that helps.

Bear in mind...this will pass with the end of the school year and who knows, maybe she'll get preggers and drop out. ;)
Well I have heard that reproductive urges are contagious, sort of like yawning. Isn't that really the biggest reason why we can't allow people to engage in sex in public? Why it is understandably taboo. Watch too long, and you feel like "joining in." I heard somewhere, even a married couple watching porn on TV, may feel like "doing it" after only but 5 minutes. Orgies are immoral, because they generally involved promiscuity, and would spread STDs and AIDs. Also, society has a right to know who the fathers of all these babies are, and demand that parents take their rightful role in providing for all the children that keep popping out of so many fertile women all over the planet. If people are promiscuous, it's harder to tell who the farmers are, and to hold them resonsible for actually being good fathers to their children. But I should point out, that "virtual orgies," say like people hearing their neighbors having sex through thin apartment walls, then also "joining in," enjoying sex with their own mate, and not bothering their neighbors, doesn't seem particularly immoral, as it's not spreading the STDs around. So it's not that we must completely hide the natural normal reproductive activities of adults, but expect that people seek out some reasonable level of privacy for expressing their "marital duties." We should want for them to do it, to keep the human race growing nicely and thriving, but we don't necessarily want to see them doing it.

So it does seem, if I spy somebody having sex in public, just take one's family and keep on walking by. Probably don't act crazy and provoke and scream, making it a traumatic experience for children with questions. Walk on by, and answer any questions honestly. Don't hang around, waiting upon some "incident" to happen. Probably if I saw some handy policeman around, I would tell him to check out what that couple is doing over yonder. Well unless that couple would seem to have had some reasonable expectation of being alone long enough to do their reproducing deed? Some places might actually seem to be secluded enough, to upon having spotted them, not conclude that they meant to be having sex "in public." In either case, maybe it's best to pretty much leave people be, not necessary condone such immoral behavior.

I think you might live in your own little world.