PUBLIC displays of affection!

Jealous uptight prudes.

i am not jealous of anyone, (ok perhaps jon bon jovis wife, but thats a differant story) i just dont think that cleaning each others faces in public is a good thing for kids and some adults to see, if you can't go home and do it then perhaps you should go and find a hotel,

or better still if you cant go home and suck each others faces of, ask your self why not?

i have a daughter who is just 14 and her BF is 16, and they kiss in front of me, but when i say enoughs enough they stop, they however have more respect for themselves and everyone else to stop and suck each otehrs faces of in public,
lucifers angel

do you ever wonder where that comes from though?
why as a group of people do we think its more acceptable to watch someone being hacked apart by a chain saw than see a naked body or watch sex?

i mean you can have the most apsolute gory things and the rating will STILL be less than soft core porn.

As a sociaty is that REALLY the way things should be? that sex is some how seen as a dirty thing to be hiden away rather than one of the best things we have as a species?

is a breast that much worse than watching someone disembowed?
lucifers angel

do you ever wonder where that comes from though?
why as a group of people do we think its more acceptable to watch someone being hacked apart by a chain saw than see a naked body or watch sex?

i mean you can have the most apsolute gory things and the rating will STILL be less than soft core porn.

As a sociaty is that REALLY the way things should be? that sex is some how seen as a dirty thing to be hiden away rather than one of the best things we have as a species?

is a breast that much worse than watching someone disembowed?

seriously asgaurd, i would not let my kids see those things either, and there is a differance between seeing a naked breast accidently than being forced to walk past people who are cleaning each others tonsils out.
LA, in general what is more portraited in movies?
natural sexuality, or violence?

which one do we WANT our kids to eventually engage in and which dont we?
LA, in general what is more portraited in movies?
natural sexuality, or violence?

which one do we WANT our kids to eventually engage in and which dont we?

the obvious answer to that would be violence, however i think that sex and violence comes hand in hand in the movies, there was a film i was watching a while ago and they were fighting and slapping each other and then they were having sex, so it goes hand in hand in the film industry.

however the question still stands though, if they cant go home and suck each otehrs faces of, why not?
Because if I'm walking down the street with my parents, or my kids, I don't want to have to see it.
I still don't understand why you don't want to see it. 1) I find it charming that two individuals are so head over heels in love (or lust) that they are oblivious to their surroundings, or - more likely if decades old memories can be relied upon - are so happy with each other they can't understand that the rest of the world doesn't feel the same level of joy.
2) In a more analytical frame of mind I find the process of pair bonding interesting from an evolutionary perspective.
3) I just cannot see what makes it a problem for you. That is what I am trying to understand.
I still don't understand why you don't want to see it. 1) I find it charming that two individuals are so head over heels in love (or lust) that they are oblivious to their surroundings, or - more likely if decades old memories can be relied upon - are so happy with each other they can't understand that the rest of the world doesn't feel the same level of joy.
2) In a more analytical frame of mind I find the process of pair bonding interesting from an evolutionary perspective.
3) I just cannot see what makes it a problem for you. That is what I am trying to understand.

what makes it a problem for me is, i shouldnt have to see it, and neither should my kids,

I don't want to see nudity or tongue. I don't even like seeing men walk around without a shirt on.

Not everyone is attractive and sexy.

I don't want to see nudity or tongue. I don't even like seeing men walk around without a shirt on. Not everyone is attractive and sexy.

no i dont either,

theres a time and a place for everything and the street or shopping centre is not the place
Jealous uptight prudes.
Non jealous uptight prudes? Maybe

Uptight prudes? Definately!

Suck face people!

The world needs more suck face badly.
Jealous uptight prudes.
Non jealous uptight prudes? Maybe

Uptight prudes? Definately!

Suck face people!

The world needs more suck face badly.

i am not a prude, that is somthing no one can accuse me of being, trust me!!

sex is the most wanderful you can do, but it is best behind closed doors
lucifers angel, what is the harm if someone else sees you naked or having sex. For christ sake we spend so much time worrying about the reproduction of plants and other animals but ours is so shut away.

You do realise that pre christanity people PRAYED through sex?

they asked the gods to bless them with a bountiful harvest THROUGH sex
what makes it a problem for me is, i shouldnt have to see it, and neither should my kids,
You are still not explaining why you should not have to see it; why you find it so offensive; why you believe it to be unacceptable.
I beleive I have set out clearly why it does not bother me at all, indeed why I find it a positive thing. I am simply asking you to offer me an equivalent explanation of what is negative about it. Something more than "I don't like it", which is pretty damn weak as an explanation.
lucifers angel, what is the harm if someone else sees you naked or having sex. For christ sake we spend so much time worrying about the reproduction of plants and other animals but ours is so shut away.

You do realise that pre christanity people PRAYED through sex?

they asked the gods to bless them with a bountiful harvest THROUGH sex

so would you have sex in front of dozens of people??
im an exerbisionest so probably:p

but that would be in a place that people do that sort of thing.

tonsil hockey in town is not appropriate, passionate kissing is a fore play and thats best left indoors, and like i keep saying, if they cant go home and do it perhaps they should ask themselves why?
You are still not explaining why you should not have to see it; why you find it so offensive; why you believe it to be unacceptable.
I beleive I have set out clearly why it does not bother me at all, indeed why I find it a positive thing. I am simply asking you to offer me an equivalent explanation of what is negative about it. Something more than "I don't like it", which is pretty damn weak as an explanation.

Where were you when I was being crucified? :eek:

Nice to see I'm not the only 1 on this forum asking for logic & evidence with this.
should they be allowed to be able have sex outide?

I know that it is against the law in UK, but that doesnt stop some people.

Here's a summary of the laws regard for public sex. I've read the actual law and it is a good summary, I just can't be bothered to find the actual thing.
The Sexual Offences Act (2003) doesn't legislate specifically against this practice. Public order offences exist that guard against outraging taste and decency (i.e. shagging in the supermarket aisle), but permits sex in an isolated place so long as you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.