Public displays of affection

well actually no one gets charged there so i guess its not against the rules:) and yes i have done it there, and no nudist beaches arnt private property either, actually i dont think you CAN own a beach here, they are all council land:)
dont know what?
that maslians beach is publicly owned?
or that the cops wont charge people having sex in alexandria park?

both i know because i have been there when couples have been having sex and the copers just sit there eating there lunch, its no big deal. wether its on the statute book or not its not enforced:) only enforced if someone is being really out of it like fucking in a kindergarten or a playground with children all around or what not
Bells we arnt talking about a childrens playground here we are talking about an area which is part of a park system that streches from the city right through to th war memorial and out of all those interconected parks only 1 maybe 2 are used for this purpose, ie alexandria and queens. they arnt even the closest 2 to the city (that would be federation park)

im sorry but everyone KNOWS thats what its used for, if you dont like it take your kids to one of the 10 OTHER parks along there

No, you're talking about a public park, a tourist area and also a place where parents take their children for walks and runs, as well as for a kick of the ball, etc. It is also a place where lots of schools take kids for school excursions.. walk through from the botanical gardens to the war memorial.. I remember taking those excursions as a child (as well as trips there with my parents) and schools still take kids there for excursions. There are bike tracks and walking tracks for people to use for recreation.. And no, that does not include people who can't wait till they get somewhere more private. Are you suggesting all those people go elsewhere because a couple of couples feel the need to have sex in a public area?

Those parks were made and designed for general public use. That is their sole purpose. Having sex, last I checked, was not a 'general public use', nor were those parks designed for such activities.

And if you don't like it, get a room (hotel, bedroom, lounge room, etc).

orleander why is it that we have nudist beaches and no one screams about them? there is one down the road from here in fact yet i dont hear bells complaining that the nudists shouldnt have there own beach. If a majority of people (and yes it IS a majority of people who use that park) want to use it for fornication then who are you to tell them they cant because one person doesnt want to play by the rules. in a democrasy the majority rules and the majority have spoken in this isssue
Because, nudist beaches are usually in private locations (eg. Sandringham beach used to be a nudist beach because it was down the bottom of a cliff and was hard to see down onto it from the top).

Again, while the majority of those parks are used by people who have either no self control or are exhibitionists who get off on getting watched while having sex, it is still a public park in a public area where it is in open view of everyone. And no, in a democracy, it is not "majority rules". If it were, and since you say the majority of Australians apparently like having sex in public, sex in public parks would be legal. As such, it is not. Which says what to you exactly?
I'm not really bothered what goes down personally, but for the sake of minors anything that wouldn't go on T.V. before the watershed should not be allowed.
One day in London in Trafalgar square there were two tramps in a sleeping bag having sex, it was really quite funny.

Many primates (animals) openly have sex in public and indulge in other undesirable behaviors. In a properly scientific society such behavior should invite the death penalty.

Really ? What about Adam and Eve ? They were naked all the time.
Until they sinned that is, and God punished them by making them aware and ashamed of their nakedness.
But.. didn't Jesus die for all our sins both past, present and future ones ?
Why are we still aware of our nakedness ? And, is it really a sin ? Seems to me we are still under Gods spell here and God didn't do what he promised.
Or either Jesus was lying or God didn't take notion of Jesus.
Which brings us to the notion of Jesus being God incarnated in a human body..

Really ? What about Adam and Eve ? They were naked all the time.
Until they sinned that is, and God punished them by making them aware and ashamed of their nakedness.
But.. didn't Jesus die for all our sins both past, present and future ones ?
Why are we still aware of our nakedness ? And, is it really a sin ? Seems to me we are still under Gods spell here and God didn't do what he promised.
Or either Jesus was lying or God didn't take notion of Jesus.
Which brings us to the notion of Jesus being God incarnated in a human body..


The 'sin' is our own bodies - an awareness of which has inevitably resulted from the physical evolution of the mind.

So, to your question, "why are we still aware of our nakedness", to become unaware would require physical regression to an earlier type, unlikely to happen given the direction nature has taken over millions of years.

In many areas of the world humans still live naked or nearly so, they have very little technology and an unsophisticated, primitive culture.
The 'sin' is our own bodies - an awareness of which has inevitably resulted from the physical evolution of the mind.

So, to your question, "why are we still aware of our nakedness", to become unaware would require physical regression to an earlier type, unlikely to happen given the direction nature has taken over millions of years.

In many areas of the world humans still live naked or nearly so, they have very little technology and an unsophisticated, primitive culture.

What does nature have to do with it ? God can do what he pleases.. he should have forgiven us all sin and make us unaware again :mad:
So who told you ?

Because it's the only explanation when one compares the Biblical story of creation to the empirical evidence.

What animals can you think of that wear clothes or exhibit the same level of self awareness as humans?

And why does the bible lie ?

It doesn't. It's just like every other creation story which attempts to understand the world using the imagination. It gets things wrong, or rather, paints a picture of the world seen through rose tinted glasses.
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Because it's the only explanation when one compares the Biblical story of creation to the empirical evidence.

What animals can you think of that wear clothes or exhibit the same level of self awareness as humans?

It doesn't. It's just like every other creation story which attempts to understand the world using the imagination. It gets things wrong.

I'm sorry, I was under the impression that you were a Christian..

Many primates (animals) openly have sex in public and indulge in other undesirable behaviors. In a properly scientific society such behavior should invite the death penalty.

No, that is too harsh. The death penalty should be reserved for something like murder or rape, not having sex in public.