Public displays of affection


What are you talking about? When Lot said "daughters", he meant the women of his tribe. Besides, offering the women of his tribe doesn't mean fornication; it is understood that the offer is only inclusive of marriage, and nothing else. Which, of course, makes sense when you think about it, considering Lot was sent, in part, to stop fornication (which would be a pointless endeavour if you offered your very own women for such practices). But hey, if you want to stick to your gangrape story, supported by a lonely verse in the Bible, then by all means ...

Kadark the Informed
Will the Bible bashers please remove themselves to the religion forum? Thank you.

Now back to PDA.
There's nothing left to discuss regarding public displays of affection.

Or, did you somehow overlook my glaring verdict? I have spoken, rendering this topic resolved.

Kadark the Calculating
Then we hope to hear no more from you on the matter

Kadark the Spanked
Well, I guess you are right about some things.

Where are my manners! Nearly forgot: eat a dick, Sam.

Kadark the Adamant
So according to you, an important component of caring is inhibition? Between two couples, one holding hands while walking and one not, you would consider the one not holding hands to be more caring of themselves and each other?
I think you should reread my posts.
See if you can come up with another interpretation. I will give you a hint. My answer to the question above is 'no.' As an exercise see if you can figure out how I could be consistant AND give this answer.
If you can't do this, there is very little point in us communicating on the subject.
My sense, by the way, is that you have the skills and intelligence to do this. In fact, it seems to me, the skills and intelligence to tackle much harder problems. This should be something you can do in passing. Unless you want to be rude.
Unfortunately even after living in Hollywood for ten years I never quite got used to homosexual displays. They make me a little uncomfortable but I refuse to allow myself to show it since gays need all the support they can get after the unconscionable way my parents' generation treated them.
Yes, and so do practicers of bestiality and incest, as they were also mistreated.

Oh wait, there's a reason for that:shrug:
bells, have you ever been to alexandra park on the outskirts of melbourne?

There are always HEEPS of couples going for it in a discreate manner (ie they dont strip off and bend eachother over the bench, just looks like the women is laying on the guy, skirts are great for this:)

Basically do you find my opinions or kadarks more repugnant?:p

Yours. You seem to be against every family value there is.
bells, have you ever been to alexandra park on the outskirts of melbourne?

There are always HEEPS of couples going for it in a discreate manner (ie they dont strip off and bend eachother over the bench, just looks like the women is laying on the guy, skirts are great for this:)

Basically do you find my opinions or kadarks more repugnant?

Yes I have been to Alexandra Park and yes I have seen the couples there. Doesn't mean it's right for them to be doing it there. How do you equate a couple showing some affection towards each other with having sex in public as being somehow the same or even on the same level?

I really don't care how discrete they might be about it. I don't want my kids to see it and I don't want to have to see it either. We are talking about people having a kiss and you're talking about sex... not the same thing.. :p

Kadark's opinion is way on one side of this argument and you're way on the other side of the argument. Poles apart and both kind of wrong.

Should there be some limits? Yes. I guess that's why we have laws in place. While you and others might get your rocks off by having sex in public, not everyone wants to see it. I certainly don't. I guess I am more private and think sex should be something private.. that one does in privacy.. without people being able to stop and watch, possibly while sitting on a park bench and eating lunch during their lunch hour. Nor do I want to take my kids to a park and have them have to dodge condoms on the ground and elsewhere, not to mention having to explain to them what that couple happen to be doing... How can I put this.. it's none of my business that people have sex.. ergo, I would appreciate it if people did not make it my business by doing it in public.:)

Now, as for PDA.. as I said before, there are some limits. A kiss is one thing. Tongues jammed down each other's throats and hands down each others pants while dry humping is something else altogether.
I think the pursed lips, morally superior vibe has done so much damage to people in general and children specifically and most severely
that when they talk about family values it makes me want to vomit.
I really don't care how discrete they might be about it. I don't want my kids to see it and I don't want to have to see it either. We are talking about people having a kiss and you're talking about sex... not the same thing..

You see this is exactly the point. When Asguard has kids he will say the same thing.

Dont you see this Bells?
There is no discussion here. Of course, a hug and kiss is one thing, but sex is altogether another. It might not harm anyone (which is Asguard's argument), but it would make many uncomfortable and that's unacceptable in a public place where people go to enjoy the day, have lunch, and where children go to play.
bells maybe they should zone specific area's for it then. i mean everyone knows that alexandra park is used for that and if you dont like it then just dont go there. although it would be fun i would never be inconciderate enough to go for it at at playground for that very reason. That being said there are ALOT of people who do enjoy doing it in public especially parks like alexandra park and the fitzroy gardens which are so romantic to be honest. so basically why not have some areas where its alowed, its much more natural than norsefire's idea of gladiator area's after all.

not to pick on you but why should people like you dictate what the rest of us can do, especially concidering that as much as you might not like it australians are the number 1 in the world when it comes to sex in public so there must be alot of people with my viewpoint
bells maybe they should zone specific area's for it then. i mean everyone knows that alexandra park is used for that and if you dont like it then just dont go there. although it would be fun i would never be inconciderate enough to go for it at at playground for that very reason. That being said there are ALOT of people who do enjoy doing it in public especially parks like alexandra park and the fitzroy gardens which are so romantic to be honest. so basically why not have some areas where its alowed, its much more natural than norsefire's idea of gladiator area's after all.

not to pick on you but why should people like you dictate what the rest of us can do, especially concidering that as much as you might not like it australians are the number 1 in the world when it comes to sex in public so there must be alot of people with my viewpoint

Heh, won't that take away the thrill of possibly being caught?
not really, there is more to it than the chance of getting caught (the main problem with my idea is the freaks who would illegally film couples for personal gratification or finatial gain), its also about the enviroment. After all why do people have sex on mountain tops or on the beach or in the bush? there could be no one for 100km or more around but its still fun and the risk (even if it doesnt exist) of being caught is only part of it. the other part is the area itself, its romantic to have sex in a field of rose bushes. or on the beach or on the top of a mountain looking down on the city or under the stars