PUBLIC displays of affection!

Look, it's (Q)'s protege! Watch how he makes entertaining commentary, twists logic, and makes a thread go cold!
As to the thread title-People should be allowed to have sex in public as long as they announce their intentions, so that a crowd can gather properly.
Those are examples of things directly affecting someone rather than someone seeing something they don't want to see.
If I'm telling a joke at work to my colleages and some skank, thin-skinned woman walks by and overhears it and gets offended by it and reports it, I am in trouble. The way that I see it is since I was not talking to her when I was telling the joke, then it doesn't directly affect her.
Me telling the joke to my friends is a metaphor for PDA.
Her walking by and overhearing it is the metaphor for a passer by walking by and having to see the PDA.

Being (FEELING) offended by something doesn't necessarily mean the thing is bad or should be stopped.
I don't totally disagree with you there, but I can still cite plenty of examples where something that wasn't necessarily bad was stopped because it offended someone.
How about flashing someone? That doesn't directly affect anyone other than the person flashing him/herself.
You might respond with 'well, flashing is indecent exposure'.
Fair enough, then tell me how flashing someone became indecent exposure?
Most likely because people were offended by it and put forth an effort to stop/ban it.
I personnally dislike them, at this point in time anyways. They make me feel more lonely :bawl:
I thought I was done with this but was rereading the whole thread to be further certain of some things & feel someone should respond appropriately to Mike tho I did initially ignore this.

Honestly, do you really want to see a nasty, bloated fat chick wearing spandex and a cropped top? Honestly?
Anyone who does want to see something like that, let me know so I can come visit you and beat some sense into you.
If I'm telling a joke at work to my colleages and some skank, thin-skinned woman walks by and overhears it and gets offended by it and reports it, I am in trouble. The way that I see it is since I was not talking to her when I was telling the joke, then it doesn't directly affect her.
Me telling the joke to my friends is a metaphor for PDA.
Her walking by and overhearing it is the metaphor for a passer by walking by and having to see the PDA.
I don't totally disagree with you there, but I can still cite plenty of examples where something that wasn't necessarily bad was stopped because it offended someone.
How about flashing someone? That doesn't directly affect anyone other than the person flashing him/herself.
You might respond with 'well, flashing is indecent exposure'.
Fair enough, then tell me how flashing someone became indecent exposure?
Most likely because people were offended by it and put forth an effort to stop/ban it.

Whether the woman is thinskinned or not or right or wrong, there's no reason for the word skank. As far as I'm concerned that plus the post about the fat chick & what you think you might do to someone who likes seeing her disqualifies you from the discussion.

I personnally dislike them, at this point in time anyways. They make me feel more lonely :bawl:

Me too.
Whether the woman is thinskinned or not or right or wrong, there's no reason for the word skank. As far as I'm concerned that plus the post about the fat chick & what you think you might do to someone who likes seeing her disqualifies you from the discussion.
How about you get over it and stop being so thin-skinned yourself buddy? :rolleyes:
All of your comments in general should DQ you from this discussion.
This seems calculated to generate another "outburst". You didn't drop it before & you can't now.

The other is useless too. We're simply going back&forth & not getting anywhere.

I'm glad this wasn't my 1st discussion with you.

I'm glad this was my last with you. I see now how you debate when you have no good response. You simply say "This is going nowhere, I'm out" and bail.

You never answered my question. You never answered any of my questions. You are a troll. Welcome to the ignore list.
If I'm telling a joke at work to my colleages and some skank, thin-skinned woman walks by and overhears it and gets offended by it and reports it, I am in trouble. The way that I see it is since I was not talking to her when I was telling the joke, then it doesn't directly affect her.
Me telling the joke to my friends is a metaphor for PDA.
Her walking by and overhearing it is the metaphor for a passer by walking by and having to see the PDA. ....

So if someone is telling a nigger joke and a thin skinned black guy walks by and gets offended....

Why are they thin skinned instead of the 'joke' teller being an offensive ass?
we are to sexually repressed as a sociaty, get over it, sex is a very natural thing and if we all spent more time "fratinising" there would probably be alot less wars.

I would much rather see a couple going for it, naked whatever than some of the things i see on a daily basis
we are to sexually repressed as a sociaty, get over it, sex is a very natural thing and if we all spent more time "fratinising" there would probably be alot less wars.

I would much rather see a couple going for it, naked whatever than some of the things i see on a daily basis

Society isn't sexually repressed. There is a strip club within five miles of you if you live in a city. ANY city. Internet pornography is a multi-billion dollar per year industry.

I don't need to have two ugly buggers winking their brown-eyes at me in public.
Can someone explain to me why a public display of affection - affection damn it, not hate, or envy, or distaste, or dishonesty - should be something we don't want to see and don't want our children to see?
What am I missing here?
Where does all this uptightness come from?
Can someone explain to me why a public display of affection - affection damn it, not hate, or envy, or distaste, or dishonesty - should be something we don't want to see and don't want our children to see?
What am I missing here?
Where does all this uptightness come from?

Because what we're talking about isn't really a public display of affection. We're talking about two people making out, which is more like a public display of lust. I don't think it's socially unacceptable to hold hands or kiss, but sucking face to that extent is a little much.
Fair enough, then tell me how flashing someone became indecent exposure?
Most likely because people were offended by it and put forth an effort to stop/ban it.

It's indecent exposure because it's exposing your crown jewels to an unsuspecting stranger.
So you don't think there is any difference between kissing passionately and walking around naked?

You are nothing but an old prude; what's indecent about a kiss? You don't have to stare, just be glad someone's happy.
i dont see any difference either
Personally i dont think either should be illegal