Public displays of affection

bells maybe they should zone specific area's for it then. i mean everyone knows that alexandra park is used for that and if you dont like it then just dont go there. although it would be fun i would never be inconciderate enough to go for it at at playground for that very reason. That being said there are ALOT of people who do enjoy doing it in public especially parks like alexandra park and the fitzroy gardens which are so romantic to be honest. so basically why not have some areas where its alowed, its much more natural than norsefire's idea of gladiator area's after all.

Yes, it's called your backyard or your house.

I rarely ever went to that park. The Fitzroy Gardens I went to a lot and to be honest, I have never seen anyone having sex there. I guess the people in that area are a bit more considerate and don't just lie down on the grass in plain view and have sex like they do at other parks.

Of course people like having sex in plain view of everyone who happens to be around. You are basically saying that people and those with children should simply not go to their local park to take their pets for a run or their kids to play, because there are people who like to have sex in front of everyone else. Tell me, who do you think the park is designed for?

And no, if they had fenced off areas where people could have sex, it would no longer be the same and exhibitionists would not use them.. the thrill is in being watched.. even if it's a couple of kids watching.. more the fun apparently.

not to pick on you but why should people like you dictate what the rest of us can do, especially concidering that as much as you might not like it australians are the number 1 in the world when it comes to sex in public so there must be alot of people with my viewpoint
It's all well and good for you to say that people shouldn't go there if they don't want to see it, but it is highly unfair to those who happen to want to go there with their kids... are you suggesting they simply stay home so that exhibitionist couples can get their rocks off at their local park? Righteo...

The park is there for all to enjoy. It is highly unfair to expect parents with small children to stay home because some couple's just can't wait to get home or find a hotel room or because they find it sexually arousing to have people watching them while they have sex.

After all why do people have sex on mountain tops or on the beach or in the bush? there could be no one for 100km or more around but its still fun and the risk (even if it doesnt exist) of being caught is only part of it. the other part is the area itself, its romantic to have sex in a field of rose bushes. or on the beach or on the top of a mountain looking down on the city or under the stars

I've highlighted the important part of your post.. That's the thing.. on a quiet beach or a mountain top, there will probably not be anyone around to watch you. But the local park where families congregate with their little kids? Come on Asguard... Is it a sexual thrill to think that some little kid might be watching? I just don't get that.. In the reclusive spots, yes.. out in the great outdoors.. no one around.. that I can understand and yes, that is enjoyable. But local parks? No.
There is no discussion here. Of course, a hug and kiss is one thing, but sex is altogether another. It might not harm anyone (which is Asguard's argument), but it would make many uncomfortable and that's unacceptable in a public place where people go to enjoy the day, have lunch, and where children go to play.

So what makes many people uncomfortable is unacceptable?

Are inter racial couples unacceptable?

Actually I think I have enough information to answer this one myself in relation to your view.
My hubby grabs my butt in public. I do the same to him. He will also grab me in the aisle at the store, swing me around, and plant a big kiss on me. Then tell me he loves me. I get more jealous or amused looks than anything else. There is a huge difference between PDA and public sex.
For those of you that have public sex, you look ridiculous. You are not a porn star nor is the person you are screwing and it shows.
bells maybe they should zone specific area's for it then. i mean everyone knows that alexandra park is used for that and if you dont like it then just dont go there. ....

why the park? Why not just do it in your front yard?
So what makes many people uncomfortable is unacceptable?

Are inter racial couples unacceptable?

Actually I think I have enough information to answer this one myself in relation to your view.

It's just inappropriate, in terms of our society, it's generally seen as inappropriate, especially if youth are present. Also, while I don't approve of inter racial couples, they are not unacceptable
When we have sex outside, the thrill is that we don't have the kids and we aren't in the house. Is it public sex to do it in a tent in a campground? I don't think so.
What Asguard is talking about is flat out inconsiderate and childish.
Yes but, remember, in Asguard's world you can do as you wish when you wish however you wish. Not that I don't respect him, because I do, but he makes your typical liberal seem like a conservative:)

It also depends on what types of displays. Public displays of affection means many different things, it can mean a simple kiss or hug, all the way to flat out sex. Arguably, the former is perfectly acceptable, whereas the latter is something which should be kept private.
Bells we arnt talking about a childrens playground here we are talking about an area which is part of a park system that streches from the city right through to th war memorial and out of all those interconected parks only 1 maybe 2 are used for this purpose, ie alexandria and queens. they arnt even the closest 2 to the city (that would be federation park)

im sorry but everyone KNOWS thats what its used for, if you dont like it take your kids to one of the 10 OTHER parks along there
asguard, why illegally have sex in a PUBLIC park, then demand that the public not go there if they don't want to see your butt pumping away? Why not be considerate and do it on your own property?
asguard, why illegally have sex in a PUBLIC park, then demand that the public not go there if they don't want to see your butt pumping away? Why not be considerate and do it on your own property?

some people find extreme sexual excitement in doing sexual acts in public.
orleander why is it that we have nudist beaches and no one screams about them? there is one down the road from here in fact yet i dont hear bells complaining that the nudists shouldnt have there own beach. If a majority of people (and yes it IS a majority of people who use that park) want to use it for fornication then who are you to tell them they cant because one person doesnt want to play by the rules. in a democrasy the majority rules and the majority have spoken in this isssue
orleander why is it that we have nudist beaches and no one screams about them? there is one down the road from here in fact yet i dont hear bells complaining that the nudists shouldnt have there own beach. If a majority of people (and yes it IS a majority of people who use that park) want to use it for fornication then who are you to tell them they cant because one person doesnt want to play by the rules. in a democrasy the majority rules and the majority have spoken in this isssue

Around here, nude beaches are on private property, not PUBLIC. I can't believe you are whining "well, they do it. Why can't I?" How old are you?!
Is it illegal or not? Who isn't playing by the rules? I think the majority made it illegal.
John so you don't agree that people can do whatever they want in his world?

Anyway, if I gathered alot of people, went to the local park, and wanted to use it as a training camp for a private army, does that make it legal? After all, majority rule.:shrug: